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Counter Control v1.2
Counter Control v1.2 A small program that will monitor and mitigate the fixed performance counters on Intel processors. Microsoft's Windows Defender anti-virus software will sporadically take over all hardware performance counters and use them in a way that reduces system performance significantly. Using Counter Control you can identify this and mitigate it. A more detailed writeup can be found here: Supported Operating Systems: Win 11, 10, 8, 7 (32-bit & 64-bit) Hashes: MD5: B7C113D5184A9F055D73A0D3BFC596E5 SHA1: D8142FB64CED99DDA8B34AA09C5224A580407996 SHA256: 8F9199880670A05C98B5C05510C8980FAF0DBA0A1F02428C198D07FAD1AD3CC2 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,956 Jan 24, 2024 <img src=" Control1_th.png"border="0">
CountryTraceRoute v1.40
CountryTraceRoute v1.40 A Traceroute utility, similar to the tracert tool of Windows, but with graphical user interface, and it's also much faster than tracert of Windows. CountryTraceRoute also displays the country of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute. After the Traceroute is completed, you can select all items (Ctrl+A) and then save them into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file with 'Save Selected Items' option (Ctrl+S) or copy them to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then paste the result into Excel or other spreadsheet application. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and x64 systems are supported. Known Limitations Currently, IPv6 is not supported by this tool. This tool displays the country name of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute. Be aware that the actual country where the IP address is located might be different from the country of the IP address owner. Changes: Version 1.40: Added support for using the IP-Location files from You can use all 3 types of CSV files: Country, City, and ASN. In order to use these files, simply download the desired files and put them in the same folder of CountryTraceRoute.exe with their original filename (For example: asn-country-ipv4.csv , asn-ipv4.csv) Updated the internal IP location database Start Using CountryTraceRoute CountryTraceRoute doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - CountryTraceRoute.exe In the main window of CountryTraceRoute, type the desired host name or IP address, the maximum number of hops, the timeout value in milliseconds, and then press the 'Go' button (or press the Enter key) to start the traceroute. Using External ...
5/5 4,231 Aug 11, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
CppCommentRemover v1.1
CppCommentRemover v1.1 This application removes comments from C/C++ source code. From the author: "Motivation: as I'm working from time to time with medium-to-large size third party code (pjsip, baresip) it was written to help with comparing source code of different version of projects. Most annoying thing are CVS tags in pjsip source code as once code is checked in and then checked out from own repository they are expanded/rewritten creating differences in every single file. Copyright notices are also annoying in similar way as they often may be single one detail changing between software version from different years." What does this application do? processing recursively files from selected folder removing comments containing selected strings or all comments preserving file timestamps (by default) - original timestamps make comparing source easier Files are processed in place (overwritten) - make sure to not work on main copy of the project. I've tested this tool on projects based on both pjsip (300+ kLOC) and baresip but handling of some rarely used language constructions is omitted (continuation inside single-line comments), results might be also unexpected when source code is not valid (has syntax errors). Preprocessor expression are also not evaluated thus text from "#if 0" blocks is processed and it has higher chance to trigger unexpected behavior as it may contain unclosed block comment. Changes: 2018.12.30 v1.1 added option to skip removing comments longer than N bytes (Portaudio: CVS Id tags mixed with copyright notices that should be kept) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,345 Mar 22, 2019
Tomasz Ostrowski <img src=""border="0">
CpuFrequenz v4.39
CpuFrequenz v4.39 Small tool for exact determination of the CPU frequency. Every now and then the PC becomes slow. Is it probably due to the CPU? Key Features • Fast and clear Frequency Query • Freely selectable Frequency Detection Duration • Real-Time CPU Load and Frequency Display Other Features and Specifications: • Low CPU and RAM Usage • Optional as a Portable Program • Multilingual (Multilingual) Changes: v4.39 // 15 February 2025 • Corrections in: the uninstall function and automatic update function. • Update of the language files in the CPU Frequency Tool application for all Windows • Important tests and verification under Windows 11 24H2 This download is for Windows XP and higher (very bottom of page). If you need the Windows 98 version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,699 Feb 18, 2025
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
CPUSetter v1.6.3
CPUSetter v1.6.3 CPUSetter adjusts the number of active cores in your cpu(s) in your Mac computer. It can also enable/disable hyperthreading on supported cpus. To do this requires administrator access to the machine and a small privileged helper program is installed when you first execute CPUSetter. A convenient link to the system Activity Monitor is provided so you can observe the impact of changes. Authentication with your administrator credentials is required to make changes to your system. The Processes window allows you to change the priority (nice value) of your processes, and to also limit the maximum CPU usage of any of your processes. You cannot adjust processes that do not belong to you. Be aware that you may severely impact the operation of your system by adjusting these parameters. Why would you ever want to do this? Because you can! Some software is licensed based on the number of active CPUs in the machine. CPUSetter will enable you to be within the terms of your software license. Power Saving. Disabling Hyperthreading can help mitigate Spectre/Meltdown expoits. CPU resources can be allocated according to your particular workflow. Many Pro Tools users have reported much better throughput by disabling hyperthreading. Probably other reasons too, just I can't think of them The Handbrake process has been limited to a maximum of 100% CPU usage (i.e. 1 whole core from the 4 available) and also reniced to a priority of 19. It is constrained as can be seen by it requesting more CPU resource than it is allowed to use. CPUSetter 1.6.3 - Changes and Features Changes Please note: Some functionality is not available on Apple Silicon (M1) machines. Build with Xcode 12.5. M1 ...
5/5 2,674 May 27, 2021
Bryan Christianson <img src=""border="0">
CredentialsFileView v1.12
CredentialsFileView v1.12 A free, simple tool for Windows that decrypts and displays the passwords and other data stored inside Credentials files of Windows. You can use it to decrypt the Credentials data of your currently running system, as well as the Credentials data stored on external hard drive. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Changes Version 1.12: Fixed a problem with decrypting Credentials files from external drive on Windows 11 22H2. Updated to save/load the folders information. Fixed to display the password column properly when the password string is Ascii instead of Unicode. Updated to work properly in high DPI mode. Data Stored In Credentials Files Windows operating system stores the following information inside Credentials files: Login passwords of remote computers on your LAN. Passwords of mail accounts on exchange server (stored by Microsoft Outlook) Windows Live session information. Remote Desktop 6 user\password information. Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x: passwords of password-protected Web sites ("Basic Authentication" or "Digest Access Authentication") Password of MSN Messenger / Windows Messenger accounts Credentials File Location You can find the Credentials files of Windows in the following locations: C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows Vista and later) C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows Vista and later) C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows 8 and later) C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows XP) C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows XP) Start Using CredentialsFileView CredentialsFileView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - ...
5/5 6,263 Dec 06, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Crossword Designer v1.6
Crossword Designer v1.6 Free program to design crossword puzzles. A tool to help you design crosswords by hand, though there are automated functions to suggest words, or even fill in grids. You create a grid, add clues by hand, then use the cut and paste tools to transfer to a wordprocessing or other desktop publishing package. So a nice tool for education, if you're running a club magazine or parish newsletter, or similar use. You can transfer files in the semi-standard xpf format, supported by some other crossword-editing software. Basic use Crossword Designer is very simple to use. Use the arrow keys or the mouse to move the green square cursor over the crossword, then press a letter key to generate a letter, the space key to generate a space, or the delete/backspace key to generate a black square. Numbering and clue numbering is done automatically. When you are happy with the grid, fill in the clues. To create crosswords with a theme, for example on the reading of the day for a church magazine, the hand-generated method is probably the best way. Auto fill Crossword construction software wouldn't be crossword construction software without an auto-fill method. Crosword Designer lets you choose the word difficulty level. It then auto-fill any empty spaces on the grid, when you select "Fill grid" from the edit menu. English-style crosswords usually auto-fill almost instantaneously. American-style grids with densely-interlocking words are much more challenging. Try to choose a grid which has separate regions with only one or two connections between them, and not too many long words. Or try filling in some of the longer words, which you have to do for "theme" entries anyway. Also, set the word difficulty to "very rare". This will generate a crossword with some very obscure words, which is a feature of American-style ...
5/5 2,069 Aug 01, 2022
Malcolm McLean <img src=""border="0">
Crypt It v1.4.3.0
Crypt It v1.4.3.0 Crypt it is a portable software to encrypt and decrypt files and texts. It uses AES official code to encrypt and decrypt files and Rijndael algorithm to encrypt and decrypt strings. Change Log: Version [9/2/2019] GUI changes New: Encrypted files can be saved in their own folders by selecting “Save to original folder” option. Output folder section will be disabled when “Save to original folder” option is enabled. New: Crypt it main form is now resizable and also files list rows and columns can be resized too. Crypt it background is now white and not gray Internal fixes CRC32: 5E0BCEE9 MD5: 494309AA1658230843B4534473709993 SHA-1: BBE545C603B08EA90A2514CA48122CAF42B9D2E8 SHA-256: EB18E25668E6DDA5DA5D9C1CDFF2FF012B53F133DBE098A1726736C68CEE36D3 Requirements: .NET 4.6 minimum Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,194 Jul 15, 2019
Sami Jildeh <img src=" It1_th.png"border="0">
Cryptomator v1.15.1
Cryptomator v1.15.1 A simple tool for digital self-defense. It allows you to protect your cloud data by yourself and independently. Most cloud providers encrypt data only during transmission or they keep the keys for decryption for themselves. These keys can be stolen, copied, or misused. Thanks to Cryptomator, only you have the key to your data in your hand. Cryptomator allows you to access your files from all your devices. It's easy to use and integrates seamlessly between your data and the cloud. How does Cryptomator protect your data? Cryptomator's technology meets the latest standards and encrypts both files and filenames with AES and 256 bit key length. To start with Cryptomator, you assign a password for a folder - we call it a vault - within your cloud. That is all. No complicated key creation, no registration, no configuration! To access the vault, simply enter the password again. You will be provided with a virtual encrypted drive to which you can move your data - just like a USB flash drive. Every time you store something on this drive, Cryptomator encrypts the data automatically. Pretty simple, right? The technology behind this is state-of-the-art and encrypts both files and filenames with AES and 256 bit key length. This means: if someone looks into the folder in your cloud, they cannot draw any conclusions about your data. Optimal protection thanks to the latest technology standards If someone looks into the folder in your cloud, they cannot draw any conclusions about your data. Why is Cryptomator secure and trustworthy? No backdoors, no expiration date thanks to open source You don't have to trust Cryptomator blindly, because it is open source software. For you as a user, this means that everyone can see the code. Audited by security researchers In addition to independent security audits, the software is continuously and publicly tested in an automated way and ...
5/5 5,007 Feb 06, 2025
Skymatic <img src=""border="0">
CrystalDiskMark v8.0.6
CrystalDiskMark v8.0.6 Open source benchmark software that measures the transfer speed of media data storage drive such as HD, SSD, USB memory, SD card and NAS. Key Features • Measure Sequential and Random Performance (Read/Write/Mix) • Various measure mode (Peak/Real World/Demo) • Many languages support • Themes System Requirements OS Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 Architecture x86/x64/ARM64 Important Notice CrystalDiskMark may shorten SSD/USB Memory life. Benchmark result is NOT compatible between different major version. “MB/s” means 1,000,000 byte/sec. The result depends on Test File Size, Test File Position, Fragmentation, IDE(PATA)/SATA/RAID/SCSI/NVMe controller and CPU speed etc… A part of SSDs depend on test data(random, 0fill). If you execute CrystalDiskMark with Administrator rights, it does not show Network Drive. If you would like to measure Network Drive, please run as w/o Administrator rights. UAC Dialog: YES -> w/ Administrator Rights, NO -> w/o Administrator Rights Unit 1GiB = 1024MiB = 1024x1024KiB = 1024x1024x1024B 1GB = 1000MB = 1000x1000KB = 1000x1000x1000B Changes v8.0.6 [2024/11/20] Benchmark results are fully compatible with 8.0.0. Added Dark Mode Menu support Updated Core Library (Project Priscilla) Added AoiLight/AoiDark theme [Aoi Edition] Added ShizukuLight~nijihashi_sola/ShizukuDark~nijihashi_sola theme [Shizuku Edition] Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,324 Dec 18, 2024
Crystal Dew World <img src=""border="0">
cStatus v1.2.7.1
cStatus v1.2.7.1 A free reliable tool to scan and monitor the network. Status started as a software that had two main functions: to monitor and to scan a network. It now can also get information about DNS and whois servers. It can also get Windows Systems informations. Features: A monitoring system with: - ICMP ping monitoring - TCP port monitoring (TCP ping) - Statistical informations - Charting - Simple alarm system - Allows opening a host with several tools: RDP, http, FTP, etc. - Host display filtering system An IP scanner: - MAC information and MAC vender detection - Hostname retrieval with the possiblitly to change DNS query server - Port scanner - Allows to add to the monitoring, one of the IPs that has been detected - Host display filtering system A graphical Trace Route: - Shows the route (hops) through the network between your computer and a specified destination computer. - Calculates and displays the amount of time each hop took - Hostname retrieval with the possiblitly to change DNS query server - Allows to add to the monitoring one of the IPs that has been detected IP subnet calculator: - The IP Subnet Calculator displays subnet network calculations using network class, IP address, subnet mask, number of hosts, first and last usable. IP information: - Gets information about local and public IP addresses DNS information: - An advanced tool to retrieve DNS records from a server. Whois information: - Whois protocol query tool. Designed to obtain domain name information Get Windows Summary: - A tool that gets summary information about several Windows systems. Get Windows info: - A tool that gets detailed information about one or several Windows systems. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,027 Jun 02, 2023
Hugo Nabais <img src=""border="0">
CSV Buddy v3.0
CSV Buddy v3.0 A Swiss knife for your CSV files. CSV Buddy helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load/save/export files with various delimiters and lots of options, including scripting. Freeware. Features Even if the CSV file format is a widely accepted standard, it is still found in multiple flavors. In some implementations, fields are separated by comma. Others are delimited with tab, semi-colon or a variety of characters depending on the OS. Most CSV file records stand on one line. However, some programs export multi-line data with line breaks inside fields (try to load in Excel a CSV export from Outlook or Gmail contacts with multi-line notes text fields). Many programs will have a hard time importing these various variations of the CSV format. The freeware CSV Buddy helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load files with all sorts of field delimiters (auto-detection of comma, tab, semi-colon, etc.). Field containing delimiters or line breaks can be embedded in various encapsulators (double-quotes, single-quotes, pipes or any character). Get field names from the file’s header (first line) or set your own column titles. Load data with line-breaks. Rename, select or reorder fields. Merge fields into new columns. In a grid, add, edit or delete records. Sort them on alphabetical or numeric values (integer or float). Filter the list, search records with global or columnn search. Search and replace, confirm each replacement or replace all. Save all or selected rows to a new file using any delimiters, with header or not. Replace line breaks in data fields with a marker to make your file ready to load in software (like MS-Excel) that can only load single-line fields. Automate tasks with CSV Messenger (included) scripting commands. This app allows to set the ...
5/5 2,145 Feb 08, 2024
Jean Lalonde <img src=""border="0">
CSVFileView v2.64
CSVFileView v2.64 A .CSV/tab-delimited file viewer and converter for Windows. CSVFileView is a simple CSV file viewer / converter utility that allows you to easily view the content of CSV or tab-delimited file created by NirSoft utilities or by any other software, in a simple table viewer. You can sort the lines according to one of the fields, remove unwanted fields and change their order, and then save the result back into CSV file, tab-delimited file, XML file, or HTML report. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Known Limitations CSVFileView cannot load extremely large csv files. Changes v2.64: Fixed issue: When copying data to the clipboard or exporting to tab-delimited file, every line contained an empty field in the end of the line. Using CSVFileView CSVFileView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - CSVFileView.exe After running CSVFileView, you can open the desired CSV/Tab-Delimited file by using the 'Open CSV\Tab-Delimited File' option (Ctrl+O) or by dragging the file from Explorer into the main window of CSVFileView. If the first line of the CSV/Tab-Delimited file doesn't contain the column names, you should turn off the 'First Line Contains Column Names' option (Under the Options menu) before opening the file. After opening the desired file, you can do the following actions: • Sort the lines by one of the fields, simply by clicking the right column header. If the column values are numeric, CSVFileView automatically makes a numeric sorting instead of string sorting. • Remove one or more columns or change their position by using the 'Choose Columns' window (F7). You can also change the position of the columns by dragging ...
5/5 5,351 May 16, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
CUETools v2.2.6
CUETools v2.2.6 A free tool for lossless audio/CUE sheet format conversion. The goal is to make sure the album image is preserved accurately. A lossless disc image must be lossless not only in preserving contents of the audio tracks, but also in preserving gaps and CUE sheet contents. Many applications lose vital information upon conversion, and don't support all possible CUE sheet styles. For example, foobar2000 loses disc pre-gap information when converting an album image, and doesn't support gaps appended (noncompliant) CUE sheets. The distribution comes with CUERipper, an easy-to-use tool for ripping CDs to audio files plus cue sheets, with optional native or EAC-style logging. Like CUETools, it checks the rip against the AccurateRip and CUETools databases. It also contributes to the CUETools database. Supported formats Supports WAV, FLAC, APE, lossyWAV, ALAC, TTA, and WavPack audio input/output. Audio must be 16-bit, 44.1kHz samples stereo (i.e. CD PCM). Supports every CUE sheet style (embedded, single file, gaps appended/prepended/left out). It is also possible to process a set of audio files in a directory without a CUE sheet, or use a RAR archive as an input without unpacking it. Use cases • Convert a single-file album image with CUE sheet to a file-per-track album image • Convert a single-file album image with CUE-sheet-per-album to a single-file album image with CUE-sheet-per-track album image (feature request) • Convert a file-per-track album image with CUE sheet to a single file album image • Convert a file-per-track album image without a CUE sheet to a single file album image with simple CUE sheet • Convert an album image from one lossless codec to another, preserving CUE sheet structure • Verify a (possibly non offset-corrected) album image against AccurateRip database ...
5/5 4,207 Jun 30, 2024
CUETools <img src=""border="0">
CurrPorts v2.77
CurrPorts v2.77 Free tool that monitors opened TCP/IP network ports/connections. CurrPorts is network monitoring software that displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it. In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file. CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons) Notice: • When the 'Use DNS Cache For Host Names' option is turned on, there is a significant memory leak on every refresh. This memory leak is not caused directly by CurrPorts, but by the DNS cache programming interface of Windows. Currently, I cannot find a workaround for this problem, so if you run CurrPorts for many hours in automatic refresh mode, it's recommended to turn off the 'Use DNS Cache For Host Names' option. • If you want to monitor UDP activity, you should try using the LiveTcpUdpWatch tool. Changes: Version 2.77: Fixed bug: CurrPorts failed to display country/city information for IPv6 addresses System Requirements This utility works perfectly under Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11. There is also a separated download of CurrPorts for x64 versions of Windows. If you want to use this utility on Windows NT, you should install psapi.dll in your system32 directory. You can also use this ...
5/5 9,920 Dec 13, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
CustomFolder v3.4
CustomFolder v3.4 CustomFolder allows you to customize folders with icons and emblems. Features • Create icons with emblems • 5 predetermined icons to color, 3 of them can be rotated • Up to 9 emblems per icon • Possibility to rotate the icons • Add unlimited personal icons • Folder Panel to apply your own design to all your folders • Drag one or a group of folders to the panel • More than 60 emblems included (legal) • Floating emblem • You can add unlimited emblems to your own collection • You can drag and drop a folder to work with it • You can drag and drop a JPG image to use as the icon's wallpaper • Customizable, you can select the background color of the icon preview and the window´s color • You can choose from 16.7 million colors for your icon • Customizable, 7 skins to customize CustomFolder - You can select a primary or secondary color • Music icon • 5 color palettes • 30 Slots to store custom colors • Color wheel to select a color • Portable Mode • Gallery • Clone the icon from another folder • Synchronized folders • CustomFolder installer and portable version • Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Dutch (installer in English) Read User Guide. Changes Version 3.4 - GUI improvements. Supported operating systems: Windows 10 64 bits version 1909 or above Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,938 Jul 03, 2024
GDZ Software <img src=""border="0">
CutePDF Writer v4.0
CutePDF Writer v4.0 Create PDFs from almost any application. Easiest Free PDF Converter ! Convert to professional quality PDF file from any printable document. New version 4.0 has more settings and do more. Windows 10 and Server 2019 Ready Support programmatic access FREE software for personal, commercial, gov or edu use. Users love it since 2004. Just click Print and select CutePDF Writer as your printer. It’s that simple. Select a file in any application that prints and open it. Choose “File” > “Print”. Choose “CutePDF Writer” as the printer in the print dialog box, and click “Print”. (Do Not select "Print to File" option.) Enter a new file name for your PDF and select options. “Save” to your desired location. Installation Requirements Supports Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32-bit/64-bit). Supports Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019. Requires PS2PDF converter such as Ghostscript (recommended). You can get the free AGPL Ghostscript here. GNU Ghostscript is a free open-source interpreter for the PostScript language and the PDF file format. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License. What's New Added support for Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 and Terminal Server. New version 4.0 allows you to change Document Properties, add Passwords with security settings and do much more. Added support for basic programmatic access. Seamlessly integrate with CutePDF Professional. New version works with the latest version of Ghostscript. To use with other PS2PDF application, please refer to FAQs. Supports foreign language Windows better. No longer include Ghostscript. You may download and install it separately. Click here to visit the author's ...
5/5 3,719 Feb 12, 2020
Acro Software Inc. <img src=" Writer1_th.png"border="0">
CVAssistant 3.1.0
CVAssistant 3.1.0 CV Assistant helps you create specialized resumes in Word .docx format fast and easy. The idea is to have a master resume with all skills and experiences in it. Then based on skills mentioned in the job advertisement, export a clean but well formatted word .docx file as a summarized resume with only relevant skills in it. This increases your chance of getting a job interview as most companies are using Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) or at best hiring managers which may be unaware of similarity between phrases like skilled in MS Word, familiar with Microsoft Word and Fully experienced with office suites. So job seekers need to create specialized resumes for each and every job position with the same wordings used in the advertisement. Add all your skills to CV Assistant, pick only relevant ones. It also creates cover letters! Again, write all possible sentences, and select those relevant ones per job post. CVAssistant helps you free of charge and this software remains for free! Features Flexible master resume All resume parts can be added, removed, temporarily hidden, and rearranged Export files in Word 2007 file format Intelligent resume analyser Automatically create a summarized resume based on skills in job advertisement You can attach your personal photo to the resume You can also create a master cover letter with selectable sentences Finally: It's free!
5/5 6,013 Oct 23, 2019
CVAssistant <img src=""border="0">
CyberShredder v1.12
CyberShredder v1.12 CyberShredder is a quick, safe and handy utility that lets you erase confidential files from your computer permanently. Normal file deletion will remove a file's directory entry and allocation table information. The actual disk clusters that contained the file's data remains intact on your hard disk and can be recovered later. CyberShredder overwrites the space occupied from a file with random data and erases the file, so an unerase utility will never be able to recover it. CyberShredder's simple interface will help you get rid of confidential data permanently. It deletes files using three different shredding methods, including the NSA approved seven-pass file deletion method. Please note that files and directories erased by CyberShredder can not be recovered using an undelete program. Make sure you use it with care. We recommend that you learn how to use the program by testing its behaviour with some test data first. Version 1.12: Quicker abort, abandons operation even at the end of a file operation File operation progress gauge, shows progress of each file operation (pass) Renames file multiple (26) times, not just once Remembers form position Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,532 Mar 02, 2019
CyLog Software <img src=""border="0">
DamnVid Portable v1.6.0.1
DamnVid Portable v1.6.0.1 DamnVid is a video converter that allows you to download and convert videos from various video sharing sites. It makes use of the FFmpeg library as used in software like VLC Media Player and Google Chrome to handle the conversions. It can convert as it downloads in many cases. The author's tagline is "it sucks less". System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,894 Nov 29, 2019
Etienne Pérot & <img src=""border="0">
Darik's Boot and Nuke v2.3.0
Darik's Boot and Nuke v2.3.0 DBAN is free erasure software designed for the personal user. It automatically deletes the contents of any hard disk that it can detect. This method prevents identity theft before recycling a computer. DBAN is also a commonly used solution to remove viruses and spyware from Microsoft Windows installations. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,631 Feb 24, 2021
Blancco <img src=""border="0">
DarkAudacity v2.3.2
DarkAudacity v2.3.2 ...powered by Audacity, the free open source sound editor. Record, play and edit sound on your computer..... A free sound editor, DarkAudacity is the well known Audacity sound editor now with a darker more modern theme - and a few small tweaks. The audio engine underneath is the same audio engine. The same code powers it. Like Audacity it is completely free. It's not a cut down trial evaluation version. You can record and play sounds, edit sounds, apply audio effects and save what you create for ringtones, podcasts and more. DarkAudacity is Open Source, free for you to download and use on your PC. Audacity and DarkAudacity come from a community effort. Many people have contributed to the audio code. Because they are Open Source, anyone is allowed to read and modify the source code. DarkAudacity is a variation on the Audacity software, made possible because Audacity is Open Source.
5/5 4,345 Jun 17, 2019
DarkAudacityTeam <img src=""border="0">
darktable v5.0.0
darktable v5.0.0 Free, open source alternative to Adobe Lightroom. darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them. Here is a short list of highlights where darktable can improve your digital photography processing workflow and help you to make better images with less effort. You can find a more detailed description of every single item in the online user manual. Features: • Non-destructive editing throughout the complete workflow, your original images are never modified. • Take advantage of the real power of raw: All darktable core functions operate on 4x32-bit floating point pixel buffers, enabling SSE instructions for speedups. • GPU accelerated image processing: many image opertions are lightning fast thanks to OpenCL support (runtime detection and enabling). • Professional color management: darktable is fully color managed, supporting automatic display profile detection on most systems, including built-in ICC profile support for sRGB, Adobe RGB, XYZ and linear RGB color spaces. • Cross platform: darktable runs on Linux, Mac OS X / macports, BSD, Windows and Solaris 11 / GNOME. • Filtering and sorting: search your image collections by tags, image rating (stars), color labels and many more, use flexible database queries on all metadata of your images. • Image formats: darktable can import a variety of standard, raw and high dynamic range image formats (e.g. JPEG, CR2, NEF, HDR, PFM, RAF … ). • Zero-latency, zoomable user interface: through multi-level software caches darktable provides a fluid experience. • Tethered shooting: support ...
5/5 4,501 Dec 23, 2024
darktable team <img src=""border="0">
Data Crow v4.10.0
Data Crow v4.10.0 The ultimate cataloger and organizer. You can easily catalog your media library or any other collection. Always wanted to manage all your collections in one product? You want a product you can customize to your needs? Your search ends here! Using Data Crow allows you to catalogue all your collectables, no matter how large your collection is. Using the excellent online services, you can instantly retrieve information about your books, software, games and movies. This information, combined with the file import, which can parse information from your e-books, software, images, music and movie files, means you won’t be doing a lot of typing. Are you collecting something which is not (fully) covered by one of the standard collection modules? No problem! Either customize an existing module by adding the fields you need or create your own module entirely. Data Crow comes as a full stand alone client; Your browser does not support the video tag. Additionally, Data Crow can run as a server. The server is both an application and a web service. Users can connect using the full client and/or they can use the Data Crow web client. Both clients can connect at the same time, working on the same server; Your browser does not support the video tag. Data Crow is a feature packed product which luckily comes with an internal help system (F1) to guide you on your journey through Data Crow. Also see the following manuals covering specific functionality such as creating new report templates and creating your own modules. An explanation on how to run a Data Crow Server. How to create a custom report for Data Crow. How to create a custom module. Available languages in Data Crow: Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Polish. Features: Standard Collection Modules Catalogue Software, Movies, Music, Images ...
5/5 9,172 Aug 24, 2023
Robert Jan Van Der Waals <img src=""border="0">
Database .NET v33.0.7877
Database .NET v33.0.7877 An innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool. You can browse/grant objects, design tables, edit rows, run queries, generate scripts, analyze/monitor SQL and import/export/migrate/sync data with a consistent interface. Major Features/ Special Features/ Exclusive Features Browsing Table Data: Browsing Table Data Highlighting Groups of Cells Displaying Data Types on the column header Data Visualization Multiple Tabs and Browsing Mode (Paging/Horizontal/Vertical) Cell Viewer Calculate Selected Cells Print SQL statements and query results Filtering Table Data: Editing Table Data: Editing Table Data Form Editor and Viewer Cell Editor(*) DateTime Picker XML/JSON Editor PrimaryKey Selector GUID Generator (De)Compression and (De)Encoding strings Data Import and Export: Data Import(*)(Clipboard/CSV/TSV/PSV/SSV/TXT/XML): Importing specific fields Empty as NULL Record Separator Data Export(*)(CSV/TSV/PSV/SSV/XLSX/XLS/XML/JSON/HTM/MD /SQL): ...
5/5 5,450 May 28, 2022
fish <img src=""border="0">
Database Browser v5.3.2.10
Database Browser v5.3.2.10 This free, portable and easy to use tool allows the user to connect to any database and browse or modify data, run SQL scripts, export, import and print data. And the most important thing it is Free-ware. Key Benefits: Works directly with Oracle, MS SQL Server, ODBC, MySql, OleDB, BDE, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server Compact, Interbase and Firebird Support for ODBC connection strings Unlimited number of connections One click switching from one connection to another One click table browsing Data browsing, filtering and grouping Data exports into CSV, TAB, Excel, RTF and Html files Import data from Excel Execution history SQL Builder with a wide range of supported databases Execution Log Incremental Table Search Changes: - Fixed: Issues with command line interface Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,851 Jan 08, 2020
DB Software Laboratory <img src=""border="0">
DataExplorer v3.9.0
DataExplorer v3.9.0 Free program that gathers data from various connected devices and display this data for further analysis. Devices use the program's plugins to function. New, similar to existing devices can be easily created by using the integrated DevicePropertyEditor application without coding. A device API (IDevice) is defined to enable a relative simple adaptation of a new device as a plug-in to integrate into the application framework. Currently supported devices: • AkkuMasterC4 (Htronic) - 4 outlet battery charger/discharger • Akkumatik (Estner) - battery charger/discharger • 4D-AkkuMonitor (4D) - battery monitor • ArduPilot - UAV log analyzer (beta-version) • AV4ms (Fritz Mössinger/accu-select) 4 slot battery charger/discharger firmware >= 762 • CellLog 8S, (Junsi) battery cell monitor • Core-Telemetry, (PowerBox Core) telemetry data analysis • CSV-Import generic form (beta-version) • CSV2SerialAdapter, import of configurable CVS data files • D100 (SkyRC) 2 channel charger/discharger USB-HID • D100 V2 (SkyRC) 2 channel charger/discharger USB-HID • Devo-Telemetry (Devention) telemetry log analysis • DataVario, DataVarioDuo (WStech) variometer, GPS, multi measurement device • Dynamite Passport GPS Speed Meter (Horizon Hobby) GPS Logger • eStation BC6 50W, BC6 80W(dx), BC610, BC8, 902 (Bantam) charger/discharger • FlightRecorder (Multiplex) telemetry log analysis • Futaba-Telemetry (Robbe/Futaba) telemetry log analysis • GigaLogger (Simprop) multi logger • GSM-015 GNSS Speed Meter (SkyRC) GPS Logger • GPS-Logger (SM-Modellbau) - GPS, variometer integrated • GPS-Logger2 (SM-Modellbau) - GPS, variometer with TEK integrated • GPS-Logger3 (SM-Modellbau) - GPS, variometer with ...
5/5 342 Jul 16, 2024
Winfried Bruegmann <img src=""border="0">
DataProtectionDecryptor v1.13
DataProtectionDecryptor v1.13 A free, powerful tool to decrypt passwords and other info encrypted by the Data Protection API (DPAPI) system of Windows. You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI data on your current running system and to decrypt DPAPI data stored on external hard drive. About DPAPI DPAPI is a decryption/encryption system used by Microsoft products as well as by 3-party products to decrypt and encrypt passwords and other secret information on Windows operating system. DPAPI decrypted data always begins with the following sequence of bytes, so you can easily detect it: 01 00 00 00 D0 8C 9D DF 01 15 D1 11 8C 7A 00 C0 4F C2 97 EB Here's some examples for passwords and other data encrypted with DPAPI: • Passwords of Microsoft Outlook accounts, stored in the Registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Profiles (Depending on version of Outlook) • Credentials files of Windows (e.g: C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials , C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials ) • Wireless network keys (Stored inside XML files under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces ) • Passwords in some versions of Internet Explorer, stored in the following Registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2 • Passwords stored in the passwords file of Chrome Web browser ('Login Data' file in the profile of Chrome). • Encrypted cookies in Chrome Web browser ('Cookies' file in the profile of Chrome) System Requirements This tool works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Changes v1.13: Fixed bug from Version 1.12: DataProtectionDecryptor displayed extra padding bytes when decrypting DPAPI data from external drive. Decryption Modes You can use this tool to decrypt DPAPI-encrypted data in 2 different modes: • Decrypt ...
5/5 5,559 Nov 29, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Dave Gnukem v1.0.3
Dave Gnukem v1.0.3 A 2D scrolling platform shooter, inspired by Duke Nukem 1 Dave Gnukem is a retro-style 2D scrolling platform shooter. It is inspired by and similar to Duke Nukem 1, a famous 1991 classic. It's not a clone or remake; it's rather more like a parody. Features • Now with less crashes • Game taking forever to complete, like Duke Nukem Forever • Shootable bananas • Integrated level editor • Subliminal messages • Clever pun in game title • Evil SuperTux • SystemD integration • Big rockets • Something that sort of resembles a cannon on wheels • Arcane command-line parameters nobody will use • Cutting edge lighting effects you'd expect from 1990 • More or less family friendly • Teleporters • Nostalgic references to technology nobody uses anymore • A surprisingly bearable 18 frames per second • Red balloons • Overweight hero to represent rise in obesity rates since original 1991 release • Fans that blow you (no not what you're thinking, you dirty mind) • Detects and corrects wrongthink • Software doesn't spy on you • Now with extra-retro simulated EGA/CGA, you'll feel like you're in the 90s again or your money back • Bugs older than your children • Floors • Walls • Doors • Much much more! Don't like the levels? Make your own! Level Editor Click here ...
5/5 5,545 Nov 20, 2022
David Joffe <img src=" Gnukem1_th.png"border="0">
Dave's Cards Puzzle 1.0.0
Dave's Cards Puzzle 1.0.0 Dave's Cards Puzzle is just a simple (One Level) puzzle written for WinXP. Will it work on other Windows platforms?...Very Possible. We do our best to write all of our software based on the Microsoft Architecture. Did someone say: "One Level ?"....Yep! Not a platformer; Not a game; Just a Puzzle. When you download the puzzle you will be given two options: Optimized for a 1024 X 768 display OR: Optimized for a 800 X 600 display. Either way, the puzzle is exactly the same. They both run off of the same game engine that we wrote. It is just the visuals that will be different. Now...Let's just get to the puzzle! The directions aren't complicated. The graphics aren't complicated. You won't have to LEARN when to click, like in an arcade game. You just have to solve this One Level Puzzle. The Explaination is simple. The graphics are simple. The puzzle looks simple. One Screen....One Level...One Puzzle............... Hee, hee......Can You Solve it???
5/5 5,104 Oct 03, 2019
MILLER WORLD Inc. <img src=" Cards Puzzle2_th.png"border="0">
Dave's Locks v3.21.11
Dave's Locks v3.21.11 DAVE'S LOCKS is another original in our Puzzle Series. There are 6 bands of colors and all you have to do is to rotate them so that the colors (tumblers:) all line up correctly. Left or Right Click to rotate each tape is the only controls needed. We know that you’ve come to love the simplicity of control with all our software. No Keyboard strokes to learn and remember….ever. There are 5 levels of difficulty and 32 levels of locks. That’s 160 unique puzzles that should satisfy anyone with puzzle solving ability.
5/5 5,047 Oct 03, 2019
MILLER WORLD Inc. <img src=" Locks3_th.png"border="0">
Dave's Trails v7.18.9
Dave's Trails v7.18.9 Dave's Trails is a SIMPLE little puzzle game written for Windows. Nothing fancy, but Excellent if you are the puzzle solving type. You basically just have to put colored tiles together to complete a trail on a 7 X 7 tile grid. (It IS NOT a slider puzzle) It looks simple, is very easy to learn, but it will slowly addict you if you are the puzzle solving type of person. It was optimized for WinXP 1024 X 768 display but should work as low as 800 X 600. It is window scalable so you can leave it running on your desktop while you do other things. You can even let it running Minimized. As with all of our software, it only uses a very small draw on your CPU as compared to most other software. It also has four Save locations so that 4 people can try and solve the puzzles on the same computer. LOL>>>You'd be surprised how many people have written us and said: "We just wanted to try 'One More Level' before we quit". Hope it brings you a few weeks of puzzle solving fun.
5/5 5,178 Sep 27, 2019
MILLER WORLD Inc. <img src=" Trails1_th.png"border="0">
DBee v0.22
DBee v0.22 A fast, free and minimalistic database browser. Features • Simple, lightweight, minimalistic, fast! • Keyboard-centric workflow with optionally mouse support. • Single executable with no dependencies. • Supports multiple platforms (Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS, Windows). • Supports multiple architectures (x86_64, arm64, i386). • Supports MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. • Optional feature to save connections (except passwords). • List of selectable tables/views with a single key shortcuts. • View table/view structure or browse data. • Execute custom SQL queries. • SQL query history. • Free and open-source software. Philosophy • Non-destructive by design: Users cannot accidentally drop a database or table from the UI. Destructive features does not exist and WILL NOT be implemented. • Keep it lightweight: DBee WILL NOT support every possible database, data store, or key-value store. Initially, it will support only popular databases, with additional support determined by community requests. • Keep it simple: Working with multiple databases, tabs, and advanced UI elements WILL NOT be implemented. Handling multiple databases in the same UI can be confusing, even in advanced GUI clients. Users who want to work with multiple databases can start a new DBee session in a separate terminal tab. Keyboard Shortcuts Global ESC : Quit application Ctrl + Shift + V : Paste text Ctrl + Z : Undo text Connections Page -> Saved Connections Pane Alt + S : Focus saved connections pane 1..9, A..Z : Selects saved connection Enter : Apply saved connection Connections Page -> Connect to Server Pane Alt + D : Focus connect to server pane Tab : Focus next input field Main Page -> Database Objects ...
5/5 292 Jun 27, 2024
Murat Çileli <img src=""border="0">
DDNS Updater v0.1.3
DDNS Updater v0.1.3 DDNS Updater checks for changes to the external IP address of a Microsoft Windows computer, and updates a dynamic DNS (DDNS) service whenever a change is detected. DDNS Updater has the following features: Compatible with a large number of DDNS services, thanks to a configurable HTTP API Minimizes API calls, e.g. by persistent caching of the IP address and local IP matching Configurable check and update intervals Works with IPv4 and IPv6 (including dual-stack) Able to send email when the detected IP address changes Runs as a Windows service, so that updating occurs even when no-one is logged in Completely free of charge with no adware or spyware No transmission/collection of data Dynamic DNS API Logging Email notification Changes: Version 0.1.3 adds an 'Apply' button so that updates can be forced manually. Timer behavior is changed so that an update is performed sooner when the service starts. Updated OpenSSL so that HTTPS SNI is supported, and %IP% variable is supported in the check URL in addition to the update URL. MD5: 2453eafae7644878abf45cbc098ee813 Installation Download and run the .msi file to install DDNS Updater. After installation, you're presented with the option to configure DDNS Updater. At its simplest, you only need to enter a value for the IPv4 (or IPv6) update URL and save the settings, then DDNS Updater should work. DDNS API External check URL DDNS Updater polls a URL to check whether your external IP address has changed. Any URL which returns your current IP address should work. To do an IPv6 check, enclose the host in square brackets, e.g. http://[]. If blank, DDNS Updater will cycle through a built-in list of URLs to find one ...
5/5 3,999 Sep 12, 2019
Wombat Holdings, Inc. <img src=""border="0">
Debotnet v0.7.7
Debotnet v0.7.7 Debotnet is a free and portable tool for controlling Windows 10's many privacy-related settings and keep your personal data private. The Windows 10 default privacy settings leave a lot to be desired when it comes to protecting you and your private information. Whenever I set up a new computer or update a current setup for my family or job, I always carefully go through the privacy settings for each install, making sure to lock it down to make it as private as possible. Windows 10 has raised several concerns about privacy due to the fact that it has a lot of telemetry and online features, which send your data (sensitive and not) to Microsoft and can't be disabled. If you haven’t yet installed Windows 10, or if you’re planning on buying a PC with Windows 10 already installed, do NOT use the “Express Settings” option when you do your initial setup. Instead, select “Custom Settings” so you can take charge of locking down your privacy from the get-go. After the Installation Debotnet is coming into play. It prevents Windows 10 on basis of a dozen of script files from sending your data to Microsoft. The most important features at a glance Disable telemetry and online features, which send your data (sensitive and not) to Microsoft Choose which unwanted functions you wish to disable Uninstall Windows 10’s Built-in Apps Debotnet will show you what it's doing. You have full control, because the executing code can be viewed in a simple text editor Debug mode. E.g. the Test mode lets you see which values are twisted in registry, commands executed etc. Simple scripting engine for adding custom privacy rules Scripts updated ...
5/5 3,814 Apr 12, 2020
Mirinsoft <img src=""border="0">
DeepSkyStacker v4.2.4
DeepSkyStacker v4.2.4 DeepSkyStacker is a freeware for astrophotographers that simplifies all the pre-processing steps of deep sky pictures. Registering Stacking Simple post-stacking processes to quickly view the final result. Saving the resulting image to a TIFF or FITS file (16 or 32 bit) After a shooting night you give all your pictures (light frames, darks frames, offset/bias frames, flat frames) to DeepSkyStacker and you go to bed. The next morning (or is it afternoon?) you can see the result and start post-processing. DeepSkyStacker: Main Features Automatic registration of a set of pictures Automatic detection of stars using all the picture area Preview of registered stars Sub pixel registration Automatic derotation Automatic creation and use of offsets, flats and darks frames Sub pixel alignment and stacking Supported bitmaps formats : 8, 16 and 32 bit colour and monochrome TIFF files, 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit colour and monochrome FITS files, JPEG, BMP, PNG Native use of RAW files from most DSLRs (CR2, NEF, CRW, DNG ...) without using an intermediate file format (TIFF or other). Darks, Flats and Offsets computed from and applied directly to the RAW picture before any interpolation. Stacking methods: average, median, kappa-sigma clipping, auto adaptive weighted average, entropy weighted average, maximum... Preview of all pictures (including RAW) Simple post-processing with RGB levels, luminance curve and saturation adjustments. Save the resulting picture to 16 or 32 bit TIFF or FITS files with or without adjustments applied. Simple and intuitive user interface ...
5/5 3,306 Aug 11, 2020
David Partridge
DeepSound 2.0
DeepSound 2.0 DeepSound is a steganography tool and audio converter that hides secret data into audio files. The application also enables you to extract secret files directly from audio files or audio CD tracks. DeepSound might be used as copyright marking software for wave, flac, wma, ape, and audio CD. DeepSound also support encrypting secret files using AES-256(Advanced Encryption Standard) to improve data protection. The application additionally contains an easy to use Audio Converter Module that can encode several audio formats (FLAC, MP3, WMA, WAV, APE) to others (FLAC, MP3, WAV, APE). System requirements: - Windows XP/Vista/7/8 - Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Documentation: 1 DeepSound 2.0 1.1 Hide data into carrier audio file To hide data into audio file, follow these steps: Select carrier audio file or drag and drop audio file (flac, wav, wma, mp3, ape) into the file explorer. Click to 'Add files' or drag and drop secret files into the panel on the right side of application. Press F3 key or click to encode secret files. You can choose output audio format (wav, flac or ape). DeepSound does not support wma output format. If you want to hide data into wma, hide secret data into wav file and then use external software such as Windows Media Encoder for convert wav to wma lossless file. In settings dialog you can turn On/Off encrypting and set password. Modified audio file will be copied to output directory. Click Ok to start hiding secret files into carrier audio file. 1.2 Extract secret data from audio file or audio CD track To extract secret data from audio file, follow these steps: In the file explorer, select audio file or audio CD track, which contains secret data. If the secret files are encrypted, enter ...
5/5 6,211 Mar 16, 2016
Jozef Bátora <img src=""border="0">
Defender Control v1.7
Defender Control v1.7 Easily disable/enable Windows Defender in Windows. Defender Control v1.7 Sordum Team | January 25, 2021 | 199 Comments Defender Control App Since Vista,Windows Defender is included with Windows . It’s a small piece of software that runs in the background to help protect ,your computer from malware (malicious software) like viruses, spyware, and other potentially unwanted software. Some spyware protection is better than none, and it’s built in and free! But… if you are already running something that provides great anti-malware protection, defender will probably wasting precious resources , there’s no need to have more than one application running at a time. The problem with all Defender versions in Windows Vista and above is it’s integrated into the operating system and installs by default with no visible or hidden option to uninstall. Many people are looking for ways to disable or remove it from their system as they prefer to use other software , for example on Windows 8 and 10 you cannot turn off Windows Defender completely anymore , A click on Settings in Windows Defender opens the control panel for the program in the new Windows Settings application. You can turn the program’s real-time protection off temporarily, but if it’s off for a while Windows will turn it back on automatically. It is unclear why Microsoft made the decision to change the behavior of Windows Defender in this regard. What is certain however is that it will annoy users who want to disable it permanently on the computer they are working on. Defender Control is a small Portable freeware which will allow you to disable Windows Defender in Windows 10 completely. Defender Control v1.7 – What’s New – (Monday, 25. january 2021) 1. [FIXED] – Defender control doesn’t work properly when Tamper Protection is active 2. [FIXED] – ID Protection prevent to use ...
5/5 6,261 Mar 03, 2021 <img src=""border="0">
Defender Exclusion Tool v1.2
Defender Exclusion Tool v1.2 Drag and drop files to exclude from Windows Defender scanning. Regardless of whether you choose Microsoft Defender Antivirus, or a third party antivirus solution you need to be sure these products are not scanning critical File and folders because Occasionally Microsoft Security Essentials or Microsoft Defender cause problems with some Files and folders. Typical issues include slow performance , deleting some necessary files or erratic operation or it may flag a file or folder that you trust as malicious. To work around these problems you can add this kind of files and folders to the list of exceptions. What is new: (Friday, June 4, 2021) 1. [Added] – Language support 2. [Added] – Expor/Import feature 3. [Added] – Option to show all Microsoft Defender exclusions (include group policy) 4. [Added] – Some minor improvements 5. [Fixed] – Defender Injector Name has been changed to Defender Exclusion Tool 6. [Removed] – CMD Parameter support (For security reason) In Windows 10 , there is a new app called Microsoft Defender Security Center . The app, formerly known as “Microsoft Defender Dashboard”, has been created to help the user control his security and privacy settings. You can add any trusted file, file type, folder, or a process to the exclusions list with the following steps ; 1. Open settings Application 2. Choose Update &amp; security 3. Open Windows security 4. Select Virus &amp; threat protection 5. Click Manage settings under the Virus &amp; threat protection settings 6. Click Add or remove exclusions 7. Under Add an exclusion, select the files, folders, file types, or process. You may need to repeat the instructions to exclude other items you don’t want the antivirus to scan to avoid false positives As you see adding exceptions manually through the graphical user interface would be time consuming, tedious and, prone to human error therefore we have coded a portable Freeware ...
5/5 2,699 Jun 09, 2021 <img src=""border="0">
DelEmpty v1.2
DelEmpty v1.2 This program will find empty folders on any drive or single folder you choose to scan. It will list the empty folders and check them for deletion by the user. Features: - Show filecount, foldercound, programcount and size of files and subfolders. - Sort by files, size or path. - Doubleclick to explore a folder. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,741 Dec 21, 2021
Skrommel's One Hour Software <img src=""border="0">
Delete Multiple Files v1.1
Delete Multiple Files v1.1 Batch delete tool Bulk delete utility Vovsoft Delete Multiple Files enables batch file/folder deletion through a simple process. It permits you to get rid of multiple files or folders from your computer without the need to go through and manually delete them. It presents a simplified user interface without overly complex settings. Multiple file eraser When you want to get rid of many files on your computer, you typically need to browse any location and manually erase the items. Alternatively, you can try "Delete Multiple Files", an application that does exactly what its title suggests. The overall look and feel of this software utility is minimalist, as its GUI is not cluttered with redundant menus and buttons. Instead, you get a simple window where you can add files or folders you want to remove, along with some additional features meant to simplify the whole process. Delete files or folders from different places on the computer The application is meant to allow you to efficiently add the items you want to delete and complete the job with minimal hassle. It supports drag'n'dropping of the selected items for removal. It can be used for individual files, folders, subfolders, or recursive subfolders. You can choose between "Send to Recycle Bin" and "Permanently Delete" options. You can also specify file mask when dealing with directories. It is the perfect addition to your toolset without wasting time when multiple files need to be deleted. It can come in handy when you want to save both time and energy when removing numerous files at the same time. Supports: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (32-bit and 64-bit) Language: English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Pусский, Shqip, Slovenščina, Svenska, Türkçe, български, العربية, 中文, 日本語, 한국어 License: Freeware — no nags, no ads, fully functional Note from the OlderGeeks: There are some false ...
5/5 2,442 Dec 21, 2021
Vovsoft <img src=""border="0">
Delete.On.Reboot v3.31
Delete.On.Reboot v3.31 A free program to delete locked files, directories and subfolders on Windows restart. Unlike the aggressive approach of deleting locked files with ThisIsMyFile, this is the regular procedure; provided by Microsoft on all Windows OS, but here you can still also move the files to a directory for example to check the possible culprits files. easy to use! Delete at restart key features: • Administrative Explorer • Administrative Explorer with System Rights • Move and Delete on Restart • Remove Windows Standard Delete Jobs • Very small program • Low CPU usage • Optional translation function • Portable • Multilanguage Optional Optionally, you can add the freeware tool to the Explorer context menu via the Extras menu, all objects in the list view will be deleted from the Windows PC when restarting. If necessary, objects that should not be deleted can be removed from the list view so that they are not deleted when the Windows PC restarts. Optionally in the download area is the installable and portable version. Changes: New in version 3.31 // 4 May 2024 • Important comprehensive testing of the Delete.On.Reboot app in view of the upcoming update for Windows 11 and 10, checking the application functionality taking into account the upcoming changes • Updated the language files in the Delete.On.Reboot application to ensure a smooth user experience in different languages. Supported operating systems: The software is suitable for all Windows operating systems 64bit and 32bit. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,302 May 06, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
Dell Display Manager v1.55.2090
Dell Display Manager v1.55.2090 Dell Display Manager enhances everyday productivity through comprehensive management tools giving you optimal front of screen experience, efficient display management, and easy, effortless multitasking. With an improved Dell Display Manager, the ease of access and usability are further enhanced for the user. IT Managers will now be able to manage and control monitors remotely improving overall productivity. NOTE: Dell Display Manager is a utility for Dell monitors and is not applicable for laptops. See a list of Dell monitors that support Dell Display Manager. New Features of Dell Display Manager Accessing Dell Display Manager (DDM) features and the most recent Easy Arrange layouts is easier than ever. Simply enter preset hotkeys to bring up Dell Display Manager (DDM) UI at the touch of the keyboard. Also, toggle easily between your favorite Easy Arrange layouts and templates. A more intuitive way to configure monitor settings. Simply drag and drop the Dell Display Manager UI menu from one monitor to another. Allows users to control and change monitor settings easily in a multi-monitor configuration. More customization options to view data based on individual preferences. Users can now customize up to 48 max zones easily and assign them accordingly. Viewing and using Dell Display Manager (DDM) in portrait mode is now possible. Dell Display Manager (DDM) Easy Arrange templates automatically switch to portrait mode when monitor orientation is pivoted vertically. KVM Wizard to simplify the KVM setup. Follow step-by-step pop-up windows guide at the click of the KVM Wizard icon on the Dell Display Manager (DDM) user interface. (available on select Dell monitors with KVM capability only). Remote Management and Control (for IT managers only) IT managers can issue specific instructions via command lines to Dell Display Manager (DDM) to execute tasks within specific times to individual monitor or an entire fleet ...
5/5 2,321 Mar 01, 2022
Dell <img src=""border="0">
Deskreen v2.0.4
Deskreen v2.0.4 Turn any device into a secondary screen for your computer. Deskreen is a desktop app that turns any device with a web browser into a secondary screen for your computer over WiFi. Deskreen can be used to mirror entire computer display onto any device screen that has a web browser. Also you can limit Deskreen to select only one application window view to share - very useful for presentation purposes. The best feature of Deskreen is to use any device as a secondary screen. To have a true extended desktop experience Deskreen should be used with Virtual Display Adapter. Also with no need for Virtual Display Adapter you can have a teleprompter with Deskreen using your tablet or smartphone, for that Deskreen has Flip Screen Mode that mirrors computer screen in web browser of your tablet (aka. flip screen horizontally). Features Second Screen Use any device with a web browser as a second screen for your computer (with the help of Virtual Display Adapter). Share Screen View Share your computer entire screen to any device that has a web browser. Share App View Limit Deskreen to share only a single application view to any device with a web browser. Teleprompter on Any Device If you are a video blogger and you need a teleprompter, or you need to look at the camera during a video conference, Flip Screen Mode is just for you WiFi Compatible Deskreen can share screen video over WiFi. No cables needed. Multiple Connected Devices Connect as many devices as you want at the same time. Share computer screen to all of them. Advanced Video Quality Control You can change picture quality while sharing a screen. Auto quality change supported. Easy to Use Three easy steps to connect with Deskreen. User friendly design with features that you need. Secure Deskreen was built with security in mind. It uses an industry standard of End-to-end encryption. Fast Depending ...
5/5 2,637 Jul 20, 2023
Pavlo (Paul) Buidenkov <img src=""border="0">
Desktop Icon Spacing v1.0.0.0
Desktop Icon Spacing v1.0.0.0 It allows you to set the space between desktop icons. It treats vertical and horizontal spacing separately. You don’t have to restart the PC to apply changes. Desktop Icon Spacing is part of the system font changer software family. Software startup and recovery options are the same as in other software in the family. Before adjusting the settings, you should close any other windows and save workflow data, as the software restarts the explorer process to apply the settings. It stores current settings. When you start your computer, the previously used settings are applied. You only need to run the software if you want to change current settings. After you run it, the arrangement of icons usually changes. If the explorer process doesn’t restart on your PC, you can start it manually from the “Advanced” menu. If this also fails, use the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keyboard shortcut to restart your computer, or select one of the displayed options. Desktop Icon Spacing is free to use and doesn’t require activation. MD5: 5a5f22d4ddd26807dc0cee4ee1d95487 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,711 Apr 24, 2021
Peter Panisz <img src=""border="0">
Desktop Restore v1.7.2
Desktop Restore v1.7.2 This tiny application operates as a Shell extension. It records the layout and positions of icons and programs on the Windows Desktop, and permits restoration of the layout. From the author: "I wrote this program after severe frustration of having my layout trashed every time I switched screen resolutions. Sometimes other programs will switch screen size and trash your layout as well. This program is an answer to this problem, and I thought other people might find it useful too." TIP: Even with Desktop restore installed, does Windows seem to scramble your icons now every time you reboot, or press F5 to refresh? If so, after you restore your icons the way you want them, manually move one icon a space or two over and then move it back. After that Windows should remember their placement for a much longer time. Usage After installation, three new items are available in the desktop context menu (right-click menu): Save Desktop… , Restore Desktop and Custom Save and Restore… Right-clicking on the desktop and choosing Save Desktop… stores the current desktop layout into the registry (after verifying that this is what you want), using the current screen resolution as the name. Once this has been performed, choosing Restore Desktop, will recall the stored layout (for the current screen resolution) even if the icons have been scrambled all over the screen. You should always re-save the desktop after adding an icon and after changing a desktop icon’s position. Custom Save and Restore… allows you to: · Choose the saved layout to restore. ...
5/5 5,569 Jul 02, 2020
Jamie O'Connell <img src=""border="0">
Desktop Ticker v1.14.1
Desktop Ticker v1.14.1 A free aggregator application that allows you to keep an eye on your favorite RSS and Atom web feeds whilst you work on your computer. Once feeds have been added, the article titles scroll across the screen. Article summaries are displayed when the mouse cursor is placed over an article title, and the full article can be opened in a web browser by clicking on the article title. Options include specifying whether all articles are displayed from the RSS feed or just articles created within a set time period, color coding articles based on their age, and adjusting the scroll speed. Compatible with RSS feeds provided by news sites such as BBC News and CNN, and many other sites including Gmail, Facebook and Flickr. Also compatible with software such as Bugzilla and Jenkins continuous integration server. For information about using Desktop Ticker, read the user guide here: For information about deploying Desktop Ticker on a Windows corporate network, read the deployment guide here: Windows may warn against running the application as it is not signed by a trusted publisher. On Windows 8,10 and 11, you can run it by clicking "More info" and then "Run anyway". This download is for the Windows Installer version. If you need the Windows/Linux portable, download here. Note: Linux requires Mono
5/5 3,339 Jan 22, 2023
Mike Batt <img src=""border="0">
Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK v4.11
Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK v4.11 A free calendar for the Windows desktop. Having a calendar is very convenient on the Windows desktop. For example, you can quickly jump to the desired month or date and view it through this Windows Desktop Tool. Now you can see the first day of the week and the weekly overview. But that's not all, the calendar will also show you the daily difference when you click on a particular date, as well as how many weeks plus days it is up to this date. Very handy for the office, if you often schedule appointments and the head is so full that you have no idea how many days or weeks are up to this important date. Very convenient is that the date is available in a short and long date format, so you can easily use it by copy and paste for other programs. This desktop calendar will be an excellent help at work and in everyday of u life. It is convenient to use, does not interfere with other programs, and always stays close at hand. Features ◆ Day and Week difference to a Day ◆ Clamp and easy weeks orientation ◆ Optional in the Windows taskbar always at hand. ◆ Paste date into the clipboard Other Specifications: ◆ Optional running in the background ◆ Low CPU usage ◆ Very small ◆ Portable ◆ Multilingual Changes: v4.11 // 19 July 2024 • Important tests and verification of the Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK APP under MS Server 2025 • Important update of the Desktop.Calendar.Tray.OK language files for Windows Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,828 Sep 13, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DesktopClock3D v1.02
DesktopClock3D v1.02 A simple, but also beautiful 3D Windows desktop clock with different fonts, themes and individual adjustments. Key functions in the 3D desktop clock ◆ Optional transparency of the desktop clock ◆ Multiple themes for the clock ◆ Optional seconds display ◆ Re-sizable ◆ Freely selectable font ◆ Analog, digital, 3D text ◆ Fixed position on the screen ◆ Freely selectable position on the desktop Other features / specifications: ◆ Hardly any CPU or RAM load ◆ Full Unicode character set support ◆ Optional translation function ◆ Optional as a portable app ◆ Multilingual 3D desktop clock installation or portable Optional is the installable and portable version of the 3D desktop clock in the download area. The 3D desktop clock does not necessarily have to be installed, it can be started comfortably from the desktop, even without installation, and can be used immediately on all Windows operating systems. Thus, this desktop digital clock for Windows can be used as a portable application. For portable use, add a "_p" to the execution file, so it becomes a portable application, practical for use on a USB stick. New in version 1.02 // 11 June 2021 • Optimization when rendering the 3D desktop clock • New languages in DesktopClock3 : French, Korean,Chinese-Traditional, Spanish and Polish • Thanks to Drake4478 for the French language. • Thanks to VenusGirl❤• for the Korean language. • Thanks to Danfong Hsieh for the Chinese-Traditional language. • Thanks to Speedy Gonzales for the Spanish language. • Thanks to Michal for the Polish language. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,681 Jun 11, 2021
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DesktopDigitalClock v4.81
DesktopDigitalClock v4.81 A simple and beautiful digital desktop clock with different themes and customization for Windows. Key Features in Digital Desktop Clock ◆ Freely selectable position on the desktop ◆ Fixed position on the screen ◆ Optional transparency ◆ Optional second hand ◆ Multiple Themes ◆ Custom Font ◆ Changeable in size Other Specifications: ◆ Low CPU and RAM Usage ◆ Optional translation function ◆ Portable ◆ Multilingual Changes: New in version 4.81 // 22 April 2023 • Small fixes in the Digital Desktop Clock for Microsoft Windows OS • NEW: Restart of the desktop clock via the To-Tray- / Notification Area-Menu Operating systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium + Professional, Windows 7 Starter + Ultimate, , X64, x86 and x32 all Windows, MS Windows Server 2019, 2016,2012 This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,760 Apr 24, 2023
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DesktopImages3D v2.21
DesktopImages3D v2.21 Display your pictures in 3D on your desktop. Features • Optional transparency of the 3D box • Several themes for displaying the images • Can be changed in size • Fixed position on the screen • Freely selectable position on the desktop • Hardly any CPU and RAM load • Full Unicode character set Support • Optional translation function • Portable app • Multilingual Supported operating systems Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium + Professional, Windows 7 Starter + Ultimate, , X64, x86 and x32 all Windows, MS Windows Server 2019, 2016,2012. Changes New in version 2.21 // 21 March 2023 Bugfix: Due to occasional crashes on some MS Windows operating systems on AMD RYZEN with integrated graphics Small improvements in the 3D desktop picture tool for Windows operating systems This download is for the 64bit portable version. If you need the 32bit portable version, download here. If you need the 64 bit installer version, download here. If you need the 32 bit installer version version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,693 Mar 21, 2023
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DesktopNoteOK v4.14
DesktopNoteOK v4.14 For quick creation of desktop notes on the Windows desktop, with beautiful random options and various customization options. From the author: "The desktop notes were created on user's request, mainly because of Windows 10, here it is only available through MS Store. In terms of privacy, users are skeptical here and demanded of me a pure desktop tool." Features • Multiple themes for desktop notes • Random background and text color • Optional transparency of desktop notes • Changeable in size • Custom background color • Very small program • Low CPU usage • Deactivatable via System Tray • Optional translation function • Portable • Freeware • Multilingual Changes: v4.14 // 29 October 2024 Changes not provided by author. Supported operating systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium + Professional, Windows 7 Starter + Ultimate, , X64, x86 and x32 all Windows, MS Windows Server 2019, 2016,2012. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,771 Oct 29, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DesktopOK v11.57
DesktopOK v11.57 Save and restore the positions of the Windows Desktop Icons After you change the screen resolution in Windows, often there will be icon chaos on the desktop, as if a bomb had hit it! The icon position will shift and Windows will not correctly restore the desktop icon position. DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for users that have to often change the Windows screen resolution. It will backup and restore the position of your icons. It is also good for Windows users who often have to work with a projector a Windows notebook or Windows tablet. Installation: DesktopOK does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device. Start the program. The first time that you use it the program present you with a license screen. The program is free and the license info is only displayed the first time (per PC). Portable: DesktopOK.ini will be created in the folder %APPDATA%/DesktopOK For portable use, please create or copy DesktopOK.ini in DesktopOK's working directory. Supported Operating systems Windows 11, Windows 11 Pro, Windows 10, Windows 10 Pro, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 8, Windows 8 Enterprise and Pro, Windows 7, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Home Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium + Professional, Windows 7 Starter + Ultimate, , X64, x86 and x32 all Windows, MS Windows Server 2019, 2016,2012. Features: • Save your favorite icon locations for each screen resolution. • Helpful Desktop tools for windows • Easily minimize all of the windows on your screen • Launch at Windows startup. • Each user can then have his own arrangement. • Portable Windows app. • Autosave the Desktop Icon Layout • Change Language • Maximize the number of windows desktop icon • Change Windows Desktop Icon ...
5/5 9,516 Feb 07, 2025
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DesktopSnowOK v6.44
DesktopSnowOK v6.44 Let it snow on your Windows desktop! DesktopSnowOK is a lightweight portable Windows program for 5 or more snow or other flakes on your windows desktop. Features: •  from 5 to 2000 snow flakes •  Low CPU usage but much snow  •  Adjustable speed •  Several flakes textures (bitmaps) •  Optionally rotate the snowflakes, flowers, leaves ....  •  Optional deactivation by mouse movement or keyboard input •  Optional alpha transparency •  Freeware •  Category desktop decoration and fun •  Very Small Snow Tool •  Optional translation feature •  Portable •  Multilingual Supported Operating Systems Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Server 2019, 2016, 2012 Changes v6.44 // 17 December 2024 • General adjustments to the latest Windows 11 update • Update of the language files in the Desktop Snow APP for Windows • Improvements in the snowfall algorithm and in the rendering engine. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 8,971 Dec 18, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DeviceTool v1.1.0.20
DeviceTool v1.1.0.20 A Device Manager for administrators. DeviceTool can enable and disable devices remotely Display installed devices - with properties Enable and disable local devices Enable and disable devices on remote computers Portable tool - no installation required Runs on Windows 7/8/10/11 and Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 (32 and 64 bit) Free - for private and professional use The features Display devices Displays all Windows devices (like Windows Device Manager) Displays the most important properties Displays devices of remote machines extremely fast Device classes filter for better overview Refreshs automatically (manual refresh with F5) Enable/disable devices Enables/disables devices with right mouse button Enables/disables devices of remote computers Advanced Open by command line (with parameter hostname and filter word) History of recent computers System requirements DeviceTool runs on: Windows 7/8/10/11 and Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 (32 or 64 bit). It requires .NET-Framework 4. Additional tools DeviceTool consists of 5 files. For full functionality (remote enabling/disabling) you need the file psexec.exe from Microsoft TechNet (free download): FAQ ► How does DeviceTool work? DeviceTool connects on TCP port 135 to get device information via WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). It displays the devices in the GUI. Further information in the DeviceTool help page. ► Do I need additional tools? Only if you would like to enable and disable devices remotely. Then you need file psexec.exe in the DeviceTool folder. You can download psexec.exe for free at: ► How much does DeviceTool cost? DeviceTool is free of charge - even for professional use. ► What's new in version (Feb-16-2022)? DeviceTool now displays the operating system version better in the form "Microsoft ...
5/5 5,757 Feb 17, 2022
Lugrain Software GmbH <img src=""border="0">
DevManView v1.80
DevManView v1.80 An alternative to the Device Manager of Windows that displays all devices and their properties in a flat table, instead of a tree viewer. In addition to displaying the devices of your local computer, DevManView also allows you view the devices list of another computer on your network, as long as you have administrator access rights to this computer. DevManView can also load the devices list from external instance of Windows and disable unwanted devices. This feature can be useful if you have Windows operating system with booting problems, and you want to disable the problematic device. System Requirements DevManView works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 11. For x64 version of Windows, you should download the x64 version of DevManView, because the 32-bit version of DevManView cannot disable/enable devices on x64 operating system. Changes Version 1.80: Starting from this version, DevManView doesn't request to run as Administrator when your run it. Added 'Run As Administrator' option (Ctrl+F11). You need to use this option if you want to disable/enable/uninstall devices or to view the install/connect/disconnect time. Added /RunAsAdmin command-line option. For using with the disable/enable command-line options. Added 'Black Background' option (Under the View menu). When it's turned on, the main table is displayed in black background and white text, instead of default system colors. Updated to work properly in high DPI mode. Using DevManView DevManView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - DevManView.exe After running DevManView, the main window displays the list of all devices found in your system. By default, non-plug and play drivers (LegacyDriver) are not displayed, but you can add them by selecting the ...
5/5 6,286 Sep 12, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Dia Diagram Editor v0.97.2
Dia Diagram Editor v0.97.2 Dia is an application for creating technical diagrams. Its interface and features are loosely patterned after the Windows program Visio. Features of Dia include multiple-page printing, export to many formats (EPS, SVG, CGM and PNG), and the ability to use custom shapes created by the user as simple XML descriptions. Dia is useful for drawing UML diagrams, network maps, and flowcharts. Dia Manual English German French Polish Basque Requirements The current Dia release has been tested successfully on Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, Linux and Mac OS X. License Dia is free software available under the terms of the GNU GNU General Public License, the GPLv2. This download is for the Windows version. If you need the MacOS version, download here. If you need the Linux Debian version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,471 Jun 23, 2021
Steffen Macke <img src=""border="0">
Dialupass v3.60
Dialupass v3.60 This utility enumerates all dialup/VPN entries on your computers, and displays their logon details: User Name, Password, and Domain. You can use it to recover a lost password of your Internet connection or VPN. Dialupass also allows you to save the dialup/VPN list into text/html/csv/xml file, or copy it to the clipboard. Warning: Some Antivirus programs detect Dialupass utility as infected with Trojan/Virus. This is a false positive. The file is clean. ystem Requirements This utility works under Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003/2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. The passwords are revealed only if you log on to the computer with administrator privileges. Versions History 20/07/2019 3.60 Added support for Pre-shared keys. Using Dialupass Dialupass is a standalone application, and it doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy the dialupass.exe to any folder you want and run it. After you run it, it'll instantly show all your Dial-Up accounts and their user/password details. You can also select one or more Dial-Up items (by using Ctrl and Shift keys), and then save them into text/csv/html/xml file , or copy them into the clipboard (Ctrl+C). Dialupass utility also allows you to easily edit the logon details: user name, password and domain. You can get the editing dialog-box by double-clicking the item you want to edit. Command-Line Options /setpass <Entry Name> <User Name> <Password> <Domain> {Pre-shared Key} Set the user name, password, and domain for the specified dialup entry. Optionally, you can also specify a pre-shared key. /external <Windows Directory> <Profiles Base Folder> Load the dialup items from external instance of Windows 2000/XP/2003 operating system. For example: dialupass.exe /external "j:\windows" "j:\Documents and Settings" /pbkfile <Phonebook file> Specifies the phonebook file to load. /stext <Filename> Save the list of all dialup items into a regular text file. /stab <Filename> Save the list of all dialup items into a ...
5/5 4,275 Jul 22, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
digiCamControl v2.1.1.0
digiCamControl v2.1.1.0 digiCamControl is an free and open source software. This allows you to save time by transferring images directly from your camera to your computer as you take each shot and allow to control camera shooting parameters. Control your camera Control your camera settings remotely from your Windows PC via USB.Trigger image capture via release button on the camera or remotely from your computer.Handhold the camera, shoot, and have the resulting images displayed on the computer monitor. Instant review Review images right after photo is captured in full screen or display them instantly on the computer and view histogram and photo metadata. The image loading engine based on Image Magic, which provides a fast image loading even for raw with option to highlight over and underexposed areas in captured photos. Advanced capture control Shoot a series of bracketed shots with an arbitrary shutter speed, aperture or exposure value. Advanced interval meter to create a series of time-lapse images based on a highly customizable scheduler. Shooting triggered by motion detection for cameras which support live view. Live view Allows you to see the image live through the camera on your computer’s monitor before shooting. You can remotely autofocus or manually adjust the focus. Even zoom in and out so that you can confirm the focus is sharp. For better framing an overlay can be applied to the live image. You can also shoot a series of focus stacked images to connect into one ultimate DOF picture. Multiple camera support You can control multiple connected cameras at the same time, triggering photo capture in parallel, or one by one. To improve sync capture also external capture devices are supported like arduino based triggers or USB relays. For better camera management, settings can be synchronized between connected cameras. High interoperability The application can be controlled in multiple ways from an external application, using a ...
5/5 4,229 Jul 11, 2019
Duka Istvan <img src=""border="0">
ZIP DirPrintOK v7.27
DirPrintOK v7.27 A directory expression program for Windows you can print and save directory contents and / or directory structures. It is very easy to print the content of a directory with DirPrintOK .DirPrintOK has a print preview with variable aspect ratio and also export functions to XLS/HTML/CSV/TXT. Famous views : tree-list, tree-list-plus, filters &amp; console. Features • Print individual file details, such as the MP3 ID3 tag • Grouping: by file extension, modification time, size or folders • Multi-Tab to open a second folder in a new tab • Print: With print preview and variable aspect ratio. • Print the dir list of the cmd.exe • Very small but effective print program • Export: XLS file, CSV, TXT, HTML • Low CPU and Memory Usage • Fast Folder Swiching • Portable • Multilingual • ... and much more Why The Folder Print program? Maybe you know it from DOS, so it was so easy to display and print the contents of a directory or directory structure. The existing cmd.exe in Windows operating systems can also offer directory expression functions, such as with the command "TREE" or "Dir", but they are very cumbersome to use and very cumbersome for printing out folder contents. Yes, even in the new Windows 10 or old 8.1 and Seven, this has not improved much. DirPrintOK is different. The simple and clear view in the tree structure list view hybrids (tree list view) makes it much clearer and easier to use, especially as you can also see and print the file details. Layout "DirPrintOK" is very simple, but also very easy to use. My primary goal was to program an easy-to-use directory expression facility. And that anyone can easily choose folder and folder contents and print any. Start and Use the Folder Printer Start the program. The first time the program will show you ...
5/5 4,991 Jan 14, 2025
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
DirSync Pro v1.53 for Mac
DirSync Pro v1.53 for Mac DirSync Pro is a small, but powerful utility for file and folder synchronization. DirSync Pro can be used to synchronize the content of one or many folders recursively. Use DirSync Pro to easily synchronize files from your desktop PC to your USB-stick (/Externa HD/PDA/Notebook, ...). Use this USB-stick (/Externa HD/PDA/Notebook, ...) to synchronize files to another desktop PC. Using DirSync Pro you can make incremental backups. In this way you'll spare lots of time because you don't have to copy all the files each time you want to update your backup; only new/modified/larger files would be copied. DirSync Pro provides some preconfigured modes (e.g. Mirror, Backup, Contribute, …) for common synchronization and backup tasks and some custom modes in which the user could set up the synchronization behavior to meet specific wishes. Prior to synchronization, DirSync Pro perfoms an analysis on files and folders and detect any kind of changes to any file/directory in the source. If a file is for example modified, removed, deleted, renamed in the source DirSync Pro synchronizes the destination accordingly. DirSync Pro detects also changes to file meta data (e.g. DOS attributes, POSIX file ownerships/group/permissions) and could preserve them to the destination file/directories. DirSync Pro has a user-friendly User Interface which helps you configure many options to your needs. You can use DirSync Pro also through the command line which makes it very flexible for running in batches. DirSync Pro lets you define advanced filters based of filename patterns (textual and regular expression based), file sizes, modification dates, file paths and file meta data to include or exclude file/directories as desired. DirSync Pro has a powerful schedule engine which lets you schedule synchronization tasks on many different ways, minutely, hourly, daily, weekly and monthly. Advanced users may use tons of options available in DirSync ...
5/5 5,147 Dec 21, 2021
ogivi <img src=" Pro1_th.png"border="0">
DirSync Pro v1.53 for Windows
DirSync Pro v1.53 for Windows DirSync Pro is a small, but powerful utility for file and folder synchronization. DirSync Pro can be used to synchronize the content of one or many folders recursively. Use DirSync Pro to easily synchronize files from your desktop PC to your USB-stick (/Externa HD/PDA/Notebook, ...). Use this USB-stick (/Externa HD/PDA/Notebook, ...) to synchronize files to another desktop PC. Using DirSync Pro you can make incremental backups. In this way you'll spare lots of time because you don't have to copy all the files each time you want to update your backup; only new/modified/larger files would be copied. DirSync Pro provides some preconfigured modes (e.g. Mirror, Backup, Contribute, …) for common synchronization and backup tasks and some custom modes in which the user could set up the synchronization behavior to meet specific wishes. Prior to synchronization, DirSync Pro perfoms an analysis on files and folders and detect any kind of changes to any file/directory in the source. If a file is for example modified, removed, deleted, renamed in the source DirSync Pro synchronizes the destination accordingly. DirSync Pro detects also changes to file meta data (e.g. DOS attributes, POSIX file ownerships/group/permissions) and could preserve them to the destination file/directories. DirSync Pro has a user-friendly User Interface which helps you configure many options to your needs. You can use DirSync Pro also through the command line which makes it very flexible for running in batches. DirSync Pro lets you define advanced filters based of filename patterns (textual and regular expression based), file sizes, modification dates, file paths and file meta data to include or exclude file/directories as desired. DirSync Pro has a powerful schedule engine which lets you schedule synchronization tasks on many different ways, minutely, hourly, daily, weekly and monthly. Advanced users may use tons of options available in DirSync ...
5/5 5,452 Dec 21, 2021
ogivi <img src=" Pro1_th.png"border="0">
Discord Messenger v1.07
Discord Messenger v1.07 A free Discord-compatible messaging client that works on almost 30 years of Windows. From Windows 95 to Windows 11! Discord Messenger is a messenger application designed to be compatible with Discord, while being backwards compatible with down to Windows 95. The project is licensed under the MIT license. Disclaimer: Using third party clients is against Discord's TOS! Although the risk to get banned is low, the risk is there! The author of this software is not responsible for the status of your Discord account. Note: You will need to use an official client to accept invitations currently. This may change in the future. Changes: 1.07 beta 02-01-25 Added support for Windows 98 (#133) Fixed an issue where some webhook messages would wrongfully combine (#138) Fixed an issue where a message with a single "@" symbol would crash the client (#116, #126) Fixed a recursion error when exiting the client, causing stack overflows on certain versions of Windows Fix some resource leaks in the profile popout Slightly reduce memory usage from messages Add minimize to tray support (#113) Add checking for an existing instance (#113) Now using different libcrypto and libssl, to allow for support for non-SSE2 systems out of the box. * Although it may start up on Windows NT 4, it won't actually work. Expect instabilities when using Windows versions earlier than 2000. NOTICE: The MinGWA version has been reuploaded on February 2nd, 2025, to add the libcrypto/libssl dlls that don't use SSE2 instructions. The Files: MSVC Discord Messenger - Compiled with the vs141_xp (VS2017 Windows XP) build tools, can run on Windows XP SP2 and up. MinGW Discord Messenger ...
5/5 53 Feb 05, 2025
Discord Messenger <img src=""border="0">
DiscRipper DiscRipper is a software program which simply does two jobs: ripping audio CD and DVD video discs. DVD ripper DiscRipper can rip DVD disc into MPEG4, AVI, WMV, XVid, and many other formats. Also, DiscRipper can convert video for portable devices such as iPod, iPhone, PSP, Creative Zen, and 3GP / 3G2 for mobile phones. You can select preferred DVD titles, audio language and subtitles if available on a DVD disc. Furthermore, you can freely configure the output format by changing video / audio bitrate, frame rate, frame size, and other options. CD ripper Besides ripping DVD video, with this little but powerful program you can backup your audio CD into MP3 format, rip CD into APE files, OGG or WAV audio file formats. DiscRipper will automatically fetch all CD tracks information from CDDB internet database; grab album covers and even lyrics for all songs. All this information will be stored in mp3 tags (both Id3v1 and Id3v2, so there is no need to do that manually anymore).
0/5 8,277 May 03, 2014
Nuclear Coffee Software
DiskCheck v4.3
DiskCheck v4.3 All Miray tools with hard disk access use the same driver architecture, and this program now enables one to check if the SATs will work on a system. It also offers a (rather reliable) speed guess for the SAT applications. In case of undetected devices, the program can also output a diagnosis which can be used to further improve the driver architecture. DiskCheck is equipped with both IDE and SCSI drivers; although SCSI drivers are available only in the premium product range, their correct function can still be tested with this free tool. It also has the much improved IDE drivers which offer Ultra-DMA access for IDE devices. IDE speed can be measured with DMA access turned on or off, which also allows one to measure the PIO speed of newer hard disks, which unfortunately is slightly lower than the PIO speed of some older hard disks. SCSI hard disks connected to a supported Adaptec Host Controller (including U160) are supported. This download is for the English version. If you need the German version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,106 Feb 06, 2021
Miray Software AG <img src=""border="0">
DiskCryptor v1.3
DiskCryptor v1.3 An open-source, free encryption software for Windows to encrypt hard drives, partitions, and external storage devices. It was initially released in 2008 by a developer known as ‘ntldr,’ and it’s been helping people safeguard their data ever since. Features • Support of AES, Twofish, Serpent encryption algorithms, including their combinations. - Transparent encryption of disk partitions. - Full support for dynamic disks. - Support for disk devices with large sector size (important for hardware RAID operation). • High performance, comparable to efficiency of a non-encrypted system. - Support for hardware AES acceleration: AES New Instructions set on recent Intel and AMD CPUs; PadLock extensions on VIA processors. - Support for the SSD TRIM extension. • Broad choice in configuration of booting an encrypted OS. Support for various multi-boot options. - Full compatibility with UEFI/GPT boot - MBR bootloader Full compatibility with third party boot loaders (LILO, GRUB, etc.). - Encryption of system partitions with pre-boot authentication. - Option to place boot loader on external media and to authenticate using the key media. - Support for key files. • Full support for external storage devices. - Option to ...
5/5 1,427 Mar 29, 2024
David Xanatos <img src=""border="0">
DiskGenius Free (portable) v5.6.0.1565
DiskGenius Free (portable) v5.6.0.1565 This free version of DiskGenius partition manager offers an all-in-one solution for data recovery and partition management. This free version features the following: Create, Format, Delete, Hide And Unhide Partition Set Active Partition Modify Partition Parameters Convert Partition Between Primary And Logical Quick Partition Create Integral-sized Partition Resize, Split And Extend Partition Without Data Loss Backup &amp; Restore Partition Table Check And Correct Partition Table Error Check 4k Sector Alignment Assign Drive Letter Set Volume Label Rebuild MBR (Master Boot Record) Wipe Sectors Erase Partition Free space Clear Reserved Sectors Verify And Repair Bad Sectors Create Bootable USB Drive View HDD S.M.A.R.T. Information Support HDD With Unconventional 512 Bytes Sector Support GUID Partition Table (GPT disk) Convert MBR To GPT Or GPT to MBR View Disk Sector Data Jump To Specific File Sectors Or Offsets Migrate System To New Disk Virtualize Current System Into VMware Clone Disk By Files Clone Partition By Files Clone Disk Sector By Sector Clone Disk By File System Layout Clone Partition Sector By Sector Clone Partition By File System Layout Backup Partition To Image By Files Restore Partition From Image Extract And View Data Of Image File Read Files In Hidden Partition DiskGenius support support Delete Files Create Folders Rename Files Copy Files (NTFS /FAT32 /exFAT) Preview Pictures, Office &amp; PDF Documents, Video &amp; Audio Support Partition Image File (.img) Analyze Data Allocation For Partition Support LVM2 (Single Disk) Changes: v5.6.0.1565 New 1. The "Search for Lost Partitions" feature provides "Automatic" and "Advanced" modes to improve operational convenience. ...
5/5 7,497 Jun 20, 2024
Eassos Ltd. <img src=""border="0">
DiskTuna Free Defrag and Optimization 1.2.3
DiskTuna Free Defrag and Optimization 1.2.3 DiskTuna (formerly DiskTune) is a tiny and free disk defragmentation and optimization software, that will only run when you want it to. DiskTuna does not install background services or other crapware that slows the system down. It only runs on-demand. However, to make maintaining your hard disk using DiskTuna as accessible as possible, it can be used from a drive’s context menu. Also, you can create one-click shortcuts to jobs. Click a job shortcut to for example have DiskTuna defrag a disk quietly in the background. DiskTuna features: Defragmentation: Moves fragmented files in to contiguous regions. Optimization: Moves frequently accessed files into the fastest region of the hard disk. Optimization also defrags fragmented files, and packs files together. Run every few months only. Improves Windows startup times. Compact: Packs files together to prevent fragmentation from occurring. Explorer integration: Defrag drive or folder by right clicking it in Explorer. VSS safe-mode: does not cause excessive growth and deletion of shadow copies. Create shortcuts, single click jobs. Disk temperature monitor, pauses when disk temp gets too high. Checks volume state before defragging. Safe: Uses Windows defrag API for actual file moves.
5/5 5,648 Jun 01, 2017
Joep van Steen <img src=""border="0">
DISM Tool v2.9
DISM Tool v2.9 A GUI interface for DISM which works on running OS, a mounted WIM or an offline OS - so can be used from Windows PE. Features include: • image capture • apply images • export • list packages / drivers / features / capabilities • add/remove drivers • mount/unmount images • check and repair images • get information • diskpart • mount registry • and more Requires: .NET v4.7.2 Changes: 30/10/24 v2.9 Log file path fix when running under Windows PE Use 7-Zip to unzip this file. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,307 Oct 31, 2024
PC Assist Software <img src=""border="0">
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) v18.0.9.2
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) v18.0.9.2 A driver removal utility that can help you completely remove AMD/NVIDIA graphics card drivers and packages from your system, without leaving leftovers behind (including registry keys, folders and files, and the driver store). The AMD/NVIDIA video drivers can normally be uninstalled from the Windows Control panel, this driver uninstaller program was designed to be used in cases where the standard driver uninstall fails, or whenever you need to thoroughly delete Intel, nVidia or ATI/AMD video card drivers. The current effect after you use this driver removal will be similar as if its the first time you install a new driver just like a fresh, clean install of Windows. As with any tool of this kind, we recommend creating a new system restore point before using it, so that you can revert your system at any time if you run into problems. This tool acts similar to what other driver cleaner programs do + the extra mentioned above. If you have problem installing older driver or newer one, give it a try as there are some reports that it fixes those problems. Recommended usage: • You MUST disconnect your internet or completely block Windows Update when running DDU until you have re-installed your new drivers. • DDU should be used when having a problem uninstalling / installing a driver or when switching GPU brand. • DDU should not be used every time you install a new driver unless you know what you are doing. • DDU will not work on network drive. Please install in a local drive (C:, D: or else). • The tool can be used in Normal mode but for absolute stability when using DDU, Safemode is always the best. ...
5/5 7,599 Jan 31, 2025
Wagnard <img src=""border="0">
DisplayMagician v1.1.2
DisplayMagician v1.1.2 An open source tool for automatically configuring your displays and sound for a game or application DisplayMagician is an open source tool for automatically configuring your displays and sound for a game or application from a single Windows Shortcut. DisplayMagician is designed to change your display profile, change audio devices, start extra programs and then run the game or application you want. It will even reset things back to the way they were for you once you've closed the game or application! What it does Different games require your displays configured in different ways. If you're a simracer like me, you also require a lot of additional 'helper' applications the give you the additional functionality to game the way you want. Making all those changes each time I wanted to play each game REALLY started annoying me, and I thought there must be a better way. There is now. DisplayMagician allows you to configure multiple different display profiles, and then use those different display profiles to create Game Shortcuts. These Game Shortcuts allow you to have your game or application start exactly the way you like it. Do you like running Dirt Rally 2.0 on a single NVidia Surround window across triple screens, and yet you like to run Project Cars 2 across four individual screens (a triple and one above)? Do you like running SimHub when you play iRacing, yet you want to start Twitch when you play Call of Duty? Well with DisplayMagician you can do all that with a single Desktop Shortcut (you can even start games with a Hotkey)! DisplayMagician also allows you to automatically change to a different audio device just for one game, and will revert that change when you close the game. Great if you have some special audio devices you use only for certain ...
5/5 2,613 Jun 06, 2021
Terry Macdonald <img src=""border="0">
dnGrep v3.0.0.0
dnGrep v3.0.0.0 Allows you to search across files with easy-to-read results. Search through text files, Word and Excel documents, PDFs, and archives using text, regular expression, XPath, and phonetic queries. dnGrep includes search-and-replace, whole-file preview, right-click search in File Explorer, and much more. Features: Search across text files, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, and PDFs Search for files in archives - zip, 7z, rar, jar, and many more Search using text, regular expressions (regex), XPath, and phonetics Many search filter options Search-and-replace, including undo Whole-file preview Right-click to search in File Explorer Move/copy/delete result files Open line results in a custom editor, like Notepad++ Bookmark search patterns for later use Try out complex searches in the Test window Save search results Light and Dark themes Translations in several languages Much more! Runs on: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 or Windows Server Requires: .NET 4.6.2 or higher. Changes in this release (from the author): After 500 builds of the 2.9 release, it seemed like a good time to change to 3.0. Code signing: the big news with this release is that dnGrep releases are now signed with a code signing certificate provided by, certificate by SignPath Foundation. A big thank-you to SignPath for their support of open-source software. Starting with this 3.0 release, you will no longer get the "Unknown Publisher" warning from Windows. However, at least initially, you will see and almost identical Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warning for an "unrecognized app". Click the "More info" link, you should see the publisher as SignPath Foundation (if you don't see SignPath as the publisher, ...
5/5 4,104 Feb 23, 2022
dnGrep <img src=""border="0">
DNS Angel v1.7
DNS Angel v1.7 Aids in protecting your family from inappropriate websites, blocking them automatically. The internet is vast and uncensored, and can be the source of material that is damaging to young minds. Parents should play an active role in making sure that corrupting websites are being filtered and blocked ,and DNS Angel can help. It will aid in protecting your family from inappropriate websites, blocking them automatically. DNS Angel is portable and completely free. Children are our future. Please protect them. If you click on any button in the software interface, you will start using one of the secure dns. The software applies the corresponding secure dns change on all network cards when one of the buttons is clicked. Use the “Default Dns” button to return to your default dns settings. If secure dns has ipv6 support, the software will automatically assign secure ipv6 dns . If you want to go back to your previous dns before using dns angel, all you need to do is use the Restore Dns button. How to Add your own DNS IP addresses In this release DNS Angel read DnsAngel.ini file to show safe DNS ip addresses , this allows you to change the dns ips easily. If you want to add your own Dns address, right click DnsAngel.ini file and open it with Notepad or any other text editor , find the [DnsAngel_list] line and edit following DNS Adresses and Names. Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10, Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows XP – (Both x86 and x64) Supported languages: English Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,019 Jan 24, 2023 <img src=" Angel1_th.png"border="0">
Dns Jumper v2.2
Dns Jumper v2.2 DNS, or domain name system, is the internet protocol that turns human readable website names (such as into machine readable numeric addresses. In some cases, you can improve browsing speed and/or improve your security by replacing the DNS provided by your internet service provider. DNS Jumper is a tool which makes this easy for you. Why you should use DNS Jumper: 1. It can aid in accessing blocked websites 2. It can improve security by changing to more secure DNS servers 3. It can help keep your children safe by blocking inappropriate websites (e.g. adult material) by selecting a Family Safe DNS server. 4. It can speed browsing by moving to a faster DNS server 5. Changing DNS servers manually can be done, but DNS Jumper greatly simplifies the process DNS Jumper 2.1 has some new and important features, such as Turbo Resolve which can apply the fastest DNS at startup. DNS Jumper is freeware, and portable (no installation needed). What is new: (Tuesday , 17. March 2020) 1. [FIXED] – Error when Resolve time is less than one millisecond 2. [FIXED] – Minor BUGS 3. [ADDED] – Quick Configuration menu and Hot keys (On DnsJumper tray icon) 4. [ADDED] – Option to stop Auto sort on Fastest DNS window (in DnsJumper.ini file AutoSortDnsList=True/False) How to Change Your DNS Settings 1. Under “Choose a DNS Server”, click the drop-down menu and select a server from the list 2. Click the “Apply DNS” button (for IPv6, be sure to tick the IPv6 checkbox) How to Restore Your DNS settings or use your ISP’s default DNS Again: There are two ways to do this: 1. Click the “Quick Configuration” button (the star icon) and select from the list 2. Under “Choose a DNS Server”, open the drop-down menu and select “Default (or Restore) DNS” from the list, then click “Apply DNS”. (for IPv6, be sure to tick the IPv6 ...
5/5 9,154 Oct 25, 2021 <img src=""border="0">
Dns Lock v1.5
Dns Lock v1.5 A portable freeware tool which prevents malware (or anything else) from changing your IPv4/6 DNS addresses. If you have an issue connecting to the internet and getting error like ‘DNS servers not responding’ please check your ipv4/6 preferred DNS server , sometimes IPV4 preferred DNS server kept changing . No matter how many times you change it to ‘Obtain DNS server automatically’ or the preferred and alternate DNS servers to what they actually are they can revert back . “DNS Server issue” is generally occured due to harsh VIRUS attack , auto DNS changing software or an Antivirüs software’s Secure DNS settings but sometimes None of the solutions works (even Formatting) in such situation Dns Lock can help you to keep ipv4/6 preferred DNS servers constant, it can prevent them to changing automatically , it is a portable freeware tool which prevents malware (or anything else) changing your IPv4/6 DNS addresses How to use After downloading, extract Dns Lock to your desired location, then run it , write your desired DNS ips into the box (separate with comma) and use “install service” button You can Protect your Ipv4 DNS ip , IPv6 DNS ip or both of them , Once you’ve chosen or entered your details, the program applies them to your system and installs a Windows service to keep them safe DNS Lock offers you a choice of Open DNS and Google DNS Servers, too , Program will start automatically with Windows , if you want to stop it , use “Uninstall service” button There is a small Lock icon (indicator) on the left side of the DNS combo and it shows us the DNS status (Locked or not locked) Dns Lock ’s Cmd parameters Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows ...
5/5 1,591 Jan 24, 2023 <img src=""border="0">
DNSDataView v1.61
DNSDataView v1.61 This utility is a GUI alternative to the NSLookup tool that comes with Windows operating system. It allows you to easily retrieve the DNS records (MX, NS, A, SOA) of the specified domains. You can use the default DNS server of your Internet connection, or use any other DNS server that you specify. After retrieving the DNS records for the desired domains, you can save them into text/xml/html/csv file. System Requirements DNSDataView can work on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Older versions of Windows are not supported. Versions History Version 1.61: Fixed bug: DNSDataView failed to work properly with IDN domains (Internationalized domain name) of some european languages. Using DNSDataView DNSDataView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - DNSDataView.exe After running it, you can type one or more domains that you wish to view their DNS information, and click 'Ok'. After very short time, you should get all DNS records of the specified domains in the main window of DNSDataView. If DNSDataView fails to retrieve the DNS records, you should try to manually type the DNS server of your Internet provider. Translating DNSDataView to other languages In order to translate DNSDataView to other language, follow the instructions below: Run DNSDataView with /savelangfile parameter: DNSDataView.exe /savelangfile A file named DNSDataView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of DNSDataView utility. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this ...
5/5 9,024 Aug 16, 2021
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
DNSLookupView v1.01
DNSLookupView v1.01 A DNS tracing tool for Windows 10 that allows you to view the details of every DNS query sent through the DNS Client service of Windows. For every DNS query, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Query Type (A, AAAA, and so on), Query Status (Error or succeeded), Query Result, Query Timestamp, ID and name of the process that requested the DNS lookup. System Requirements This tool works only on Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. This tool doesn't work on older versions of Windows, because the operating system doesn't support the DNS tracing. How it works ? This tool uses the event tracing of Windows operating system with the 'Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client' provider ( 1C95126E-7EEA-49A9-A3FE-A378B03DDB4D ). The captured event ID is 3008, which contains the information about every DNS query handled by the DNS Client service of Windows. Changes: Version 1.01: Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window. Fixed problem with the 'Choose Columns' window in high DPI mode. Start Using DNSLookupView DNSLookupView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - DNSLookupView.exe After running DNSLookupView, the main window is displayed, and you can press the 'Start DNS Tracing' toolbar button (or simply press the F5 key) to start capturing the DNS queries on your system. When you want to stop capturing the DNS queries, you can simply press the F6 key or the 'Stop DNS Tracing' toolbar button. You can select one or more DNS queries (or select all of them by pressing Ctrl+A) and then export them to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html/xml/JSON file by using the 'Save Selected Items' option (Ctrl+S), or you can ...
5/5 2,432 Oct 21, 2021
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
DNSQuerySniffer v1.85
DNSQuerySniffer v1.85 A network sniffer utility that shows the DNS queries sent on your system. For every DNS query, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Port Number, Query ID, Request Type (A, AAAA, NS, MX, and so on), Request Time, Response Time, Duration, Response Code, Number of records, and the content of the returned DNS records. You can easily export the DNS queries information to csv/tab-delimited/xml/html file, or copy the DNS queries to the clipboard, and then paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000, and up to Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. On some systems, capturing packets with the 'Raw Sockets' method may not work properly, and thus you'll need to install the WinPcap capture driver or the Network Monitor driver. Even if the 'Raw Sockets' method works properly on your system, it's recommended to install the WinPcap capture driver or Microsoft Network Monitor driver (version 3.4 or later) in order to get more accurate date/time information ('Request Time', 'Response Time', and 'Duration' columns) In order to use the Network Monitor driver on 64-bit systems, you have to download the x64 version of DNSQuerySniffer. Changes: Version 1.85 Added option to change the sorting column from the menu (View -> Sort By). Like the column header click sorting, if you click again the same sorting menu item, it'll switch between ascending and descending order. Also, if you hold down the shift key while choosing the sort menu item, you'll get a secondary sorting. Updated to work properly in high DPI mode. Start Using DNSQuerySniffer Except of a capture driver that you may need to ...
5/5 9,152 Jul 26, 2021
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Dolibarr ERP-CRM v16.0.1
Dolibarr ERP-CRM v16.0.1 Open source ERP and CRM web software for business. Dolibarr ERP - CRM is an easy to use ERP and CRM open source software package (run with a web php server or as standalone software) for businesses, foundations or freelancers (prospect, invoicing, inventory, warehouse, order, shipment, POS, members for foundations, bank accounts...). Dolibarr is also available with auto-installers for users with no technical knowledge to install Dolibarr and all its prerequisites (Apache, Mysql, PHP) with just one package. Available platforms for such packages are: Windows, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Redhat, Fedora, OpenSuse, Mandriva, Mageia. Other platform can use the generic distribution. Features Contacts, customers and suppliers management Products management Invoices management Orders management Contracts management Agenda Foundations management module Point of sale (POS) Project management and gantt charts Timesheets Bank account management, concilitation Ledger - Accounting Stock management Mass emailings Management of employees leave requests LDAP integration Import/Export wizards A lot of other external modules (technical interfaces or business features) Installer for Windows, Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora/Redhat/OpenSuse or online Server This download is for the Windows Installer version (DoliWamp). All other download assets are below: DoliWamp is a special "all in one" package installer for Windows (Dolibarr+Mysql+Apache+PHP). It's a dedicated Dolibarr version for Windows newbies with no technical knowledge. This package will install or upgrade Dolibarr but also and all prerequisites like the web server, and the database in one autoinstall process. If you have technical knowledge in web administration and plan to share your server instance (Apache, ...
5/5 1,837 Jun 29, 2023
The Dolibarr Foundation <img src=""border="0">
DomainHostingView v1.82
DomainHostingView v1.82 DomainHostingView is a utility for Windows that collects extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in any Web browser. The information displayed by the report of DomainHostingView includes: the hosting company or data center that hosts the Web server, mail server, and domain name server (DNS) of the specified domain, the created/changed/expire date of the domain, domain owner, domain registrar that registered the domain, list of all DNS records, and more... System Requirements And Limitations This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 10, including x64 versions of Windows. This utility also works on Windows 2000, but without the IDN support. Firewall/router requirements: You should allow DomainHostingView to connect the following outgoing TCP/UDP ports: 43 (WHOIS), 53 (DNS), 80 (HTTP), and 25 (SMTP). The report created by DomainHostingView is based on the information provided by public WHOIS servers. If WHOIS server is temporary down, some information won't be displayed in the report. Also, some WHOIS servers may block your IP address if you use DomainHostingView to get reports about many domains in short perion of time. DomainHostingView Features DomainHostingView is a Unicode application and this it can display properly WHOIS records containing non-English characters. DomainHostingView supports Internationalized domain names (IDN). When you type a domain with non-English characters, DomainHostingView automatically converts it into a format that can be used in the WHOIS and DNS servers. DomainHostingView parses the text returned by the WHOIS servers, extracts the important data, and displays it in easy-to-read summary. DomainHostingView also displays the raw text returned by the WHOIS ...
5/5 8,816 Jul 15, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
DomiSol (Domino Solitaire) v1.5
DomiSol (Domino Solitaire) v1.5 Free puzzle game; requires logic, attention, and patience. Want to switch your attention, exercise your thinking, memory and patience? If so, DomiSol may be just the thing for you! Domino Solitaire is a puzzle where a full set of 28 domino tiles is arranged to form a rectangle, but you don't see their bounds. Your goal is to find those bounds: pair the domino halves to restore the set. In some way, this game is similar to a jigsaw puzzle. It may appear easy at first, but Domino Solitaire is a logic, memory, attention and patience game that can keep you amused — or even frustrated — for a long time before you develop the strategy for solving the puzzle. Features Logic, memory and attention exercise. A choice of 4 different designs and any background colour to your taste. Savepoints for saving the game and loading it later, so you can stop and resume again at any time. No installation required. Simply download the file and start playing. Portable application, can be run directly from a USB stick. Supported platforms: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 — 32 and 64 bit. Portable application, no installation required. How to play The full set of 28 domino pieces is arranged in a rectangle, but their bounds are not shown to the player. Your goal is to find these bounds and restore the set. Consecutively click on any two adjacent domino halves to group them into a piece. The pieces can be oriented horizontally or vertically. For your convenience, each grouped piece will be marked in the list on the left. You can click ...
5/5 3,023 Dec 11, 2020 <img src=""border="0">
Don't Sleep v9.63.1
Don't Sleep v9.63.1 A small portable program to prevent system shutdown, Standby, Hibernate, Turn Off and Restart. Don't Sleep also prevents logging off the computer, and the deactivation of the monitor or activation of the screen saver. Don't Sleep also has a timer that allows time control unblock, or shutdown the computer for a specified time. Don't Sleep does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device. Features • Don't Sleep doesn't change the power saving options on the system • From-Tray feature: power off, reboot, log off, restart ... • Schedule computer to shut down at a certain time • Set the timer to prevent standby in windows • Network Traffic based shutdown and prevent sleep • CPU Load based shutdown and prevent shutdown • Please Sleep Feature in Don't Sleep • Start parameter in Don't Sleep Other features and specifications: • Portable Windows Program • Does not burden the CPU • Extremely tiny size • Easy to use • Multilingual • Freeware Changes v9.63.1 // 4 December 2024 • Minor fixes and recompilation of Don't Sleep, due to virus warnings from various virus scanners under Windows 10 and 11, although no virus was present. This download is for the Windows 64bit version (very bottom of page). If you need the Windows 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,987 Dec 13, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
Dotgrid v12
Dotgrid v12 Dotgrid is a grid-based vector drawing software designed to create logos, icons and type. It supports layers, the full SVG specs and additional effects such as mirroring and radial drawing. Dotgrid exports to both PNG and SVG files. The application was initially created for internal use, and later made available as a free and open source software. Learn more by reading the manual, or have a look at a tutorial video. If you need help, visit the Community. Supported operating systems. Windows, MacOS, Linux and Android. Unzip and run "Index.html". Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,367 Jul 06, 2020
Rekka and Devine <img src=""border="0">
Double File Scanner 2.04
Double File Scanner 2.04 This tool allows for detecting duplicate files on your hard-drive quickly, based on SHA-1 hashes. 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The purpose of this tool is scanning the selected directory or directories for duplicate files, i.e. files with identical content. Duplicate files are identified by first calculating the SHA-1 digest of each file and then looking for values that appear more than once. In particular, files with identical content are guaranteed to have the same SHA-1 digest, while files with differing content will have different SHA-1 values with very high certainty. All computed SHA-1 values are stored in a hash table, so collisions are found quickly and we do NOT need to compare every digest to every other one. Also, the files are processed concurrently in multiple "worker" threads in order to parallelize and speed-up the SHA-1 computations on multi-core processors. On our test machine it took ~15 minutes to analyse all the ~260,000 files on the system drive (~63.5 GB). During this operation ~44,000 duplicates were found. Once the scan is completed, the program provides commands to review, rename or delete the duplicate files manually. Alternatively, the "automatic clean-up" wizard may be invoked in order to remove ALL redundant files at a single blow. Optionally, the list of duplicates can be exported to the XML or INI format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Platform Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following platforms are supported: - Windows 8 and 8.1, 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions - Windows 7, 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions - Windows XP, Service Pack 3 is required! Platforms that should work too, but are not tested extensively: - Windows Vista, 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions - Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Service Pack 2 is required! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Anti-Virus Warning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anti-Virus programs can interfere with the Double File Scanner software and significantly slow down the process! Therefore it is highly recommend to turn off the "real time scanner" or "guard" feature of your Anti-Virus program while the Double File Scanner is running. But don't forget to re-enable ...
5/5 5,413 Dec 21, 2021
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=" File Scanner1_th.png"border="0">
Drawpile v2.1.20
Drawpile v2.1.20 A free software collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas simultaneously. It supports the OpenRaster image file format and thus works well with applications such as MyPaint, Krita and GIMP. Feature Highlights Brushes and Layers You can paint with a pixel pen, soft brush or a watercolor brush. Brushes can be organized into presets and quick access tabs. Use a dedicated eraser tool or turn any brush into an ad hoc eraser. Both brushes and layers support various color blending modes. Collaboration and User Management Host drawing sessions locally with the built-in server or using a dedicated server. Discover public sessions with the list server or join a friend with a handy private room code. Drawpile provides a wide variety of tools to help manage sessions: • Lock or mute individual users • Lock individual layers or allow per-user access • Restrict certain application features, such as image uploads, layer management and text box creation • Revert session to an earlier state in case of vandalism • Kick and ban troublemakers • Password protect sessions and set user count limits • Server supports password protected usernames • Session templates provide always available sessions for dedicated servers Recording and Animation Record a whole drawing session using Drawpile's recording feature. The recording can later be played back and exported into video, or used as a backup. Drawpile also has basic support for creating short animations, using layers as frames. Animation specific features like onionskin layer mode ...
5/5 1,313 Apr 16, 2023
Calle Laakkonen <img src=""border="0">
DriveImage XML 2.60
DriveImage XML 2.60 DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives. Image creation uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS), allowing you to create safe "hot images" even from drives currently in use. Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools. Never again be stuck with a useless backup! Restore images to drives without having to reboot. DriveImage XML is now faster than ever, offering two different compression levels. DriveImage XML runs under Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 only. The program will backup, image and restore drives formatted with FAT 12, 16, 32 and NTFS. Testimonials &amp; Reviews See what our customers and the press have to say View Products View all our products Buy Now! Order our products online now! How-to-Guides Step-by-step solutions for common problems. Documentation View the software help files and other resources. Contact Us For Technical Support and all other inquiries. Languages Last updated: November 3, 2016 DriveImage XML V2.60 Free Download DriveImage XML English (1.78MB) Image and Backup logical Drives and Partitions File Size:1.78 MB Price: Private Edition Free - Commercial Edition - Buy Now Go! System Requirements: Pentium Processor - 256 MB RAM Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Product Highlights Backup logical drives and partitions to image files Browse images, view and extract files Restore images to the same or a different drive Copy directly from drive to drive ...
5/5 9,096 Jul 06, 2017
Runtime Software <img src=""border="0">
DRL v0.9.9.7
DRL v0.9.9.7 DRL (D**m, the Roguelike) is a fast and furious coffee-break Roguelike game, that is heavily inspired by the popular FPS game Doom by ID Software. 25 Levels of Mostly Random Doom Dungeons Numerous Special Levels Innovative Text Base Gore System Arsenal of Classic Doom Weaponry Wide Range of Assembly, Unique and Exotic Items Trait Based Level System Three Classes, each with their own perks and Master Traits Almost All the Doom Monsters Excellent System for Charting Player Progress Medals Awarded For Excellence Badges Awarded For Advancement Original Doom Sound Effects Original Doom Music Modding System This download is for the Windows version. If you need the Linux version, download here. If you need the MacOS version, download here. Note about the Mac OS X version —If you have your Mac configured to accept only signed apps, you’ll need to manually allow DRL to run after installation (Ctrl-Right click the App and choose Open) — if you have any problem installing, feel free to ask at the forums! Note about the Linux versions — you’ll need SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_image and libpng installed, and smpeg if you want to use the HQ versions. On some linux distro’s mp3 support is not enabled in SDL_mixer — a workaround has been posted on the forum. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,132 Nov 12, 2020
Kornel Kisielewicz <img src=""border="0">
DropIt v8.5.1
DropIt v8.5.1 When you need to organize files, DropIt can eliminate much of the drudgery of searching and manually opening folders and moving files around. Drop a group of different files and folders on the floating DropIt image and it sorts them to defined destination folders, compresses or extracts them, opens them with associated programs or performs other defined actions. You can define how to filter your files (by name, directory, size, date, properties, content, regular expressions) and associate one of the 21 available actions to perform (Move, Copy, Compress, Extract, Rename, Delete, Split, Join, Encrypt, Decrypt, Open With, Print, Upload, Send by Mail, Create Gallery, Create List, Create Playlist, Create Shortcut, Copy to Clipboard, Change Properties and Ignore). You can also organize your associations in profiles and automatically scan monitored folders at a defined time interval to process included files. Feature List Drag-and-Drop Process files and folders simply dropping them on the target image Filter Files &amp; Folders By name, directory, size, dates, properties, content or regular expressions Folder Monitoring Process files and folders automatically monitoring defined directories 21 Actions Automatically perform an action on matching files and folders Profiles Collect associations in profiles and assign an image to easily recognize it Comprehensive Path Support Support absolute paths, relative paths, UNC paths for shared folders Abbreviations Support internal, custom and system environment variables Alternative Usages Support SendTo and Command-Line to process files and folders Multi-language Available with multi-language interface Profile Encryption ...
5/5 5,250 Dec 21, 2021 <img src=""border="0">
Dual Monitor Auto Mouse Lock v1.0.0.8
Dual Monitor Auto Mouse Lock v1.0.0.8 A free tool that helps you use dual and multiple monitors. The software automatically locks the mouse cursor to the screen according to your settings. Dual Monitor Auto Mouse Lock (DMAML) avoids certain unintentional operations and helps you use your computer quickly and efficiently. The way the software works is that if the foreground window is on full screen, the mouse cursor will be locked to that screen. The software runs in the background, displaying an icon in the system tray. The icon is used to access the settings, and its colour and appearance let you know about the software status: locked, unlocked, paused or disabled. You can also set sound notifications for status changes. The mouse cursor lock is automatically removed when a non-full-screen window appears in the foreground. It is also possible to exit the locked state by using the configurable hotkey and the system tray icon. It is possible to exclude certain software from automatically operating DMAML. You can make a list of these items and they will never cause a mouse cursor lock. By default, the main screen is the screen defined by Windows. The software monitors changes to the main screen and locks the mouse cursor to the main screen if necessary. DMAML allows you to change the main screen. The software is free to use, requires no installation and supports Windows 10/11 operating systems. Dark Theme Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,099 Jul 28, 2023
Peter Panisz <img src=""border="0">
Dual Monitor Tools v2.10
Dual Monitor Tools v2.10 A software package for Windows users with dual or multiple monitor setups. Has hotkeys for moving windows around, restrict mouse/cursor movement between screens, application launcher, wallpaper creator and changer and a screen capture tool. Features • Allows you to quickly move windows between monitors. • Launch applications to start on a particular monitor. • Provides some of the new Windows 7 hotkeys to XP and Vista users. • Lock cursor onto a monitor, or provide resistance to moving between monitors. • Create wallpaper with different images on each monitor or spanning multiple monitors. • Change wallpapers periodically. • Capture images from the primary monitor and display them on the secondary monitor. Changes v2.10 DMT:Wallpaper User can select wallpaper to be saved as JPEG, PNG or BMP DMT:Wallpaper Any image files that can't be loaded are now logged DMT:SwapScreen On initial install, the UDAs are no longer automatically added as magic words DMT:Cursor Fix for cases where some display resolution changes were not noticed Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 9,206 Aug 30, 2023
Gerald Evans <img src=""border="0">
Duck Marines 1.0
Duck Marines 1.0 Duck Marines is a cross-platform free software PC remake of Sonic Team's ChuChu Rocket. Duck Marines attempts to recreate the magic from the local multiplayer of ChuChu Rocket while adding new elements like mini games, a level editor, colorful pixel art and more. How to play The goal of the game is to get as many ducks into the submarine of your color. Gray ducks give you one point, gold ducks give multiple points and pink ducks will trigger an event or mini game. Guide the ducks towards your submarine by placing arrows on the ground. When walking over an arrow ducks will instead walk in the direction the arrow is pointing. Beware of the blue predators. Predators love to eat ducks and will kill a large number of your ducks if they reach your submarine. Try instead to guide the predators to the other players' submarines using your arrows. Controls Controllers: Move cursor with left analog stick. Place arrows with the four face buttons or with the right analog stick. Keyboard: Move cursor with arrow keys and place arrow by holding space and pressing a direction. Mouse: Move cursor with mouse. Click and drag in a direction to place arrow.
5/5 5,411 Sep 28, 2016
Tangram Games <img src=" Marines1_th.png"border="0">
Ducks v1.2
Ducks v1.2 Ducks brings together the best of puzzle, arcade and platform games in one neat feathery package. Addictive gameplay snuggles up against and gazes into the eyes of gorgeously detailed way-too-many-directional scrolling graphics. Patience and more than a little careful planning get into a big playground scrap with dangerous confrontations and the need for speedy reflexes. Wonderful ambient background noises sit drinking comedy squelches and forlorn quacks as ducks explode, leaving only splatterings of... red paint. It\\\'s paint. And it\\\'s optional anyway. You have not experienced all the joy that hitting a spring, dodging a ravenous oozing alien beasty and piling all your mates into a spaceship can bring until you have played... Ducks. To unlock the game, select OPTIONS and then REGISTER DUCKS. Enter the name EVERYONE and then the key 004893 and you should be told that the game has been registered.
4/5 8,989 Mar 01, 2016
Tim Furnish / Hungry Software <img src=""border="0">
DumpEDID v1.07
DumpEDID v1.07 DumpEDID is a small console application that extract the EDID ("Extended display identification data") records from your computer, analyze it, and dump it into the console window. EDID record provide essential information about your monitor: manufacture week/year, monitor manufacturer, monitor model, supported display modes, and so on... You can also get the EDID records of a remote computer, if you login to this computer with administrator rights. License This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification ! Disclaimer The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. Using DumpEDID DumpEDID is a console application, so in order the view the output, you have to run it in console (Command-Prompt) window. As with any console application, you dump the output into a file, for example: DumpEDID.exe > c:\temp\edid.txt If you want to Get the EDID records of a remote computer, you can specify the remote computer as parameter, for example: DumpEDID.exe \ emote01 If you want to get only the active monitors, simply add -a to the command-line, for example: DumpEDID.exe -a DumpEDID.exe -a \ emote01 System Requirement This utility works on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8. Windows 98/ME is not supported. Versions History Version 1.07 - You can now add -a to the command-line in order to get only the active monitors. Feedback If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to ...
5/5 4,816 Dec 20, 2019
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
dupeGuru v4.0.4
dupeGuru v4.0.4 dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system. It’s written mostly in Python 3 and has the peculiarity of using multiple GUI toolkits, all using the same core Python code. On OS X, the UI layer is written in Objective-C and uses Cocoa. On Linux 7 Windows, it’s written in Python and uses Qt5. dupeGuru is a tool to find duplicate files on your computer. It can scan either filenames or contents. The filename scan features a fuzzy matching algorithm that can find duplicate filenames even when they are not exactly the same. dupeGuru runs on Mac OS X and Linux. dupeGuru is efficient. Find your duplicate files in minutes, thanks to its quick fuzzy matching algorithm. dupeGuru not only finds filenames that are the same, but it also finds similar filenames. dupeGuru is good with music. It has a special Music mode that can scan tags and shows music-specific information in the duplicate results window. dupeGuru is good with pictures. It has a special Picture mode that can scan pictures fuzzily, allowing you to find pictures that are similar, but not exactly the same. dupeGuru is customizable. You can tweak its matching engine to find exactly the kind of duplicates you want to find. The Preference page of the help file lists all the scanning engine settings you can change. dupeGuru is safe. Its engine has been especially designed with safety in mind. Its reference directory system as well as its grouping system prevent you from deleting files you didn’t mean to delete. Do whatever you want with your duplicates. Not only can you delete duplicates files dupeGuru finds, but you can also move or copy them elsewhere. There are also multiple ways to filter and sort your results to easily weed out false duplicates ...
5/5 3,451 Dec 21, 2021
Hardcoded Software <img src=""border="0">
Duplicati v2.0 (MacOS)
Duplicati v2.0 (MacOS) Free backup software to store encrypted backups online. Many Backends Duplicati works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, WebDAV as well as popular services like Backblaze B2, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive &amp; S3, Google Drive,, Mega, hubiC and many others. Features Backup files and folders with strong AES-256 encryption. Save space with incremental backups and data deduplication. Run backups on any machine through the web-based interface or via command line interface. Duplicati has a built-in scheduler and auto-updater. Free software Duplicati is free software and open source. You can use Duplicati for free even for commercial purposes. Source code is licensed under LGPL. Duplicati runs under Windows, Linux, MacOS. It requires .NET 4.5 or Mono. Strong encryption Duplicati uses strong AES-256 encryption to protect your privacy. You can also use GPG to encrypt your backup. Built for online Duplicati was designed for online backups from scratch. It is not only data efficient but also handles network issues nicely. E.g. interrupted backups can be resumed and Duplicati tests the content of backups regularly. That way broken backups on corrupt storage systems can be detected before it’s too late. Web-based user interface Duplicati is configured by a web interface that runs in any browser (even mobile) and can be accessed - if you like - from anywhere. This also allows to run Duplicati on headless machines like a NAS (network attached storage). User manual here. 2019-04-11 - ========== * Improved code quality, thanks @warwickmm * Fixed an issue where index files were not generated, thanks @seantempleton * Masked password fields in UI, thanks @drwtsn32x * Added `fr_CA` translation and updated `fr` translation, thanks @flafleur * Improved default exclude filters to catch Chrome file on Mac/Linux, thanks @flafleur * Added support for Google Team Drive, thanks @mukut1994 * Fixed random database names being numeric * Corrected description for approving self-signed certificates, thanks @flafleur * Click on balloon tip on Windows now ...
5/5 4,259 Apr 25, 2019
Duplicati <img src=""border="0">
Duplicati v2.0 (Windows)
Duplicati v2.0 (Windows) Free backup software to store encrypted backups online. Many Backends Duplicati works with standard protocols like FTP, SSH, WebDAV as well as popular services like Backblaze B2, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive &amp; S3, Google Drive,, Mega, hubiC and many others. Features Backup files and folders with strong AES-256 encryption. Save space with incremental backups and data deduplication. Run backups on any machine through the web-based interface or via command line interface. Duplicati has a built-in scheduler and auto-updater. Free software Duplicati is free software and open source. You can use Duplicati for free even for commercial purposes. Source code is licensed under LGPL. Duplicati runs under Windows, Linux, MacOS. It requires .NET 4.5 or Mono. Strong encryption Duplicati uses strong AES-256 encryption to protect your privacy. You can also use GPG to encrypt your backup. Built for online Duplicati was designed for online backups from scratch. It is not only data efficient but also handles network issues nicely. E.g. interrupted backups can be resumed and Duplicati tests the content of backups regularly. That way broken backups on corrupt storage systems can be detected before it’s too late. Web-based user interface Duplicati is configured by a web interface that runs in any browser (even mobile) and can be accessed - if you like - from anywhere. This also allows to run Duplicati on headless machines like a NAS (network attached storage). User manual here. 2019-04-11 - ========== * Improved code quality, thanks @warwickmm * Fixed an issue where index files were not generated, thanks @seantempleton * Masked password fields in UI, thanks @drwtsn32x * Added `fr_CA` translation and updated `fr` translation, thanks @flafleur * Improved default exclude filters to catch Chrome file on Mac/Linux, thanks @flafleur * Added support for Google Team Drive, thanks @mukut1994 * Fixed random database names being numeric * Corrected description for approving self-signed certificates, thanks @flafleur * Click on balloon tip on Windows now ...
5/5 4,387 Apr 25, 2019
Duplicati <img src=""border="0">
DVD Audio Tools v20.08-5
DVD Audio Tools v20.08-5 A set of tools for authoring and playback of unencrypted audio on DVD-Audio discs and hybrid DVD-Audio/Video discs. Software dependencies are also provided. Features media authoring DVD DVD-Audio audio High-Res What is DVD-Audio? DVD-Audio is a standard for storing uncompressed high quality stereo or multi-channel audio content on a standard DVD disk. Supported sampling frequencies range from 44.1KHz (the Red-Book CD Audio standard) up to 192KHz, with sampling depths of 16, 20 or 24 bits. A single DVD can contain both DVD-Audio content (in the AUDIO_TS directory) and DVD-Video content (in the VIDEO_TS directory). Most DVD players only recognise and playback the VIDEO_TS content, but an increasing number of dual-format players can play the contents of the AUDIO_TS as well. Such players will display the DVD-Audio logo. A single DVD-Audio disk is referred to as an Album. An Album can consist of up to 9 Groups, each containing up to 99 Tracks. In addition, the contents of the AUDIO_TS directory can contain references to objects in the VIDEO_TS directory (but not vice-versa). Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,966 Aug 03, 2022
Dave Chapman/Fab Nicol <img src=" audio Tools1_th.png"border="0">
DVD Drive Repair v2.0.3.1108
DVD Drive Repair v2.0.3.1108 DVD Drive Repair is a useful application that allows you to restore your DVD (Optical) Drive if missing from Windows. In some instances, it can also help when certain applications do not recognize your drive; mostly when your computer encountered a hardware problem or a virus attack that prevents it from using the DVD Drive. When your DVD Drive is not recognized by Windows even if it is functional, normally you consider reinstalling Windows or restoring it to a previously functional version using System Restore. However, this will not be necessary when using this tool. DVD Drive Repair intends to help you avoid taking radical measures that are time consuming and can cost you. Some even attempt to replace the DVD Drive with a new one when these errors occurs. Before you attempt to get your DVD Drive back, please create a System Restore point first, just for in case something goes wrong. You can create a System Restore Point by clicking on the Click here to create a System Restore Point link on the main program interface. It is also recommended that you update the device firmware to the latest version before attempting to repair the drive. Please note: It may be necessary to reinstall any software designed to utilize BD/DVD/CD drives after running DVD Drive Repair. For example, you may have to reinstall your disc burning software. So, Please make sure you have an issue with your devices before continuing. The interface is very simple and allows you to perform all actions with just a few clicks. You do not have to edit registry keys or go through other complicated settings in order to fix your DVD Drive problems. To repair any DVD Drive errors is Windows, download and run the DVD Drive Repair tool. On the main ...
5/5 5,470 Apr 11, 2020
Rizonesoft <img src=""border="0">
Eagle Mode v0.96.1
Eagle Mode v0.96.1 A free, zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in. It features a portable C++ programming interface for developing such ZUIs, and it features the Eagle Mode application, which provides a virtual cosmos with plugin applications. The most important one is the professional file manager with its rich, scriptable command set. It integrates file viewers for most of the common file types, as well as an audio/video player. Furthermore, the virtual cosmos contains a chess game, a netwalk game, a 3D mines game, a multi-function clock, a stock watchlist, some fractals, and a Linux kernel configurator in form of a kernel patch. An autoplay function allows to show or play things one ofter the other (e.g. slideshow of picture files or document pages, playing of multiple audio or video files). The core of Eagle Mode supports fast anti-aliased graphics, virtually unlimited depth of zooming, extensive mouse and keyboard control, animated navigation with kinetic effects (inertia, friction, and magnetism), popup-zoomed control views, editable bookmarks, in-place help texts, and working with multiple windows. Eagle Mode is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. View Documentation. Screenshots File Manager and File Viewers Games Fractals Clock Linux Kernel Configurator (emLKC) Stock Watchlist (emStocks) This download is for the Windows 64 bit version. All other download assets are below: Binary package for installation on x86_64 compilations of Debian ≥ 9.0, Ubuntu ≥ 18.04, Mint ≥ 19, and other up-to-date Debian-based systems. After downloading you can install the package by running the following command as root user in the download directory (the "./" in front of the file name is required): apt-get install ./eaglemode_0.96.1-1_amd64.deb eaglemode_0.96.1-1_amd64.deb Binary package for installation on x86_64 compilations of openSUSE Leap ≥ 15.2, Fedora ≥ 33, ...
5/5 633 Mar 28, 2024
Oliver Hamann <img src=""border="0">
Earth Alerts v2019.1.70
Earth Alerts v2019.1.70 What is EARTH ALERTS? Earth Alerts is an application designed to run on Microsoft Windows that allows you to monitor in near real-time a variety of natural hazard events that are occurring anywhere around the world. Alert notifications, reports, and imagery provide the user with a convenient way to view natural phenomenon as they occur, whether close to home or some far-flung corner of the globe! Earth Alerts uses a variety of online resources provided by organizations such as the National Weather Service, U.S. Geological Survey and Smithsonian Institution (just to name a few), to identify what sort of activities "Mother Earth" is currently dishing out on the planet. To use Earth Alerts, you simply select the specific natural hazards -- earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildfires, landslides, severe weather, local weather, etc. -- and the locations that interest you. The application will then automatically retrieve the latest information from various live data feeds available on the Internet and present it to you in a convenient arrangement of reports, maps and images. Earth Alerts has been available to the general public since 2005. In that time it has undergone a number of significant enhancements. As a hobby, a one man production and a labor of love, conceiving the ideas and creating Earth Alerts has been a (time consuming) pet project over the past few years! Much More than a weather monitoring program Earth Alerts includes basic weather tracking features such as National Weather Service alerts, current conditions, local forecasts and radar/satellite imagery. Note that this program does not provide the most extensive weather data or "fanciest" weather related imagery compared to what is available online. If weather information is all you're interested in, then Earth Alerts is probably NOT for you. There are many comprehensive applications, web browser add-ins, and websites available for ...
5/5 9,099 Apr 11, 2019
ManyJourneys <img src=""border="0">
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