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Shark's MediaInfo Tool v21.9-3
Shark's MediaInfo Tool v21.9-3 A free tool to squeeze out every last bit of information from your media files. The installer creates Windows send to and drag and drop desktop shortcuts automatically. The portable version comes with command line instructions on how to create send to and desktop shortcuts. When using the command line, shortcuts are created for ALL users. This download is for the installer. If you need the portable version, download here. Use 7-Zip 32bit or 7-Zip 64bit to unzip this file. Click here to visit the author's website.
0/5 1,892 Mar 09, 2022
Shark007 <img src=""border="0">
Shark007 Codecs v18.2.2
Shark007 Codecs v18.2.2 A full suite of free audio and video codec packages with a GUI controller for the installed codecs. The following are a few filetypes enabled and supported by the installation of Shark007 Codecs. amr | mpc | divx | mka | flac | evo | flv | m4b | mkv | ogg | ogm | rmvb | xvid | y4m All of the above filetypes can be queued to the Windows Media Player Playlist using a right-click. Top 10 features of the recent Settings Application rewrite: 1. Remove all unnecessary code associated with the deprecated codec removal 2. Re-organize the entire layout to be more intuitive, user friendly and visually appealing 3. Allow the user to click anywhere on the App to relocate the Settings Application on the screen 4. Add an Always On Top feature to keep the Settings Application in view 5. Activate the previous instance of the Settings Application when trying to open a new instance 6. Require Administrative privileges upon startup eliminating the need to rightclick 7. Current codec setup can be propagated to All user accounts with the click of a button. 8. Colorize and capitalize important functions to promote their significance 9. Automatically resize the App relative to the display resolution and use high quality text 10. A builtin, intelligent, Auto Update feature. 11. Intuitive command line features. 12. Add a Save | Restore settings feature to seamlessly return to a previous setup All functions are performed instantaneously. The moment you select something, the action is performed. If you ever find yourself broken, simply press the [RESET ALL] button to return to a just installed state. Top 10 things the Shark pack does better than other packs . . . 1. Full color thumbnails including FLV's and 10bit MKV's provided by Icaros. (also allows users to select at what point by percentage to grab the thumbnail) 2. Enable the Preview Pane for ...
5/5 3,170 Jan 11, 2024
Shark007 <img src=""border="0">
Sharp MZ-800 Emulator v1.07
Sharp MZ-800 Emulator v1.07 Emulator of the 8-bit computers Sharp MZ-800 / MZ-700 The program is developed for Linux and Windows. Used runtime: SDL2, GTK3, Mingw32 (Windows version) Included emulation of basic elements: - CPU Z80, (used z80ex-code) - GDG, WHID 65040-032 - CTC, i8253 - PIO-Z80 - PIO8255 - PSG, SN76489AN Emulation of basic peripheries: - CMT - FDC: WD279x - QUICK DISK - Ramdisks: Standard MR1R18, SRAM/ROM - 16M, Pezik and Pezik on shifted I/O ports - MemExts, Unicard, IDE8 Included alternative JSS, and WILLY ROM. Tip: Use right-click mouse button on the emulator window to show the main menu. Where to find software: (Before downloading any software from any sites like the ones below, know the risks and scan every file with anti-virus. Also, educate yourself on U.S. and international copyright laws.) Any programs for MZ-800 in MZF format (CMT files) Any programs in DSK (Floppy Disk Images) Features Emulation of 8-bit Personal Computer Sharp MZ-800 Included emulation of basic elements (CPU Z80, GDG, CTC, PSG, etc...) Emulation of basic periferies (CMT, FDC, QUICK DISK, RAMDISK) Integrated Z80 debugger with inline assembler the exact timing of internal signals included a large number the undocumented features of computers Sharp MZ-800 This download is for the Windows version. If you need the Linux version, download here. Use 7-Zip 32bit or 7-Zip 64bit to unzip .rar files. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,988 Jan 27, 2022
Michal Hucik <img src=""border="0">
SharpCut v1.4.6
SharpCut v1.4.6 A free, simple video editing utility that allows you to cut individual scenes out of videos without re-encoding. Other tools like this do exist out there, for example LosslessCut. However, unlike LosslessCut this application is NOT written in JavaScript. It was created to address one of the biggest shortcomings of LosslessCut - abysmal timeline scrubbing performance. SharpCut is much less featured than LosslessCut, but boasts superior timeline scrubbing performance. This is a big advantage when working on large (and long) video files. Unlike LosslessCut, it does not need to remux containers other than MPEG-4 (.mp4) in order to make files work with HTML5 < video > tag. SharpCut is currently available only for Windows and requires an x64 processor. This means it is supported by all modern systems, but it will not run on ARM and ARM64 based systems. Support for more platforms and operating systems is planned for future releases of SharpCut. Changes v1.4.6 New feature: Set cut start/end time by manually entering the exact time (Alt+S/Alt+E or menu items under "Edit") New feature: Navigate to a specific timeline position by manually entering the exact time (Alt+T or menu item under "Edit") New feature: Set window render scale in the MediaHelper plugin Adjustment: Courtesy timer set to 4 hours rather than 30 minutes This download is for the Windows 64bit portable version. If you need the Windows 64bit installer version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 274 Apr 02, 2024
Conflagrate <img src=""border="0">
SharpKeys v3.9.3
SharpKeys v3.9.3 A free utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key. Included in the application is a list of common keyboard keys and a Type Key feature to automatically recognize most keyboard keys. It was originally developed in C# using .NET v2 but has been updated to support .NET 4.0 Client Profile From the author: "This is something that I've thrown together to help people out with their keyboard mappings. What's a keyboard mapping? How many times a day do you accidentally hit cAPS lOCK BY MISTAKE AND END UP HAVING TO GO BAck and retype stuff? For me it was at least once an hour - in fact, I used to pop off the Caps Lock key so I wouldn't hit it anymore, but I found something better in Windows XP, as well as 2000, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. There's a little used registry hack that allows you to remap keys across a keyboard. For me, this meant that I told my computer to treat Caps Lock as if it was a shift key, which it now does. The more I started working with other keyboard, the more I wanted to have this ability to map other keys across my keyboard, but working with the Hex numbers and having too look up scan codes could be painful... hence SharpKeys. SharpKeys is not responsible for any of the keyboard remapping functionality - it simply exposes a Registry key that controls how Windows remaps keys and has been available to us since Windows 2000. The list of keys that are included in the application are from most of the US-based keyboards that I've used over the years and is not guaranteed to be 100% complete for world keyboards." How do ...
5/5 3,114 Dec 15, 2021
Randy Santossio <img src=""border="0">
Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.0.2
Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.0.2 An open-source traditional roguelike dungeon crawler with randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use. Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a traditional roguelike dungeon crawler RPG that's simple to get into but hard to master! Every game is a unique challenge, with five different heroes, randomized levels and enemies, and hundreds of items to collect and use. ShatteredPD is also updated once every two or three months, so there's always something new. Choose Your Hero Each of ShatteredPD's five playable heroes has their own unique mechanics and gameplay style. Cut down foes as the durable Warrior or deadly Duelist, fry your enemies as the arcane Mage, or use terrain to your advantage as the stealthy Rogue or the markswoman Huntress! Explore the Dungeon ShatteredPD's dungeon is procedurally generated with random layouts, room types, items, traps, and enemies. In each game you'll find equipment and collect or craft consumable items to power you up or help you out in a pinch. There is a huge variety to what you might see from run to run and region to region. Succeed 0r Die Trying The Dungeon is filled with enemies, traps, hazards, and bosses intent on ending your run! Battle hostile wildlife in the sewers and caves, mad thieves and guards in the prison, occult servants in the fallen dwarven city, and maybe something even worse further down... A Decade in the Making ShatteredPD is based on the open source code of Pixel Dungeon by Watabou (first released in late 2012). It started in 2014 as a project to re-balance Pixel Dungeon but has steadily grown into its own game over the last 8 years! Languages Czech, German, Greek Modern, English, Spanish; Latin America, French, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Chinese This download is ...
5/5 1,205 Jun 01, 2023
Evan Debenham <img src=""border="0">
Shellbag Analyzer and Cleaner v1.30
Shellbag Analyzer and Cleaner v1.30 Free, portable program to analyze and clean Windows Shellbag information. ShellBags keys may contain information concerning your past activities: 1. the names and paths of folders you opened even if the folder has been deleted ! 2. detailed timestamp information, creation time, modification time, access time That's really a privacy issue. Supports: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 Changes: v1.30 (29 August 2021) + Improved scan Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,314 Dec 06, 2021
Goversoft <img src=""border="0">
ShellBagsView v1.30
ShellBagsView v1.30 Each time that you open a folder in Explorer, Windows automatically save the settings of this folder into the Registry. This utility displays the list of all folder settings saved by Windows. For each folder, the following information is displayed: The date/time that you opened it, the entry number, display mode (Details, Icons, Tiles, and so on...), the last position of the window, and the last size of the window. System Requirements This utility works on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003/2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x, and Windows 10. Previous versions of Windows are not supported. Registry Keys Windows uses the following Registry keys to save the folders information: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell (Only in Windows Vista) Version 1.30: Added option to connect a remote computer on your network. You can view the Explorer folders of the users currently logged on on the remote machine, as well as modify their view mode (Tiles, Details, Content, List, Small Icons, Medium Icons, Large Icons) In order to connect a remote computer, simply go to the 'Advanced Options' window (F7), choose 'Remote Computer' as data source, type the name or IP address of the remote computer, and press the OK button. Added 'User Name' column, which displays the user name when connecting a remote computer. Using ShellBagsView ShellBagsView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - ShellBagsView.exe After running it, the main window of ShellBagsView displays the list of all folder entries in your system. Command-Line Options /stext <Filename> Save the list of folders into a regular text file. /stab <Filename> Save the list of folders into a tab-delimited text file. /scomma <Filename> Save the list of folders ...
5/5 3,164 Jan 12, 2022
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ShellExView v2.01 32bit
ShellExView v2.01 32bit Shell Extensions are in-process COM objects which extend the abilities of Windows operating system. Most shell extensions are automatically installed by the operating system, but there are also many other applications that install additional shell extension components. For example: If you install WinZip on your computer, you'll see a special WinZip menu when you right-click on a Zip file. This menu is created by adding a shell extension to the system. The ShellExView utility displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer, and allows you to easily disable and enable each shell extension. ShellExView can be used for solving context-menu problems in Explorer environment. For more information, read the following article: Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 98 and up to Windows 10. x64 versions of Windows are also supported. Changes: 10/06/2019 2.01 Fixed bug: ShellExView crashed on some systems License This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification ! Disclaimer The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. Using ShellExView The ShellExView is a standalone executable. It doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy it to any folder you want, and run it. After you run it, wait a few seconds until ShellExView loads ...
5/5 6,119 Jun 11, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ShellExView v2.01 64bit
ShellExView v2.01 64bit Shell Extensions are in-process COM objects which extend the abilities of Windows operating system. Most shell extensions are automatically installed by the operating system, but there are also many other applications that install additional shell extension components. For example: If you install WinZip on your computer, you'll see a special WinZip menu when you right-click on a Zip file. This menu is created by adding a shell extension to the system. The ShellExView utility displays the details of shell extensions installed on your computer, and allows you to easily disable and enable each shell extension. ShellExView can be used for solving context-menu problems in Explorer environment. For more information, read the following article: Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 98 and up to Windows 10. x64 versions of Windows are also supported. Changes: 10/06/2019 2.01 Fixed bug: ShellExView crashed on some systems License This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification ! Disclaimer The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. Using ShellExView The ShellExView is a standalone executable. It doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy it to any folder you want, and run it. After you run it, wait a few seconds until ShellExView loads ...
5/5 6,238 Jun 11, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ShellFolderFix 1.1.4
ShellFolderFix 1.1.4 This is an app to make win7 explorer folder windows remember their size and position. It has a couple of additional features too. Changelog: release 1.1.4 Changes: added pages to options dialog to be able to fit more options, and to make a clear separation between normal and advanced/expert options added folder list dialog, that lists all open folder windows with commands to activate, minimize and close windows. added option to show "Save Database Now" command in menu, instead of always displaying it (now hidden by default) added option to specify start delay that used when the app auto-starts and the Windows folder option "Restore previous folder windows at logon" is enabled, this option might help solve problems with windows that end up with incorrect size/pos at startup added control modifier option so that windows can be closed without database or recent file list getting updated, when holding down a control key during close added "Disable State Recording" functionality, when enabled it suspends database updates so that windows can be resized and moved without their new size/position being saved (optionally this can be overridden with a control key modifier) added option to control behavior of newly opened windows, to allow the app to be configured to not affect window size/pos (suitable for users that would only like to use other functionality, like for example workspaces or recent folder list) ReadMe updated with more (and reworded) information, courtesy of kind forum poster Yahya
0/5 5,980 Jan 12, 2022
tweaker <img src=""border="0">
ShellMenuView 32bit v1.30
ShellMenuView 32bit v1.30 ShellMenuView is a small utility that display the list of static menu items that appeared in the context menu when you right-click a file/folder on Windows Explorer, and allows you to easily disable unwanted menu items. System Requirements ShellMenuView works properly on any version of Windows starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 10. You can also use ShellMenuView on Windows 98 for viewing the menu items list, but the disable/enable feature won't work on this version of Windows. (The disabling feature is achieved by adding 'LegacyDisable' key to the desired menu item in the Registry, and this Registry key is not supported by Windows 98) Some of the menu items in the context menu of Explorer are created dynamically using shell extensions. In these cases, you can use the ShellExView utility to disable them. Versions History Version 1.30 Fixed the extension column: For Menu items that are currently not assigned to any file extension, the extension column now remains empty. Added 'UserChoice Key' column. If the value is 'Yes', it means that the reference to the menu item is found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\[File Extension]\UserChoice Added 'Registry Key' column. Added 'Hide Items Without File Extension' option.
0/5 5,911 Sep 17, 2015
Nirsoft <img src=""border="0">
ShellMenuView 64bit v1.30
ShellMenuView 64bit v1.30 ShellMenuView is a small utility that display the list of static menu items that appeared in the context menu when you right-click a file/folder on Windows Explorer, and allows you to easily disable unwanted menu items. System Requirements ShellMenuView works properly on any version of Windows starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 10. You can also use ShellMenuView on Windows 98 for viewing the menu items list, but the disable/enable feature won't work on this version of Windows. (The disabling feature is achieved by adding 'LegacyDisable' key to the desired menu item in the Registry, and this Registry key is not supported by Windows 98) Some of the menu items in the context menu of Explorer are created dynamically using shell extensions. In these cases, you can use the ShellExView utility to disable them. Versions History Version 1.30 Fixed the extension column: For Menu items that are currently not assigned to any file extension, the extension column now remains empty. Added 'UserChoice Key' column. If the value is 'Yes', it means that the reference to the menu item is found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\[File Extension]\UserChoice Added 'Registry Key' column. Added 'Hide Items Without File Extension' option.
0/5 6,039 Sep 17, 2015
Nirsoft <img src=""border="0">
Sherlock AI Detector v1.0
Sherlock AI Detector v1.0 Your Powerful Ally Against AI-Generated Texts. Introducing Sherlock AI Detector, an innovative tool employing cutting-edge technology to fight against one of the most pressing modern threats to academic integrity and business authenticity: AI-generated text fraud. Protect your institution, organization, or business from AI-produced texts, ensuring human authenticity and safeguarding your trustworthiness. Essential for the Modern Digital Landscape The rise of advanced artificial intelligence has brought along the challenge of distinguishing between human-written and AI-generated texts. AI-produced content can infringe upon academic integrity, mislead business communication, or even manipulate public perception. The Sherlock AI Detector is your defence in this high-tech era, providing a robust, easy-to-use solution. Promote Academic Integrity Sherlock AI Detector is an indispensable tool for educators seeking to maintain academic integrity. It helps detect and deter the use of AI-generated texts in academic submissions, promoting honesty and fairness in educational institutions. Preserving the integrity of academia is essential in the face of evolving technological landscapes. The rise of AI-generated text presents a new challenge to educators worldwide, but with Sherlock AI Detector, maintaining academic integrity just got easier. Features • Adaptive Learning Algorithms – Sherlock AI Detector uses human-built algorithms that are constantly adjusted and improved with each new piece of AI data, enhancing increased accuracy over time with multiple AI text generators. • Real-time AI Detection – The software performs real-time analysis of text files to immediately find patterns and other markers to detect that the text or part of it was created by artificial intelligence. • Secure and Compliant – We ensure that Sherlock AI Detector complies with all industry standards and regulations to guarantee your data’s privacy and security. To use... • Simply copy and paste text into the programs window or open an existing .txt file from your computer. • Click Start and let the program finish scanning. • Text highlighted ...
5/5 2,770 Sep 01, 2023 <img src=""border="0">
Ship Theme v1.0
Ship Theme v1.0 A sailing ship desktop theme for Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 (8.1) Features 15 HD wallpapers. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 833 Sep 07, 2023 <img src=""border="0">
ShisenSho 0.3.0
ShisenSho 0.3.0 ShisenSho is a game like Mahjongg. This Windows version is based on the famous KDE3 game KShisen. It offers the same features and even more!
5/5 5,356 Aug 09, 2016
dannys9 <img src=""border="0">
Short Door Note v2.33
Short Door Note v2.33 Short Door Note helps you if your notes, notices that should not be overlooked, whether as real or digital, you will definitely notice it! The short door hint tool is very small and the notes are individually customizable and can be from very discreet to very spectacular, depending on the color that you use, depending on the needs of the Windows user, you can pin it on the door or on the personal digital pin board glued to give meaning to the statement, such as on Twitter, Facebook, .... You can also do it in MS Office, but the effort is a lot bigger! Key functions in the Short-Door-Note Progy ◆ Freely selectable font ◆ Automatic adjustment of text ◆ Freely selectable colors ◆ Notize Direct printout ◆ Save your favorite notes ◆ Notize Indirect Post Other options and specifications ◆ Very small program ◆ Low CPU usage ◆ Optional translation function ◆ Portable ◆ Multilanguage A simple example of using the door short note tool Start the program. The first time you will be presented with the standard door note. Which you can immediately overwrite and the font, color, frame can be changed when all settings have been done, then simply print or post. (Image-1) Create real and digital door notes that are easy to recognize! You can quickly pop a tweet or a FaceBook post on the pinboard to make it important you can do it well! These are created in the appropriate 16/9 format and optional save your favorite notes. (Image-2) share digital notes that are easy to recognize! The door note program can be ended at any time with the exit button! "Short Door Note" installation The installable and portable version of the Short Door Note is optional in the download area . The Notes tool you do not have to install, you can do it easily from the desktop, ...
5/5 3,259 Nov 30, 2020
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
Shortcut Cleaner
Shortcut Cleaner Shortcut Cleaner is a utility that will scan your computer for Windows shortcuts that have been hijacked by unwanted or malicious software. When Shortcut Cleaner finds bad shortcuts, it will automatically clean them so that they do not open unwanted programs. When run, Shortcut Cleaner will scan various locations on your computer for Windows shortcuts. When a shortcut is detected it will check properties for a possible hijacking. If one is detected, it will automatically clean the shortcut so that it no longer opens the offending program or web site. When the Shortcut Cleaner has finished scanning your hard drive it will create a log file on your desktop called sc-cleaner.txt and then display it. This log file will contains a list of all the shortcuts that were detected and cleaned. As of version 1.2.3, Shortcut Cleaner will also clean hijacked Registry entries associated with known hijackers. This tool is currently used to clean shortcuts hijacked by the following domains:
5/5 8,936 Nov 13, 2019
Lawrence Abrams <img src=""border="0">
Shortcuts Search And Replace v1.8.0
Shortcuts Search And Replace v1.8.0 Shortcuts Search And Replace allows to do easy operations on shortcuts : - Search for shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content - Replace multiple shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content (useful when moving portable applications to another drive or another folder) - Search dead links, to resolve or delete them (multiple resolves/delete in single click) Shortcuts Search And Replace allows to do easy operations on shortcuts : - Search for shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content - Replace multiple shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content (useful when moving portable applications to another drive or another folder) - Search dead links, to resolve or delete them (multiple resolves/delete in single click) ShortcutsSearchAndReplace can manage multiple custom directories. Two options are availables. You can enter in the "Custom Path" field either - Multiple directories split by ';' like "C:\Directory1;C:\Directory2;C:\Directory3" - The path of a text file containing one directory per line with "File:" prefix like "File:C:\YourTextFile.txt" During the replace preview of replace operation, if the modified link won't target an existing file, the item is automatically unchecked and a warning image is used for the shortcut This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Changes: Version 1.8.0 November 15 2020 - Added command line mode - Crash when virtual folder make infinite loop solved (Thanks to Jerome Bressoud for report)
5/5 4,158 Nov 16, 2020
Jacquelin Potier <img src=""border="0">
ShortcutsMan v1.10 32bit
ShortcutsMan v1.10 32bit ShortcutsMan displays the details about all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file. Versions History Version 1.10: Added support for 'Quick Launch' folder. Added x64 build. System Requirements Windows 98 though Windows 10. Using ShortcutsMan ShortcutsMan is a standalone program, so it doesn't require any installation or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, just copy the executable (shman.exe) to any folder you like, and run it. After running ShortcutsMan utility, wait until the shortcuts list is loaded. The main window of ShortcutsMan displays the list of all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file. Resolving shortcuts When you find one or more broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist), in your system, you can try to fix them by using the "Resolve Selected Shortcuts" option. If the filename was changed or moved to another folder, the resolving process will fix the shortcut so it'll point to a valid filename. Command-Line Options /folder <Folder> Load the shortcuts list from the specified folder instead of loading them from the standard desktop/start menu folders. /folders <Folder> Similar to /folder option, but also scan all subfolders under the specified folder. /stext <Filename> Save all shortcuts information into a regular text file. /stab <Filename> Save all shortcuts information into ...
5/5 8,683 Jul 02, 2020
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ShortcutsMan v1.10 64bit
ShortcutsMan v1.10 64bit ShortcutsMan displays the details about all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file. Versions History Version 1.10: Added support for 'Quick Launch' folder. Added x64 build. System Requirements Windows 98 though Windows 10. Using ShortcutsMan ShortcutsMan is a standalone program, so it doesn't require any installation or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, just copy the executable (shman.exe) to any folder you like, and run it. After running ShortcutsMan utility, wait until the shortcuts list is loaded. The main window of ShortcutsMan displays the list of all shortcuts that you have on your desktop and under your start menu. Broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist) are automatically painted with pink color. You select one or more shortcuts, and then delete them, resolve them or save the shortcut's details to HTML/Text/XML file. Resolving shortcuts When you find one or more broken shortcuts (shortcuts that point to file that doesn't exist), in your system, you can try to fix them by using the "Resolve Selected Shortcuts" option. If the filename was changed or moved to another folder, the resolving process will fix the shortcut so it'll point to a valid filename. Command-Line Options /folder <Folder> Load the shortcuts list from the specified folder instead of loading them from the standard desktop/start menu folders. /folders <Folder> Similar to /folder option, but also scan all subfolders under the specified folder. /stext <Filename> Save all shortcuts information into a regular text file. /stab <Filename> Save all shortcuts information into ...
5/5 3,918 Jul 02, 2020
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Shotcut v24.06.26
Shotcut v24.06.26 Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor. Wide Format Support • Support for the latest audio and video formats thanks to FFmpeg • Supports popular image formats such as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WebP as well as image sequences • No import required - native timeline editing • Frame-accurate seeking for many formats • Multi-format timeline: mix and match resolutions and frame rates within a project • Webcam capture • Audio capture • Support for 4K resolutions • Network stream playback (HTTP, HLS, RTMP, RTSP, MMS, UDP) • Frei0r video generator plugins (e.g. color bars and plasma) • Color, text, noise, and counter generators • EDL (CMX3600 Edit Decision List) export • Export single frame as image or video as image sequence • Videos files with alpha channel - both reading and writing • Tone mapping HDR to SDR Audio Features • Audio scopes: loudness, peak meter, waveform, spectrum analyzer • Volume control • Audio filters: • Balance, Bass and Treble, Band Pass, Compressor, Copy Channel, Delay, Downmix, Expander, Gain, High Pass, Invert, Limiter, Low Pass, Noise Gate, Normalize: One Pass, Normalize: Two Pass, Notch, Pan, Pitch, Reverb, Swap Channels • Audio mixing across all tracks • Fade in and out audio and fade video from and to black with easy-to-use fader controls on timeline • Cross-fade audio and video dissolve transitions easily by overlapping shots on the same track ...
5/5 9,938 Jul 02, 2024
Meltytech, LLC. <img src=""border="0">
Should I Remove It?
Should I Remove It? Remove adware, bloatware and crapware with one click, 100% FREE. Ever wonder how to clean out your computer? Many people do, because it’s not unusual to have your PC filled with adware, toolbars and other programs you no longer need or probably never intended to install in the first place. But like most people, what programs should you remove is the tough question. Well, we have your answer, simply download the award winning "Should I Remove It?" app and wonder no more. The app is a tiny, lightweight program designed to show you what programs you have installed on your computer and quickly determine what programs you can safely remove. Supports Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP
5/5 5,207 Nov 13, 2019
Reason Software <img src=" I remove it1_th.png"border="0">
Show Hidden 1.0
Show Hidden 1.0 Show Hidden is a small utility that will display all hidden folders, and files if you wish, on your computer. This program will scan all of your fixed and removable drives for folders and files that have the Hidden attribute. When Show Hidden is finished it will create a log that contains a list of all the hidden files and folders that were found.
0/5 8,677 Jan 12, 2022
Bleeping Computer
Shut IT - Shutdown Timer v2.0.0.1
Shut IT - Shutdown Timer v2.0.0.1 Shut IT can schedule system power-down commands like Shutdown, Reboot, Log-off, Standby and Hibernate. The user sets a time upon which these commands must be actioned and when the time is up, the system shuts down or reboots and so on. Available timer modes: COUNTDOWN: i.e. shutdown in 30 minutes. SPECIFIC i.e. shutdown at exactly 14h35. The built-in options dialog will allow the user access to some additional features included in the program like system cleaning, idle task processing and shutdown optimizing tweaks. Shut IT runs in stand-alone mode and does not need any special installation. Install Support: No installation needed OS Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 OS Bits: 32 and 64-bit System Requirements: CPU 1.6 GHz, RAM 512MB, Any GPU Language: English License: Free CHANGES (AUGUST 2015) Version 1.) Minor code chages: Added compatibility for Windows 8.1. 2.) Website changes: Updated website address and contact details. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 8,604 Jul 02, 2020
MetalloSoft <img src=""border="0">
Shutdown Clock v1.5
Shutdown Clock v1.5 Shutdown Clock is a free application that will help you schedule PC tasks like shutdown, restart, log off, lock and hibernate at any time. By defining a set of tasks Shutdown Clock monitors your system time and executes these tasks when needed. You can define tasks starting at some specific date and time or tasks that execute at daily basis. Also, tasks can be executed depending on your PC idle time or battery percentage. Shutdown Clock is really easy to use. Once you define your tasks Shutdown Clock can work in the background waiting for the right time to execute those tasks. You are also able to use this application to perform PC shutdown operations instantly (right click on the Shutdown Clock taskbar icon). Shutdown Clock is also able to start with Windows (automatically minimized) and can give you a warning before executing each of the tasks, giving you enough time to finish and save your work or cancel the task altogether. Try it! It’s FREE!
5/5 5,015 Jul 02, 2020 <img src=""border="0">
Shutdown Logger v1.0
Shutdown Logger v1.0 A tool to record the time and type of all shutdown events of a system (such as shutdown, restart, standby, lock screen, user change and many more) and optionally write them to a log file. In order to make it work, the program has to autostart itself on any new session (a session is started by logging into the desktop and some other events). On each manual program end, you will be asked whether you would like the program to automatically start itself the next run. In most cases, you may answer with "Yes". On the first run, the program will fully show itself. Each next run, the program will be automatically minimized to the system tray. If "Save log to file" is checked, each event will be saved to the log file, which can be found under "ShutdownLogger.log" in the program's root folder. In some cases (e.g. the folder you start the program from requires admin access) the program has to be started as administrator, just to access the log and the settings files. List of events to be logged Session Start: Log On Session End: Log Off Session End: Shutdown Power Mode: Resume Power Mode: Suspend Session Switch: Lock Session Switch: Unlock Session Switch: Console Connect Session Switch: Console Disconnect Session Switch: Remote Control Session Switch: Remote Connect Session Switch: Remote Disconnect Session Switch: Log Off Session Switch: Log On Works in: Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Requires .NET Framework 4.0 or higher to be installed. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,333 Jul 23, 2021
2XDSOFT.RU.GG <img src=""border="0">
shutdownBlocker 1.2.2
shutdownBlocker 1.2.2 shutdownBlocker.exe is simple program that intercepts and blocks shutdown / restart / logoff commands. It protects from user mistakes, poorly designed installers (those lacking a 'restart later' option), and even windows itself (looking at you, 10). It works by registering a ShutdownBlockReasonCreate() reason and objecting to WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages. It can optionally be set to consume all calls to shutdown.exe and MusNotification.exe (among other things, this blocks Windows 10 Update restarts); but this requires running the app as an administrator. A full rundown on how this stuff works is below the changelog. Usage Notes Requirements: .NET Framework 4.0 or better; Get it from Microsoft. Instructions: Unpack the app to a folder; run it. (A settings file will be created in the program folder.) Then click the Block or Allow button. If you wish to block shutdown.exe or MusNotification.exe restarts (to suppress Windows Update restarts), you will need to run the program as an administrator. As of v1.2 We automatically ask the OS for this (you'll get a UAC prompt); The app will also warn you if it's not been run as a admin. The program must be kept running to work. You can send it to the notification tray by using the 'Hide' button, the escape key, or if upper right close button. Optionally you can hide the tray icon (in settings) for completely invisible operation. You can have the program start up automatically via a check-box in settings; this uses a scheduled task for auto-start. Remember though, if you move the app, you should re-create the scheduled task (Uncheck 'start with windows', hit ok, then check it again). Command Line Usage: -startHidden If an instance of the program is not already running, starts the program and immediately hides it. -block ...
5/5 5,040 Mar 19, 2017 <img src=""border="0">
ShutdownWithUpdates v1.2.4.0
ShutdownWithUpdates v1.2.4.0 Install Pre-Downloaded Updates and Shutdown System. Command line utility that initiates installation of pre-downloaded updates on the Windows system and reboots, or shuts it down. This tool can also reboot (or shut down) your computer without installation of updates, or perform actions on condition of updates being ready for a restart. Optionally, this tool allows to specify a boot into advanced boot options menu in Windows 8/10. Note that if Windows updates were not downloaded prior to calling this utility, the OS will simply perform a power operation similar to the Microsoft's shutdown tool. Windows Vista/7/8/10 &amp; Windows Server 2008/R2/2012/R2/2016 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,452 May 27, 2021
Dennis Babkin <img src=""border="0">
Shutter Encoder v18.2
Shutter Encoder v18.2 Free, professional video converter for Windows, Mac and Linux Shutter Encoder is an video, audio and image converter based on FFmpeg and other great tools. It has been designed by video editors in order to be as accessible and efficient as possible. It's a swiss knife tool for any video editor. A Simple and Complete Interface Shutter Encoder is one of the best video converter softwares. It handles images and audio too! It has been designed by video editors in order to be as accessible and efficient as possible. Shutter Encoder makes use of FFmpeg to handle its encoding, allowing support for almost every codec you’ve ever heard of, and many more you haven’t. Total Control over Encoding Shutter Encoder has a panel containing a large number of settings. This includes access to powerful FFmpeg capabilities like duplicate frame detection, framerate interpolation, analytical tools, and deinterlacing with a number of filters available. You don’t need to be an expert in encoding to use Shutter Encoder, but if you are, you’re going to appreciate the power it gives you. Trim and Cut your Videos Thanks to the "Edit media content" window, you can to choose exactly which part of your video gets included in the output file through an intuitive trimming interface. You’ll be able to see exactly where those cuts will take place with the built-in video player. With some codecs, you’ll able to do this losslessy and extremely quickly thanks to the innovative "Cut without re-encoding" feature. Fine-Tune your Image Shutter encoder includes a powerful image adjustement tab, allowing you to adjust colours, apply LUTs, and convert color spaces right in the application, This feature even supports raw image formats like .nef, .cr2 but also .psd, .pdf, .png, .jpg and more. Powerful Cropping Support By using the "Image cropping" section you will have the possibility to ...
5/5 2,055 Jun 20, 2024
Paul Pacifico <img src=" Encoder6_th.png"border="0">
Shutter Lite v4.3
Shutter Lite v4.3 Shutter is a multifunctional scheduling utility, which has a user friendly and easy-to-use interface and supports many different Events and Actions. Available events: Countdown, On Time, Winamp Stops, CPU Usage, Network Usage, Hard Disk Usage, User Inactive, Battery Low, Window, Process, Ping Stops, File Size Limit, Lid. Available actions: Shutdown, Reboot, Log Off, Lock Workstation, Sleep, Hibernate, Turn Off Monitor, Screen Saver, Volume Control, Hang Up Modem, Alarm, Message, Play Sound, Run Program, Open File, Close Window, Kill Process. Desktop links can be created to execute any of the supported actions directly from desktop. Web Interface allows remote execution of actions and displays run-time information about the computer: Up Time, List of Processes, Screenshot of a Desktop, Program Execution, and more. Available languages Chinese Simplified Dutch (Belgium) English French German Japanese Portuguese (Brazil) Russian Slovenian Requirements: Windows 2000 and later 4.3 2018-10-12 Renamed "Battery Low" to "Battery" event. Added new trigger conditions to the Battery event: Power supply state (Online vs Offline); Battery level above a specific level; Monitor either the battery level or the power supply state, or both. Fixed: Do not trigger the Battery event when the battery level is needed but unknown. Fixed: Incorrect shortening of non-Latin text in the Message action statement. Updated Russian language file.
5/5 4,480 Jul 02, 2020
Denis Kozlov <img src=""border="0">
Sicyon calculator v5.8
Sicyon calculator v5.8 Sicyon is an all-in-one scientific calculator for every student or professor, researcher or developer - everybody doing physics or chemistry / science or engineering using formulas and tables of constants. It is easy-to-use and has everything you need to calculate or investigate a function - chart, roots, min/max, integral, derivative, fit data over, etc. Sicyon calculator combines an intuitive interface and an object oriented approach to provide a fast learning curve while staying at a high level of efficiency. Sicyon calculator is a freeware under the Creative Commons by-nv-nd-3.0 licence. Features: calculate the value of a math expression using variables and user-defined functions. 'Program mode' allows you to execute script code in the main window. easy access to user-defined functions (JScript™ or VBScript™ languages) by buttons organized in function boards. searchable tables with various physical and chemical constants arranged in data boards (~50 of them). editable spreadsheet-like user-data boards. "plug-in" additional applications called tool boards, usable as objects in the script. organize the boards as tabbed pages in groups with a board browser for easier access and search. plot / tabulate a function in Explicit or Parametric mode. Draw many curves / surfaces on the same chart (multi-chart). You can combine 2D and 3D graphs, with data from user data boards or the clipboard. solve nonlinear system of equations. Sicyon will find all the solutions of nonlinear system of up to 6 equations. projects' collection of curves and surfaces (more than 100 of them). find minima and maxima in 2D and 3D with chart. find definite integral in ...
5/5 3,046 Aug 22, 2020
Teodor Krastev <img src=""border="0">
SideSlide v5.78
SideSlide v5.78 An advanced, portable, unobtrusive, dockable, skinnable, instantly accessible, highly configurable Desktop Extension on Steroids! SideSlide keeps your desktop clutter-free and organizes your PC life in a unique and personalized way. With dynamic containers, a full featured keyboard launcher and various innovative features, SideSlide lets you get instant access to everything you have and much more. SideSlide is the program launcher you never knew you needed, with the ability to contain and organize a bewildering amount of information. This program respects your system and keeps all of its configuration files in a single folder. SideSlide is completely free. It doesn't contain adware/spyware or bundled with any 3rd party software. Dock and hide SideSlide to any screen edge. Browse through your favorite RSS news feeds, keep shortcuts to files, folders and URLs you frequently visit and execute various commands quicker than ever. Add multiple notes and picture slideshows, schedule reminders, save web snippets and more. Customize the workspace to emphasize the things you use the most and make more information accessible without occupying precious screen space. By using containers you can shrink and fold to organize your projects, downloading ready-made containers from an online library, linking containers to actual folders on disk, detaching containers from the workspace to claim additional space, various ways of launching multiple shortcuts at the same time, shortcut tags, zooming in and out of shortcuts, news feed reader, advanced keyboard navigation and launcher, different skins, picture containers, quick expression calculator and colored notes; SideSlide is designed to make a great deal of content instantly accessible and neatly organized. Main Features: Instantly accessible and adjustable workspace that stays out of your way until you need it. Add multiple shortcuts, commands, URLs, RSS news feeds, pictures, reminders and notes. Resizable, detachable, foldable and shrinkable containers extend ...
5/5 5,368 Sep 19, 2023
Northglide <img src=""border="0">
SigcheckGUI v1.1.3
SigcheckGUI v1.1.3 GUI front-end for sigcheck.exe from Sysinternals. Scans for fake Root Certificates in Windows that malware uses to infect a computer. Supports: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP v1.1.3 - 2016-11-04 + SigcheckGUI now handles passed files and folders. (Thanks, zxhtrzdg) + Added "Clear unknown" to the Clear menu. * Changed/added some icons. * Verified SigcheckGUI works with sigcheck.exe v2.54. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,092 Nov 15, 2019
Jody Holmes <img src=""border="0">
Sigil Portable v2.0.2
Sigil Portable v2.0.2 A free and open source WYSIWYG ebook editor. Sigil was designed to make it easy to create great ebooks using the EPUB format. If you are formatting books for your own use, or you are a professional editor publishing books on multiple platforms, then Sigil is for you. You can use Sigil to format and package your books into an EPUB that looks exactly the way you want it to using an advanced set of features that have made Sigil one of most popular EPUB editors available. This open-source and completely free software is written and supported entirely by volunteers. The current Sigil development team includes Doug Massay and Kevin Hendricks as co-lead developers and maintainers. Previous developers/authors include John Schember, Grant Drake and Dave Heiland. Sigil was originally created by Strahinja Markovic in 2009 and remains completely free to download and use. Support is also provided by other volunteers who contribute code, translations and helpful answers to user’s questions. See the Help=>About menu in Sigil for a complete list of contributors. Features: • Free and open source software under GPLv3 • Multi-platform: runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux • Full UTF-16 support • EPUB 2 and EPUB 3 spec support • Multiple Views: Code View and Preview View • Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View • Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support • Metadata editor • User interface translated into many languages • Themeable icons • Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries • Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace ...
5/5 1,241 Dec 11, 2023
Graeme Gott and <img src=""border="0">
Sigil v2.0.2
Sigil v2.0.2 Free ebook creator and editor. Sigil was designed to make it easy to create great ebooks using the EPUB format. If you are formatting books for your own use, or you are a professional editor publishing books on multiple platforms, then Sigil is for you. You can use Sigil to format and package your books into an EPUB that looks exactly the way you want it to using an advanced set of features that have made Sigil one of most popular EPUB editors available. This open-source and completely free software is written and supported entirely by volunteers. The current Sigil development team includes Doug Massay and Kevin Hendricks as co-lead developers and maintainers. Previous developers/authors include John Schember, Grant Drake and Dave Heiland. Sigil was originally created by Strahinja Markovic in 2009 and remains completely free to download and use. Support is also provided by other volunteers who contribute code, translations and helpful answers to user’s questions. See the Help=>About menu in Sigil for a complete list of contributors. Features: • Free and open source software under GPLv3 • Multi-platform: runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux • Full UTF-16 support • EPUB 2 and EPUB 3 spec support • Multiple Views: Code View and Preview View • Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View • Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support • Metadata editor • User interface translated into many languages • Themeable icons • Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries • Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find &amp; Replace • Supports import of ...
5/5 5,213 Dec 11, 2023
John Schember <img src=""border="0">
Sigma File Manager v1.6.0
Sigma File Manager v1.6.0 A free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager (explorer / finder) app for Windows and Linux. Features • SMART GLOBAL SEARCH: feature allows you to find any file / directory on your computer in just a few seconds. It also implements a typo correction system, allowing you to find files even when the search query includes typos, wrong case, wrong word order, missing words, missing symbols, and missing file extension. • TABS: feature allows you to quickly switch between multiple directories with a click or a shortcut. • WORKSPACES: feature allows you to create separate workspaces with their own tabs and pre-defined actions, allowing you to quickly switch between them. Actions can perform different operations, e.g. open a website, run a script, open a file in a specific program, etc. • ADVANCED WIRELESS FILE SHARING: share a directory or stream any file to your local devices wirelessly without installing any apps. It works on any device with a modern web browser (smart TVs, mobile devices, laptops, virtual machines, etc). • ADDRESS BAR: lets you quickly navigate directories with your keyboard. It autocompletes file names and automatically opens directories as you type. • ITEM FILTER: allows you to filter out items from the list to quickly find the one you need. It supports advanced glob patterns and property prefixes. • ADVANCED FILE DOWNLOADER: stream / download any file from the internet just by dragging it (or its URL link) onto the app. It supports all file types, including videos from video services like Youtube and video streams (with or without auth tokens / URL timestamps). • SMART DRAG AND DROP: allows you to easily ...
5/5 1,291 Feb 27, 2023
Aleksey Hoffman <img src=""border="0">
Signal v7.1.1
Signal v7.1.1 Speak Freely Say "hello" to a different messaging experience. An unexpected focus on privacy, combined with all of the features you expect. Why use Signal? Explore below to see why Signal is a simple, powerful, and secure messenger Share Without Insecurity State-of-the-art end-to-end encryption (powered by the open source Signal Protocol) keeps your conversations secure. We can't read your messages or listen to your calls, and no one else can either. Privacy isn’t an optional mode — it’s just the way that Signal works. Every message, every call, every time. Say Anything Share text, voice messages, photos, videos, GIFs and files for free. Signal uses your phone's data connection so you can avoid SMS and MMS fees. Speak Freely Make crystal-clear voice and video calls to people who live across town, or across the ocean, with no long-distance charges. Make Privacy Stick Add a new layer of expression to your conversations with encrypted stickers. You can also create and share your own sticker packs. Get Together with Groups Group chats make it easy to stay connected to your family, friends, and coworkers. No ads. No trackers. No kidding. There are no ads, no affiliate marketers, and no creepy tracking in Signal. So focus on sharing the moments that matter with the people who matter to you. Free for Everyone Signal is an independent nonprofit. We're not tied to any major tech companies, and we can never be acquired by one either. Development is supported by grants and donations from people like you. "I use Signal every day." Edward Snowden Whistleblower and privacy advocate "I trust Signal because it’s well built, but more importantly, because of how it’s built: open source, peer reviewed, and funded entirely by grants and donations. A refreshing model for how critical services should be built." Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter and Square "Signal ...
5/5 6,169 Mar 07, 2024
Signal <img src=""border="0">
SilentRun v1.0
SilentRun v1.0 Run Programs Hidden and Silently in the Background on Windows. SilentRun is a small and handy Windows system software tool that can easily let you run multiple programs silently in the background. It can hide program windows and interfaces, and increase or decrease the priority of background processes. For some programs with sound output, SilentRun can also mute the program then run it silently in the background. SilentRun has a simple interface and is very easy to use. To run a program silently, simply drag the selection box in the upper left corner of the SilentRun window to the title bar or the window of the program that needs to be run silently. You will see the program is selected by SilentRun and a thumbnail of the program would be displayed in the preview area. (Some applications use the non-standard GUI and that might be displayed as a solid black square). After that, you can select the background silent running priority (the default is the "Normal" priority) under the preview area, and set whether to mute the sound output, and finally click the "Hide It" button. You can repeat the above steps to let multiple programs run silently in the background. Quitting SilentRun will not close these programs that run silently in the background. You can open SilentRun at any time, restore these programs in the "Silent Processes "list on the left, make them visible and run in the foreground, or close and kill processes directly. In addition to the GUI visual interface, SilentRun also provides the command line mode, which allows you to run other visual programs through the command line. It automatically hides the interface of these programs and places them in the background to run silently. The command line mode also supports providing parameters to invoked ...
5/5 1,023 Jun 20, 2023
AutoClose <img src=""border="0">
SilverSHield SilverSHielD, a tiny SSH and SFTP server for Windows. It features SSH2 password-based, interactive and public-key authentication methods and fully supports forwarding and sftp subsystem, along with state-of-the-art virtual folders management. Yet its management console makes it extremely easy to configure and deploy, both locally and remotely. This tiny award-winning software is built with ease-of-use and security in mind, please give it a try and if you just need a single-user/non-commercial version, then you can keep the Free edition forever, no expiration and free lifetime updates and upgrades. Whether your need is to backup your Cisco CallManager/UC or a PCI-compliant server to securely transfer any type of file, SilverSHielD is the solution you are looking for. Features: Secure Shell/Command (SSH2) Forwarding SFTP (supports files larger than 4 GB!) Compression (Zlib) Powerful script-based event handling subsystem, with support for 4 major scripting languages (NEW!)
0/5 8,677 Aug 22, 2013
Sim Daltonism for Mac v2.0.3
Sim Daltonism for Mac v2.0.3 A window to color blindness. From the perspective of a color blind person, some colors are impossible to distinguish. Sim Daltonism lets you visualize colors as they are perceived with various types of color blindness. Move the Sim Daltonism window over something on the screen and see what it looks like with a color blindness. With this app you can check the accessibility of websites and other user interfaces, make your visual designs better for color blind people, or just play around to better understand how various color blindness types affect color perception. The Filter Window The Sim Daltonism window acts as a filter for what is under it. You can click inside and manipulate windows from other apps that are located under it. But you can change this so the filter window follows the mouse pointer, displaying the area around it. This makes it possible to view the filtered image alonside the unfiltered one. Performance Sim Daltonism is fast enough to filter a video in real time or to have many filter windows active simultanously. If needed, you can reduce or increase the refresh speed to save energy or improve responsiveness. Simulated Vision Sim Daltonism can simulate the vision of many forms of color blindness: Red-Green Deuteranopia (no green cones) Deuteranomaly (anomalous green cones) Protanopia (no red cones) Protanomaly (anomalous red cones) Blue-Yellow Tritanopia (no blue cones) Tritanomaly (anomalous blue cones) All colors Monochromacy Partial monochromacy Note that the colors ...
5/5 4,122 Mar 30, 2019
Michel Fortin <img src=" Daltonism1_th.png"border="0">
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony (DOS)
SimAnt: The Electronic Ant Colony (DOS) Unless you have an extremely old computer, you will want to use DOSbox to run this game. Get it here: Ants are so much like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungus, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labor, and exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television. - Lewis Thomas,The Lives of a Cell Ants are simple, even stupid individuals. But an ant colony, through the interaction of a great number of ants, displays an amazing skill at survival, and a noticeable level of intelligence.In SimAnt, you are the intelligence of an ant colony. The individual ants are like the individual brain cells of your being. You will hop into and out of individual ants, using them as tools. many of your ants will dies, including at times the one you are inhabiting. but death of individual ants will not greatly affect you as a colony. in fact, one of your ants dying will hurt you about as much as a human trimming a fingernail. The Object(s) of the GameThere are three ways to play SimAnt: Quick Games, Full Games and Experimental Games. Quick Games In Quick Games, you are a black ant colony competing with a red ant colony for food and territory. Your goal is to defeat the red ants and take over your home turf—the local patch of ground in the backyard. Your task will be complicated by marauding spiders, voracious ant lions, torrential rains, crushing human feet and merciless lawn mowers. Full Games In Full Games you must take over the entire backyard section by section, then take over the house and drive out the humans. in addition to hordes of red ants and other pests, you ...
5/5 3,632 Dec 13, 2019
Maxis <img src=""border="0">
Simple Bandwidth Monitor v1.1
Simple Bandwidth Monitor v1.1 Simple Bandwidth Monitor will help you monitor your network usage. Here are some key features of Simple Bandwidth Monitor: Realtime graphical display of your network usage Daily and Monthly download and upload statistics Simple Bandwidth Monitor Every 10 sec current statistics are saved to your disk. Rates show you network usage in bits per second (Kilobits or Megabits).
5/5 3,574 Nov 27, 2019 <img src=""border="0">
Simple BIG Clock v1
Simple BIG Clock v1 YOU FINALLY FOUND IT!!!! You found that giant, honkin' clock for your Windows desktop! Go, you!! It's packed with all of these features: Abandon all hope of ever moving it. No bothersome customizations. It's big. Pick from as many as one color pallet. Hide up to 20 desktop icons from day to day use. Viewable from up to 7,200 feet away. Great for building-sized doomsday clocks. Controls: Left-click sbc.exe to open. ESC key to close. Warnings: Virus total has two hits from MaxSecure and SecureAge, the gems of antivirus engines that once found malware in Randy's picture of his mom. Screenshot: (HOLY COW!) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,579 Sep 21, 2022
Chis Bonas <img src=""border="0">
Simple Code Generator v1.0.1
Simple Code Generator v1.0.1 A simple code generator (QR, Barcode MSI, 128, 39, Aztec Code and Matrix Code). Uses: .Net 6.0 and Zxing 4.0 library (dll) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,932 Oct 11, 2023
Lextrack <img src=""border="0">
Simple Custom Search 5.2
Simple Custom Search 5.2 Simple Custom Search allows you to use multiple search engines with one mouse click. Search strings are, of course, editable. The program works with default browser. You can use URL + Enter to open links in new tab. You can use search field as an address bar. Left click = search. Right click = paste from clipboard + search. Arrows UP/DOWN while typing = autocomplete search terms from history. ESC = clear search field.
0/5 8,235 Feb 17, 2014
UP Team
Simple Data Backup v10.0
Simple Data Backup v10.0 Simple Data Backup is free, easy and efficient backup software that creates non-proprietary backups. It can back up folders/files from one drive to another anytime you want on-demand (including with an optional direct shortcut on your desktop to run the backup), on a schedule, or at logon. Back up to another hard drive, network drive, flash drive, the 'cloud' (Internet server) via FTP, SSH, or WebDav, DVD (if packet-writing software is installed) and more. It can create identical folder/file structures on the backup drive, or can compress the data as .ZIP or LZMA-compressed .7z files. It can back up "in use" files (including Outlook data), monitor and alert you to any errors including potentially by email/SMS or reporting status to the web, and it automatically handles the whole full/incremental backup thing that other programs make you deal with. Simple Data Backup is powerful, stable, and secure, but also simple - just pick the folders you want to be backed up and a few settings and you're done! With over a decade of development behind it, Simple Data Backup is trusted and stable. Contains NO spyware, adware, viruses, or malware of any kind. Supports: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and corresponding Server OS's. The Free edition is perfectly functional, contains no ads, and will not nag you. However, some advanced functionality is disabled. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,154 May 14, 2021
Chris Long <img src=" Data Backup1_th.png"border="0">
Simple Firefox Backup v1.2
Simple Firefox Backup v1.2 Every browser comes a new user profile where all of your favorites, page/search histories, addons, cookies, preferences and other settings are stored.Any computer user always runs the risk of losing his data due to program or computer crash. If you use Firefox as your Primary Browser, you may prefer to back up regularly to guard against the possibility that their profile gets corrupted or wiped after installing a new extension or a new version of Firefox. There are some ways to back up: 1. Use a backup utility 2. Do it yourself manually 3. Use Firefox Sync function Backing up Firefox manually is as simple as copying their respective profile folders to another location. For example; Key4.db : contains a key used to encrypt and decrypt saved passwords logins.json : stores the encrypted names and passwords Places.sqlite : stores the annotations, bookmarks, favorite icons, input history, keywords, and browsing history Cookies.sqlite : is used to store cookies between sessions If you do that, you’ll have a full backup with all your setting and personal data saved. Syncing is NOT as good as backing up because it is usually not Long-Term , syncing will not ensure that your files are safe and You can’t trust your vital computer data to syncing; you must back it up. When you back something up to a hard drive or external HDD/USB flash drive , they stay there until you decide to delete them. If you need a file from last week, last month or last year, it will be there exactly the way you backed it up. Backup and restore Your Firefox Bookmarks , Passwords and settings Backing up of important data is always a smart thing to do. “Simple Firefox Backup” is a portable Freeware Tool that will help you easily create back-up copies of your Mozilla Firefox data . ...
5/5 3,547 Apr 27, 2021 <img src=""border="0">
Simple Firewall v4.0.0.0
Simple Firewall v4.0.0.0 Simple Firewall is a Windows firewall management software, it can manage internet access for all apps on the PC. Its GUI is very intuitive and its use is very easy. Just choose the firewall mode, the apps for which to change access permissions to the Internet then click the "Apply Changes" button. The four modes of the firewall are : 1) Default Mode : To allow Internet access for all apps except those specified in the list. 2) White List Mode : (Recommended) To block Internet access for all apps except those specified in the list. 3) Disable Firewall : (Not recommended) If you want to turn off the firewall and allow all apps to access the internet without restrictions. 4) Block Internet Connection : To block internet access for all apps without exception. You can enable support for IPv6 protocol, if it's available on your network by checking "Enable IPv6 Protocol". Also, there's two listing pages allow adding up to 20 apps. App names can be modified after they are added. The check boxes allow to activate/deactivate the selected rule for each app. Please note that on Windows start up, the Simple Firewall icon will appear in the taskbar and disappear after a few seconds. This allows Simple Firewall to check, and possibly fix any changes made to the firewall settings by another app or due to a system bug. If changes in the firewall rules are made manually or using other software, these will be deleted after system restart and the rules set via Simple Firewall will be restored. This is to protect your firewall setting from any illegitimate modification. Important : Do not use Simple Firewall at the same time as another firewall manager on the same PC. Using more than one firewall manager on the same PC may cause conflicts between them and make them non-functional. If you have an ...
5/5 2,928 Oct 15, 2020
G-Software <img src=""border="0">
Simple Internet Meter 2.3.0
==Official Mirror== Simple Internet Meter 2.3.0 Simple Internet Meter is my new bandwidth monitor. After my program CS Fire Monitor came out years ago I had many requests for added features. Many of those features where not possible to add using the Windows API. Such as seeing what is internet traffic and what is local network traffic. The only way to accomplish this is to look at the packet data. So I made this program using WinPcap and PacketX.dll. Limitations: 14-day trial To view the Help &amp; FAQ for Simple Internet Meter - To view a video on the features and information on Simple Internet Meter - Lite and standard features include: Monitor Network Traffic. Monitor a range of ports Keep logs of Daily &amp; Hourly Usage Auto save any report to a file. Easily change the colors to fit your style and taste. Resize the monitors to make then very small and transparent, keeping them out of the way Blend to desktop mode makes the monitors blend to your desktop. Ghost mode makes the monitors click through. System tray icon can be animated to show network traffic. Open network connections and Windows firewall settings from the right click menu of the tray icon. (This makes getting to these areas much easier in Vista and Windows 7) Repair and view Network Information from the right click menu. View Detailed Netstats, showing what ports are being used and by what program. Extra Stats Features available only in the standard version: Remote View (Monitor Multiple Computers from any where in the world) Bandwidth Quotas Quota Alerts Determine what is Internet &amp; Local Traffic Changelog: Major code updates and tweaks. Better handling when system comes out of sleep.
0/5 8,809 Dec 21, 2013
Simple Internet Meter Lite 2.3.0
==Official Mirror== Simple Internet Meter Lite 2.3.0 Simple Internet Meter is my new bandwidth monitor. After my program CS Fire Monitor came out years ago I had many requests for added features. Many of those features where not possible to add using the Windows API. Such as seeing what is internet traffic and what is local network traffic. The only way to accomplish this is to look at the packet data. So I made this program using WinPcap and PacketX.dll. Lite and standard features include: Monitor Network Traffic. Monitor a range of ports Keep logs of Daily &amp; Hourly Usage Auto save any report to a file. Easily change the colors to fit your style and taste. Resize the monitors to make then very small and transparent, keeping them out of the way Blend to desktop mode makes the monitors blend to your desktop. Ghost mode makes the monitors click through. System tray icon can be animated to show network traffic. Open network connections and Windows firewall settings from the right click menu of the tray icon. (This makes getting to these areas much easier in Vista and Windows 7) Repair and view Network Information from the right click menu. View Detailed Netstats, showing what ports are being used and by what program. Extra Stats Features available only in the standard version: Remote View (Monitor Multiple Computers from any where in the world) Bandwidth Quotas Quota Alerts Determine what is Internet &amp; Local Traffic Changelog: Major code updates and tweaks. Better handling when system comes out of sleep.
0/5 8,897 Dec 21, 2013
Simple Local Http Web Server Software v20.08.14
Simple Local Http Web Server Software v20.08.14 Easiest-to-use free Software to setup a static Html files web server from a directory on Windows 10 If your website is static, it would be very helpful to be able to edit and test HTML pages directly on your local computer without having to constantly upload them to a remote server. Unfortunately, many server-side technologies require special software (such as PHP, Python, Nginx, Nodejs, Express), and these software are complicated to install on ordinary computers Fortunately, this simple local http web server software is very easy to use. Just drag and drop the root directory of the website into the software, and everything is done. The software will automatically open your website in the default web browser. Is it amazing? Now you can build and test a complete website without uploading anything to the remote web server You can restart the program to set another local folder as the root of the local Http website. How to Setup Simple Local Http file Server Win10 1) Drag and drop the root folder of your local websites into the Simple local testing web server software Another way is to click the Select Folder button to choose a root directory of a web site Click the Select Folder button, navigate to a folder, one-click to select it and Click the Select Folder button. 2) The Serve static files locally as a website software will automatically open your website in the default web browser The default URL of your website is: or: http://localhost:4321 The default local server port is 4321 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,104 Aug 27, 2020
igec <img src=""border="0">
Simple Password Manager v1.0.4
Simple Password Manager v1.0.4 A free and open source program to safely store and manage your passwords locally. Simple Password Manager is a program that allows you to store and manage your passwords in a better way than with Notepad for Windows. You can create new passwords, edit existing ones, and delete passwords that you no longer need. How to use? To start using Simple Password Manager, launch the program by double-clicking on the icon and enter the default password which is: 1234. As is evident, you can change that password in the login window for a better security. • The main window will appear, displaying a list of all the passwords you have saved in the program. By default, you have a password called "Social Networks" and you can add data there. • To create a new password, first, go to the "Add a new password" tab and complete the text boxes. The criteria to create a password consists in giving a name to the password and at least one column. You can create as many columns as possible you want but I recommend you this order: "ID, User, Email, and Password". When you add the necessary data, press the button "Create the new password". Now, go back to the "Password Manager" tab and click on the "Select a password or create a new one" drop-down menu at the top of the main window. When you clicked that drop-down menu, you will see all your passwords that was created. • If you add data to an existing password, it's very important to click the "Save" button; on another hand, if you don't save the data recently added, all of them will be lost once you close the app. All the data ...
5/5 1,186 Jul 05, 2023
Lextrack <img src=""border="0">
Simple Porn Blocker v1.0
Simple Porn Blocker v1.0 Simple Porn Blocker is a very simple Windows OS software that can help you to quickly block all major porn\adult websites with a single mouse click. This program blocks 3000+ popular pornographic websites on any web browser, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc. It is very useful for parents to prevent the childrens from visiting porn websites. The program can block porn websites because it modifies the \etc\hosts file (some security software may show you an alert dialog, just allow\exclude our program). Works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 (32\64-bit). Program Key Features Easily Block 3000+ Popular Pornographic\Adult Websites Works on Any Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc) Porn Sites are Blocked by Modifying the Windows \etc\hosts File The Program is Already Translated in 28 Languages If Needed You can Quickly Un-block Pornographic\Adult Websites Run it Directly from the USB with the Portable Version Works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32\64-bit)
5/5 5,815 Jan 09, 2016
Site2unblock <img src=" Porn Blocker1_th.png"border="0">
Simple Port Forwarding Portable v3.8.5
==Official Mirror== Simple Port Forwarding v3.8.5 Portable 2000, XP SP3, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8 &amp; Requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Simple Port Forwarding works with WebPages and not directly with your router. Making it a safe program to use. Its no different than using Firefox, IE or any other browser to setup port forwarding yourself. The program works by automating the process for you. So whether you don't understand how to forward ports, or you're simply looking for an easier way to forward ports then this program is for you. Its port forwarding made simple. The main interface of the program is small and clean. Giving options of seeing what is going to be forwarded to the router and how many entries and ports it will use in the process. You have the ability to save your list and send it to another user of the program. An example would be, lets say you have a family member who lives far from you and doesn't really understand port forwarding, so instead of spending a lot of time over the phone walking them through it you can simply have them use the program and have them load the list and update their router, then your all done. Now that's a time saver. The program has a large database of known ports for over 700+ games and programs, so finding the port you need is made a little easier. The program will also remember custom applications you put in, so you don't have to reenter them. The program remembers the last IP address you use to forward to, this helps not having to set it every time you load new ports! The program has many extra tools, such as a tool to set your IP to static or back to DHCP. When port forwarding the router ...
0/5 9,113 Jan 30, 2014
Simple Port Forwarding v3.8.5
==Official Mirror== Simple Port Forwarding v3.8.5 2000, XP SP3, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8 &amp; Requires Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Simple Port Forwarding works with WebPages and not directly with your router. Making it a safe program to use. Its no different than using Firefox, IE or any other browser to setup port forwarding yourself. The program works by automating the process for you. So whether you don't understand how to forward ports, or you're simply looking for an easier way to forward ports then this program is for you. Its port forwarding made simple. The main interface of the program is small and clean. Giving options of seeing what is going to be forwarded to the router and how many entries and ports it will use in the process. You have the ability to save your list and send it to another user of the program. An example would be, lets say you have a family member who lives far from you and doesn't really understand port forwarding, so instead of spending a lot of time over the phone walking them through it you can simply have them use the program and have them load the list and update their router, then your all done. Now that's a time saver. The program has a large database of known ports for over 700+ games and programs, so finding the port you need is made a little easier. The program will also remember custom applications you put in, so you don't have to reenter them. The program remembers the last IP address you use to forward to, this helps not having to set it every time you load new ports! The program has many extra tools, such as a tool to set your IP to static or back to DHCP. When port forwarding the router forwards ...
0/5 12,369 Jan 30, 2014
Simple Screen Recorder v1.2.5
Simple Screen Recorder v1.2.5 Simple, portable and easy to use screen recorder for Windows. Features • Screen recording in avi or mkv file format with a wide range of encoders, frames per second and bitrate • Possibility to record your microphone or desktop audio (or both at the same time) • Merge media files (mkv output format) • Keyboard shortcuts (video recording): F9 to start and stop recordings, F10 to open recordings folders and ESC to close the app • Audio recording separately • Grab the screen or output from any monitor connected to your PC • Availability in ten languages (English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Українська, 日本語, Português do Brasil, 中文(简体), العربية and Italiano) Requirements: • Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 (64 bits) Uses: • .Net 7.0 • FFmpeg (ffmpeg-5.1.2-full_build-shared) How to use: • In the main screen recording window, select the audio input device that you want to use to record the audio track from the "Microphone (Mic/Aux)" dropdown menu. • Select the audio output device that you want to use to record the audio track from the "System sound (Desktop Audio)" dropdown menu. • Select the codec that you want to use from the "Encoder" dropdown menu. The available codecs are "MPEG-4", "H264 NVENC (Nvidia Graphics Cards)" and "H264 AMF (AMD Graphics Cards)". • Select the file format that you want to use from the "File Format" dropdown menu. The available formats are "MKV" and "AVI". I recommend using AVI. • Select the framerate that you want to use from ...
5/5 1,968 Oct 11, 2023
Lextrack <img src=" Screen Recorder1_th.png"border="0">
Simple Software-restriction Policy v2.20
Simple Software-restriction Policy v2.20 A software policy makes a powerful addition to Microsoft Windows' malware protection. In particular, it is more effective against ransomware than traditional approaches to security. If you know about the Linux 'execute permission' bit then you'll understand what this is for. The mode of operation is somewhat different in that execute permission is granted to folders and subfolders rather than individual files, but the intention is the same, to stop undesirable or unknown software from launching unless you OK it. Additionally, it is possible to specify that certain executables (typically browsers and email clients) are run with reduced rights. This is a valuable damage-limitation measure against browser plugin vulns, etc. The protection can be turned off without a reboot whilst installing legitimate software, and will automatically reactivate after a specified time Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,327 Nov 15, 2019
IWR Consultancy <img src=" Policy1_th.png"border="0">
Simple Sticky Notes v4.9
Simple Sticky Notes v4.9 Simple Sticky Notes is a lightweight and easy to use piece of software designed to enable you to take notes so you never forget about anything ever again. This application will sit quietly in your system tray, just in case you need it and help you create as many notes as you might need. Features: RichText support Colorful and Transparent Printable Snap to desktop edges Hide/Show all notes option Change Info: 4.9 (Feb 16, 2020) Added "Export" function to note explorer (Now you can export the notes you selected in note explorer) Fixed crash that occurred while playing the sound in the alarm window Fixed an issue related to deleting notes Fixed some translation problems Fixed other some bugs Improved some UI features Improved stability and performance Updated SQLite Database Engine to version 3.31.1 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 8,469 Jul 02, 2020
Simnet Ltd. <img src=""border="0">
Simple Sudoku Portable v4.2n
Simple Sudoku Portable v4.2n Sudoku game, creator, and solver. Simple Sudoku makes high quality puzzles that are symmetrical, have a single solution, and do not require trial and error to solve. The user can also choose between five levels of complexity - from Easy to Extreme. Each puzzle is generated randomly so there is an almost limitless selection. Not only does Simple Sudoku make challenging puzzles, it also provides tools to help solve them - removing the drudgery but not the fun. Keeping track of possible values for blank cells (candidates), providing filters and color markers are just some of the tools available to make solving even those really tricky puzzles possible. Also, if you ever get really stuck, Simple Sudoku can get you started again with a discreet hint (without giving everything away). System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 App License: Freeware (Personal and educational use) MD5 Hash: de443768c2912cfa5be1db2917b3abcd Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,690 Nov 06, 2019
Angus Johnson & <img src=""border="0">
Simple USB Logger 1.7
Simple USB Logger 1.7 This software product allows capturing traffic between device driver and USB device, being transparent for this USB device. High operation speed and information content of Simple USB Logger software allows to analyze the operation of any USB device. Thanks to this product you can analyze the traffic, even if BSOD occurs during USB device usage. And the fast transition functions help to move over captured data quickly. Distinguishing features: Freeware Software. Initially this software was created for company's internal needs. But we decided to release it for free for all our customers, so they could use Simple USB Logger for their needs without any limitations! Simple Monitoring Technology. This new technology of traffic capturing is based on operation of a usual Lower Filter Driver. But our unique feature allows loading a filter to the stack of the analyzed USB device only. This increases capturing speed and reliability, and prevents impact on operation of other USB devices. Hardware and Virtual USB bus support. Now you can monitor any USB device, whether is it a real device plugged into hardware USB port or virtual USB device connected via any other software of any vendor! Advanced URB parser. Simple USB Logger can display the structures of URB requests in both full and simple form (where it shows only critical data)! Memory dump analyzys. If BSOD occurs while you are working with USB device, you can get log file from memory.dmp file. It allows to see what requests USB device was processing when BSOD occured. Quick search features. Simple USB Logger can quickly find packets finished with errors. To move to such packet you just need to click the button on toolbar! Visual Tracer Submit/Complete. USB Logger aways follows the sequence of URB ...
5/5 5,107 Sep 19, 2017
SimplyCore LLC <img src=""border="0">
Simple VHD Manager v1.5
Simple VHD Manager v1.5 A free, portable tool to simplify adding and removing VHDs (Virtual Hard Disks). A VHD is a large container file that simulates the file structure of a hard drive. Think of it as a fancy ZIP file, but without the compression. VHDs are single files and are most commonly used as hard drives for virtual machines, but they can also be mounted so they act like real hard drives. When mounted, they appear to Windows as a real physical hard drive. You can add, remove, and edit files on them, or create a fresh installation of Windows to a new, bootable VHD. If you need to use more than one operating system, often the best choice is installing secondary (or more) operating systems to a VHD. But there can arise minor difficulties, for example: 1. A virtual hard drive can disappear after a restart (the most common problem) 2. Sometimes you need to add an entry to the boot menu 3. The process of of attaching and detaching, etc Simple VHD Manager is portable freeware which helps VHD users simplify some of these operations: • You can attach and detach VHD/VHDX/ISO files via drag and drop • You can permanently attach a virtual hard disk in Windows 11, 10, 8,1, 8 and Windows 7 • You can easily add and/or remove VHD/VHDX/ISO files to the boot menu How to use After downloading, extract Simple VHD Manager to your desired location, then run it. To add VHD, VHDX, or ISO files, you have two choices – using the ‘Add’ button, or via drag and drop (recommended) To Attach a VHD file, you can right-click, or use the Edit menu The right-click menu also offers other choices, such as Attach, Detach, and Add to Boot Menu. After attaching ...
5/5 853 Nov 07, 2023 <img src=""border="0">
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.13
SimpleCodeGenerator v1.13 A simple tool for Windows that allows you to quickly generate QR Code for scanning with App on your Smartphone. You can display the QR Code on the screen, copy it to the clipboard and then paste it to another program (as image), or save it image file - .png , .gif , .jpg , .tiff, or .bmp SimpleCodeGenerator also allows you to generate QR Code from command line and save it as image file ( .png , .gif , .jpg , .tiff, or .bmp) without displaying any user interface. System Requirements This tool works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. This tool is just a small standalone .exe file (Less than 100KB !) that you can run on any system without installing anything. Versions History Version 1.13 Added CopyImageScaling and SaveImageScaling entries to the configuration file (SimpleCodeGenerator.cfg), which control the size of the generated image when you use the 'Save QR Code To Image File' and 'Copy Image' options. The default value is 5. You can increase this value if you want to generate larger images. What you can do with QR Codes With this tool, you can create QR Codes that open a URL on the Web browser of your Smartphone, add a new contact to your Smartphone, add new Wi-Fi network to your Smartphone, open map in the specified latitude/longitude, and more. You simply have to type the correct QR Code string in SimpleCodeGenerator, generate the QR Code, and then scan it with QR Code reader App on your Smartphone. You can read this article to learn how to compose the QR Code string that will do what you need. Start ...
5/5 1,616 Feb 22, 2024
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
SimpleProgramDebugger v1.16
SimpleProgramDebugger v1.16 A simple debugging tool for Windows that attaches to existing running program or starts a new program in debugging mode, and then displays all major debugging events occurs while the program is running, including Exception, Create Thread, Create Process, Exit Thread, Exit Process, Load DLL, Unload Dll, and Debug String. After the debugging events are accumulated, you can easily export them into comma-delimited/tab-delimited/xml/html file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel or any other spreadsheet application. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Changes: Version 1.16: Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option (Turned on by default). Fixed a few high DPI mode issues. Fixed a bug that caused a small token handles leak (In the 'Select Process' window). Start Using SimpleProgramDebugger SimpleProgramDebugger doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - SimpleProgramDebugger.exe After running SimpleProgramDebugger, you can attach a program that is already running by pressing F7 and choosing the desired process, or you can start a new program by pressing Ctrl+N and choosing the .exe file to run, and optionally parameters and start folder. After the debugging events are displayed in the main window of SimpleProgramDebugger, you can select one or more events, and then use the 'Save Selected items' option to export them into comma-delimited/tab-delimited/xml/html file or press Ctrl+C to copy them to the clipboard, and then paste them into Excel or any other spreadsheet application. Command-Line Options /DebugProcess <Process ID/Filename> Start to debug an existing process. You can specify the process ID or process filename, for example: SimpleProgramDebugger.exe /DebugProcess explorer.exe SimpleProgramDebugger.exe /DebugProcess "c:\temp\myexe.exe" SimpleProgramDebugger.exe /DebugProcess 4522 /StartDebugProcess Start ...
5/5 8,710 Sep 20, 2022
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
simplewall v3.7.7
simplewall v3.7.7 Simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer. The lightweight application is less than a megabyte, and it is compatible with Windows 7 SP1 and higher operating systems. Note: Keep in mind, simplewall is not a control UI over Windows Firewall, and does not interact in any level with Windows Firewall. It works over Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which is a set of API and system services that provide a platform for creating network filtering applications. Windows Filtering Platform is a development technology and not a firewall itself, but simplewall is the tool that uses this technology. Features Simple interface without annoying pop ups Rules editor (create your own rules) Internal blocklist (block Windows spy / telemetry) Dropped packets information with notification and logging to a file feature (win7+) Allowed packets information with logging to a file feature (win8+) Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) support Windows Store support Windows services support Free and open source Localization support IPv6 support Changes: v3.7.7 (3 January 2024) added error message when loading library on subscribe added comment item for apps/rules (issue #1664) added recheck app hash in properies dialog added highlighting of undelatable apps fixed displaying incorrect error messages fixed high disk usage (issue #1655) updated ports list This download is for the Windows setup. If you need the portable version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,674 Jan 07, 2024
Henry++ <img src=""border="0">
SimpleWMIView v1.53
SimpleWMIView v1.53 Simple WMI Viewer for Windows A simple tool for Windows that displays the result of WMI queries in a simple table, and allows you to easily export the data to text/csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file, or to copy the selected items to the clipboard and then paste them to Excel or other spreadsheet application. With SimpleWMIView you can get extensive information about your system, like a list of running processes, services, drivers, user accounts, hardware, and so on... System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Changes: Version 1.53: Added 'Sort By' button to the toolbar. Start Using SimpleWMIView SimpleWMIView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to starting using it, simply run the executable file - SimpleWMIView.exe After running it, you can type or choose the desired namespace (The default is the most common one - root\CIMV2) and then the class name (The default is Win32_Process, which lists all running processes on your system). You can also type a full WQL query, like 'SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Priority > 8'. After choosing the namespace and class, simply press F5 (or the Update button) to execute the WMI query and then watch the result inside the table. Examples for what you can get with WMI Here's some examples of the information you can get with WMI queries (On root\CIMV2 namespace): Win32_Service - Lists all Windows services. Win32_Share - Lists all network shares on your machine. Win32_StartupCommand - Lists programs that run on Windows startup. Win32_SystemAccount - Lists all system accounts. Win32_UserAccount - Lists all user accounts. Win32_SystemDriver - Lists all drivers installed ...
5/5 5,252 Mar 01, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
SimplySync Backup v1.5.3.0
SimplySync Backup v1.5.3.0 SimplySync Backup is an intuitive folder backup and synchronization tool. It works in both portable and installed mode, and is very fast and easy to use. SimplySync Backup has unique features such as the ability to update backups ensuring they contain the very same files as the source. It also performs backups in bi-directional synchronization mode, and obviously restore operations. Application setup SimplySync Backup can be used as both a portable application and an installed application. If you want to use it as a portable application, you just need to execute it, and immediately benefit of all its features. But even in portable mode, you may want to use the Associate the application with .sall files option listed below. To configure SimplySync Backup, press the Settings button in the application's main page. You will be presented with a dialog box similar to the one in the picture below. Select the desired options. The selected options will only be applied when you press OK. Install the application on this PC (recommended) - If you select this option, SimplySync Backup will be installed in the local computer, acording to the selected options below. If you uncheck this option and SimplySync Backup is already installed, it will be uninstalled. Create Desktop shortcut for unattended backup - This option creates a desktop shortcut that automatically starts the last saved backup in unattended mode (no user interaction needed). Create normal desktop shortcut to launch SimplySync Backup - This option creates a desktop shortcut for the current user that just launches SimplySync Backup. Create uninstall entry, to completely remove SimplySync Backup - This option creates an uninstall entry that will allow users to remove the installed version of the application through the Add/remove programs control panel ...
5/5 5,063 Jun 28, 2019
Carifred <img src=""border="0">
Simutrans v124.0
Simutrans v124.0 A free transportation simulator game Simutrans is a cross-platform simulation game where players try to successfully manage transportation systems between places by land, air, and water for passengers, mail, and goods. Planes, ships, trains, trams, trucks, buses, or monorails are at your disposal, but factories operate based on contracts and passengers can only travel to their set destinations. Features • Intelligent routing of vehicles, passenger, mail and freight • Customisable engine with many different graphics • Very flexible fine tuning of the economy by simple config files • Network gaming for up to 14 player together • You set your goal: suitable for anybody (even used for teaching) • Many languages available, many platforms • Easy to add new graphics oneself This download is for the Windows 64bit version. All other download assets are below: Windows: (32bit) MacOS: Linux: Android: simuandroid-124-0.apk Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,182 May 05, 2024
Simutrans <img src=""border="0">
Sine Wave Calculator v1.0
Sine Wave Calculator v1.0 A free tool for teaching and learning about sine waves. Sine Wave Calculator allows you to manipulate a sine wave by changing values directly or with sliders to see how they relate to the properties of a wave. Choose from lines or points. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,431 Nov 18, 2022
Ian Myers <img src=""border="0">
SIS 6215A GPU Windows 95 Driver
SIS 6215A GPU Windows 95 Driver. This is for version A of the SIS 6215. Works with Windows 95.
0/5 8,600 Apr 01, 2009
SIS 6215B GPU Windows 95 Driver
SIS 6215B GPU Windows 95 Driver. This is for version B of the SIS 6215. Works with Windows 95.
0/5 8,632 Apr 01, 2009
SIS 6215C GPU Windows 95 Driver
SIS 6215C GPU Windows 95 Driver. This is for version C of the SIS 6215. Works with Windows 95.
0/5 8,623 Apr 01, 2009
Sisma v5.4
Sisma v5.4 A free and easy-to-use password manager that allows you to store and manage your passwords in a secure and convenient way. Sisma™ keeps your accounts details and passwords in a secure database that is encrypted with strong 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, Rijndael) cipher. Sisma™ includes a strong random password generator which can generate alphanumeric or pronounceable passwords. Sisma™ promotes password management best practices by warning you when a weak password is chosen or when a password is reused across accounts. Sisma™ allows you to specify expiration date for passwords and reminds you to change them when they expire. Sisma™ employs advanced clipboard clearance mechanisms to minimize the risk of passwords left in the clipboard after you have used them. • Secure - Sisma™ keeps your accounts details and passwords in a secure database that is encrypted with strong 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, Rijndael) cipher. • Easy to Use - Sisma™ has a very simple &amp; straightforward user interface. • Password Generator - Sisma™ includes a strong random password generator which can generate alphanumeric or pronounceable passwords. • Password Reuse Warning - Sisma™ warn you when a password is reused across accounts. • Weak Password Warning - Sisma™ warn you when a weak password is chosen. • Password Expiration - Sisma™ allows you to specify expiration date for passwords and reminds you to change them when they expire. • Clipboard Clearance - Sisma™ employs advanced clipboard clearance mechanisms to minimize the risk of passwords left in the clipboard after you have used them. • Import and Export - Sisma™ can import accounts from other password managers, and export accounts to HTML, CSV, and ...
5/5 4,085 Aug 02, 2023
Digital Confidence Ltd <img src=""border="0">
SiteLinkChecker 1.4.2
SiteLinkChecker 1.4.2 Site Link Checker checks Web sites for broken links. It is a free easy-to-use link checker tool to help you maintain the accuracy of links on your web site. The program will help you easily locate broken links and links containing syntactic errors. Site Link Checker will search your site, testing each link it finds and report the status of each link. Broken links hurt your professional image and can keep search engine spiders from indexing your whole site. All the mentioned features are provided with a user friendly graphical interface.
0/5 8,229 Feb 13, 2014
Nsasoft LLC
SiteShoter v1.20 - Take a screenshot of a Web site
SiteShoter is a small utility that allows you to save a screenshot of any Web page into a file. It automatically creates hidden window of Internet Explorer, loads the desired Web page, and than save the entire content of the Web page into an image file (.png, .jpg, .tiff, .bmp or .gif). You can use SiteShoter in user interface mode, or alternatively, you can run SiteShoter in command-line mode without displaying any user interface.
0/5 8,611 Nov 24, 2008
Copyright (c) 2008 Nir Sofer
SIV (System Information Viewer) v5.77
SIV (System Information Viewer) v5.77 A utility for displaying lots of useful Windows, Network and hardware info. SIV displays CPU info, PCI info, PCMCIA info, USB info SMBus info, SPD info, Machine Info, Hardware Sensors, Networked computers, Operating System Information and more. Uses pcidevs.txt for the PCI devices, usbdevs.txt for the USB devices, mondevs.txt for monitor descriptions and pcmdevs.txt for PCMCIA device descriptions. Will also run on Windows 2000 and NT 4.0 Installing and Configuring SIV instructions in PDF format.. Changes: Version 5.77 released on 14-May-2024 Added [Highlight Synthetic] support and updated [Synthetic Setup] to highlight the temperatures. Replaced [Synthetic Setup] °C Offset with Scaling Formula and corrected the Ambient Base offset default to be -20°C. Changed the colour selection popups, menu entries and [Colour Names] to default to alphabetic within colour grouping. Improved how colours are implemented, added sixteen more colours and the [Hex to RGB] panel. Added support for multiple [Wi-Fi] interfaces and [WLAN] interface profiles. Added [👻 Devices] (Menu->System->Ghost Devices) that shows all the 👻/Ghost/Phantom Devices and provides an easy way to delete them. Added [Properties] (Menu->System->Properties) which shows all the devices installed on the system and allows their properties to be viewed. It also highlights any 👻 Devices. Added Windows 11 24H2 Build 26212 support. Enabled operation of [ACPI Eval], etc..
5/5 15,661 May 15, 2024
Ray Hinchliffe <img src=""border="0">
Sizer v4.0
Sizer v4.0 Free utility to accurately resize and reposition windows. Sizer 4 features • Better compatibility. Sizer has been completely rewritten to improve compatibility with modern applications including Windows 10 Apps. Sizer 4.0 is less intrusive than previous versions and therefore is more stable. Unfortunately this increased stability comes at a small price, some infrequently used features have been removed as a result. See the more details page for further info. • Hot keys. Sizer actions, including bringing up the main resizing menu, can be assigned to a hot key that can be used at any time. e.g. by default pressing Ctrl+Win+Z brings up the Sizer context menu. This saves you hunting out the window border to right click it. • Macros and expressions. Specify sizes and positions as formula. e.g. 0.7 * w:mon results in a value that is 70% of the width of the current monitor. With macros you can position several windows at the same time allowing you to layout multiple applications the way you want them. Further documentation will follow but in the meantime you can consult the railroad diagrams for details of the syntax. • Menu groups. Simplify and tidy up the Sizer menu by creating cascading menus with groups. • Portable. Run Sizer from a USB pen drive or keep your configurations in one place. • Configuration file management. Export and import settings via the user interface. This download is for the portable version. If you need the installer version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 591 Apr 18, 2024
Brian Apps <img src=""border="0">
SketchBook v8.7.1
SketchBook v8.7.1 SketchBook goes free for everyone!! "At Autodesk, we believe creativity starts with an idea. From quick conceptual sketches to fully finished artwork, sketching is at the heart of the creative process. You never know when a great idea will strike, so access to fast and powerful creative sketching tools is an invaluable part of any creative process. For this reason, we are excited to announce that the fully featured version of SketchBook is now FREE for everyone!" -AutoDesk Enjoy a superior drawing experience SketchBook has a gorgeous interface that maximizes the drawing space of every device. Draw without distraction A truly elegant design knows when to get out of your way. The UI stays incognito until you’re ready to snag a pencil, pen, marker, or paint brush. Lose yourself in creativity instead of losing yourself in the menus. Feels like drawing Go big with a drawing engine that can handle a 100 mpx canvas while maintaining the zoomed-in feeling of traditional drawing. Professionals rely on its precision and speed, but mostly because it feels right. This download is for the Windows 64bit version. If you need the MacOS 64bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,315 Jul 05, 2020
AutoDesk <img src=""border="0">
Skiff v1.0.0.9
Skiff v1.0.0.9 Privacy-first, end-to-end encrypted Mail, Pages, Drive, and Calendar. Skiff is a privacy-first, end-to-end encrypted workspace with Mail, Calendar, Pages, and Drive product. Sign up for a free Skiff Mail account at Skiff empowers free and more effective communication through private, end-to-end encrypted email. All messages sent between Skiff Mail users are end-to-end encrypted. Additionally, Skiff never stores unencrypted access to messages sent or received from external mail providers. Skiff Calendar, Pages, and Drive are also end-to-end encrypted, including all event details, files, text, and titles. Read more here. Private, end-to-end encrypted mail. Skiff Mail protects your inbox by keeping your messages end-to-end encrypted. That means that no one but you has access to your data. • 10 GB free storage Switch comfortably to Skiff with 10 GB for free - more than any other end-to-end encrypted email provider. • 1-click migration Migrate in 1-click from Gmail, Outlook, ProtonMail, and more. Making the switch is quick, easy, and completely private. • Folders, labels, and more Keep your inbox organized with folders, labels, and multiple aliases in every account. • Signatures and auto-reply Customize your signature or add an auto-reply to any inbox. • Invite your team Share workspaces and custom domains with your entire team, and stay organized with advanced admin controls. • Schedule and undo send Schedule emails for future times or undo sent mail when you need to make a change - all for free. Private, end-to-end encrypted pages. Protect your notes, documents, and wikis with Skiff Pages - end-to-end encrypted and fully collaborative. • Version history Wind back the clock to view the past state of your team’s documents. • Decentralized IPFS storage Opt-in to store your files on the interplanetary ...
5/5 438 Feb 13, 2024
Skiff <img src=""border="0">
Skim v1.7.1
Skim v1.7.1 A PDF Reader and Note-taker for OS X Skim is a PDF reader and note-taker for OS X. It is designed to help you read and annotate scientific papers in PDF, but is also great for viewing any PDF file. Skim requires OS X 10.10 or higher. Features Viewing PDFs Adding and editing notes Highlighting important text, including one-swipe highlight modes Making "snapshots" for easy reference Navigation using table of contents or thumbnails, with visual history View all your notes and highlights Convenient reading in full screen Giving powerful presentations, with built-in transitions Handy preview of internal links Focus using a reading bar Magnification tool Smart cropping tools Extensive AppleScript support Bookmarks Saving passwords in Keychain Export notes as text Automatic download of remote PDFs Support for Apple Remote Control Interaction with LaTeX, SyncTeX, and PDFSync Integration with BibDesk and other third party applications Spotlight support Highly customizable And much more... See the Skim Wiki for instructions and tips. This download is for the macOS 10.13 or higher version. If you need the latest Sierra Version version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,472 Mar 12, 2024
Skim developers <img src=""border="0">
Skip UAC Prompt v1.0
Skip UAC Prompt v1.0 Enable or disable UAC (User Account Control) for selected apps without entirely deactivating UAC. Running an app at system startup is easy; you can add it to the Startup folder on Windows. These apps run with normal user privileges and that’s fine in almost every case but Windows doesn’t allow elevated tasks at startup that is why you can’t just auto run programs with administrative privileges at startup. When running tasks or commands as administrator, Windows will throw a UAC (User Account Control) prompt that you’ll have to confirm if you want the task to run. You can create an elevated shortcut for the program that will allow you to bypass UAC Prompt and run the program without seeing the UAC Prompt in Windows by using Task Scheduler this requires many steps. For this reason, we have coded the application called Skip UAC prompt. This utility also allows you to enable or disable UAC for the apps of your choosing without entirely deactivating UAC systemwide. How to use Skip UAC Prompt Extract the zip file from the download link and double click the exe file suitable for your system, then you can drag n’ drop a program or shortcut to the Application interface, you can also use the first button (Add File) for the same operation. The relevant software or scripts , were set to start at system startup without an UAC warning. Uncheck the boxes from software that you do not want to start automatically at system startup. You can also create a shortcut to run an Application without UAC warning. To undo this, simply use the “Delete Selected” button. There are a few customization options available under the Options menu ; always on top, Use Classical Icons and Warn before deleting. You can use the File Import List / ...
5/5 887 Jul 24, 2023 <img src=""border="0">
SkyChart v4.2 32bit Windows
SkyChart v4.2 32bit Windows Free software to draw sky charts This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown. The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a conventional planetarium. License: The software itself is released under the GPL license. You are free to use any chart or print produced by the program for any use, commercial or not (blog, web publication, printed book,…). You can mention Skychart and link to this page, but this is not required. Documentation here. Download Additional Catalogs. Version 4.2 New functions New default interface with only two button bar. New icon for the buttons, better suited for night vision filters. Use larger image for big buttons and high resolution screen. Add direct connection to Alpaca telescope. It is now possible to use a telescope connected to a remote ASCOM Windows computer from Skychart running on Linux or macOS. Support for the new GAIA DR2 star catalog. Allow to use HNSKY star catalog using the “290” format. New mosaic tool to prepare mosaic for image capture application. Show the object rise and set time relative to the local horizon if a horizon file is loaded. This can be disabled in Setup/Observatory. Calendar rise/set are always given to the ...
5/5 4,160 Oct 23, 2019
Patrick Chevalley <img src=""border="0">
SkyChart v4.2 64bit Windows
SkyChart v4.2 64bit Windows Free software to draw sky charts This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown. The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a conventional planetarium. License: The software itself is released under the GPL license. You are free to use any chart or print produced by the program for any use, commercial or not (blog, web publication, printed book,…). You can mention Skychart and link to this page, but this is not required. Documentation here. Download Additional Catalogs. Version 4.2 New functions New default interface with only two button bar. New icon for the buttons, better suited for night vision filters. Use larger image for big buttons and high resolution screen. Add direct connection to Alpaca telescope. It is now possible to use a telescope connected to a remote ASCOM Windows computer from Skychart running on Linux or macOS. Support for the new GAIA DR2 star catalog. Allow to use HNSKY star catalog using the “290” format. New mosaic tool to prepare mosaic for image capture application. Show the object rise and set time relative to the local horizon if a horizon file is loaded. This can be disabled in Setup/Observatory. Calendar rise/set are always given to the ...
5/5 4,181 Oct 23, 2019
Patrick Chevalley <img src=""border="0">
SkyChart v4.2 Mac
SkyChart v4.2 Mac Free software to draw sky charts This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in many catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown. The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a conventional planetarium. License: The software itself is released under the GPL license. You are free to use any chart or print produced by the program for any use, commercial or not (blog, web publication, printed book,…). You can mention Skychart and link to this page, but this is not required. Documentation here. Download Additional Catalogs. Version 4.2 New functions New default interface with only two button bar. New icon for the buttons, better suited for night vision filters. Use larger image for big buttons and high resolution screen. Add direct connection to Alpaca telescope. It is now possible to use a telescope connected to a remote ASCOM Windows computer from Skychart running on Linux or macOS. Support for the new GAIA DR2 star catalog. Allow to use HNSKY star catalog using the “290” format. New mosaic tool to prepare mosaic for image capture application. Show the object rise and set time relative to the local horizon if a horizon file is loaded. This can be disabled in Setup/Observatory. Calendar rise/set are always given to the astronomical ...
5/5 4,097 Oct 23, 2019
Patrick Chevalley <img src=""border="0">
Skype Classic v7.40.0.104
Skype Classic v7.40.0.104 Skype Classic is an older version of Skype before Microsoft went and screwed-up the interface. Download and return to a better, warm and cozy version. Be sure to remove your newer version of Skype first. When installing this version, uncheck the Bing toolbar install unless you want it. Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/Windows 10 32-bit program. Can run on both a 32-bit and 64-bit OS. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,266 Jun 28, 2019
Microsoft Corp. <img src=""border="0">
Sleep v1.00
Sleep v1.00 Sleep is a very simple command that will allow you to put a delay in your batch files. Specify the amount of milliseconds as a parameter and Sleep will wait for that period of time. Extremely useful in batch file programming. Usage: Sleep <number of milliseconds> Example Run: C:\>sleep 1000 C:\> Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,966 Aug 28, 2019
CyLog Software <img src=""border="0">
SlickRun v4.5.1.0
SlickRun v4.5.1.0 A free-floating command line utility for Windows. SlickRun gives you almost instant access to any program or website. SlickRun allows you to create command aliases (known as MagicWords), so C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe becomes MAIL. Enter a web URL into SlickRun and it will launch your browser and navigate to the specified address. Run multiple programs in a few keystrokes, jot a note, look up a definition... SlickRun is the most natural way to interact with your computer. Please note, SlickRun is not a "hotkey" program. If you want a program that lets you press some wacky keyboard shortcut (say, Shift + Win + 1) to run to something, you'll want to find a different utility. SlickRun is designed to be far more intuitive than "hotkey" programs-- You shouldn't have to keep an awkward mental list of hotkeys for launching your favorite programs. Instead, just type whatever's most natural for you to remember; with auto-completion, you'll rarely type more than 2 or 3 characters anyway. User-defined imperative words are easier to recall than arbitrary characters like keystrokes. Supported Windows Versions Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/Win7/Win8.x/Win10/Win11 64bit or 32bit Need help? Just type HELP inside Slickrun. Changes v4.5.1.0 (6 Nov 2023) + Add %gmt-#% option to show multiple time zones Default to HTTPS Various fixes This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,594 Nov 07, 2023
Eric Lawrence <img src=""border="0">
SlimBrowser 7.00.027
SlimBrowser 7.00.027 SlimBrowser is a fast and secure internet browser for Windows fully loaded with powerful features. It starts up quickly and opens web pages right in front of you with minimum delay. It is designed to let you browse the Internet carefree by guarding your personal information and protecting your privacy. SlimBrowser offers various functions and options so that you can go where you want and get whatever from you want from the Internet with as few clicks as possible and as little distraction as possible.A brief summary of important features supported by SlimBrowser is listed below:1. Built-in download manager boosts your download speed by up to 12 times and maintain a download history for you.2. Intelligent form filler saves and completes web form for you automatically.3. Popup blocker suppresses all annoying popup ads while you browse internet.4. Web form spell checker proofs your online postings against spelling mistakes.5. Ad blocker eliminate ad banners or other obtrusive components within web pages.6. Convenient access to major web search engines or your own favorite ones by Quick-Search Bar7. Built-in VBScript/Jscript/HTML/Text editor.8. A large collection of skins available to tune the browser appearance to your own taste.9. Select-and-translate feature allows you to translate any text within a web page without even leaving the page.10. Site group lets you save a collection of web sites as a group and open all of them at once with a single click.11. You can type pre-defined short alias instead of long URL to browse frequently visited internet sites.12. Much more...All the handy functionalities are packed into a compact setup file of only 2MB. Download the best browser for Windows now and see how it makes your web surfing a much more enjoyable experience.
0/5 8,867 May 07, 2013
FlashPeak, Inc
Slimjet v40.0.2.0
Slimjet v40.0.2.0 Fast web browser that automatically blocks ads and more. Tired of all the obtrusive ads that attempt to track everything you do online, irritates your eyes and wastes your time? Welcome to the ONLY browser that automatically blocks ALL ads. No plugins, opt-ins or configurations needed. Enjoy a clean and ad-free web at lightning fast speed. Maximum privacy protection Tired of being watched all the time by big companies like Facebook or Google no matter where you go? You can rest at ease here. Rebuilt from the open-source Chromium project, Slimjet doesn't send any usage data back to Google like Chrome. On top of that, Slimjet is armed with the most advanced anti-tracking technology to thwart various attempts to invade on your privacy (e.g., track your identity or profile your behavior) by the intrusive businesses. High performance blink engine Faster browser startup, faster page loading, highly responsive UI powered by industry-leading Blink engine. Unsurpassed level of integration Loaded with powerful features &amp; flexible options, Slimjet does more for every user without relying on external plugins. Multiple layers of protection Automatic protection against phishing and malware, advanced privacy control options, robust sandboxed multi-process architecture. Major Features KILL ALL ADS WITH AD BLOCKER Fed up with all the annoying ads? Kill them all with the built-in ad blocker. Boost the performance of your browser by saving memory, CPU and bandwidth consumed by the ads. HI-SPEED DOWNLOAD MANAGER Slimjet comes with a turbocharged download manager which uses multiple connections in parallel to download files up to 12x faster. It also lets you resume a download job between browser sessions. INTELLIGENT FORM FILLER Smarter and more convenient than the basic password manager in Chrome. Save page url and login data in a form file which lets you open your favorite online account with a single click later on. YOUTUBE VIDEO DOWNLOADER Download any youtube videos to local hard disk ...
5/5 2,167 Jul 14, 2023
FlashPeak Inc. <img src=""border="0">
SlimList v1.0
SlimList v1.0 SlimList is used to edit any kind of lists like word list, email list and site list. It's a handy notebook and list manager. Feature Tab-based Multiple Document Interface (MDI Cut/Copy/Paste Multiple List Items Easy to combine multiple lists Ability to stay topmost and show system tray icon. Use it as handy notebook to look up or record items by putting it on the topmost window Multiple column viewing and printing Automatic sorting Purge duplicate item Open URL in a list by double-clicking Count list items and locate a specific item by typing it in Edit box Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,004 Feb 11, 2020
FlashPeak Inc. <img src=""border="0">
SlipStream Ilegal street racing in European highways. The winner is not the one that crosses a finish line first, but the last one standing after all rivals are left behind. Draft behind other racers to get a boost of speed. The cars that fall behind the left edge of the camera view are knocked out.
0/5 6,177 May 17, 2015
­BadHairDay <img src=""border="0">
SlunkCrypt v1.3.0
SlunkCrypt v1.3.0 An experimental cross-platform cryptography library. SlunkCrypt is an experimental cross-platform cryptography library and command-line tool. A fully-featured GUI is provided for the Windows platform. Encryption algorithm The SlunkCrypt algorithm is based on core concepts of the well-known Enigma machine but with numerous improvements, largely inspired by R. Anderson’s “A Modern Rotor Machine”: The original Enigma machine had only three (or, in some models, four) rotors, plus a static “reflector” wheel. In SlunkCrypt, we uses 256 simulated rotors for an improved security. Furthermore, the original Enigma machine supported only 26 distinct symbols, i.e. the letters A to Z. In SlunkCrypt, we use 256 distinct symbols, i.e. the byte values 0x00 to 0xFF, which allows the encryption (and decryption) of arbitrary streams of bytes, rather than just plain text. Of course, SlunkCrypt can encrypt (and decrypt) text files as well. In the original Enigma machine, the signal passes through the rotors twice, once in forward direction and then again in backwards direction – thus the “reflector” wheel. This way, the Enigma’s encryption was made involutory, i.e. encryption and decryption were the same operation. While this was highly convenient, it also severely weakened the cryptographic strength of the Enigma machine, because the number of possible permutations was reduced drastically! This is one of the main reasons why the Enigma machine eventually was defeated. In SlunkCrypt, the signal passes through the simulated rotors just once, in order to maximize the number of possible permutations. This eliminates the most important known weakness of the Enigma machine. Obviously, in SlunkCrypt, separate “modes” for encryption and decryption need to be provided, since encryption and decryption no longer are the same operation. In the original Enigma machine, the rightmost rotor was moved, by one step, after every symbol. Meanwhile, all ...
5/5 1,589 Dec 15, 2022
LoRd MuldeR <img src=""border="0">
Sly Pitch
Sly Pitch Sly Pitch is a unique puzzle arcade game. The player controls a sky sledge witch can throw and catch a ball. With the ball, the player has to destroy blocks of all kind before they touch the line at the bottom of the screen. If you want to master this game, you need brainpower and a lot of skill. Good luck!
4/5 5,861 Aug 02, 2016
Mike Schuler <img src=""border="0">
SlyNFO Viewer v2.0.0.2
SlyNFO Viewer v2.0.0.2 SlyNFO Viewer was designed for viewing files which are in text format, specifically NFO files. The program features a customizable user interface and can be configured to handle NFO and DIZ type files automatically. It supports hotkeys for certain internal command types like: window roll-up, minimizing, word wrap and transparency. The program supports command line execution and can be pre-configured to launch supported files in specific font type and color, background colors as well as position on screen. SlyNFO Viewer can be launched via a Windows command inside a Batch or VBScript file with all these features already set in the script file. Settings for the program can be configured from inside the settings dialog and some of the features include font and color backgrounds according to user preferences and tooltips. It supports a recently viewed file listing and it is in this dialog box where you can also let SLYNFO Viewer write Batch and VBScript command files for you! Yes, you don't have to do the 'coding'. SlyNFO Viewer does the coding for you! All you have to do is position your NFO file on the screen, choose the background and font colors and font type and click on the button to get the script file written and saved for you. This script file can then be used to launch your file via the program with all your configuration settings already in it. A very unique feature supported by SLYNFO Viewer is to write the configuration settings explained above into a string that is saved inside NFO file. It works in a similar way as the Batch or VBScript command file, but in this case there will be no third party file to execute first in order to view the NFO file. As long as the program is set ...
5/5 6,910 Jul 24, 2019
MetalloSoft <img src=""border="0">
sLyrics v1.0.3
sLyrics v1.0.3 sLyrics lets you search and download song lyrics from a huge database. It also allows you to search the text within the lyrics. The program uses the ChartLyrics API from the ChartLyrics website. Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10. Probably works, but not tested, on Windows XP/Vista. v1.0.3 - 2017-05-24 * Small tweaks now that the API is back online. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,327 Dec 27, 2018
Jody Holmes <img src=""border="0">
SmartContextMenu v1.3.4
SmartContextMenu v1.3.4 A free, smart context menu for all windows in the system. SmartContextMenu adds a context menu to all windows in the system. It supports all types of windows, including windows without a system menu. How To Use: Run the file SmartContextMenu.exe. Move the mouse cursor to the necessary window and use the hotkeys Ctrl + Right Mouse Button. All the menu settings and hotkeys can be changed in the settings dialog of the system tray, as well as in the file SmartContextMenu.xml. Available Menu Items: • Information. Shows a dialog with information of the current window and process: the window handle, the window caption, the window style, the window class, the process name, the process id, the path to the process. • Aero Glass. Allows to add the "Aero Glass" blur to the current window. (Windows Vista and higher. Mostly for console windows.) • Always On Top. Allows the current window to stay on top of all other windows. • Borderless. Allows you to turn your windowed games into "Borderless" mode. • Dimmer. Dims all but the currently focused window. • Hide. Allows to hide the current window. • Roll Up. Allows to roll up and down the current window. • Send To Bottom. Allows to send to bottom the current window. • Save Screenshot. Allows to save the current window screenshot in a file. • Open File In Explorer. Allows to open a process file in a File Explorer. • Click Through. Allows to click through the current window. • Hide For Alt+Tab. Allows to hide the current window for the Taskbar and Alt+Tab ...
5/5 611 May 16, 2024
Alexander Illarionov <img src=""border="0">
SmartDeblur 1.27
SmartDeblur 1.27 SmartDeblur is a tool for restoring defocused and blurred images. Written in C++ using Qt 4.8. Algorithm based on several deconvolution techniques (Wiener, Tikhonov, Total Variation prior). Supported defect types are: Out of Focus blur (with kernel deep tuning) Motion blur Gaussian blur SmartDeblur uses the FFTW library to provide its fast fourier tranformation implementation. See for details. All source files are under the GPL v3 license. Features High speed. Processing a 2048*1500 pixel image takes about 300ms in the Preview mode (when adjustment sliders can move). But high-quality processing may take a few minutes Real-time parameters changes applying (without any preview button) Full resolution processing (without small preview window) Deep tuning of kernel parameters Easy and friendly user interface Help screen with image example Deconvolution methods: Wiener, Tikhonov, Total Variation prior
5/5 5,126 Apr 03, 2017
Vladimir Yuzhikov <img src=""border="0">
SmartFix v2.4.10.0
SmartFix v2.4.10.0 An effective program for quick automatic troubleshooting. SmartFix automatically fixes the most common problems and even cures your computer from unknown malware, which antivirus cannot find. After integration SmartFix is available in the Start menu and in the Recovery Environment on the F8 at boot time for WinXP and above. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,170 Sep 06, 2023
simplix <img src=""border="0">
SmartSniff v2.29 32bit
SmartSniff v2.29 32bit SmartSniff is a network monitoring utility that allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS) SmartSniff provides 3 methods for capturing TCP/IP packets : Raw Sockets (Only for Windows 2000/XP or greater): Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on your network without installing a capture driver. This method has some limitations and problems. WinPcap Capture Driver: Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on all Windows operating systems. (Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) In order to use it, you have to download and install WinPcap Capture Driver from this Web site. (WinPcap is a free open-source capture driver.) This method is generally the preferred way to capture TCP/IP packets with SmartSniff, and it works better than the Raw Sockets method. Microsoft Network Monitor Driver (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by SmartSniff, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options: Option 1: Install it from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the instructions in Microsoft Web site Option 2 (XP Only) : Download and install the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools. One of the tools in this package is netcap.exe. When you run this tool in the first time, the Network Monitor Driver will automatically be installed on your system. ...
5/5 8,217 Nov 19, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
SmartSniff v2.29 64bit
SmartSniff v2.29 64bit SmartSniff is a network monitoring utility that allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS) SmartSniff provides 3 methods for capturing TCP/IP packets : Raw Sockets (Only for Windows 2000/XP or greater): Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on your network without installing a capture driver. This method has some limitations and problems. WinPcap Capture Driver: Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on all Windows operating systems. (Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) In order to use it, you have to download and install WinPcap Capture Driver from this Web site. (WinPcap is a free open-source capture driver.) This method is generally the preferred way to capture TCP/IP packets with SmartSniff, and it works better than the Raw Sockets method. Microsoft Network Monitor Driver (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by SmartSniff, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options: Option 1: Install it from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the instructions in Microsoft Web site Option 2 (XP Only) : Download and install the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools. One of the tools in this package is netcap.exe. When you run this tool in the first time, the Network Monitor Driver will automatically be installed on your system. ...
5/5 4,762 Nov 19, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
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