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ShellMenuView 64bit v1.30
ShellMenuView 64bit v1.30 ShellMenuView is a small utility that display the list of static menu items that appeared in the context menu when you right-click a file/folder on Windows Explorer, and allows you to easily disable unwanted menu items. System Requirements ShellMenuView works properly on any version of Windows starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 10. You can also use ShellMenuView on Windows 98 for viewing the menu items list, but the disable/enable feature won't work on this version of Windows. (The disabling feature is achieved by adding 'LegacyDisable' key to the desired menu item in the Registry, and this Registry key is not supported by Windows 98) Some of the menu items in the context menu of Explorer are created dynamically using shell extensions. In these cases, you can use the ShellExView utility to disable them. Versions History Version 1.30 Fixed the extension column: For Menu items that are currently not assigned to any file extension, the extension column now remains empty. Added 'UserChoice Key' column. If the value is 'Yes', it means that the reference to the menu item is found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\[File Extension]\UserChoice Added 'Registry Key' column. Added 'Hide Items Without File Extension' option.
0/5 6,278 Sep 17, 2015
Nirsoft <img src=""border="0">
shutdownBlocker 1.2.2
shutdownBlocker 1.2.2 shutdownBlocker.exe is simple program that intercepts and blocks shutdown / restart / logoff commands. It protects from user mistakes, poorly designed installers (those lacking a 'restart later' option), and even windows itself (looking at you, 10). It works by registering a ShutdownBlockReasonCreate() reason and objecting to WM_QUERYENDSESSION messages. It can optionally be set to consume all calls to shutdown.exe and MusNotification.exe (among other things, this blocks Windows 10 Update restarts); but this requires running the app as an administrator. A full rundown on how this stuff works is below the changelog. Usage Notes Requirements: .NET Framework 4.0 or better; Get it from Microsoft. Instructions: Unpack the app to a folder; run it. (A settings file will be created in the program folder.) Then click the Block or Allow button. If you wish to block shutdown.exe or MusNotification.exe restarts (to suppress Windows Update restarts), you will need to run the program as an administrator. As of v1.2 We automatically ask the OS for this (you'll get a UAC prompt); The app will also warn you if it's not been run as a admin. The program must be kept running to work. You can send it to the notification tray by using the 'Hide' button, the escape key, or if upper right close button. Optionally you can hide the tray icon (in settings) for completely invisible operation. You can have the program start up automatically via a check-box in settings; this uses a scheduled task for auto-start. Remember though, if you move the app, you should re-create the scheduled task (Uncheck 'start with windows', hit ok, then check it again). Command Line Usage: -startHidden If an instance of the program is not already running, starts the program and immediately hides it. -block ...
5/5 5,232 Mar 19, 2017 <img src=""border="0">
ShutdownWithUpdates v1.2.4.0
ShutdownWithUpdates v1.2.4.0 Install Pre-Downloaded Updates and Shutdown System. Command line utility that initiates installation of pre-downloaded updates on the Windows system and reboots, or shuts it down. This tool can also reboot (or shut down) your computer without installation of updates, or perform actions on condition of updates being ready for a restart. Optionally, this tool allows to specify a boot into advanced boot options menu in Windows 8/10. Note that if Windows updates were not downloaded prior to calling this utility, the OS will simply perform a power operation similar to the Microsoft's shutdown tool. Windows Vista/7/8/10 &amp; Windows Server 2008/R2/2012/R2/2016 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,641 May 27, 2021
Dennis Babkin <img src=""border="0">
SideSlide v5.78
SideSlide v5.78 An advanced, portable, unobtrusive, dockable, skinnable, instantly accessible, highly configurable Desktop Extension on Steroids! SideSlide keeps your desktop clutter-free and organizes your PC life in a unique and personalized way. With dynamic containers, a full featured keyboard launcher and various innovative features, SideSlide lets you get instant access to everything you have and much more. SideSlide is the program launcher you never knew you needed, with the ability to contain and organize a bewildering amount of information. This program respects your system and keeps all of its configuration files in a single folder. SideSlide is completely free. It doesn't contain adware/spyware or bundled with any 3rd party software. Dock and hide SideSlide to any screen edge. Browse through your favorite RSS news feeds, keep shortcuts to files, folders and URLs you frequently visit and execute various commands quicker than ever. Add multiple notes and picture slideshows, schedule reminders, save web snippets and more. Customize the workspace to emphasize the things you use the most and make more information accessible without occupying precious screen space. By using containers you can shrink and fold to organize your projects, downloading ready-made containers from an online library, linking containers to actual folders on disk, detaching containers from the workspace to claim additional space, various ways of launching multiple shortcuts at the same time, shortcut tags, zooming in and out of shortcuts, news feed reader, advanced keyboard navigation and launcher, different skins, picture containers, quick expression calculator and colored notes; SideSlide is designed to make a great deal of content instantly accessible and neatly organized. Main Features: Instantly accessible and adjustable workspace that stays out of your way until you need it. Add multiple shortcuts, commands, URLs, RSS news feeds, pictures, reminders and notes. Resizable, detachable, foldable and shrinkable containers extend ...
5/5 5,663 Sep 19, 2023
Northglide <img src=""border="0">
Simple Screen Recorder v1.2.5
Simple Screen Recorder v1.2.5 Simple, portable and easy to use screen recorder for Windows. Features • Screen recording in avi or mkv file format with a wide range of encoders, frames per second and bitrate • Possibility to record your microphone or desktop audio (or both at the same time) • Merge media files (mkv output format) • Keyboard shortcuts (video recording): F9 to start and stop recordings, F10 to open recordings folders and ESC to close the app • Audio recording separately • Grab the screen or output from any monitor connected to your PC • Availability in ten languages (English, Español, Français, Deutsch, Українська, 日本語, Português do Brasil, 中文(简体), العربية and Italiano) Requirements: • Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11 (64 bits) Uses: • .Net 7.0 • FFmpeg (ffmpeg-5.1.2-full_build-shared) How to use: • In the main screen recording window, select the audio input device that you want to use to record the audio track from the "Microphone (Mic/Aux)" dropdown menu. • Select the audio output device that you want to use to record the audio track from the "System sound (Desktop Audio)" dropdown menu. • Select the codec that you want to use from the "Encoder" dropdown menu. The available codecs are "MPEG-4", "H264 NVENC (Nvidia Graphics Cards)" and "H264 AMF (AMD Graphics Cards)". • Select the file format that you want to use from the "File Format" dropdown menu. The available formats are "MKV" and "AVI". I recommend using AVI. • Select the framerate that you want to use from ...
5/5 2,162 Oct 11, 2023
Lextrack <img src=" Screen Recorder1_th.png"border="0">
Simple Software-restriction Policy v2.20
Simple Software-restriction Policy v2.20 A software policy makes a powerful addition to Microsoft Windows' malware protection. In particular, it is more effective against ransomware than traditional approaches to security. If you know about the Linux 'execute permission' bit then you'll understand what this is for. The mode of operation is somewhat different in that execute permission is granted to folders and subfolders rather than individual files, but the intention is the same, to stop undesirable or unknown software from launching unless you OK it. Additionally, it is possible to specify that certain executables (typically browsers and email clients) are run with reduced rights. This is a valuable damage-limitation measure against browser plugin vulns, etc. The protection can be turned off without a reboot whilst installing legitimate software, and will automatically reactivate after a specified time Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,565 Nov 15, 2019
IWR Consultancy <img src=" Policy1_th.png"border="0">
Skype Classic v7.40.0.104
Skype Classic v7.40.0.104 Skype Classic is an older version of Skype before Microsoft went and screwed-up the interface. Download and return to a better, warm and cozy version. Be sure to remove your newer version of Skype first. When installing this version, uncheck the Bing toolbar install unless you want it. Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/Windows 10 32-bit program. Can run on both a 32-bit and 64-bit OS. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,512 Jun 28, 2019
Microsoft Corp. <img src=""border="0">
SlunkCrypt v1.3.2
SlunkCrypt v1.3.2 An experimental cross-platform cryptography library. SlunkCrypt is an experimental cross-platform cryptography library and command-line tool. A fully-featured GUI is provided for the Windows platform. Encryption algorithm The SlunkCrypt algorithm is based on core concepts of the well-known Enigma machine but with numerous improvements, largely inspired by R. Anderson’s “A Modern Rotor Machine”: The original Enigma machine had only three (or, in some models, four) rotors, plus a static “reflector” wheel. In SlunkCrypt, we uses 256 simulated rotors for an improved security. Furthermore, the original Enigma machine supported only 26 distinct symbols, i.e. the letters A to Z. In SlunkCrypt, we use 256 distinct symbols, i.e. the byte values 0x00 to 0xFF, which allows the encryption (and decryption) of arbitrary streams of bytes, rather than just plain text. Of course, SlunkCrypt can encrypt (and decrypt) text files as well. In the original Enigma machine, the signal passes through the rotors twice, once in forward direction and then again in backwards direction – thus the “reflector” wheel. This way, the Enigma’s encryption was made involutory, i.e. encryption and decryption were the same operation. While this was highly convenient, it also severely weakened the cryptographic strength of the Enigma machine, because the number of possible permutations was reduced drastically! This is one of the main reasons why the Enigma machine eventually was defeated. In SlunkCrypt, the signal passes through the simulated rotors just once, in order to maximize the number of possible permutations. This eliminates the most important known weakness of the Enigma machine. Obviously, in SlunkCrypt, separate “modes” for encryption and decryption need to be provided, since encryption and decryption no longer are the same operation. In the original Enigma machine, the rightmost rotor was moved, by one step, after every symbol. Meanwhile, all ...
5/5 1,902 Nov 18, 2024
LoRd MuldeR <img src=""border="0">
SmartSniff v2.30
SmartSniff v2.30 Capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS) SmartSniff provides 3 methods for capturing TCP/IP packets : 1) Raw Sockets (Only for Windows 2000/XP or greater): Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on your network without installing a capture driver. This method has some limitations and problems. 2) WinPcap Capture Driver: Allows you to capture TCP/IP packets on all Windows operating systems. (Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) In order to use it, you have to download and install WinPcap Capture Driver from this Web site. (WinPcap is a free open-source capture driver.) This method is generally the preferred way to capture TCP/IP packets with SmartSniff, and it works better than the Raw Sockets method. 3) Microsoft Network Monitor Driver (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by SmartSniff, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options: • Option 1: Install it from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the instructions in Microsoft Web site • Option 2 (XP Only) : Download and install the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools. One of the tools in this package is netcap.exe. When you run this tool in the first time, the Network Monitor Driver will automatically be installed on your system. 4) Microsoft Network Monitor Driver 3: ...
5/5 5,042 Jul 15, 2024
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
SmarTTY v3.1.7
SmarTTY v3.1.7 Free multi-tabbed SSH client. From the authors: Ivan Shcherbakov- Today we are proud to release SmarTTY 3.0 – our free multi-tabbed SSH client. In this version we have redesigned the main window to look better on modern high resolution displays and introduced the new smart terminal mode that greatly boosts the productivity of work done over SSH by extending the normal terminal experience with a few useful graphical elements: In this post I will give you an overview of the new features. Windows-like Command Line Editing The text editing experience in a Linux console is different from editing a text document in a Windows editor like Notepad++: different keyboard shortcuts, limited mouse support, and small annoyances like line breaks interfering with copy/pasting commands. We decided to solve this once and for all and added a new Smart Tab mode to SmarTTY 3.0. Unlike the regular SSH tabs where SmarTTY simply forwards your keyboard and mouse events to the Linux system and expects it to handle them, Smart Tabs work in a more clever way. When a Smart Tab is open, SmarTTY will understand whether you are editing a command line, or running a command via SSH. When you are editing a command line, smart tabs will offer you the regular Windows text editing experience with selecting words via Ctrl+Shift+Arrow, using mouse to move the cursor, undo/redo shortcuts, etc. SmarTTY knows exactly where the command line area starts and the output of the previous command ends and won’t let you accidentally cross that boundary. E.g. pressing Ctrl-A will select the entire command line, but not the any other text: Once you hit Enter, SmarTTY will switch into the command running mode, offering the regular terminal emulation just like any other SSH client. This is possible because the SSH protocol allows running individual commands and ...
5/5 3,778 Dec 10, 2019 <img src=""border="0">
Social Fixer v27.2.0
Social Fixer v27.2.0 Customize and Enhance Facebook! Social Fixer for Facebook plugs into your browser and improves the existing web site. You get to pick which features you want to use: Hide Sponsored Posts Auto-switch to the Most Recent news feed Hide Politics! (click here for details) Filter your news feed by keyword, author, and more Friend Manager notifies you when you've been unfriended and more Tabbed news feed organizes posts by games, apps, author Hide parts of the page you don't want to see Don't show posts again once you've read them Filter Your News Feed Powerful filtering capabilities allow you to create rules that process the posts in your feed. Hide stories by keyword, author, application, etc. Organize your feed into tabs to group posts into categories. Advanced users can even apply HTML classes to posts that match rules, and add CSS styles to customize how they appear. You're in control. Filter Subscriptions Filters are powerful, but not everyone will understand how to create them. Luckily you don't have to! Social Fixer supplies a number of pre-made Filter Subscriptions for you that you can simply add with one click. As Facebook changes, Filter Subscriptions are automatically updated for you in the background, so you never have to tweak them to keep them working correctly. Hide "Sponsored" Stories (Ads) One of the pre-made filters you can simply select is to hide "Sponsored" stories in your news feed, aka ads. Since Social Fixer works at the code level, it can see and hide posts that other tools like AdBlock can't. Hide Politics Another pre-made filter you can click to add filters posts related to the 2016 U.S. Election and Politics. One click removes all the political junk from your news feed, so you can stay friends with people without seeing their political opinions. Fix "Enter" in Comments Force the "Enter" key to create a new line in ...
5/5 3,965 Jul 30, 2021
Matt Kruse <img src=" Fixer1_th.png"border="0">
Sokoban YASC v1.672
Sokoban YASC v1.672 Yet Another Sokoban Clone - for Windows. A wealth of features, e.g., deadlock detection, reverse mode, and replay mode. Good import functions and highly configurable, e.g., skins. Tools: Editor, solver, optimizer, generator, capture, duplicate finder. Features • Ergonomically perfected basic operations, e.g., • Drag-and-drop boxes and the pusher • Unlimited undo/redo • Superior gameplay features, e.g., • Reverse mode play - some levels are easier to solve backwards • Deadlock detection - get help avoiding trivial - and not so trivial - blunders • Snapshots - explore different paths, keeping them for later • Multiple views - play different paths simultaneously on the screen • Large skin collection • Professionally designed skins • Skins carefully optimized for the best gameplay experience • Import skins directly from several major Sokoban clones • High-quality tools • Editor - create your own levels • Solver - get help solving small levels • Optimizer - polish your solutions • Generator - generate new levels automatically • Capture - extract levels and skins from images with a few mouse clicks • Duplicate finder - compare your level collections, synchronize solutions • Runs on several operating systems • Sokoban YASC is a Microsoft Windows application • It can also run on many Unix-based operating systems by using the Wine compatibility layer Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,327 Aug 01, 2023
Brian Damgaard <img src=" YASC1_th.png"border="0">
SophiApp v1.0.97
SophiApp v1.0.97 A free, open-source app for fine-tuning Windows 10 and Windows 11. It offers a modern UI/UX, more than 130 unique tweaks, and shows how Windows can be configured without making any harm to the OS. System Requirements VersionMarketing nameBuildArchEditionsWindows 11 Insider Preview 23H22023 Update25206+Home/Pro/EnterpriseWindows 11 22H22022 Update22621+Home/Pro/EnterpriseWindows 11 21H222000.739+Home/Pro/EnterpriseWindows 10 22H22022 Update19045.2006+x64Home/Pro/EnterpriseWindows 10 21H2October 2021 Update19044.1706+x64Home/Pro/Enterprise/LTSC Core features Dynamic rendering UI—nothing is hardcoded; 👻 130+ tweaks; ⭐ SophiApp uses the MVVM pattern; Multithreading support; SophiApp is checked by the static analyzer, the license for which by courtesy of PVS-Studio; Big thanks to them for providing us the license. All builds are compiled in cloud via GitHub Actions You may compare a zip archive hash sum on the release page with the hash in cloud console in the Compress Files category to be sure that the archive wasn't spoofed (you have to be logged into you GitHub account to be able to view Actions logs); The app shows the actual state of every feature in the UI; Supports high resolutions; Has a built-in search engine; Functions can be found by searching by their headers and descriptions. GIF Supports dark &amp; light themes; The app can change its' theme instantly when you change your default Windows theme mode for apps. GIF Set up Privacy &amp; Telemetry; Turn off diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks; Set up UI &amp; Personalization; Uninstall OneDrive "correctly"; Uninstall ...
5/5 2,560 Sep 14, 2023
Sophia Community <img src=""border="0">
SpecialFoldersView v1.26 32bit
SpecialFoldersView v1.26 32bit Windows operating system have dozens of special folders that are used for storing application settings and files, storing Internet files, saving temporary files, storing shortcuts to other files, and so on. This utility displays the list of all special folders in your system, and allows you to easily jump to the right folder simply by double-clicking the folder item. You can also save the list of all folder paths into text/html/xml file. System Requirements This utility works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Versions History Version 1.26: Added 'Copy Environment String Path'. Using SpecialFoldersView SpecialFoldersView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - SpecialFoldersView.exe The main window of SpecialFoldersView displays the list of all special folders in your system. In order to open the desired folder in Explorer, simply double-click the desired folder item. Special Folders List Sample In the following example, you can find the list of all special folders in typical installation of Windows XP with 'Administrator' user. This list was created by using SpecialFoldersView: Folder Name Folder Path CSIDL CSIDL Name Application Data C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data 0x1a CSIDL_APPDATA CD Burning C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning 0x3b CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA Common Administrative Tools C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 0x2f CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS Common Application Data C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data 0x23 CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA Common Desktop C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop 0x19 CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY Common Documents C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents 0x2e CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS Common Favorites C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites 0x1f CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES Common Music C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music 0x35 CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC Common Pictures C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures 0x36 CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES Common Start Menu C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu 0x16 CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU Common Start Menu Programs C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs 0x17 CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS Common Startup C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 0x18 CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP Common Templates C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates 0x2d CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES Common Video C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Videos 0x37 CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO Cookies C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies 0x21 CSIDL_COOKIES Desktop C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop 0x10 CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY Favorites C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites 0x06 CSIDL_FAVORITES Fonts C:\WINDOWS\Fonts 0x14 CSIDL_FONTS History C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\History 0x22 CSIDL_HISTORY Local Application Data C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data 0x1c CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA My ...
5/5 9,081 Jan 12, 2022
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
SpecialFoldersView v1.26 64bit
SpecialFoldersView v1.26 64bit Windows operating system have dozens of special folders that are used for storing application settings and files, storing Internet files, saving temporary files, storing shortcuts to other files, and so on. This utility displays the list of all special folders in your system, and allows you to easily jump to the right folder simply by double-clicking the folder item. You can also save the list of all folder paths into text/html/xml file. System Requirements This utility works on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Versions History Version 1.26: Added 'Copy Environment String Path'. Using SpecialFoldersView SpecialFoldersView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - SpecialFoldersView.exe The main window of SpecialFoldersView displays the list of all special folders in your system. In order to open the desired folder in Explorer, simply double-click the desired folder item. Special Folders List Sample In the following example, you can find the list of all special folders in typical installation of Windows XP with 'Administrator' user. This list was created by using SpecialFoldersView: Folder Name Folder Path CSIDL CSIDL Name Application Data C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data 0x1a CSIDL_APPDATA CD Burning C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning 0x3b CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA Common Administrative Tools C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 0x2f CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS Common Application Data C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data 0x23 CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA Common Desktop C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop 0x19 CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY Common Documents C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents 0x2e CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS Common Favorites C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites 0x1f CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES Common Music C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music 0x35 CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC Common Pictures C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures 0x36 CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES Common Start Menu C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu 0x16 CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU Common Start Menu Programs C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs 0x17 CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS Common Startup C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 0x18 CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP Common Templates C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates 0x2d CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES Common Video C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Videos 0x37 CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO Cookies C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies 0x21 CSIDL_COOKIES Desktop C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop 0x10 CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY Favorites C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites 0x06 CSIDL_FAVORITES Fonts C:\WINDOWS\Fonts 0x14 CSIDL_FONTS History C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\History 0x22 CSIDL_HISTORY Local Application Data C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data 0x1c CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA My ...
5/5 9,097 Jan 12, 2022
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 1.6
Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 1.6 Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10. Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that’s free and clean. With the upcoming news about telemetry in Windows 7 and 8.1, Spybot Anti-Beacon has added support for those as well. Changelog: Spybot Anti-Beacon 1.6 now available December 5th, 2016 Many thanks for all the patience waiting for an update to Spybot Anti-Beacon! We spent a lot of time working on Spybot 3. And now that Spybot Anti-Beacon will also be integrated into Spybot 3, we found time to continue work. Today’s update to Anti-Beacon 1.6 will add two new immunizers and a few new blocked hosts. More updates are already pending since we’re actively working on this feature again (including a new look, but mostly focused on function of course)! Spybot Anti-Beacon 1.6 can be downloaded from here. Updates: Additional Telemetry Immunization Categories Additional Blocked Hosts Fixes: Immunization of Office 13/16 Telemetry Scheduled Tasks and Options is possible even if Microsoft Office is not installed (previously they appeared to immunize correctly, but the immunization could not be undone in Anti-Beacon) Don’t forget to always run Spybot Anti-Beacon as an administrator by right-clicking the downloaded installer, and choosing the option to “Run as administrator”. This will ensure that Anti-Beacon has the permissions it needs to function correctly.
5/5 6,487 Dec 06, 2016
Safer-Networking Limited <img src=""border="0">
SSD Scope v4.14
SSD Scope v4.14 Brings together the latest technology in determining the condition and optimizing performance of a Transcend SSD product. Developed for use with Transcend SSD products, Transcend SSD Scope is an advanced and user-friendly software that makes it easier than ever to maintain a healthy and efficient SSD. The useful features include: View Drive Information, View S.M.A.R.T. Status, Diagnostic Scan, Secure Erase, Firmware Update, TRIM Enable, Health Indicator and System Clone. Features View Drive Info &amp; S.M.A.R.T. Status Displays drive information and S.M.A.R.T. Status to monitor the Transcend's SSD health status. Monitors SSDs in RAID 0 and RAID 1 mode. Diagnostic Scan Performs an overall health evaluation of the data stored on your Transcend SSD. Secure Erase Use this function to permanently remove all data on the SSD. TRIM Detect and Enable Prevents future SSD performance degradation by completely removing unwanted data automatically. Firmware Update Use this function to update your Transcend SSD to the latest firmware version. Health Indicator Monitors the media wear-out level of a Transcend SSD. The value of a new SSD will show 100%, and decrease as the SSD is used. System Clone Copies data from your original drive including operating system (OS), programs, data to your new Transcend SSD drive. There's nothing to reinstall, no setup required, no data to transfer. System Requirements SSD Scope supports the following operating systems: • Microsoft Windows 7 or later • Administrator privileges required. Hardware Requirements • Desktop or Notebook computer with PCIe/SATA/USB port • SSD Scope supports the CFexpress 820 and the CFX650 when the cards are paired with the RDE2 and RDF2 card readers respectively. Supported Models Internal SSDs MTE250H / MTE250S / MTE240S / MTE220S / MTE110S/112S / MTE110Q / MTE400S / MTE300S / MTS832S / MTS830S / MTS825S / MTS820S / MTS800S / MTS600S / MTS430S / MTS425S / MTS420S / MTS400S / ...
5/5 1,327 May 10, 2023
Transcend Information, Inc. <img src=" Scope1_th.png"border="0">
SSE Setup v8.7
SSE Setup v8.7 SSE SetupTM is a freeware Windows installation creator that is easy, full-featured and mature. Installers run on Windows 10 and all relevant Windows OS's (you choose which) Installs both 32-bit and 64-bit programs NOT some complicated scripting language! (unlike many other installers) Create a fully functional installer in minutes (NOT days!) Handles the most common things automatically Creates small, efficient .EXE's or .ZIP's, or burns to CD/DVD Non-Admin (Limited/Standard user) install support Upgrade and patch support for installed programs Integrated Internet Updater solution that can download &amp; install needed updates Prerequisites checks to look for needed hardware / OS's / software Can download any required software (runtimes) your program needs For .NET installs, easy framework download if user needs For Access developers: Easy Access database deployment Built-in Language support for 12 of the world's most-used (multilanguage) Works well with UAC / Very "UAC Friendly" Customizable GUI and 7 presets to choose from Ability to digitally sign installer/uninstaller/your program's files Display license agreement that must be agreed to Install files &amp; shortcuts; modify registry Automatic DLL/OCX registration or font installation if needed Full Unicode support Complete context-sensitive help a button away Automatic removal of everything installed during uninstall Run external programs during install/uninstall Show welcome screen or custom messages Play audio files Associate filetypes with your ...
5/5 5,278 Nov 20, 2019
Chris Long <img src=" Setup1_th.png"border="0">
Starter v5.6.2.9
Starter v5.6.2.9 Starter is yet another startup manager for older versions of Microsoft Windows. As a primary purpose, Starter allows one to view and manage all the programs that are starting automatically whenever operating system is loading. It enumerates all the hidden registry entries, startup folders' items and some of the initialization files, so that the user could choose to temporarily disable selected entries, edit them, create new, or delete them permanently. Secondary purpose is to list all the running processes with possibility to view extended process' information (such as used DLLs, memory usage, thread count, priorities etc.), and to terminate selected process (even a Windows NT service, having enough access rights). Another one is Windows' services (and drivers) manager with some advanced features. Starter is a real Freeware and is not crippled in any way among the similar products. The user interface is pretty simple and has a lot of options that are self-explanatory. System requirements Microsoft Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista. There are no specific requirements except this one: registry operations on a Windows NT based operating system may require special access rights. As a rule, members of "Administrators" and "Power Users" groups are have nothing to worry about.
5/5 5,286 Jan 11, 2017
CodeStuff <img src=""border="0">
Stella v6.7.1
Stella v6.7.1 A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Stella was originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott, and is currently maintained by Stephen Anthony. Since its original release several people have joined the development team to port Stella to other operating systems such as AcornOS, AmigaOS, DOS, FreeBSD, IRIX, Linux, OS/2, MacOS, Unix, and Windows. The Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS), introduced in 1977, was the most popular home video game system of the early 1980's. Now you can enjoy all of your favorite Atari 2600 games on your PC thanks to Stella! This download is for the Binary ZIP (32-bit and 64-bit) for Windows 7/8/10/11 version. All other download assets are below: Windows: Binary installer (exe) for 64-bit Windows 7/8/10/11 Binary installer (exe) for 32-bit Windows 7/8/10/11 NOTE for Windows: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 is required. MacOS: Binary DMG for macOS (ARM M1 and 64-bit Intel) Linux: Binary 64-bit DEB for Ubuntu 20.04 Source: Source code tarball for all systems Miscellaneous / Extras: Complete distribution and port for the RetroN 77 Snapshot files for use in ROM launcher/ROM Info Viewer Additional snapshot files including box art for use in ROM launcher/ROM Info Viewer. Especially tailored for the RetroN 77 Application for calibrating Linux 'evdev' joysticks (useful to eliminate deadzone on Stelladaptor/2600-daptor devices) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 7,434 Feb 08, 2024
The Stella Team <img src=""border="0">
StepMania v5.1.0-b1
StepMania v5.1.0-b1 StepMania is a free and open source, cross-platform rhythm game. It supports common key-based rhythm game formats (including 4-panel and 5-panel dance games among others), as well as keyboard and dance pad controllers. It is customizable with user-made add-ons such as themes, and provides an integrated editor for creating your own simfiles. StepMania can also be used with dance game cabinets, and has been used as the basis for several major commercial products including Pump it Up Infinity and Step Maniax. Requirements: Windows users are expected to have installed the Microsoft Visual C++ x86 Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 prior to running the game. For those on a 64-bit operating system, grab the x64 redistributable as well. DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) is also required. Windows 7 is the minimum supported version. Mac OS X users need to have Mac OS X 10.6.8 or higher to run StepMania but it does not run on Catalina or higher. Linux users should receive all they need from the package manager of their choice. This download is for the Windows version. If you need the MacOS version, download here. If you need the Linux (v5.0.12) version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,261 Apr 09, 2021
stepmania <img src=""border="0">
StExBar v1.11.2
StExBar v1.11.2 A very helpful explorer add-on that's highly customizable StExBar: The ultimate tool for Windows Explorer Or what Microsoft forgot to implement in the Windows Explorer. Windows XP not supported StExBar requires Windows Vista or later. It won't work on Windows XP! StExBar provides many useful commands for your everyday use of Windows explorer. And you can add as many custom commands on your own as you like. The commands are not just available from the toolbar, but also via hotkeys and via a context menu! Have you ever needed to open a console window while you were using the explorer? And to have that console already set to the directory you're showing in explorer right now? Well, StExBar provides that with one simple mouseclick. There's also a hotkey defined for this: simply press Ctrl+M to open the console. A "lightweight" console is also available. Simply enter the command you like to execute into the edit box on the right of the StExBar and hit enter. The command will be executed in the system console. Have you ever needed to have the name or full path of one or more files in another application? Ctrl+C doesn't work here, that won't copy the file path but the file itself. StExBar comes to the rescue. It provides two commands, one to copy all selected file/foldernames to the clipboard, the other copies the whole paths of all selected items. To make it even more easier to use this, a hotkey is defined Ctrl+Shift+C which copies the selected paths. Creating new folders is a common task in explorer. But to actually do that, you have to right-click on a folder background, choose "New" from the context menu, wait until the submenu finally appears, then choose "Folder" from that submenu. Not anymore! StExBar provides you the same with one easy click. Or even faster ...
5/5 5,369 Feb 10, 2021
Stefan Küng <img src=""border="0">
Stop Resetting My Apps v1.7.0.0
Stop Resetting My Apps v1.7.0.0 As you may have already experienced, Windows 10 may periodically reset the default apps. The reset action usually takes place after a Windows update or an update of one of the Windows built-in apps such as Microsoft Edge, Photos or Groove Music. It may also be caused by a third party program. Default apps are the programs that are executed by default when you open a file or protocol. Resetting them without your consent can be extremely unconvenient, because it can take a lot of work to set them up again. Stop Resetting My Apps helps you to work around this issue by preventing some of those built-in apps from being set as the default apps. This does not affect the functionality of those apps. How it works Stop Resetting My Apps was designed to be straight forward and does not require any expertise. You just need to click or tap the tile of the built-in app you want to block. To unblock an app, just click or tap its tile again. Changes are instantly applied. When an app is blocked, it can not be set as the default app for any file extension or protocol. Stop Resetting My Apps will then display an icon overlay over that app's tile, allowing you to easily identify which apps are currently blocked. The icon overlay looks like this: Apps whose tile has the overlay are blocked, apps without the overlay are not blocked. Still not sure of what to block? Just block all the apps you don't use. If you decide to start using them later, you can unblock them just as easy. When you're done blocking default apps, just close Stop Resetting My Apps. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,400 Apr 08, 2020
Carifred <img src=" Resetting My Apps1_th.png"border="0">
StopSnooze v1.0.4
StopSnooze v1.0.4 Console app that stops Windows from sleeping. The program has several features which are implemented with switches. See usage screenshot below. Requirements 64-bit Windows with .NET 6.0 support. License StopSnooze is GPLv3. This download is for the Windows 64bit version. If you need the Windows arm64bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,091 May 29, 2022
S T Chan <img src=""border="0">
StopUpdates10 v4.6.2024
StopUpdates10 v4.6.2024 Take your Control over Windows updates with StopUpdates10 Free! StopUpdates10 has 2 modes: • Windows Updates 100% Bulleteproof Hard Block (with Double Protection). • Windows Updates Soft Block - Pause Updates until 11/18/2099 with ability update Windows Defender and Windows Store Apps. Features: • Stops Windows updates. • Stops forced upgrades. • Stops annoying upgrade notifications. • Restore updates with one-click. • Pauses updates. • Disables Windows 7-8 'End of support' and 'End of Service' notifications. Benefits: • Easy to disable and re-enable Windows updates. • StopUpdates10 does not delete files, does not change file rights or another destructive actions. • StopUpdates10 is lightweight. vStopUpdates10 is free of charge. What's the difference between 'stop updates' and 'pause updates'? • Stopping updates prevents downloading and installing any updates. • It blocks the Windows update service. • Pausing updates only block installing, not downloading, updates. • Microsoft allows you to pause updates for limited number of days and only once. • You can not pause updates again after resuming. StopUpdates10 removes limitations for pausing updates: • You can pause updates until up to 2099 year. • You can pause and resume updates as many times as you want. • You can set different pause date and time for Feature updates and for Quality updates. What's the difference between Feature updates and Quality updates? • Feature update is a new version of Windows. It is installed as an upgrade to the existing version with ...
5/5 4,385 Jul 12, 2024
Greatis Software <img src=""border="0">
Store Apps Tool v1.0
Store Apps Tool v1.0 Free tool to add Microsoft Windows Store apps to the Desktop's right-click context menu. The Microsoft Store app comes built into Windows and allows you to download and install dozens of apps and games. It’s possible to open any Microsoft Store app from Command Prompt , Run dialog box or PowerShell. You can also easily add any Microsoft Store application to the Windows Right Click (Context) Menu. But, to be able to do that, you need to know the app’s Package Family Name and App ID. A Package Family Name is an opaque string derived from only two parts of a package identity – name and publisher: < Name >_< PublisherId > For example, the Package Family Name of the Windows Photos app is : “Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe” Name: Microsoft.Windows.Photos Publisher ID: 8wekyb3d8bbwe There are many ways to find your app’s unique Package Family Name and App User Model ID : 1. You can use a powershell script. 2. You can find the AUMID by using File Explorer. 3. You can use the registry to find out the AUMID of an application that is installed for the current user. See the related Microsoft article for details on the above topics. But none of the above methods will give you the direct code for the execution of a store application. For this reason, we have coded a simple application called: Store Apps Tool. How to use Store Apps Tool 1. Download the software from the link at the end of the page and run the exe file that matches the architecture of your operating system. 2. For example, let’s run the Windows Alarm &amp; Clock application with the command, right click on the “Alarm &amp; Clock” in the software interface and click on “Copy Command“, that’s all. Where to use the execution codes of the Microsoft Store You can use the following ...
5/5 1,141 Sep 03, 2023 <img src=""border="0">
StorURL v3.0.35.0
StorURL v3.0.35.0 A bookmark manager that helps you to store links to all of your favorite websites in one central repository. It works with the browsers installed on your system so you can open your links in any web browser you’d like from one central interface. Import your bookmarks from most major browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. Open websites in any browser installed on your computer, directly from within StorURL. Store and sort sites in unlimited categories. Enable a floating toolbar that you can keep anywhere on your screen, for quick access to all your bookmarks. Generate HTML “home” pages containing links from one or all categories. Supported/Tested Operating Systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Changes: (Released: 2021-10-03) fixed bug where using the "Override system default browser" also overrode individual default browsers fixed bug where the Open URL button on the main toolbar ignored all specified browsers and launched the system default fixed mnemonic underlining in the Site Information panel fixed help browser so external links open in your system's default browser, instead of IE updated some documentation to be more clear about scanning URLs Prerequisites The following items are required for StorURL to run properly. .NET 3.5 TLS 1.2 support (Win 7 details) (broken links) .NET 3.5 TLS 1.2 support (Win7 32-bit) (direct download) .NET 3.5 TLS 1.2 support (Win7 64-bit) (direct download) .NET 3.5 TLS 1.2 support (Win8/10) .NET Framework Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC ...
5/5 5,455 Oct 04, 2021
HazteK Software <img src=""border="0">
sTray v1.0.1
sTray v1.0.1 Tiny, tray-based utility that gives you a completely configurable menu for quick access to: Shutdown Restart Switch user Log off Lock Sleep Hibernate Start screensaver Turn monitor off Switch default printer "I use Microsoft’s Remote Desktop (RDP) a lot for the various computers and VMs that I deal with. RDP works great but has one drawback and that is, for whatever reason Microsoft has, the normal shutdown and reboot commands are missing from the Start Menu when you’re working on a computer remotely. Yes, you can use the shutdown command via the commandline or you can click the taskbar and press Alt-F4, etc, but not everybody is comfortable using the commandline or remembers that hotkey. Hence, this simple utility." -Jody Holmes (Author) Supported OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 Changes: v1.0.1 - 2019-01-22 + Added a printers menu to easily set your default printer. (Thanks, c.gingerich) + Added "Start screensaver" option. (Thanks, mouser) + Added "Turn monitor off" option. + Added option to open the menu with a left-click on the tray icon. + Added ability to configure which items are in the menu and their order. (Thanks, Ath) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,403 Jul 02, 2020
Jody Holmes <img src=""border="0"> v0.5.8.0 v0.5.8.0 Mouse Gestures and More for Windows We all love shortcuts. Whether it's a faster route to work, pressing 0 to talk to a human being instead of listening to an automated menu, or your favorite Internet browser pinned to the Windows taskbar., the successor to StrokesPlus, is a completely free mouse gesture recognition utility for Windows which allows you to create powerful mouse gestures that save you time. With rocker support, modifiers, hot keys, macros, text expansion, and a robust ClearScript interface using the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine built right in, there's virtually no limit to what you can automate. Features: • Multiple Stroke Buttons supports an additional stroke button, so you can have different actions based on which stroke button is pressed. • Gesture Hints Real-time analysis of the current gesture displays what will be executed as you draw. Customize the hint popup's font, colors, location, and more. • Easy To Use Steps For simple (even complicated!) tasks or novice users, Steps allow you to get working right away without needing to learn scripting. • Powerful Script Engine Using Microsoft ClearScript and the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, opens up access to convenient built-in functions, and access to the Microsoft .NET Framework. • Touch and Pen Support Floaters enable quick access to fire actions using your finger or pen. Create custom floaters to place anywhere which can execute scripts, or act as a fixed key. • Text Expansion Create global or application specific text expansion tokens to quickly insert commonly used text, RTF, or HTML snippets. • Gesture Regions Define global or application level regions to perform different actions for the same gesture in different areas of the screen. • Hot Keys and Macros Create custom hot keys to execute scripts without using the mouse. Record mouse and keyboard ...
5/5 3,218 Jan 23, 2025 <img src=""border="0">
Super Grate v1.3.2.1
Super Grate v1.3.2.1 A free and open source Windows User Profile backup and migration utility. It can perform remote execution of Microsoft's USMT (User State Migration Tool) on any domain joined PC, or local execution on any non-joined PC. Configurable Easy to tweak, easy to configure. Make Super Grate work for you by changing one of the many configurable settings! Works Remotely Are all your computers joined to an Active Directory domain? Super Grate will be able to perform Migrations &amp; Backups over the network! Non Disruptive Tired of working around users' schedules? With Super Grate, the user will not even notice their profile is being Migrated or Backed up! Unified Super Grate can also be installed to a network share drive allowing all Super Grate users to experience the same settings and Backup Store. Compatible Enjoy Super Grate on most flavors of "Windows" from Windows 7 to Windows 11. Portable Install Super Grate directly to an external hard drive or thumb drive to take it with you on the go! Complete Nothing is left behind with Super Grate. Files, Media, Contacts, Emails, Windows Settings, Program Data &amp; Internet Settings are all accounted for. Free! Super Grate along with other Super Suite utilities will always be free to download and use! Documentation HERE. Changes: v1.3.2.1 11-4-21 Reduced an interval that determines if a remote process has finished from 3 seconds to 1/2 a second. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,448 Nov 05, 2021
Dylan Bickerstaff <img src=""border="0">
SuperMSConfig v1.4.0
SuperMSConfig v1.4.0 MSConfig of our dreams... An advanced and fully automated alternative to the traditional MSConfig tool. We all know MSConfig, the tool that helps you manage some system settings. SuperMSConfig takes things a step further by automating many of these tasks Built specifically for Windows 11, it not only enhances system configuration but also customizes your system right after installation by revisiting the Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE), ensuring your Windows setup starts off perfectly. What Does SuperMSConfig Do? While MSConfig traditionally allows you to manage startup settings and system drivers, SuperMSConfig goes much further: • Reconfigures Windows 11 OOBE: SuperMSConfig revisits the out-of-box setup, letting you fine-tune the Windows 11 post-installation experience. Whether it’s disabling intrusive features or optimizing services, it provides full control over how your system behaves immediately after setup. • Automates MSConfig: It streamlines and automates MSConfig tasks, eliminating the hassle of manual configuration. SuperMSConfig scans your system to detect unnecessary startup apps, services, and system tweaks—cleaning up what slows down your PC. • Comprehensive System Checker: It checks for Windows 11’s bad habits—unwanted services, sneaky startup programs, intrusive browser settings, system configurations, unwanted updates, security settings, ads, and much more. How SuperMSConfig Enhances Windows 11’s OOBE Unlike the default Windows 11 setup, which can leave unnecessary features enabled by default, SuperMSConfig revisits the Out-of-Box Experience after installation, giving you control over: • Disabling annoying ads and unwanted telemetry • Tweaking system settings for better performance and privacy • Optimizing configurations that Windows leaves on by default, improving your user experience right from the start How to Use 1) Open SuperMSConfig. 2) Click "Check" to start scanning your system for bad habits. 3) Review the issues ...
5/5 258 Oct 04, 2024
Builtbybel <img src=""border="0">
Svchost Viewer v0.5
Svchost Viewer v0.5 A free program to see what all those svchost.exe are running. A Windows program that has been designed to reveal the services behind specific svchost.exe processes on machines running Windows. The software program of choice to analyze processes is Process Explorer from Sysinternals (usually), and while it is the go-to program for many, its feature richness and functionality can be quite intimidating at first. Yes, there are other applications that do the same but Process Explorer is probably the application that most professionals and tech-savvy Windows users use for that purpose. Note: Microsoft changed how svchost processes are displayed on Windows 10. The operating system lists one process for each svchost item, and reveals what it is so that it is a lot easier to find out what a process does. The svchost process caused lots of confusion in the past as users did not know why why several svchost.exe processes were running on the system when they opened the Windows Task Manager or another process viewer. The services under each svchost process are listed in the left pane, a click opens detailed information about each service on the right larger pane of the application. It details the amount of computer memory a svchost process is using as well as a description and program path of the services it has spawned. Features • No installation required. • Only requirement is that you have .net installed (ver 2.0 or newer). • Work in Windows XP to latest Windows OS. • Coded in C# Note: This program has 2 hits on VirusTotal. These are false positives. The program has been tested and is safe. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,154 Oct 08, 2023
Boss-beep <img src=""border="0">
Synfig Studio v1.4.4
Synfig Studio v1.4.4 Open-source 2D Animation Software for Windows, Linux and MacOSX As you probably know, animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images in order to create an illusion of movement. Traditionally 2D animation is created by drawing each displayed image individually. Those images are called "frames" and thus such method is called "frame-by-frame animation". To create a good illusion of movement you need to draw many frames, that's why this method requires a lot of time and resources. "Synfig Studio" is an open-source 2D vector animation software. It is designed to produce film-quality animation with less people and resources. Synfig Studio is built to eliminate the need to draw each frame individually. There are two techniques for that: Morphing animation Cutout animation Morphing is a technique that takes two images and creates a smooth transition between them. In the process of morphing, one shape is deformed into another and this transformation is usually defined by control points. In Synfig Studio images are constructed from vector shapes and the morphing is done automatically. This allows us to create animations by drawing only the key positions at relatively wide time intervals. You need only to draw a few frames as needed to create a basic sense of motion for the scene, and Synfig Studio will create the in-between frames. Cutout animation is created by splitting objects into parts and applying some simple transformations to them (like translation, rotation or scale) at different moments of time. Synfig Studio uses those values to interpolate the motion for in-between frames. Cutout animation can be produced from bitmap images or vector graphics. Synthesis and other functionalities In both cases the role of Synfig Studio is to fill the gaps between the drawn frames (also called "keyframes") and produce smooth and fluid ...
5/5 2,986 Apr 03, 2023
Synfig <img src=" Studio1_th.png"border="0">
System Font Bold v1.0.0.1
System Font Bold v1.0.0.1 With Build 1809 of Windows 10, Microsoft has introduced a system font size setting option, which made the text information displayed on the screen easier to read. The setting of other font attributes is not supported. The System Font Bold software grants access to further system font settings. It allows you to display the system fonts of traditional Windows programs in bold. Setting the special fonts of Windows 10 apps is not yet possible. You can find more information on the issues related to Windows 10 system font settings, related WinTools.Info tools, and their comparison in this article. System Font Bold is free to use and doesn’t require installation. It supports Windows 7/8/10 operating systems. It provides a unique option to make the text displayed easier to read in Build 1809 of Windows 10 and newer operating systems. MD5: b96ba06a4b678bbc69f03cfcfbbc7f2b Version: - Date: 2020-01-10 Add: Light/dark theme Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,850 Jan 13, 2020
WinTools <img src=""border="0">
System Font Size Changer v1.4.0.30
System Font Size Changer v1.4.0.30 System Font Size Changer is a text display repair tool. It enables to change the font sizes used by the system. The program was created as a consequence of the fact that Microsoft has removed this option in the Windows 10 Creators Update version. It is a fundamental problem of Windows operating systems that the default font sizes used by the system are quite small when using a high resolution display setting, thus making reading difficult. In previous Windows versions there was a customization option for this. Another issue with the Windows 10 Creators Update is that in upgrade installation mode the previously set font sizes return to default, that is, to small size. Thus the problem of system font size is inevitable if someone is installing the new Windows or upgrading to it. Advantages of System Font Size Changer: Enables the setting of system font sizes in the Windows 10 operating system (Windows 10 Creators Update, Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and Windows 10 2018 April Update) Creates backup when first started Six system font sizes can be set (Title bar, Menu, Message box, Palette title, Icon, Tooltip) Settings can be exported Doesn’t require installation Black and white theme Free to use It supports Windows 7/8/10 operating systems New: Windows 10 November 2019 Update ready System Font Size Changer - Changelog Version: - Date: 2019-06-21 Add: Tip Change: Tools menu item Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,123 Dec 16, 2019
WinTools <img src=""border="0">
System Time 1.0
System Time 1.0 System Time is a free system time information utility for Microsoft Windows platform. System Time features: • Watch the amount of, CPU Idle time, Kernel Time, User Time • Watch the system's up time and the last boot date. • Watch the system date time, compare to the internet official date time and sync your PC with the internet time • Select the network time protocol pool • Enabling the network time protocol requires internet connectivity, if internet date time is not displayed or displayed incorrectly, disable internet date time using the check box, select a different NTP pool and enable internet date time again. System Time is a portable application, installation is not needed, just unzip and execute SysTime.exe, it can run from any folder or removable drive. Supported OS: Windows platform (32/64)
5/5 5,287 Feb 11, 2017
LeeLu Soft <img src=""border="0">
SysTools Outlook PST Viewer v4.5
SysTools Outlook PST Viewer v4.5 Open and Preview MS Outlook All Items Without Outlook Installation Preview Outlook Emails, Contacts, Calendars, Tasks, Notes, Journals Allows you to view &amp; read Outlook emails along with attachments Dual file scanning modes: Quick scan &amp; Advance Scan to Open PST File No 2GB file size limitation: Scan &amp; view PST file of any size Bulk Support : View Multiple PST Files Simultaneously View and Open .bak file of Scanpst.exe without MS Outlook Supports PST File of Outlook 2016 &amp; Below Version Outlook PST Viewer Supports Outlook 2016 (32 &amp; 64 bit), 2013 (32 &amp; 64 bit), 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 versions. No MS Outlook Installation or Configuration required for PST Viewer System Specifications Support Windows 10 &amp; All Below Windows Processor : 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz is recommended) RAM : 2 GB of RAM is recommended Disk Space: 50 MB of free hard disk space Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or above is required to be installed in your machine Application Pre-Requisites If you are using Windows 10/8.1/8/7 or Vista, then please launch the tool as "Run as Administrator". Supported Versions Microsoft Windows – 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, or Windows 7/8/8.1/10, 2008/2012 (32-bit &amp; 64-bit)/10 MS Outlook – Outlook 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010(32/64 bit), 2013 (32/64 bit), 2016 (32/64-bit)
5/5 9,254 May 05, 2019
SysTools Software <img src=""border="0">
TAGAP 3 v2.6 (The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins)
TAGAP 3 v2.6 (The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins) 2006 – IAU ridicules Pluto by revoking its planetary status 2015 – NASA's New Horizons probe tries to spy on Pluto 20XX – Planet Pluto responds And that response is a declaration of war. The only thing standing in between the approaching space penguin army and the unsuspecting Earth is one cyber-penguin, Pablo. Of course, thanks to their Prophet, the Pluto Conclave knows this – and Pablo is thrown into a prison cell before he has any idea of what's going on. Now, stranded in a prison cell on an alien world, Pablo has to escape, save the world and somehow get back home. Oh, and in TAGAP 3 You are Pablo. Good luck! Key features Explore an alien world Pluto is a detailed world of alien penguins, deadly robots and bonkers plot developments. Colourful rogues gallery Pluto's rulers and their minions will stop at nothing to stop Pablo and everyone who dares to ally with him! Out-of-this-world arsenal Pablo has to assemble and master the use of a brand new arsenal of weapons; weaponise everything from MIRVs and auto-aiming bullets to metal scrap and theremin sound waves! TAGAP goes HD! TAGAP goes full HD with super-fast 3D accelerated 2D goodness, combined with high-quality audio and a massive, two-hour soundtrack of space funk! Expanded mod support Almost all objects that were hard-coded in the previous games are now modifiable via scripting. Characters: Pablo Pablo is a cyber-penguin genetically built from scratch, grown to be a combat expert and used in vile drug experiments. Instead of joining forces with his creator, the mad scientist Dr. Glowenko, Pablo used his powers for good. Indeed, ...
5/5 4,297 Nov 24, 2020
Jouni Lahtinen <img src=""border="0">
TCP Handshake Connection Tester v2.5.2.1
TCP Handshake Connection Tester v2.5.2.1 Check for completion of the standard TCP 3-way handshake and connection time between a local interface IP address and a target host. TCPConTest.exe also lets you check the selected network interface for IP packet errors. SHA-256: ea2ce65a7e6319fe586e298e8f16dbe457e7c156391019a18e0ec3da586fc060 Minimum system requirements Microsoft Windows 10® 64-bit, Build 18363.1256 • .NET 5.0 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,147 Jul 17, 2021
Steve Chaison Software <img src=" Connection Tester_th.png"border="0">
tcpTrigger v1.2.4
tcpTrigger v1.2.4 tcpTrigger is a Windows service intended to notify you of incoming network connections. You specify a TCP port to monitor and an action to take. Actions taken include: sending a notification email and/or launching an external application or script. Your action will then be triggered each time an incoming connection is attempted on your specified port. Notes .NET 3.5 or greater is required to run the service. .NET 4.5 or greater is required to run the graphical configuration editor. The installer does not do a prerequisites check, so make sure you have the required .NET frameworks. The pre-compiled installer is not code-signed, so you will get a scary warning when you run it. My build environment is Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 and WiX Toolset v3.10. Features Intrusion Detection For a simple, yet effective, internal intrusion detection system, deploy tcpTrigger. Attackers who are unfamiliar with your network, must first map out live hosts and running services. This is typically accomplished with a port scanner, such as Nmap. An intruder cannot steal sensitive documents without first discovering your file servers, and they cannot dump your user mailboxes without first discovering your email servers. If your tcpTrigger system gets probed, you will be alerted of the intrusion. Your tcpTrigger system can alert on incoming ICMP echo requests or on connections to any TCP port. You can monitor ports with existing services or even ports with nothing listening. Detection works the same whether the port is open or closed. It will even detect 'half-open' connections used by most port scanners. For an IDS deployment in an enterprise environment, install tcpTrigger on a dedicated system and configure it to ...
5/5 5,447 Nov 13, 2019
Ryan Smith <img src=""border="0">
TCPView v4.14
TCPView v4.14 TCP connection analysis TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint. TCPView provides a more informative and conveniently presented subset of the Netstat program that ships with Windows. Using TCPView When you start TCPView it will enumerate all active TCP and UDP endpoints, resolving all IP addresses to their domain name versions. You can use a toolbar button or menu item to toggle the display of resolved names. TCPView shows the name of the process that owns each endpoint, including the service name (if any). By default, TCPView updates every second, but you can use the Options|Refresh Rate menu item to change the rate. Endpoints that change state from one update to the next are highlighted in yellow; those that are deleted are shown in red, and new endpoints are shown in green. You can close established TCP/IP connections (those labeled with a state of ESTABLISHED) by selecting File|Close Connections, or by right-clicking on a connection and choosing Close Connections from the resulting context menu. You can save TCPView's output window to a file using the Save menu item. Using Tcpvcon Tcpvcon usage is similar to that of the built-in Windows netstat utility: Usage: cmd tcpvcon [-a] [-c] [-n] [process name or PID] Using Tcpvcon Parameter Description -a Show all endpoints (default is to show established TCP connections). -c Print output as CSV. -n Don't resolve addresses. Runs on: Client: Windows 8.1 and higher. Server: Windows Server 2012 and higher. This download is for the Microsoft version. If you need the portableapps version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,651 Aug 19, 2021
Mark Russinovich <img src=""border="0">
Tera Term v4.106
Tera Term v4.106 An open source, free software terminal emulator supporting UTF-8 and SSH2 protocols. Features: Serial port connections. TCP/IP (telnet, SSH1, SSH2) connections. Log replaying. Named pipe connection. IPv6 communication. VT100 emulation and selected VT200/300 emulation. TEK4010 emulation. File transfer protocols (Kermit, XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, B-PLUS and Quick-VAN). Scripts using the "Tera Term Language". Japanese, English, Russian, Korean and UTF-8 character sets. UTF-8 character encoding. Message catalog(Japanese, English, German, French, Russian, Korean and Chinese). Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 95 (*1) (*2) (*3) (*4) Microsoft Windows 98, 98 Second Edition Microsoft Windows Me Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP6 (*2) (*4) Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Vista Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2003 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 10 2021.6.5 (Ver 4.106) Changes Increased max width of window from 500 to 1000 chars. Serial port connection Removed the 1.5 stop bit in the serial port setup. Removed the "1.5" name from the StopBit entry in the teraterm.ini file. ...
5/5 2,796 Jul 29, 2021
TeraTerm Project <img src=" Term1_th.png"border="0">
Terminal Wings 2.0
Terminal Wings 2.0 Give wings to your insipid Windows Terminal. Have you ever been dreaming about having a marvelous Microsoft Windows Terminal, something that's at the same time beautiful, time saving and better to organize when you need to work on several terminals at the same time. Don’t search furthermore: Terminal Wings is the application you were searching for. Already in its very first version it's very complete and powerful. Imagine what power you could harness in the near future. How does it work? Contrary to other applications which simply try to replicate the same efficiency of the embedded Windows Terminal coded by Microsoft, our Terminal Wings is not such an emulator which “Hooks” the process of a real terminal to 'copy/paste' the screen buffer and display its contents to the custom application frame. It also doesn't create virtual pipes to redirect output/input buffers (stdout ; stdin ; stderror) to capture send and capture terminal commands. The reason we don’t use both above methods is due to the instability of such methods. When you execute regular commands it works pretty fine, but when it comes to use more complex console programs it become quite unstable (depending of the emulator you use). So , what is our solution? Very basically, we do not emulate the Windows Terminal at all, but we use the real one. We Patch the window and associated messages and embed it into our own frame. Well, this might sound very easy, but in effect it is quite complex to code if you want to make it appear very smoothly. Important Notice: At this moment in time, the application is only available for Microsoft Windows 10. Depending on the initial success of this program, we might be tempted to support other Windows versions too. Current Functions Available Multi Tabs : Organise your terminals using ...
5/5 5,487 Nov 15, 2019
Phrozen Software <img src=" Wings1_th.png"border="0">
Text to MP3 Converter v1.8
Text to MP3 Converter v1.8 Free tool to convert text to speech Text to Speech (MP3) Easily convert your text into speech. Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos and increasing the accessibility. The text can be exported as MP3 and WAV files. This program uses the preinstalled Microsoft SAPI Text-to-Speech (TTS) engines for generating voice. Text to MP3 software If you need to simply convert some text into audio content or you're just looking for a way to preview some content without having to actually spend time reading it, Text to MP3 Converter can do both, offering you choices for the used speech engine, as well as the output audio format. The two main options offer users the choice of increased quality (WAV) or a more compact recording (MP3). "Speech Speed" option allows from 10x slow to 10x fast playing and recording. If you seek a basic application that can help you perform text to audio conversions, without having to resort to complex steps and configuration processes, try out this simple yet quite capable software. How to install a new Text-to-Speech language You can install many TTS enabled languages (Voices) using Windows Settings (Control Panel). Depending on your Windows version, go to "Region &amp; Language" area, then "Add a Language" by selecting it or downloading a language pack. Finally, restart the program to detect the installed languages. Key Features Speech speed (fast-slow) Voice pitch (high-low) Spell Emphasize Voiceover highlighting Multiple speech engine support Read aloud Insert silence MP3 export WAV export Supports: Windows Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit) Language: English License: Freeware — no nags, no ads, fully functional Changes: Text to MP3 Converter 1.8 October 14, 2021 Added “Insert - Silence” menu item Added “Edit” menu Fixed word-wrap related problem Improved UI Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,403 Dec 13, 2021
Vovsoft <img src=""border="0">
The Classic Browser v8.0
The Classic Browser v8.0 “Designed to serve YOU not corporations!” Browser Features ● Stop Press! New fantastic feature built into the browser... The Classic Browser’s new “Internet TV &amp; Radio Menu” is the world’s most comprehensive IPTV software ever developed for any platform, offering hundreds of worldwide streaming entertainment channels to enjoy via a user-friendly interface. Access needs no subscription, no membership, no money, no special hardware, no DRMs, and no external media player even; just click on any of the hundreds of channel logos on offer to instantly enjoy directly in a browser tab RIGHT NOW, with no ifs and no buts! We have swept all the technical obstacles away to bring everyone instant FREE Internet streaming entertainment; in top quality 1080p or 720p graphics, so here is at least ONE good reason why the Classic Browser is a MUST HAVE app on all your Windows desktops, laptops, and tablets! So whether you’re at home, at the office, or stuck at some airport thousands of miles away... you can always count on the Classic Browser delivering instant free streaming entertainment to you once connected to the Internet. ● The Hallmark of the Classic browser: The Internet is all about the websites YOU like to visit often so bookmarks to these sites are THE most important aspect of a browser. You'd be lost without your bookmarks, which is why we designed the Classic browser to accentuate YOUR favorites as they should be! Simultaneously it's important to compare this with what is NOT important about the Internet such as what Google thinks, what Microsoft has on offer, and what other corporations may be doing because the truth is... we don't care! So using this browser essentially means that YOUR needs are elevated to the highest possible level while dominant corporations are demoted to an almost nonexistent status where they belong! While using the ...
5/5 5,856 Mar 01, 2022 <img src=" Classic Browser1_th.png"border="0">
TheSage v7.62
TheSage v7.62 English Dictionary and Thesaurus A twenty-first century lexical reference system The aim of TheSage is to be an International English dictionary and thesaurus with entries from all the World English varieties. Definitions are written in American English for consistency. • Index ~ 255,000 words • Senses ~ 340,000 • Etymologies ~ 110,000 • Thesaurus ~ 2.1 million relationships between synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms, etc. • Examples of use ~ 100,000 • Pronunciations ~ 240,000 phonetic transcriptions • As a corpus ~ 18.1 million words TheSage is very easy to use. Type a word, press enter, and its full entry will be displayed: definitions, examples, thesaurus, pronunciation, and etymology. TheSage is also extremely versatile. It allows the user to carry out many interesting types of queries, such as wildcard and anagram searches, rhymes, concordances, and much more. TheSage is free for personal use although a license unlocks some features, like automatic updates. Changes: v7.62 database 2816 (October 30, 2024) - New: Indexing schema - Updated: Performance improvement of lookup algorithm - Updated: Performance improvement of wildcard algorithm - Updated: Performance improvement of anagram algorithm - Updated: Extensive refactoring Database: - Added: ~120,000 words (as a corpus) in etymologies, transcriptions, definitions, examples, and thesaurus entries Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,552 Nov 01, 2024
Sequence Publishing <img src=""border="0">
ThisIsMyFile v4.25
ThisIsMyFile v4.25 A small and effective program for unlocking and/or deleting locked or protected files. Problem: " Can not delete the file: The file is used by another person or program." OR: The action can't be completed because the file is open in XXXXXX.exe 1.42 Close the file and try again. Installation is not required, simply place the ThisIsMyFile on the desktop and drop files on the ThisIsMyFile program icon. Features: • Create a copy of locked File and delete • Unlock only • Reboot and Delete • Reboot and Delete without request • Process killer • More ThisIsMyFile • Select files • Program Parameters • Multi-language Create a copy If you want to copy the file before deleting it. Only info Shows who program that taken the file. Unlock only Only unlock the file, not delete it. Reboot and Delete For very stubborn files or folders, activate this option. The system will be shut down and the file and folders will be deleted at system startup. Reboot and Delete without request There is no query, whether the file or folder is locked. It just gets deleted. Process killer Can be found under "More ThisIsMyFile". This can be used to terminate or kill specific processes. More ThisIsMyFile Here you can see more details about the locked files. The process killer can be used here, Selects the process or program and terminate it. Info 1. Automatically starts when deleting or unlocking folders. 2. Use this when it comes to the deleting or unlocking loaded modules (DLLs). Select files Simply drag and drop the locked file to ThisIsMyFile and perform the desired action. Program Parameters For example: ThisIsMyFile.exe c:\file1.txt c:\file2.txt "c:\file with spaces.txt" For the files with blank spaces in their names, always use quotation marks around name (""). Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, ...
5/5 5,929 Jun 21, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
Thumbcache Viewer v1.0.3.6 32bit
Thumbcache Viewer v1.0.3.6 32bit Thumbcache Viewer allows you to extract thumbnail images from the thumbcache_*.db and iconcache_*.db database files found on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. The program comes in two flavors: a graphical user interface and command-line interface. GUI Usage The main menu will allow you to save entries, export entries to a CSV (comma-separated values) file, remove entries from the list (the database is not modified), hide 0 byte entries, verify CRC-64 header and data checksums, and map files to entry hashes. When verifying entries, mismatched checksums will be displayed in red along with the correct value. It's not that common to see unless the database has been overwritten or truncated. Another thing to note is that mapping files by scanning directories must be done on the same computer system in which the database was generated. This ensures that the correct inputs can be hashed to compare against the entry hash in the database. Mapping files using Windows.edb (ESE database) should be done on an operating system that shares the same or newer operating system version in which the Windows.edb was generated. Mapped entries that included extended information while searching the Windows.edb will be displayed in green. To rename a file in the list, click once on a selected list item. An edit box will display to rename the file. Press Enter when you are finished. Some of the column headers for the list can be clicked (while pressing Ctrl) and the entries below them will change. If you press Ctrl and click the Data Size column, for example, the entries will change from displaying in kilobytes, to simply bytes. Likewise, the Cache Entry Offset column will change from bytes, to kilobytes. The three hash columns (Data Checksum, Header Checksum, and Cache Entry Hash) will change from ...
5/5 4,886 Dec 08, 2019
Eric Kutcher <img src=""border="0">
ZIP Thumbcache Viewer v1.0.3.6 64bit
Thumbcache Viewer v1.0.3.6 64bit Thumbcache Viewer allows you to extract thumbnail images from the thumbcache_*.db and iconcache_*.db database files found on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. The program comes in two flavors: a graphical user interface and command-line interface. GUI Usage The main menu will allow you to save entries, export entries to a CSV (comma-separated values) file, remove entries from the list (the database is not modified), hide 0 byte entries, verify CRC-64 header and data checksums, and map files to entry hashes. When verifying entries, mismatched checksums will be displayed in red along with the correct value. It's not that common to see unless the database has been overwritten or truncated. Another thing to note is that mapping files by scanning directories must be done on the same computer system in which the database was generated. This ensures that the correct inputs can be hashed to compare against the entry hash in the database. Mapping files using Windows.edb (ESE database) should be done on an operating system that shares the same or newer operating system version in which the Windows.edb was generated. Mapped entries that included extended information while searching the Windows.edb will be displayed in green. To rename a file in the list, click once on a selected list item. An edit box will display to rename the file. Press Enter when you are finished. Some of the column headers for the list can be clicked (while pressing Ctrl) and the entries below them will change. If you press Ctrl and click the Data Size column, for example, the entries will change from displaying in kilobytes, to simply bytes. Likewise, the Cache Entry Offset column will change from bytes, to kilobytes. The three hash columns (Data Checksum, Header Checksum, and Cache Entry Hash) will change from ...
5/5 4,939 Dec 08, 2019
Eric Kutcher <img src=""border="0">
Ticket to Fear Halloween Desktop Theme
Ticket to Fear Halloween Desktop Theme A Microsoft Desktop Theme to make your desktop as creepy as you are. ;) Includes 8 high resolution images. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,755 Oct 06, 2022
Microsoft <img src=""border="0">
TileIconifier v2.2.6776
TileIconifier v2.2.6776 Creates tiles for the Windows 10 Start Menu. Features: Allows creation of Medium and Small tiles for your applications, modifying their current shortcut where possible. Create custom shortcuts to Steam games, Chrome apps, Windows Store apps and explorer shortcuts, or any other shortcut target you wish using custom VBS script launchers. Extract icons from the software EXE/DLL, without using any other external program. Move and resize the image to where you want it within the tile, allowing more customisation than simply a full sized image. Supported Languages: English, Russian Instructions Basic tile creation usage: Find the shortcut you wish to modify in the list Choose an image by clicking the 'Change Image' button or double clicking one of the logo boxes. Move/resize it as required by clicking, dragging and scrolling to where required. Hit 'Tile Iconify!' to apply the changes To restore, hit 'Remove Iconify' Custom shortcut creation: Navigate to Utilities -> Custom Shortcut Manager From here you can create a new shortcut or delete other custom created items When creating a new shortcut, it will take a moment to populate your Steam, Chrome and Windows Store libraries. Most items will get a default icon based on what you choose. At this stage, you can change the icon to what you want. Choose the shortcut name and which users it should be available to. Generate the shortcut item. It will be Iconified using the icon chosen, but you can amend this as required back in the main page. Finally, navigate through your Start Menu ...
5/5 3,361 Jul 29, 2020
Jonno12345 <img src=""border="0">
TimeVertor 1.2
TimeVertor 1.2 It's tiny and completely free application for datetime conversion to human-readable, RFC 822, ISO 8601, UNIX Timestamp, Mac Timestamp, Microsoft Timestamp and FILETIME. To activate portable mode, create "timevertor.ini" in application folder, or move it from "%APPDATA%\Henry++\TimeVertor". License: GPL v3 Language: C/C++ Supported OS: Windows XP (SP 3), Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Platform architecture: 32-bit/64-bit Support:
5/5 5,401 Nov 29, 2016
Henry++ <img src=""border="0">
TimeZonesView v1.06
TimeZonesView v1.06 TimeZonesView is a simple tool for Windows that displays all world time zones. For every time zone, the following information is displayed: name, description, current date/time in this time zone and date/time that daylight saving time begins and ends. System Requirements This utility works on any versions of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Be aware that in order to display accurate time information, the current time and time zone on your system must be correct (Including the settings of daylight saving time). Also, the time zone information is taken from the following Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. So the information on this Registry key must be correct too. Versions History Version 1.06: Added 'DST Active' column (Yes or No). Start Using TimeZonesView TimeZonesView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - TimeZonesView.exe After running TimeZonesView, the main window will display the list of all time zones. Command-Line Options /stext <Filename> Save the time zones list into a simple text file. /stab <Filename> Save the time zones list into a tab-delimited text file. /scomma <Filename> Save the time zones list into a comma-delimited text file (csv). /stabular <Filename> Save the time zones list into a tabular text file. /shtml <Filename> Save the time zones list into HTML file (Horizontal). /sverhtml <Filename> Save the time zones list into HTML file (Vertical). /sxml <Filename> Save the time zones list into XML file. Translating TimeZonesView to other languages In order to translate TimeZonesView to other language, follow the instructions below: Run TimeZonesView with /savelangfile parameter: TimeZonesView.exe /savelangfile A file named TimeZonesView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of TimeZonesView utility. ...
5/5 5,175 Mar 08, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Tom's AD Bitlocker Password Audit 2.1
Tom's AD Bitlocker Password Audit 2.1 Tom's AD Bitlocker Password Audit is a free Windows utility for querying your Active Directory for all or selected computer objects and returning their recovery password and volume information in a grid-view format giving you a quick overview of the status of your current password recovery capabilities. If you have configured your BitLocker Drive Encryption to back up recovery information for BitLocker-protected drives to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) the backed up BitLocker recovery information is stored in a child object of the computer object. Tom's AD Bitlocker Password Audit enumerates all of the computer objects for your entire Active Directory or for a selected Organizational Unit and retrieves and displays the Bitlocker recovery password in a spreadsheet like format that can easily be filtered and sorted. This makes it easy to answer audit questions such as: I’ve just implemented Bitlocker, but how do I know that the recovery passwords are being populating for all of my computers? How can I identify machines that have problems with the Bitlocker process? How can I identify which machines do NOT have a recovery password? Tom’s AD Bitlocker Password Audit is used by organizations all over the world to audit their Bitlocker implementations. This latest versions adds support for machines with multiple associated keys including Bitlocker-to-Go and have been verified to be compatible with Microsoft Windows 10. Windows LogosLicense: Freeware (End User License Agreement) Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Bitlocker Active Directory Recovery Password Viewer (included with the Remote Server Administration Toolkit (RSAT)
5/5 5,832 Aug 06, 2024
Tom Andreas Mannerud <img src=" AD Bitlocker Password Audit1_th.png"border="0">
Tom's AD Object Recovery
Tom's AD Object Recovery Tom’s AD Object Recovery is a free Windows utility for querying your Active Directory for deleted computer, user, group, or other objects and restore them on-the-fly. Have you accidentally removed a user or computer object from your Active Directory? Or, needed that Bitlocker Recovery Key for a deleted computer object? Whatever the reason is that you need to recover a deleted Active Directory object, restoring it does not have to be difficult. Tom’s AD Object Recovery provides an innovative user interface that allows you to quickly query all of your deleted Active Directory objects and restore/undelete/recover selected objects with the click of a button. If you have Microsoft’s Active Directory Recycle Bin enabled Tom’s AD Object Recovery will restore objects with all of its attributes intact. Features Restore deleted Active Directory objects fast and easy through innovative user interface Computer Objects User Objects Group Objects Organizational Units Print Queues Full Volume Encryption Objects (Bitlocker Recovery Keys) Restore AD objects with all attributes intact when Microsoft’s Recycle Bin feature is enabled No domain controller downtime Filtering and Highlighted Search Windows LogosLicense: Freeware (End User License Agreement) Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
5/5 5,632 Aug 06, 2024
Tom Andreas Mannerud <img src=" AD Object Recovery1_th.png"border="0">
Tom's AD Password Extender
Tom's AD Password Extender Tom's AD Password Extender is a free Windows utility that allows you to select a user account and extend the password expiration date by the amount of days specified in your Group Policy. This is often helpful when you have end-users who are travelling and can’t log into the VPN or other Active Directory authenticated system. By extending the expiration you ensure that accounts don’t get compromised from having to communicate the password across insecure channels. Have you ever gotten the call from the Road Warrior or frequent business traveler saying: “I am on the road and I can’t log into the VPN”? It is a common problem and happens frequently because end-users forget to change their passwords before they leave for that stressful trip. So, what do we do? In some cases we break security protocols by asking them for their password and set the password to be the same. In other cases we set a new password, but now the cached laptop password is different from their domain or VPN password causing confusion. In either case we might have compromised the account as others might have overheard the conversation. In some cases, we even say they are out of luck until they return to the office temporarily preventing them from working and as a result greatly reduces business productivity. This is where Tom’s AD Password Extender can help. Simply pull up their account using the intuitive user interface, highlight, and select Extend Password. Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (MD5: DC5D6A9FA8D2874A67E1491BAACE830A )
5/5 5,447 Aug 06, 2024
Tom Andreas Mannerud <img src=""border="0">
Tom's Hash Explorer 1.2
Tom's Hash Explorer 1.2 Tom's Hash Explorer is a free Windows utility that allows you to easily calculate cryptographic hash values for single or multiple files in order to verify file integrity. Tom's Hash Explorer features an innovative Explorer-like graphical user interface to navigate your file system and calculate cryptographic hash values for either a single file or for all files within a folder. The most popular Hash algorithms are supported, including MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, SHA1 (160-bits), and SHA2 (256 bits, 384-bits, and 512 bits). Its multi-threaded hash computation engine results in extremely fast results. Features Innovative Explorer-like User Interface Themes/Skins Multi-Threaded Computation Engine Calculate Hash Values using Industry Standard Hash Algorithms Message Digest (MD5) Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) Secure Hashing Algorithm 2 (SHA 256, SHA 384, SHA 512) Calulate File Entropy using Shannon’s Entropy Algorithm Calculate Hash Values or Entropy for Single File or Multiple Files Drag and Drop Save Hash Values to Text File or Copy to Clipboard for easy import into Whitelisting applications Export Full Results Microsoft Excel (XLS) Comma Separated Values File (CSV) Rich Text Format (RTF) Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) Print Full Results Print Preview with Page Setup, Header &amp; Footer, Watermark “Tests show that the MD5 hash value is computed in ...
5/5 5,665 Aug 06, 2024
Tom Andreas Mannerud <img src=" Hash Explorer1_th.png"border="0">
ToolTipFixer 2.0
ToolTipFixer 2.0 Ever since Microsoft invented the Windows Shell with explorer.exe back in the days of Windows 95, there's been a bug that's gone from one version of Windows to the next; and with each upgrade it became worse and worse - until Vista where it only rears its ugly head every once in a while instead: tooltips appear behind the taskbar, where you can't read them and they are of no use to you. And there's nothing you can do about it! NST ToolTipFixer patches this bug for once and for all, doing what Microsoft hasn't been able to do in 13 years. ToolTipFixer 2.0 (October 14, 2008) Installer options for service vs. application Minimize memory usage as much as possible Create standalone ToolTipFixer module Remove .NET Dependencies
5/5 5,258 May 23, 2017
NeoSmart Technologies <img src=""border="0">
Toshiba xm-5522b Driver
Toshiba xm-5522b Driver. Driver for all versions of Windows Toshiba IDE (ATAPI), TS-5302B/TS-5402B(4X),TS-5522B(6X)
0/5 8,662 Nov 28, 2008
Yamaha Corporation
Transcendence v1.9.402
Transcendence v1.9.402 Space Combat and Exploration in a Vast and Dangerous Galaxy Domina, a mysterious hyperintelligence, has summoned you. In Transcendence you are thrust into the middle of a vast galaxy teeming with clashing empires, expansionist AIs, and fearsome xenophobes. You must navigate them all to reach the Galactic Core. Randomly Generated Star Systems You'll need a ship powerful enough to take you to St. Katherine's Star, through the Ungoverned Territories and the Outer Realm—all the way to the edge of Human Space. Adapt your strategy to survive the journey through dozens of randomly generated star systems. Take advantage of scavenged weapons and devices. No two games are ever alike, so adaptation equals survival. Over a Hundred Unique Ship Classes Between you and your goal, pirates, warlords, and slavers prowl. Blast your way through the swarming tactics of Anarchist battlepods; steel yourself against the EMP attack of the Dwarg masters; and pray to Domina that you can withstand the terrifying archcannon of the Phobos dreadnought. The free game includes over a hundred different kinds of enemy ships and stations, each with distinct abilities. Deadly Weapons and Arcane Devices As Domina's call draws you into increasingly alien territory you'll find opportunities to exploit your strange surroundings. Loot wreckage to obtain more powerful weapons, armor, and shields, or purchase them at dozens of different friendly stations. Earn unique high-tech weapons by completing missions for the Commonwealth Fleet or by helping the Corporate Hierarchy with their research. Robust Modding System Transcendence can be freely modified. Create your own enemies, weapons, stations, and systems using a simple XML-based syntax. Take advantage of the sophisticated and powerful scripting system to create custom behaviors, missions, and game-mechanics. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,525 Apr 25, 2022
Kronosaur Productions, LLC <img src=""border="0">
Trend Micro Rescue Disk
Trend Micro Rescue Disk Trend Micro Rescue Disk allows you to use a CD, DVD, or USB drive to examine your computer without launching Microsoft Windows. It finds and removes persistent or difficult-to-clean security threats that can lurk deep within your operating system. Rescue Disk does not need to load potentially-infected system files into memory before trying to remove them. It can scan hidden files, system drivers, and the Master Boot Record (MBR) of your computer’s hard drive without disturbing the operating system. Getting Started Click Download to begin. If prompted, click Save or Save As, and save the file on your computer’s desktop. While the installer downloads, prepare one of the following: Blank CD or DVD (do not use a rewritable disc) Empty USB Drive (128MB or larger) NOTE: The drive will be reformatted before creating Rescue Disk, and anything already on the USB drive will be lost. Please back up any important files before using a USB drive for Trend Micro Rescue Disk. When you have finished downloading the file, double-click the Trend Micro Rescue Disk icon to start the installer. To launch your computer from a CD or DVD, you must set the BIOS to boot from a different device. While the exact procedure differs from computer to computer, the overall process is usually like this: Insert the disc or USB drive into the computer. Restart the computer. When the computer powers up again, look for a BIOS setup message, which often looks like “Press [KEY] to run ...
5/5 7,009 Nov 13, 2019
Trend Micro Incorporated <img src=" Micro Rescue Disk type of device_th.png"border="0">
Trend Micro Rootkit Buster v5.00.1212 32bit
Trend Micro Rootkit Buster v5.00.1212 32bit Trend Micro RootkitBuster scans hidden files, registry entries, processes, drivers, services, ports, and the master boot record (MBR) to identify and remove rootkits. Malicious software called rootkits can manipulate the components of the Microsoft Windows operating system to conceal how they cause harm. Rootkits can hide drivers, processes, and registry entries from tools using common system application programming interfaces (APIs). What's New ======================================================================== a. RootkitBuster now works on computers running Microsoft Windows 10. b. New enhancements now prevent some known scanning errors. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,296 Dec 01, 2019
Trend Micro Inc. <img src=""border="0">
Trend Micro Rootkit Buster v5.00.1212 64bit
Trend Micro Rootkit Buster v5.00.1212 64bit Trend Micro RootkitBuster scans hidden files, registry entries, processes, drivers, services, ports, and the master boot record (MBR) to identify and remove rootkits. Malicious software called rootkits can manipulate the components of the Microsoft Windows operating system to conceal how they cause harm. Rootkits can hide drivers, processes, and registry entries from tools using common system application programming interfaces (APIs). What's New ======================================================================== a. RootkitBuster now works on computers running Microsoft Windows 10. b. New enhancements now prevent some known scanning errors. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,576 Dec 01, 2019
Trend Micro Inc. <img src=""border="0">
Trick or Treat Desktop Theme
Trick or Treat Desktop Theme Get your computer ready for Halloween with this Trick or Treat Desktop Theme. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,623 Oct 06, 2022
Microsoft Corp. <img src=""border="0">
Trojan.Kotver Removal Tool 32bit
Trojan.Kotver Removal Tool 32bit This tool removes Trojan.Kotver infections. Trojan.Kotver is a Trojan horse that performs click-fraud operations on the compromised computer. Discovered: September 23, 2015 Type: Removal Information This tool is designed to remove the infection of Trojan.Kotver. How to download and run the tool Important: Selecting "Run as administrator" will result in an incomplete repair. You must be logged in to the Administrator account and all other users must be logged out in order for the tool to work correctly. There are two versions of this tool, one designed to run on 32-bit computers and one designed to run on 64-bit computers. To find out if your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows, please read the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: How to determine whether a computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the Windows operating system Note for network administrators: If you are running MS Exchange 2000 Server, we recommend that you exclude the M drive from the scan by running the tool from a command line, with the Exclude switch. For more information, read the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Issues caused by a back up or a scan of the Exchange 2000 M drive Follow these steps to download and run the tool: Download FixToolKotver64.exe for 64-bit computers and FixToolKotver32.exe for 32-bit computers. Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Windows desktop. If you are sure that you are downloading this tool from the Security Response website, you can skip this step. If you are not sure, or are a network administrator and need to authenticate the files before deployment, follow the steps in the Digital Signature section before proceeding ...
5/5 5,837 Nov 13, 2019
Symantec <img src=""border="0">
Trojan.Kotver Removal Tool 64bit
Trojan.Kotver Removal Tool 64bit This tool removes Trojan.Kotver infections. Trojan.Kotver is a Trojan horse that performs click-fraud operations on the compromised computer. Discovered: September 23, 2015 Type: Removal Information This tool is designed to remove the infection of Trojan.Kotver. How to download and run the tool Important: Selecting "Run as administrator" will result in an incomplete repair. You must be logged in to the Administrator account and all other users must be logged out in order for the tool to work correctly. There are two versions of this tool, one designed to run on 32-bit computers and one designed to run on 64-bit computers. To find out if your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows, please read the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article: How to determine whether a computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the Windows operating system Note for network administrators: If you are running MS Exchange 2000 Server, we recommend that you exclude the M drive from the scan by running the tool from a command line, with the Exclude switch. For more information, read the Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Issues caused by a back up or a scan of the Exchange 2000 M drive Follow these steps to download and run the tool: Download FixToolKotver64.exe for 64-bit computers and FixToolKotver32.exe for 32-bit computers. Save the file to a convenient location, such as your Windows desktop. If you are sure that you are downloading this tool from the Security Response website, you can skip this step. If you are not sure, or are a network administrator and need to authenticate the files before deployment, follow the steps in the Digital Signature section before proceeding ...
5/5 6,133 Nov 13, 2019
Symantec <img src=""border="0">
TrueIP v2.1.0.1
TrueIP v2.1.0.1 A small program that runs in the system tray, monitoring your IP address(es). With the click of the mouse, you can view information about your current IP address and hostname. If you have a computer that you need access to remotely but don’t have the resources to have a static ip address, this program will help you stay connected easily. Features: • Tracks internal and external IP addresses • Notifications when your IP changes including E-mail, FTP, pop up notification, launching an external application, posting to a custom URL, and a free online service provided by HazteK Software called TrueIP Online • Log your recent IP addresses for review at a later date • Runs in the system tray wasting no space and using minimal resources (relative to other full featured .NET applications) • Works with many Dynamic DNS providers to update your DNS records when your IP changes • Portable Prerequisites The following items are required for TrueIP to run properly. • .NET Framework Supported/Tested Operating Systems The following operating systems are supported for running TrueIP. • Windows XP • Windows Vista • Windows 7 • Windows 8 • Windows 8.1 • Windows 10 • Windows 11 • Linux Generic This download is for the Windows portable version. If you need the Windows installer version, download here. If you need the Linux Script, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,149 Mar 19, 2023
Joey Hazlett <img src=""border="0">
TrustViewer v2.5.1
TrustViewer v2.5.1 TrustViewer is a complete solution for remote access and users support via the Internet. Just download the full version of TrustViewer smaller than 2 MB, and immediately get to work, without installation and registration, without limitations, for free for home and commercial use! Quick start Download the full version of TrustViewer, run it (enough minimal user rights) and immediately start working, without the need for installation and additional configuration. Free forever TrustViewer is completely free software, without registration and without restrictions, both for home and for commercial use! Easy connection To connect to a remote computer - it is enough to specify a unique twelve-digit ID for each session, and the connection will be immediately established, without problems with NAT or Proxy. Multifunctionality Control the desktop of the remote computer, exchange files, make voice and video calls, or just chat, and all in one convenient application. Complete anonymity TrustViewer does not require authorization or input of other personal data, and our servers do not store an IP address or other information identifying your computer. Absolute safety Do not worry about the safety of your computer, because due to architectural features, TrustViewer is not able in principle to provide unauthorized access to it. Your own server The computers of participants in priority directly connected, forming a protected p2p-tunnel based on modern cryptoprotocols. Internet servers are used only for coordination, as well as in cases when direct connection is impossible. However, you can install on your server a free dedicated proxy server "TrustServer", and get 100% - independence and control over traffic, incl. in private networks without access to the Internet. Your own client The built-in wizard will help you to create the original TrustViewer portable client with your branding (logo, contact information, etc.), with the ability to integrate into your own products and solutions (including commercial ones), with which you can free, quickly and it is ...
5/5 5,497 Dec 28, 2020
TrustViewer <img src=""border="0">
Tunnel Adapter Microsoft 6to4 Adapter Remover 1.2
Tunnel Adapter Microsoft 6to4 Adapter Remover 1.2 The 6to4 adapter is a windows component for correctly transmitting IPv6 packets through a IPv4 network. If you have more than one 6to4 adapter in Device Manager, you likely have experienced a Windows bug in which a new Microsoft 6to4 adapter was unexpectedly created after a restart in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. This can be repaired with Tunnel Adapter – 6to4 Adapter Remover. Just download the ZIP and extract its contents to a folder of your choice. For 32-bit systems, run i386.exe (x86), or for 64-bit (x64) systems run ia64.exe. In some cases, there may be many of these 6to4 adapters listed in Device Manager. Removing them one at a time can be both tedious and time consuming. Our freeware tool automates this process, and will not use devon.exe. Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Winsows Xp – (both x86 and x64) Supported Languages: English 6to4remover v1.2 what is new (22.05.2013) – The program will no longer use devcon.exe
5/5 5,859 Jun 10, 2016 <img src=""border="0">
Turbo C++ 3.2
Turbo C++ 3.2 Turbo C++ for Windows 7,8,10 (32/64bit) Most updated and functional Turbo C++ available on the Internet with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 home screen design. How to use Turbo C++ Step 1 Double click on "Turbo C++" shortcut link on the desktop. Step 2 If you want run turbo c++ on full screen simply click on button "Run Turbo C++" Step 3 "OR" If you not want full screen mode uncheck the "Full screen mode" check box and click on button "Start Turbo C++" Full Screen Mode - Window Mode- Operating System Pre-Requirements Windows 10, 8.1 and 8 - None Windows 7, Vista and XP - .NET 4.5 Framework Required
5/5 5,650 Nov 12, 2016
vineetchoudhary <img src=" C++1_th.png"border="0">
TURGEN v9.2.0
TURGEN v9.2.0 Create your own tapes with software for Atari 8-bit computers, and transfer data from your PC or Mac to your Atari 8-bit computer using your data recorder and a cassette adapter. Convert files to the original standard Atari tape records and also various "turbo" systems. You can create WAVE files, tape images, or send signal directly to the sound card. Tools such as Wizard for files, Tape Side Creator, Dual Track Tape creator, Batch processing allow you to create tapes with convenience. Features Creation of tapes with ordinary tape recorder Transferring data from PC/Mac to Atari with data recorder and cassette adapter Support for the original standard Atari tape records Support for "turbo" systems popular in Europe Full support for processing of segmented binary load files Comprehensive documentation Convenient tools Dual Track tape creation System Requirements Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 9 or newer. Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, macOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, and other operating systems supported by the JRE and JDK Java JRE/JDK from the Adoptium Project The author of TURGEN recommends OpenJDK builds provided by the Eclipse Adoptium project. General download page (allows selecting the operating system, architecture, package type, and version): This download is for the Windows version. If you need the Linux Debian version, download here. If you need the multi-platform portable version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,079 Jun 02, 2023
baktrasf <img src=""border="0">
Tweak UIX v0.20.0
Tweak UIX v0.20.0 PowerToys/Tweak UI Replica Its pumped with customization features and also options to remove unnecessary fat from Windows or even installing software packages. The user interface is based on the classic Tweak UI app. Nothing modern, fluent, Mica and UWP alike here. But it's not supposed to be. The app is supposed to be simple, small in size, modular and understandable for everyone. Requirements: Windows 10 or Windows 11 Changes: v0.20.0 3-19-22 Added Tweakomatic app to TweakUIX package. Only die-hard Microsoft fans might still know the original Tweakomatic. So you can now write and manage your own scripts. I've pushed a separate repo for tweakomatic here Improved Plugins > Plus Pack Added some minor tweaks, e.g. Change destop background image to about tree Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,378 Mar 25, 2022
Builtbybel <img src=""border="0">
Tweakeze v2.17.1777
Tweakeze v2.17.1777 A pro-active smart tool preventing undesired changes to your computer. Tweakeze (tweak-easy) is a software tool designed to watch(monitor) changes on Microsoft Windows file system and Registry database. In order for any folders/files and/or Registry keys/values to be watched, a set of instructions called “Watcher” must be created. Watchers can be created using the “Creator” screen: Once a Watcher is created and saved to a “.twk” file, they are displayed in the “Watchers” Screen: The application displays real-time status for a specific Watcher and allow users to manually fix the problem on-the-spot. Or by pressing the “Watch” button, Tweakeze is sent to the system tray and will start watching any checked Watcher in the “Watchers” screen. When watched items are changed by any means, the application will invoke pre-defined “Action(s)”. These actions can trigger regular file/folder and Registry operations (i.e. delete, move, copy, set) or can run a script to capture changes and filter their execution or execute a completely different task. All Active Script Languages installed on the machine (ie. VBScript, Jscript, PHP and etc) and also PowerShell scripting are currently supported. See Scripting Demo for reference. Notes: - Any screen can be refreshed/reloaded by pressing F5 - Any environment variable can be used to assemble paths For example: %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data Or %AppData%\Opera Software Changes: Version: 2.17.1777 - Added support to Epic Privacy Browser, Iridium and Slimjet browsers - Improved Chromium based browsers History with Cluster detection - Improved Chromium based browsers Cache with Code Cache detection - Bug fixes, performance and UI improvements This download is for the 64bit zip version. If you need the 32bit zip version, download here. If you need the portable setup version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,377 Mar 19, 2024 <img src=""border="0"> - Registry Backup v4.0.0 - Registry Backup v4.0.0 Registry Backup is a free backup tool that will use the Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service to backup your system registry. Key Features: The program is 100% free. One click backup and restore. Can restore from Windows Safe Mode. Portable version can be run from a thumb drive and keep backups of multiple systems. Automatic cleanup of older backups. Set and control scheduling options. Can backup &amp; restore all user profiles on the system, not just the ones that are currently loaded. Control which registry files are backed up or restored. Detailed logs are saved with each backup. Multiple easy restore options. Online videos showing how to use the program and how to use the different restore options. Quick FAQ: Q: Does - Registry Backup support Windows 2000 or older? A: The program only supports Windows XP and newer because older versions don't have the volume shadow copy service. For older operating systems I recommend my old favorite Erunt. Download - Q: Why does the program use the Volume Shadow Copy Service instead of the RegSaveKey API like Erunt and others? A: Microsoft recommends using the Volume Shadow Copy to backup up the registry. This grabs a complete backup of the registry hives as they are. RegSaveKey function Quote From Microsoft: "Applications that back up or restore system state including system files and registry hives should use the Volume Shadow Copy Service instead of the registry functions." "Using RegSaveKey together with RegRestoreKey to copy subtrees in the registry is not recommended. This method does not trigger notifications and can invalidate handles used by other applications." By using the Volume Shadow Copy instead of the RegSaveKey API, this registry backup program is safer to use. Changelog: v4.0.0 Updated controls, bug fixes and code changes. Click here to visit ...
5/5 10,371 Mar 18, 2021 <img src=""border="0"> - Registry Compressor v1.1.0 - Registry Compressor v1.1.0 First and foremost, this program does NOT remove or add anything to the registry. This is not a registry cleaner or scanner. The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Just like databases the registry can become bloated and large when there has been a lot of additions and deletions from the registry. When this happens the system can become slower and use more CPU as programs and the operating system take longer to read and write to the registry, just like any other database. This program does NOT remove or add anything to the registry. What it does is it rebuilds the registry to new files, when this happens all the overhead is gone and the registry is smaller and faster. Microsoft offers a manual way to do this: How to Compress "Bloated" Registry Hives Thanks to this program you can now do it with one click. v1.1.0 Per user request the program now supports the command line /silent or /s and can now also reboot the system if you want it to. Code changes and cleanup, program is now 330kb smaller
5/5 9,088 Jan 08, 2018 <img src=""border="0"> - Registry Compressor v1.1.0 Portable - Registry Compressor v1.1.0 Portable First and foremost, this program does NOT remove or add anything to the registry. This is not a registry cleaner or scanner. The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Just like databases the registry can become bloated and large when there has been a lot of additions and deletions from the registry. When this happens the system can become slower and use more CPU as programs and the operating system take longer to read and write to the registry, just like any other database. This program does NOT remove or add anything to the registry. What it does is it rebuilds the registry to new files, when this happens all the overhead is gone and the registry is smaller and faster. Microsoft offers a manual way to do this: How to Compress "Bloated" Registry Hives Thanks to this program you can now do it with one click. v1.1.0 Per user request the program now supports the command line /silent or /s and can now also reboot the system if you want it to. Code changes and cleanup, program is now 330kb smaller
5/5 8,976 Jan 08, 2018 <img src=""border="0"> - Repair .lnk (Shortcuts) File Association 2.8.8 - Repair .lnk (Shortcuts) File Association 2.8.8 Repair .lnk (Shortcuts) File Association: This will try to repair the .lnk (Shortcuts) File Association This repair will only run on Vista or newer. The following reg keys are applied Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK] @="lnkfile" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK\ShellEx\{000214EE-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK\ShellEx\{000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK\ShellEx\{00021500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK\ShellEx\{BB2E617C-0920-11d1-9A0B-00C04FC2D6C1}] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK\ShellNew] "Handler"="{ceefea1b-3e29-4ef1-b34c-fec79c4f70af}" "IconPath"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00,\ 74,00,25,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,73,\ 00,68,00,65,00,6c,00,6c,00,33,00,32,00,2e,00,64,00,6c,00,6c,00,2c,00,2d,00,\ 31,00,36,00,37,00,36,00,39,00,00,00 "ItemName"="@shell32.dll,-30397" "MenuText"="@shell32.dll,-30318" "NullFile"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.LNK\ShellNew\Config] "DontRename"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile] @="Shortcut" "EditFlags"=dword:00000001 "FriendlyTypeName"="@shell32.dll,-4153" "IsShortcut"="" "NeverShowExt"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\CLSID] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Compatibility] @="{1d27f844-3a1f-4410-85ac-14651078412d}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\OpenContainingFolderMenu] @="{37ea3a21-7493-4208-a011-7f9ea79ce9f5}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}] @="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shellex\DropHandler] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shellex\IconHandler] @="{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\ShimLayer Property Page] @="{513D916F-2A8E-4F51-AEAB-0CBC76FB1AF8}" [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.LNK\UserChoice] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.LNK\OpenWithProgids] "lnkfile"=hex(0):
5/5 9,746 Sep 02, 2017 <img src=""border="0"> - Repair CD/DVD Missing/Not Working v1.7.4 - Repair CD/DVD Missing/Not Working v1.7.4 Repair CD/DVD Missing/Not Working: This repair may help with CD or DVD drives that are not working as they should. "The CD drive or the DVD drive does not work as expected on a computer that you upgraded to Windows Vista" "Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs" This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One)
5/5 8,977 Sep 02, 2017 <img src=""border="0"> - Repair Missing Start Menu Icons Removed By Infections v1.7.4
==Official Mirror== - Repair Missing Start Menu Icons Removed By Infections v1.7.4 Repair Missing Start Menu Icons Removed By Infections: This repair will put back the missing icons in the start menu, quick launch, and desktop that are moved by a rouge virus. All the icons by the virus are moved to the temp folder under the folder SMTMP. This tool is also a part of Windows Repair (All In One) SMTMP folder XP - C:\Documents and Settings\(Your Username)\Local Settings\Temp\SMTMP Vista/7 - C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Local\Temp\SMTMP Folder 1 contains the All Users Start Menu shortcuts XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu Vista/7 - C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu Folder 2 contains the Quick Launch shortcuts XP - C:\Documents and Settings\(Your Username)\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch Vista/7 - C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch Folder 3 contains Windows 7 Taskbar icons (not needed in Windows XP) XP - N/A Vista/7 - C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar Folder 4 does have Desktop icons XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop Vista/7 - C:\Users\Public\Public Desktop
0/5 8,955 Nov 13, 2019
Tweakomatic v1.1.0
Tweakomatic v1.1.0 Tweakomatic Reloaded... Manage Your Computer Tweakomatically Only die-hard Microsoft fans might still know the original Tweakomatic. So you can now write and manage your own scripts. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,166 Mar 25, 2022
Builtbybel <img src=""border="0">
TweakUI for Windows 98/ME
TweakUI for Windows 98/ME TweakUI is a powerful utility that you can use in Windows 98/ME to tweak the user interface. You can use this utility for a variety of tasks, such as enabling or disabling the CD-ROM auto-run feature, log onto a network automatically, and much more. Requirements: Windows 98 or Windows ME and at least 1 MB of free disk space. Install: Once all files have been extracted right click on tweakui.inf (setup information file) and click Install. Once the install is completed TweakUI can be run from the Control Panel. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,116 Jan 05, 2021
Microsoft Corp. <img src=""border="0">
TweetDuck v1.18.2
TweetDuck v1.18.2 Free and open source desktop client for TweetDeck. Just the way you want Missing the old dark theme, icon design, square avatars, or character count? We brought it all back! Spell check and tweet translations in over 35 languages Transfer your settings and login session between computers Built for convenience Download all images and videos in a tweet in the highest quality Type emoji using :short_codes: Write less with custom templates Upload images directly from clipboard No more annoying redirection Instant notifications Fully customize location and size of desktop notifications, perfect for multi‑monitor setups Dislike the default sound notification? Use your own! Mute all notifications on command Greatness in detail Many quality of life features and fixes for long‑standing TweetDeck issues Powerful plugin system and style editor for the most advanced users Looks great on high DPI screens ...and much more! TweetDuck requires Windows 7+ and .NET Framework 4.5.2 or newer. TweetDuck is released under the open-source MIT License, and uses the CefSharp library which is under the BSD-3 License. TweetDuck is not affiliated with Twitter or TweetDeck. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,953 Nov 07, 2019 <img src=""border="0">
UFO:Alien Invasion v2.5
UFO:Alien Invasion v2.5 It is the year 2084. You control a secret organisation charged with defending Earth from a brutal alien enemy. Build up your bases, prepare your team, and dive head-first into the fast and flowing turn-based combat. UFO: Alien Invasion is a squad-based tactical strategy game in the tradition of the old X-COM PC games, but with a twist. Our game combines military realism with hard science-fiction and the weirdness of an alien invasion. The carefully constructed turn-based system gives you pin-point control of your squad while maintaining a sense of pace and danger. Over the long term you will need to conduct research into the alien threat to figure out their mysterious goals and use their powerful weapons for your own ends. You will produce unique items and use them in combat against your enemies. If you like, you can even use them against your friends with our multiplayer functionality. UFO: Alien Invasion. Endless hours of gameplay — absolutely free. The game takes a lot of inspiration from the X-COM series by Mythos and Microprose. However, it's neither a sequel nor a remake of any X-COM or other commercial title. What we as a team wanted to make is a brand new experience that tries to surpass the quality of games from 1992, rather than simply recreate them with flashier graphics. We also believe that open-source projects don't need to be disorganised or badly-managed. We work together in a friendly and professional way, with a clear vision for a game that we know is worth playing. Gameplay Like the original X-COM games, UFO:AI has two main modes of play: Geoscape mode and Tactical mode. In Geoscape mode, the game is about base management and strategy. You manage the activities and finances of PHALANX, controlling bases, installations, aircraft and squads of armed-response troops. You'll ...
5/5 4,307 Jun 10, 2019
UFO:AI Team <img src=""border="0">
Ultimate Settings Panel v6.6
Ultimate Settings Panel v6.6 An all in one settings and configuration solution for a multitude of configuration options in Windows, Office, Powershell and popular internet browsers. The latest release now has 15 different configuration tabs including Windows 10 and a total of 295 configuration items spanning across all versions of Windows, Powershell, Outlook, Server Administration, Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and even some telnet tricks! One of the great features of Ultimate Settings Panel is the ability to have a massive range of computing options all in one easy to use utility. Prerequisites This program requires Microsoft .Net 4.5.2 to work correctly. You can download this directly from Microsoft by clicking here but you most likely already have it. Licence This utility is free to use for both personal and commercial use. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,114 Oct 18, 2021
TechyGeeksHome <img src=""border="0">
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5 for Windows 11
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5 for Windows 11 This popular Windows tweaking software adds tweaks for Windows 11. Those of you who have upgraded to Windows 11, can use it to judiciously tweak your Windows 11 and personalize your computing experience, and can make your system faster, and private. This tweaker is just around 219 KB in size and includes over 200 tweaks. Like its predecessors, UWT 5 sports the familiar, clean, minimalistic UI, offering links in the left panel, and tabs on the top, in some categories. Hover over any tweak, and helpful tooltips will tell you what the tweak does. While you may be able to access all these via the Windows 11 Settings app, the Registry Editor or the Group Policy Editor, Ultimate Windows Tweaker makes things easier for you by offering all useful tweaks from its single UI. Highlights: • A new tab has been added for Windows 11 • Option to control Taskbar size • Add option to revert to Ribbon UI in File Explorer • Option to restore Windows 10 styled context menu • Tweak to customize Taskbar Content Alignment • Option to remove Open In Windows Terminal option from Desktop Context Menu • Option to hide the recommended list from Start Menu • Option to enable classic Alt+Tab Menu • Option to disable Transparency effects throughout Windows 11 • Option to enable accent color for Start menu and taskbar. • Several privacy tweaks are there under the Privacy section. • Many tweaks in Context Menu for Store Apps to support Windows 11. • It calculates Windows Experience Index ...
5/5 1,819 Feb 14, 2023
Anand Khanse <img src=""border="0">
Uninstall Edge v1.0
Uninstall Edge v1.0 Free tool to remove the Microsoft Edge browser and prevent it from returning. This program does the following. It looks for the “setup.exe” program in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\”. That program is used to uninstall Microsoft Edge using command arguments “–uninstall –system-level –verbose-logging –force-uninstall” when you click ‘Uninstall Edge” button. The ‘Prevent Edge” button adds the following registry key: “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\” with key: “DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium” with value “1”. This will prevent Edge from installing. INSTRUCTIONS Your browser may block you from downloading the program and running because it is an executable and writes to registry. So please allow it if you want to run this program and make these changes. Once downloaded run it. Allow program to run. Click “Uninstall Edge” to uninstall Edge. Click “Prevent Edge” to prevent Edge web browser from installing again. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,461 Nov 26, 2021
FreeTimeTech <img src=""border="0">
UninstallView v1.51
UninstallView v1.51 A tool for Windows that collects information about all programs installed on your system and displays the details of the installed programs in one table. You can use it to get installed programs information for your local system, for remote computer on your network, and for external hard-drive plugged to your computer. It also allows you to easily uninstall a software on your local computer and remote computer (Including quiet uninstall if the installer supports it). System Requirements This tool works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Changes: v1.51: Added 'Black Background' option (Under the View menu). When it's turned on, the main table is displayed in black background and white text, instead of default system colors. Added 'Full Screen' mode (View -> Full Screen or F11 key). Fixed issue: When copying data to the clipboard or exporting to tab-delimited file, every line contained an empty field in the end of the line. Start Using UninstallView UninstallView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - UninstallView.exe After running UninstallView, it scans your local system and collects all information about the programs installed on your system. When the scanning process is finished, the installed programs information is displayed in the main window. Notice: UninstallView first takes the official uninstall information in the Registry provided by the software itself and then tries to complete any missing information from other places. It's possible that some of the unofficial information collected by UninstallView will be inaccurate. Loading uninstall information from other sources In order to load uninstall information from other sources (instead of your current system), press F9 (Advanced Options) and choose the ...
5/5 5,728 Oct 09, 2024
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Uninstalr v2.5
Uninstalr v2.5 A fast, lightweight and accurate way to uninstall software in Windows. Uninstalr is an easy to use and very accurate software uninstaller for Windows. It can uninstall multiple apps at the same time. Features • Batch uninstall many apps at the same time. • Supports unattended uninstallation of apps. • Deep analysis of data created to the system by installed apps. • Supports monitoring of new software installations. • Allows fixing incorrect data from the Windows installed apps listing. Such as installed apps showing the wrong amount of space used. • Also detects portable apps and previously uninstalled software leftovers. • Shows all the data added to your system by installed software on a file by file basis. • Shows all the data it will remove before starting the uninstallation. • Sort, filter and search the list of installed software. • According to Macecraft Software, benchmark (below), Uninstalr is the most accurate software uninstaller by leaving the least amount of leftovers when uninstalling apps. • Supports detection and uninstallation of Microsoft Store, Steam,, Big Fish Game System, Chocolatey, NuGet and Ninite installed software. • Supports Windows Dark Mode. • Supports Windows 11, 10, 8 and 7. • Has a single executable file portable version and a normal setup version. Uninstalr is freeware, lightweight and easy to use. There are no bells and whistles and no nonsense. Most importantly, Uninstalr allows you to decide how you want to do things. If you don’t want to batch uninstall anything, you can choose to do the uninstallations one by one. If ...
5/5 3,139 May 31, 2024
Macecraft Software <img src=""border="0">
Universal Android Debloater v2.9.1
Universal Android Debloater v2.9.1 Description and information from the author: "DISCLAIMER: Use this script at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything that could happen to your phone. Summary I try to maintain a universal tool which removes bloatwares on any Android phones by using ADB. The main goal is to improve battery performance and privacy by removing unnecessary and obscure system apps. This can also contribute to improve security by reducing the attack surface. The script has a menu that lets you choose what debloat list you want to use. I strongly encourage you to take a look at the lists because the default selection may not suit you. All packages are as well documented as possible in order to provide a better understanding of what you can delete or not. This script should be safe with the default selection. The worse thing which could happen is preventing an essential system process to be loaded during boot causing then an unfortunate bootloop. If you used the non-root solution, after about 5 failed system boots, the phone will automatically reboot in recovery mode and you'll have to perform a FACTORY RESET. So make a backup! If you have a rooted device you can also physically delete the apks. Ironically this solution is safer because the script saves the apks before their removal. In case of bootloop you just need to run the script from a recovery with ADB support (e.g TWRP) and restore them. In any case, you can NOT brick your device with this script! That's the main thing, right? Features Quick search among all the packages of an android device Uninstallation of system/user packages (manually or with the debloat lists) Reinstallation of system packages (manually or with the debloat lists) ADB backup/restore (not really reliable, see the FAQ) Device brand detection and auto-selection of ...
5/5 3,005 Jun 09, 2021
W1nst0n <img src=""border="0">
Universal Media Server v13.0.0
Universal Media Server v13.0.0 Stream your media to your devices, whether they are TVs, smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, audio receivers, and more! Universal Media Server is a free DLNA, UPnP and HTTP/S Media Server. We support all major operating systems, with versions for Windows, Linux and macOS. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no configuration. It is powered by FFmpeg, MediaInfo, OpenSubtitles, Crowdin, MEncoder, tsMuxeR, AviSynth, VLC and more, which combine to offer support for a wide range of media formats. Device Support We support any device that supports DLNA/UPnP or HTTP, including future devices. Below is a partial list of devices that we explicitly support, which means that we have customized our support for them in order to make them work even better than they would be default. AC Ryan PlayOn!HD AnyCast Apple iPad Apple iPhone Apple iPod Apple TV Asus O!Play BlackBerry Boxee Brite-view CinemaTube Cambridge Audio BD Players DirecTV HR D-Link DSM Freebox Freecom MusicPal Google Android Google Chromecast Hama Internet Radio LG Smart TV Upgrader LG TVs Logitech Squeezebox Microsoft Xbox 360 Microsoft Xbox One Miracast M806 Netgear NeoTV Nokia N900 Onkyo A/V Receivers OPPO Blu-ray players Panasonic Sound Systems Panasonic TVs Philips Streamium Philips TVs Pioneer Kuro Popcorn Hour Realtek media players Roku Samsung smart phones Samsung TVs Sharp TVs Showtime Sony A/V receivers Sony Blu-ray players Sony Network Media Players Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) Sony PlayStation Vita Sony smart phones Sony TVs Telstra T-Box Technisat S1+ VideoWeb TV Vizio Smart TVs Western Digital WD TV Live XBMC Media Center Xtreamer Yamaha A/V receivers Changes: This download is for the Windows version. All other download assets are below: MacOS: UMS-13.0.0.dmg UMS-13.0.0-arm.dmg UMS-13.0.0-pre10.15.dmg Linux: UMS-13.0.0-x86_64.tgz UMS-13.0.0-x86.tgz UMS-13.0.0-arm64.tgz UMS-13.0.0-armel.tgz UMS-13.0.0-armhf.tgz Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 8,120 Dec 22, 2022
Universal Media Server <img src=""border="0">
Unknown Device Identifier v9.01
Unknown Device Identifier v9.01 Unknown Device Identifier enables you to identify the yellow question mark labeled Unknown Devices in Device Manager. And reports you a detailed summary for the manufacturer name, OEM name, device type, device model and even the exact name of the unknown devices. With the collected information, you might contact your hardware manufacturer for support or search the Internet for the corresponding driver with a simple click. With this utility, you might immediately convert your unidentified unknown devices into identified known devices and find proper driver on the Internet and contact the hardware device manufacturer or vendor. Known devices recognized by Microsoft Windows will also be analyzed independent of the operating system. You are suggested to do a thorough driver backup with My Drivers after you have identified all the unknown devices with their proper device drivers software installed. Supported OS: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Future OS are supported via the online update. You might even run the small freeware utility from CD or floppy. Features - Identify USB 3.1/3.0/2.0/1.1 Device - Identify IEEE 1394 Device - Identify ISA Plug&amp;Play Device - Identify AGP Bus Device - Identify PCI, PCI-E, eSATA Device - Multilingual interface: English, French - Find Drivers for Hardware Devices - Contact Hardware vendor directly - Save or Print Hardware information
5/5 7,843 Mar 24, 2019
Huntersoft <img src=" Device Identifier1_th.png"border="0">
Unofficial Windows 98 Second Edition Service Pack v3.64
Unofficial Windows 98 Second Edition Service Pack v3.64 Microsoft has never released a service pack for Windows98 SE but this contains all Windows98 SE updates from Windows Update site and more. Instructions: Prerequisites: Minimum 64 MB of RAM for Main Updates. 160 MB free hard disk space for (ALL) options. Installation Guide: [1] Install Windows 98 Second Edition (with or without 98lite).* [2] Install all drivers for your hardware. [3] Install Internet Explorer (any version).* [4] Install latest DirectX 9c.* [5] Install latest Service Pack 3.x (Main Updates).* [6] Install optional components of Service Pack 3.x.* [7] Install MS Office.* [8] Install KernelEx, 98SE2ME, Revolution Pack.* [* = Optional] Before installing U98SESP3.EXE make sure that: 1/ You have the original w98SE installation disc. It will change core system files. It means that if something goes wrong you must be prepared to reinstall windows from the beginning. Sometimes installing U98SESP3.EXE after a fresh install is working normaly while it failed on an old install. 2/ You made a back up of all important datas. It's extremely unlikely that an error forces you to reinstall windows and eventualy to reformat thus to erase your hard drive. But for the sake of safety, please do it! 3/ You made a back up of your system files A copy of the "windows" and "Program Files" directories, at least the "windows" directory, preferably on a second physical hard drive or on CD or DVD or an external drive. This is usefull to revert back to a prior w98se install which was already updated and functioning well. Restoring windows 98 can be done simply be recopying all the system files back to their original location, in dos mode. The easiest way is to use a second physical (not a partition) and internal (not USB) hard drive. It's aslo a good idea to make sure a copy of the registry has been automaticaly preserved in the system files you backed up and to know how to restore the registry in ...
5/5 13,489 Dec 06, 2019
PROBLEMCHYLD <img src=""border="0">
UpdateHub v2.4.1
UpdateHub v2.4.1 A free app that simplifies updating software on your computer. What is it? UpdateHub is a user-friendly application designed to streamline the software update process for your computer. With this app, you can quickly check for updates for all the software installed on your device, including operating systems and applications. The app's straightforward interface displays all available updates and lets you choose which ones to install, making the updating process quick and convenient.. Why is it important? Outdated applications can bring unwanted security threats. Take, for example, Chrome. On April 21, 2023, Google Chrome faced multiple vulnerabilities. These included the following: [21 April 2023] Google Chrome (Desktop) - Zero-Day Vulnerability NIST: Type confusion in V8 in Google Chrome before 112.0.5615.121 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High) Google Blog: Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2023-2033 exists in the wild. To fix this, you had to update to the latest version. But Google Chrome may not tell you this; our app will. You can also get new features and bug fixes in apps and keep your OS and some drivers up-to-date, making your system potentially faster and better. UpdateHub ensures that your device's software is up-to-date and secure, making updating as hassle-free as possible. What features does it have? The app also features a rollback function. This feature means you can quickly revert to the previous version if you don't like an update or updated by accident. Additionally, the app provides detailed information about each update, including release notes and version numbers, allowing you to stay informed about the changes and improvements made to your software. What makes this unique or better than others? UpdateHub doesn't just update apps. It can also update apps ...
5/5 6,326 Nov 22, 2024
KK-Designs <img src=""border="0">
USB Device Tree Viewer v3.3.2
USB Device Tree Viewer v3.3.2 The USB Device Tree Viewer, short UsbTreeView is based upon the Microsoft "USBView" sample application found in the Windows Driver Development Kits and now standalone here: USBView sample application But it is source code only, there is no executable for end users provided. Meanwhile USBView comes as executables as part of the "Debugging Tools für Windows", see here: USBView. UsbTreeView started with the USBView source code from the DDK for Server 2003. Here are the improvements I've done: TreeView with handmade 16x16 icons, USBView used 32x32 icons scaled down to 15x15 Informations from the Windows Device Management are collected and matched with the found USB devices; Therefore UsbTreeView can show the child devices, including drive letters and COM-ports Window position is saved Background color and font of the right pane can be set (the font shown in the screenshots is DOSLike 7) Text output rearranged Keeps the tree item selection over refresh Some more descriptors are decoded Hexdump of the descriptors can be shown Safe removal, device restart and port restart Extended USB information available under Windows 8 (taken from the latest USBView sample application) Extended information about host controllers Enumeration of the USB devices accelerated and independent from the treeview Failed USB requests are re-tried in the background, e.g. if a USB mouse was moved while requesting its properties Toolbar with jump-lists for easily finding devices in complex trees many minor improvements Todo: USB Video Class H.264 information Maybe Unicode support Latest History V3.3.2 ...
5/5 6,637 Feb 22, 2019
Uwe Siebe <img src=""border="0">
USB Drive Factory Reset Tool v3.00
USB Drive Factory Reset Tool v3.00 Restore USB flash drive back to full capacity After having tooled around with a bootable USB flash drive using your raw image overwritten or multi-partitioned USB pen drive, you might find it mandatory to revert it back to factory defaults. Essentially recovering or restoring the USB flash drive back to its original state with a single disk drive partition loaded with any of FAT, FAT32, exFAT or NTFS file system is easy. This allows the USB storage device to be easily detected and used again by all computers, routers, and smart TVs. You might find it necessary to restore a USB drive after working with tools, such as Rufus, USB Disk Storage Format Tool on Windows to burn an ISO or dd command on Linux, to write an image file to the USB storage drive. Depending on the file used, these tools can make your USB device appear corrupted or unreadable on some computers or smart TVs. In some cases, the flash drive might not be assigned a drive letter and the USB not detected by your computer or smart TV. This is simply because these tools use raw-write style to transfer data in disk image (usualy an .img or .iso file) to a USB flash drive. As a result, the existing MBR (Master Boot Record is the boot sector located at the very beginning of partitioned storage devices), partition table, HPA (Host Protected Area is an area of a storage drive that is not normally visible to an operating system), and/or file system is overwritten with that of the raw image file. USB Drive Factory Reset Tool is software that helps you wipe clean and factory set your USB flash drive, pen drive, thumb drive, and any other USB storage devices back to the way ...
5/5 2,702 Oct 31, 2021
Bureausoft Corporation <img src=""border="0">
USB Flash Drives Control
USB Flash Drives Control USB Flash Drives Control is a freeware program that runs in system tray, next to the system clock, and provides access to control the way in which the USB removable drives are used on your computer. These options are available through the right click context menu on the system tray icon of the program. It also displays the connected drives. Use left click context menu to view the list of connected drives and explore the content of them. USB Flash Drives Control contains two parts, a GUI interface which is used for configuration and a Windows service which ensures that the program options are applied to all user accounts from the local computer: Read Mode - By disabling this option, USB removable drives will not be mounted and will not be accessible to the user. The reading of data from USB removable drives will not be available. Write Mode - By disabling this option, write access will be denied on all USB removable drives used on the current computer. All USB removable drives become read-only and copying data on them is not possible. Execute Mode - By disabling this option, execute access will be denied for all executable files on all USB removable drives used on the current computer, for all user accounts. This ensures a plus of security to the system against dangerous and malicious software, like worms, backdoors or password stealers. This setting is not available in Windows Vista. All the above options are not applied to the existing connected drives. Connected drives must be first removed and then reconnected in order to make these options apply to them. Program Features √ Intuitive and easy accessible user interface in the system tray. √ Enable or disable USB removable drives with just a mouse click. √ Deny write access on all USB removable ...
5/5 5,375 Mar 07, 2017 <img src=" Flash Drives Control2_th.png"border="0">
USB Historian 1.3
USB Historian 1.3 Parse USB Connection History The Microsoft Windows operating systems records artifacts when USB removable storage devices (thumb drives, iPods, digital cameras, external HDD, etc.) are connected. These artifacts can be found in Plug and Play (PnP) log files as well as the Windows Registry. For a forensic investigator dealing with the theft, movement, or access to data, these artifacts can play a critical role in an investigation. Features New: Contains a cached copy of USB ID’s from If available VID/PID values will be looked up to provide additional device information. Parses Computer Name to easily help locating USB devices used across multiple computers. Displays over 20 attributes Wizard driven analysis Parses SetupAPI Logs (and backup logs) Able to parse multiple NTUSER.DAT files at a time Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework v4.0 Free for both personal and commercial use v1.3 (07-24-2013) *New:* Contains a cached copy of USB ID’s from If available VID/PID values will be looked up to provide additional device information. You can now parse multiple sources. Results will be appended to the existing results or optionally cleared. Fixed crash when VID/PID values were missing
5/5 5,530 Apr 20, 2017
4Discovery <img src=" Historian1_th.png"border="0">
USB Oblivion v1.15.0.0
USB Oblivion v1.15.0.0 This utility designed to erase all traces of connected USB devices - flash-drives, disks and CD-ROMs from computer registry of Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (32/64-bit versions). The utility has a test mode of operation, i.e. without actually removing data from the registry, and, just in case, creates a .reg-file to undo any changes. There is also a fully automatic mode. Warnings Eject all USB drives before clean Required an administrative privileges Required an immediate Windows restart after clean No you can not clean Windows installed on USB drive FAQ Q: Why Windows after clean can't detect my USB drive? A: Cached data about USB drive somehow (for example you ignored a Windows restart or just no luck) was written back to the registry, so drive now erroneously partially registered. You must run utility again to clean up the mess and immediately restart Window. Repeat twice. Q: Why my USB Hewlett-Packard printer not working after clean? A: Some HP printers comes with "HP Smart Install" technology - when a USB CD-ROM with drivers to the printer appears in the system on printer connection. To avoid this you must: Delete the printer from the system before clean Switch off "HP Smart Install" on both the computer and the printer using the proprietary HP utility SIUtility.exe (or SIUtility64.exe) (usually in the UTILS folder of CD with printer drivers) After that printer will be re-installed as a regular USB printer and utility will not affect it anymore More info about "HP Smart Install" here: Q: How to restore a saved .reg-file? A1: You can also restore from a System Restore Point: A2: You must import saved .reg-file using System ...
5/5 5,540 Feb 05, 2021
Николай Распопов <img src=""border="0">
USB Ports Disabler v1.0
USB Ports Disabler v1.0 USB Ports Disabler is a simple Windows OS software useful to disable all USB drives to prevent data theft and malware which spread through USB devices. Easily lock or unlock USB ports, restrict users from using USB drives in your computer, disable USB drive detection on your Windows system. This program works by disabling the USBSTOR service so Windows is unable to detect and identify USB devices connected to the computer. USB Ports Disabler works on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 (32\64-bit).
5/5 6,218 Nov 15, 2019
Site2unblock <img src=" Ports Disabler1_th.png"border="0">
USBDriveLog v1.12
USBDriveLog v1.12 A tool for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that displays a log of all USB drives plugged to your computer. For every USB drive event, the following information is displayed: Device Model, Revision, Manufacturer, Serial Number, Plug Time, Unplug Time, Device ID, Device Capacity, and more... USBDriveLog allows you to retrieve the information from your local computer, from remote computer on your network, and from external hard drive. System Requirements • This tool works on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Previous versions of Windows are not supported because they don't have the needed event log channels. • This tool is just a small standalone .exe file that you can run on any system without installing anything. • USBDriveLog retrieves the information from the following event log channels: Microsoft-Windows-Partition/Diagnostic , Microsoft-Windows-Storsvc/Diagnostic , both channels are turned on by default on Windows 10 and Windows 11. If they are turned off from some reason, USBDriveLog will not display the USB drives log. Changes: v1.12: Added 'Sort By' toolbar button Start Using USBDriveLog USBDriveLog doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - USBDriveLog.exe After running USBDriveLog, the main window displays the USB drive log of your current running system. You can select one or more items (or select all items by pressing Ctrl+A), and then use the 'Save Selected Items' option (Ctrl+S) to save the selected items to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/HTML/XML/JSON file. You can also press Ctrl+C to copy the selected items to the clipboard, and then paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application. Read USB drive log from external hard drive If you want to view the USB drive log on external disk - Open ...
5/5 2,805 Apr 04, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
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