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Celestia 1.6.1 for Windows
Celestia 1.6.1 for Windows The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy. All movement in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-goto' interface makes it simple to navigate through the universe to the object you want to visit. Celestia is expandable. Celestia comes with a large catalog of stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft. If that's not enough, you can download dozens of easy to install add-ons with more objects. Changelog: Bug fixes * Removed extraneous colons from * Fixed truncation of long label strings in East Asian locales * Increased size of Goto Object dialog to prevent translated strings from being truncated * Fixed i18n bug with scripting message * Removed duplicate install of stars.dat. * Fix code taking address of a temporary result. * Fixed compile warnings in 1.6.1 caused by redfinition of UINT64_MAX * Corrected encoding of cel URLs with non-ASCII characters * Added check to prevent a crash when string decoding fails Data file updates: * Updated extrasolar planets data files. * Updated solar system locations files. * Updated numberedmoons.ssc file. * Updated Galileo add-on. Platform-specific changes: * Linux: Add missing files from extras-standard to Makefiles. * Windows: Fixed i18n bug [2753461] * Windows: Save FoV value in bookmarks * Windows: Added ecliptic line setting to View Options dialog box * Windows: Fixed i18n bug in Windows Script menu * Windows: Added link to new HTML help files to Help menu * Windows: Fixed invisible context menu in fullscreen mode (ATI cards) * Windows: Fixed menu bar overlapping top of 3D view (ATI cards) * Windows: Save and restore locations to/from ...
5/5 5,721 Apr 09, 2017
Celestia Development Team <img src=""border="0">
Centipede v1.0
Centipede v1.0 A remake of the classic Atari game for the PC. The Centipedes - consist of one or more attached segments which move horizontally through the playfield, moving one tile vertically when they hit the side of the screen, or a mushroom. Shoot a segment, and it will turn into a mushroom. If a centipede is split in half in this fashion, the segment behind the shot will form a head and you'll have two smaller centipedes to contend with. Mushrooms - harmless to the touch, but take four shots to destroy. The player and centipedes can't move through them. Poison mushrooms - These don't kill anything. But, when a centipede hits a poison mushroom, they go straight down until they hit the bottom of the screen. Spiders - they come in from the side and scurry around the bottom half of the screen really fast, making wibbledy-wibbledy sounds. Scorpions - they crawl through the top half of the screen and change mushrooms into poison mushrooms. Fleas - they occasionally drop through the screen, leaving a trail of mushrooms. Scoring: extra life every 12000 points Body segments 10pts Head 100pts Spider 300pts Flea 200pts Scorpian 1000pts Controls: Arrow keys to move Ctrl to fire You can also use the mouse to play set from startup page
5/5 5,404 Jan 28, 2019
Crozza Remakes <img src=""border="0">
Chatty v0.14
Chatty v0.14 Chatty is a chat software specifically made for Twitch, in the spirit of a classic IRC Client. It runs on Windows and any other OS that supports Java 8 or later. Features There's more to Chatty than meets the eye, here's just an incomplete list of what it can do. Basic Features Join several channels (tabbed), popout individual channels Channel Favorites &amp; History Log chat to file, TAB-Completion, Input History Flexible message Highlighting and Ignoring Customizable chat colors, font, line spacings, alternating backgrounds Choose between several Look&amp;Feel, including Dark Mode Watching Get notified when channels you follow go live Follow and unfollow channels through Chatty Easily open streams in your browser, or run Livestreamer (or the more up-to-date Streamlink) out of Chatty Streaming Set your stream title, game &amp; tags (with custom Presets) and run commercials Write current stream uptime to a file and create Stream Marker, via configurable hotkey or Mod Command, to assist in making Stream Highlights List your 100 most recent followers/subscribers Viewerhistory graph of your current streaming session Moderating Click on nick to open customizable User Dialog, showing recent messages and basic account info Optional pause-chat-on-hover to avoid misclicks AutoMod support to approve/deny filtered messages Create Custom Commands and customize Context Menus Emotes &amp; Badges FrankerFaceZ Emotes (&amp; Mod Icons), BetterTTV Emotes (no Personal Emotes though) Unified Bot Badge (using multiple sources) Emote Dialog with Favorites, Subemotes, Channel-specific Emotes, and more.. Emote TAB-Completion using Shift-TAB (configurable) ...
5/5 5,364 Apr 04, 2021
chatty <img src=""border="0">
CheatBook DataBase 2024
CheatBook DataBase 2024 Cheats, Hints, Tips, Trainer and Cheat Codes. Cheatbook-DataBase 2024 is a cheats code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, DVD, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, XBox One, iPhone, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Wii, Wii U, Sony PSP) easily accessible from one central location. If you're an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games Cheats, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you click on a game name, the relevant cheat is displayed in a editor window, with convenient buttons that let you print the selection or save any changes you've made. In the latest past many users of the Cheatbook-Database and readers of the monthly being published magazine have sent to us small error messages and suggestions for improvement again and again. First of all we say "Thank you very much!" to all of you! Due to this assistance and the permanent sending in of new and revised cheats the Cheatbook is ever increasing and becoming more and more voluminous. Supported operating systems: Win95/ 98/ 2000/ NT/ XP/ Vista/ Windows 7/8/10/11. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 13,767 May 02, 2024
Cheatbook <img src=""border="0">
Checkdisk v1.6
Checkdisk v1.6 A powerful tool for searching and repairing disk errors. It is quite similar to the ScanDisk tool or chkdsk.exe, supplied with the Windows operating systems (Windows 2000,XP,Vista,7,8,10 Server 2012 (possible 2016) and admin right). You can select either standard or full tests. The full test additionally performs a sector check. It is capable of finding bad sectors on your disk and marking them as such. The program works both with hard disks (including SCSI and RAID) and removable media. Work on CD too. With german manual. Multilingual: English, German, Czech, Spanish, French, Italien, Polish, Japan, Slovak, Chinese, Finish and Norwegian. Works with Windows 10, Server 2012/16 and all other windows version This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,528 Mar 28, 2022
Dirk Paehl <img src=""border="0">
Cherrytree v1.1.4
Cherrytree v1.1.4 A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single xml or sqlite file. Written by Giuseppe Penone (aka giuspen) and Evgenii Gurianov (aka txe). A complete user manual, created by Robert Boudreau: ONLINE MANUAL The following languages are supported: Arabic (Abdulrahman Karajeh, up to date) Armenian (Seda Stamboltsyan, up to date) Bulgarian (Iliya Nikolaev, up to date) Chinese Simplified (Wang Yu, up to date) Chinese Traditional (Emer Chen, up to date) Croatian (Filip Bakula, up to date) Czech (Pavel Fric, up to date) Dutch (up to date) English (default) French (Francis Gernet, up to date) Finnish (Henri Kaustinen, TO BE UPDATED) German (Matthias Hoffmann, up to date) Greek (Asterios Siomos, up to date) Hindi India (TO BE UPDATED) Hungarian (Stiener Norbert, TO BE UPDATED) Italian (Vincenzo Reale, up to date) Japanese (Piyo, up to date) Kazakh (Viktor Polyanskiy, up to date) Kazakh (Latin) (Viktor Polyanskiy, up to date) Korean (Sean Lee, up to date) Lithuanian (up to date) Persian (Majid Abri, up to date) Polish (Mariusz Gasperaniec, up to date) Portuguese (Rui Santos, up to date) Portuguese Brazil (Raysa Dutra, up to date) Romanian (Tudor Sprinceana, up to date) Russian (Viktor Polyanskiy, up to date) Slovenian (Erik Lovrič, up to date) Spanish (up to date) ...
5/5 6,791 Jul 01, 2024
Giuseppe Penone <img src=""border="0">
ChordEase v1.0.14 32bit
ChordEase v1.0.14 32bit Play hard chords easily. ChordEase makes it easier to improvise over complicated chord progressions. No matter what the chords are, you can play as if they were all in the key of C. You don't need to play sharps or flats, because ChordEase automatically adds them for you. Though ChordEase is intended for jazz, it could be useful for any type of music that modulates frequently. ChordEase alters your notes in real time in order to make them harmonically correct, while preserving their rhythm and dynamics. By delegating rapid music theory calculations to ChordEase, you gain freedom to concentrate on other aspects of improvisation and performance, such as feel and aesthetics. ChordEase is a translator that takes MIDI notes as input, and produces MIDI notes as output. The input notes are mapped to the current chord scale, so that the output notes fit the chord progression of a song. ChordEase supports various mapping functions which determine how the translating is done. ChordEase can handle multiple translations at once, so multiple performers can play through a single instance of ChordEase, using any number of MIDI instruments. ChordEase parameters can be remotely controlled via MIDI for additional effects. ChordEase can also record its own output as MIDI data. Features Play difficult chord progressions with ease, even at scary tempos Chord dictionary is customizable; use any set of symbols you like Compatible with virtually any MIDI instrument, not just keyboards Powerful enough to handle an entire band at once Output can be recorded and exported as a standard MIDI file MIDI input and output can be monitored in real time with filtering Sophisticated chord accompaniment can be played with one finger ...
5/5 4,740 Dec 18, 2019
ChordEase <img src=""border="0">
ChordEase v1.0.14 64bit
ChordEase v1.0.14 64bit Play hard chords easily. ChordEase makes it easier to improvise over complicated chord progressions. No matter what the chords are, you can play as if they were all in the key of C. You don't need to play sharps or flats, because ChordEase automatically adds them for you. Though ChordEase is intended for jazz, it could be useful for any type of music that modulates frequently. ChordEase alters your notes in real time in order to make them harmonically correct, while preserving their rhythm and dynamics. By delegating rapid music theory calculations to ChordEase, you gain freedom to concentrate on other aspects of improvisation and performance, such as feel and aesthetics. ChordEase is a translator that takes MIDI notes as input, and produces MIDI notes as output. The input notes are mapped to the current chord scale, so that the output notes fit the chord progression of a song. ChordEase supports various mapping functions which determine how the translating is done. ChordEase can handle multiple translations at once, so multiple performers can play through a single instance of ChordEase, using any number of MIDI instruments. ChordEase parameters can be remotely controlled via MIDI for additional effects. ChordEase can also record its own output as MIDI data. Features Play difficult chord progressions with ease, even at scary tempos Chord dictionary is customizable; use any set of symbols you like Compatible with virtually any MIDI instrument, not just keyboards Powerful enough to handle an entire band at once Output can be recorded and exported as a standard MIDI file MIDI input and output can be monitored in real time with filtering Sophisticated chord accompaniment can be played with one finger ...
5/5 4,806 Dec 18, 2019
ChordEase <img src=""border="0">
ChrisPC DNS Switch v4.65
ChrisPC DNS Switch v4.65 Change your computer's DNS fast and easily. Makes DNS changes more easily and lets you choose the one that fits your browsing habits from a series of alternative DNS. ChrisPC DNS Switch provides you a simple but effective graphic user interface to select the network adapter/card and change its corresponding DNS with the selected DNS from the preset lists or with a custom DNS. Features are diverse and give you the possibility to maintain your DNS database. The software will make your life easier: You may want to protect your anonymity in which case you can select a server from the anonymous DNS preset group list. Or you may choose to use secure DNS servers that filter out websites that are potential threats to your PC (avoiding viruses, malware, trojans etc). Furthermore with your children browsing the internet you might choose to switch to a Family Safe DNS server to steer clear of harmful websites like adult ones, or those that encourage violence, drugs and/or indecent behavior. In the end it might be that you just want a faster DNS than the one your internet provider has, in which case you might use one of the regular DNS preset group or one from your custom DNS group. Features: • Change your computer DNS with just 1 click. • Set your favorite DNS or select one from the software's DNS Database. • The DNS Database contains presets grouped by type: Regular DNS, Secure DNS, Family Safe DNS, Anonymous DNS and Custom DNS. • DNS Benchmark lets you find the fastest DNS with one click. • Protect your online experience by using a Secure DNS server that filters out websites that are potentially threats to your PC ...
5/5 8,682 Jan 05, 2025
Chris P.C. srl. <img src=""border="0">
ChromeCacheView v2.22
ChromeCacheView v2.22 ChromeCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. For each cache file, the following information is displayed: URL, Content type, File size, Last accessed time, Expiration time, Server name, Server response, and more. You can easily select one or more items from the cache list, and then extract the files to another folder, or copy the URLs list to the clipboard. The Location Of Chrome Cache Folder The cache folder of Google Chrome is located under [User Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000, and up to Windows 7/8/2008/10. Using ChromeCacheView ChromeCacheView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. Simply copy the executable file (ChromeCacheView.exe) to any folder you like, and run it. After you run it, the main window displays the list of files currently stored in the cache of the default Google Chrome user. You can select one or more cache files from the list, and then export the list into text/html/xml file ('Save Selected Items' option), copy the URL list to the clipboard (Ctrl+U), copy the entire table of cache files (Ctrl+C), and then paste it to Excel or to OpenOffice spreadsheet. You can also extract the actual files from the cache, and save them into another folder, You can do that by using the 'Copy Selected Cache Files To' option (F4). Versions History Version 2.22: Added 'Align Numeric Columns To Right' option (For 'File Size' and 'URL Length' columns). Command-Line Options /stext <Filename> Save the list of all cache files into a regular text file. /stab <Filename> Save the list of all cache files into a tab-delimited text file. /scomma <Filename> Save the list of all cache ...
5/5 8,966 Jan 16, 2021
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ChromeCookiesView v1.74
ChromeCookiesView v1.74 An alternative to the standard internal cookies viewer of Google Chrome Web browser. It displays the list of all cookies stored by Google Chrome Web browser, and allows you to easily delete unwanted cookies. It also allows you export the cookies into text/csv/html/xml file. For every cookie, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Path, Name, Value, Secure (Yes/No), HTTP Only Cookie (Yes/No), Last Accessed Time, Creation Time, Expiration Time. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 11, and with any version of Google Chrome. Changes: Version 1.74: Fixed a problem with decrypting cookies from external drive on Windows 11 22H2 Using ChromeCookiesView ChromeCookiesView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - ChromeCookiesView.exe The main window of ChromeCookiesView displays the list of all cookies stored in your Google Chrome Web browser. You can select one or more chookie entries, and then use the 'Delete Selected Cookies' (Ctrl+Del) to delete them. If you want to view the cookies stored in another cookies file, go to 'Advanced Options' window (F9) and choose the desired cookies file. Command-Line Options /DeleteCookies <Host> {Cookie Name} Deletes cookies from command-line. If you specify only the host name, all cookies of this host name will be deleted. If you also specify the cookie name, only this specific cookie will be deleted. Examples: ChromeCookiesView.exe /DeleteCookies "" ChromeCookiesView.exe /DeleteCookies "" "session-token" /DeleteCookiesWildcard <Host Wildcard> {Cookie Name Wildcard} Similar to /DeleteCookies, but it also allows you to specify the host name and cookie name as wildcard. For example, if you specify "*", all cookies will be deleted (including,, and so on) Examples: ChromeCookiesView.exe /DeleteCookiesWildcard "*" ChromeCookiesView.exe /DeleteCookiesWildcard "*.amazon.*" "session*" /CookiesFile <Filename> Specifies the cookies file to load from command-line, for example: ChromeCookiesView.exe /CookiesFile "c:\temp\Chrome\cookies" /stext <Filename> ...
5/5 3,086 Dec 28, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ChromeHistoryView v1.53
ChromeHistoryView v1.53 A small utility that reads the history data file of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all visited Web pages in the last days. For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, Title, Visit Date/Time, Number of visits, number of times that the user typed this address (Typed Count), Referrer, and Visit ID. You can select one or more history items, and them export them into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the information to the clipboard and paste it into Excel. You can also use this tool to read the history of other Chromium-based Web browsers, like Microsoft Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, and others... Changes: Version 1.53 Updated to read the history file of the latest Opera versions. Using ChromeHistoryView ChromeHistoryView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order ti start using it, simply copy the executable file (ChromeHistoryView.exe) to any folder you like, and run it. After you run it, the main window displays the list of visited Web pages loaded from the history file of Chrome Web browser. If you want to load the history file of another profile, simply use the Advanced Options window (F9) to choose another history file. You can select one or more history items, and then export the list into html/xml/csv/text file ('Save Selected Items' option - Ctrl+S). You can also copy the selected items to the clipboard, and then paste them to Excel or to OpenOffice spreadsheet. Command-Line Options /stext <Filename> Save the Chrome browsing history into a regular text file. /stab <Filename> Save the Chrome browsing history into a tab-delimited text file. /scomma <Filename> Save the Chrome browsing history into a comma-delimited text file (csv). /stabular <Filename> Save the Chrome browsing history into a tabular text file. /shtml <Filename> Save the Chrome browsing history into HTML file (Horizontal). /sverhtml <Filename> Save ...
5/5 5,652 Mar 18, 2024
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ChromePass v1.58
ChromePass v1.58 A small password recovery tool for Windows that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored by Google Chrome Web browser. For each password entry, the following information is displayed: Origin URL, Action URL, User Name Field, Password Field, User Name, Password, and Created Time. It allows you to get the passwords from your current running system, or from a user profile stored on external drive. You can select one or more items and then save them into text/html/xml file or copy them to the clipboard. Known Issues In the latest versions of Yandex Web browser, they changed the password encryption and it's now different from the password encryption of Chrome, so ChromePass cannot decrypt the passwords of Yandex anymore. Changes Version 1.58: Fixed to display the password if it's not encrypted (Like in the portable version of Brave). Using ChromePass ChromePass doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using ChromePass, simply run the executable file - ChromePass.exe After running it, the main window will display all passwords that are currently stored in your Google Chrome browser. Reading ChromePass passwords from external drive Starting from version 1.05, you can also read the passwords stored by Chrome Web browser from an external profile in your current operating system or from another external drive (For example: from a dead system that cannot boot anymore). In order to use this feature, you must know the last logged-on password used for this profile, because the passwords are encrypted with the SHA hash of the log-on password, and without that hash, the passwords cannot be decrypted. You can use this feature from the UI, by selecting the 'Advanced Options' in the File menu, or from command-line, by using /external parameter. The user profile path should ...
5/5 10,056 Feb 06, 2024
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ClamWin Free Antivirus v0.103.2.1
ClamWin Free Antivirus v0.103.2.1 Free Antivirus program for Microsoft Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / Me / 2000 / 98 and Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003. ClamWin Free Antivirus is used by more than 600,000 users worldwide on a daily basis. It comes with an easy installer and open source code. You may download and use it absolutely free of charge. Features High detection rates for viruses and spyware. Scanning Scheduler. Automatic downloads of regularly updated Virus Database. Standalone virus scanner and right-click menu integration to Microsoft Windows Explorer. Addin to Microsoft Outlook to remove virus-infected attachments automatically. ClamWin Free Antivirus does not include an on-access real-time scanner. You need to manually scan or setup a scanning schedule in order to detect viruses/malware. This download is for the Windows Installer. If you need the portable version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,955 Aug 24, 2022
ClamWin Pty Ltd. <img src=""border="0">
Classic Auto Login v1.0.0.1
Classic Auto Login v1.0.0.1 Bring back the Auto Login feature in Windows 10 and 11. Microsoft changed the setup option of automatic login from version 2004 of Windows 10, for security reasons. The operating system can still log in automatically, but the setup interface is usually not available. Classic Auto Login offers an alternative means of setting up auto login. Classic Auto Login is the software implementation of a method recommended and documented by Microsoft. The documentation mentioned on this page is available in several languages. There is only one advantage of operating system level auto login, namely convenience. In all other respects, it raises serious issues due to security reasons. The issues can be divided into two groups: 1) All the data and software that are available on the computer can be accessed, run, edited, deleted by practically anyone who has physical access to the computer. 2) The password of auto login is stored in the Registry in an unencrypted text format, so you can obtain the password knowing the required method. Microsoft has officially made available a similar software (Autologon), which stores the password in an encrypted format at another place in the Registry. Despite the encryption, this method unfortunately provides no additional security compared to Classic Auto Login, as point one above is also fulfilled by this software. So the current user of the computer can find out the password if he/she uses the appropriate method. The issues described so far are also present during the configuration by netplwiz, which is available as part of the operating system. The password stored by netplwiz can be retrieved in the same way as in case of Autologon. So using auto login is not recommended in most cases. Its use is only justified in case of computers exclusively used for gaming and/or media consumption. There are some ...
5/5 3,815 Apr 22, 2024
WinTools <img src=""border="0">
Classic Shell v4.3.1
Classic Shell v4.3.1 Classic Shell™ is free software that improves your productivity, enhances the usability of Windows and empowers you to use the computer the way you like it. The main features are: Highly customizable start menu with multiple styles and skins Quick access to recent, frequently-used, or pinned programs Find programs, settings, files and documents Start button for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Toolbar and status bar for Windows Explorer Caption and status bar for Internet Explorer Classic Shell is no longer in development so is adding this incredible program for preservation. It still works with the following versions of Windows but no other updates can be expected. Classic Shell works on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and their server counterparts (Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016). Both 32 and 64-bit versions are supported. The same installer works for all versions. Note: Windows RT is not supported.
5/5 4,650 Apr 12, 2019
Ivo Beltchev <img src=""border="0">
Classic Theme Restorer for Firefox 1.6.4
Classic Theme Restorer for Firefox 1.6.4 The Classic Theme Restorer (Customize UI) for Firefox web browsers will restore the classic look and feel of Firefox 29 or earlier. This add-on restores squared tabs, the application button with application menu (known from Firefox for Windows), the add-on bar, bookmarks/history menu/sidebar buttons and other buttons. It moves star &amp; feed buttons into location bar, adds status bar element to the ui and allows many items to be movable. All features are fully optional. Some buttons have to be moved to toolbars manually using browsers 'customizing' mode. Main features (on CTRs preferences window) Tab appearance: squared tabs (classic) Tab appearance: curved tabs (all colored and visible) Tabs not on top + [tabsontop="false/true"] attribute Tab width and height settings Tab title in Firefox titlebar Tab loading animations Tab close button on all tabs, active tab, toolbars start/end Restore tabs empty favicon Custom 'new tab' page url (Firefox 41+) Double click on tabs toolbar opens 'new' tab [Windows only] Hide tabs toolbar with one visible tab Custom colors for tab backgrounds, text and text shadow Custom tab separators Application button on toolbars (+ icon variations) Application button on titlebar [Windows only] Custom title for application button on titlebar [Windows only] Predefined/custom application button colors Small navigation toolbar buttons Movable back-forward buttons Alternative appearance for preferences/options page Open preferences/options page in a window (simulates preference window) Alternative add-ons manager appearance (Firefox 40+) ...
5/5 6,916 Apr 20, 2017
Aris <img src=""border="0">
ClassicDesktopClock v4.44
ClassicDesktopClock v4.44 A free Windows analog desktop clock with different themes and customization. Features • Freely selectable position on the desktop • Fixed position on the screen • Optional transparency • Optional second hand • Multiple Themes • Changeable in size • Low CPU Usage • Optional translation function • Portable • Multilingual Changes New in version 4.44 // 10 September 2023 • Small improvement to the classic desktop clock • Update of language files • New languages in the desktop clock for MS Windows: Portuguese-Brazilian This download is for the 64bit portable version. All other download assets are below: Portable: (32bit) Installer: (64bit) (32bit) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,484 Sep 12, 2023
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
Claws Mail for Windows v3.17.4
Claws Mail for Windows v3.17.4 Claws Mail is an email client (and news reader), based on GTK+, featuring : Graceful, and sophisticated interface Easy configuration, intuitive operation Abundant features Extensibility Robustness and stability The appearance and interface are designed to be familiar to new users coming from other popular email clients, as well as experienced users. Almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. The messages are managed in the standard MH format, which features fast access and data security. You'll be able to import your emails from almost any other email client, and export them just as easily. Click here for online manual 26th July 2019 Claws Mail 3.17.4 CLAWS MAIL RELEASE NOTES Claws Mail is a GTK+ based, user-friendly, lightweight, and fast email client. New in this release: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New HTML viewer plugin: Litehtml viewer * Added option 'Enable keyboard shortcuts' to the 'Keyboard shortcuts' frame on /Configuration/Preferences/Other/Miscellaneous * Compose: implemented copying of attached images to clipboard * Compose: images and text/uri-list (files) can now be attached by pasting into the Compose window * Python plugin: window sizes are now remembered for the Python console, the 'Open URLs' and the 'Set mailbox order' windows. * Fancy plugin: the download-link feature now follows redirections * MBOX export: the Enter key in the dialogue now starts the export * The date (ISO format) has been added to log timestamps * Updated translations: Brazilian ...
5/5 6,027 Sep 20, 2019
The Claws Mail Team <img src=""border="0">
Cleanmgr+ v1.38.1200
Cleanmgr+ v1.38.1200 Cleanmgr+ is a portable app that builds upon the Microsoft Disk Clean-up Tool (Cleanmgr.exe) by adding additional features and deleting more junk than the Disk Clean-up Tool. Disk Cleanup isn't immediately disappearing from your machine, but it is nearing its shelf life as far as Microsoft is concerned. It can still be used by right-clicking a drive, selecting Properties, and then click the Disk Cleanup button to launch it. And it still works the same way on Windows 10 today. You can also launch it from the Start menu or run the cleanmgr.exe program. But it was deprecated with the October 2018 update. This fact means that it has been replaced by a new tool. Windows 10 version 1803 came up with the Storage Sense functionality, and it works in relatively the same as the Disk Cleanup Tool. The downside of Storage Sense is the massive UI. This size is why I decided to make Cleanmgr+ to circumvent that massive UI of Storage Sense but still provide a utility that is true to the original. Cleanmgr+ comes with better and and modern UI when compared to the current Disk Cleanup and with an additional feature set (hence the +), such as the feeding with Custom scripts, i.e., to clean a Browser cache, etc. There are many Disk Cleaner utilities out there, but the goal with this one was to create a tool that uses Windows own resources ensuring that only system-compliant actions are performed. Find the full list of all available options below. Windows Update Files Windows Component Store (WinSxS folder) Downloaded Program Files Temporary Internet Files Offline webpages Delivery Optimization Files DirectX Shader Cache Recycle bin ...
5/5 4,965 Jul 07, 2021
Builtbybel <img src=""border="0">
Clear Disk Info v4.3.0.0
Clear Disk Info v4.3.0.0 A free software program that provides a clear view of health related information about connected storage devices. Keeping an eye on storage devices is essential when you work with computer systems. A storage device failure could lead to data loss or corruption of system files that prevent certain functionality or the system from booting at all. This tools supports S.M.A.R.T. monitoring, NVMe health log and USB connected devices. Unlike most tools of the same kind, Clear Disk Info displays the information in a human readable, user friendly way. Application interface Even though it is not visible in the picture below, the right pane list has a fourth column showing a description of each item. The list of disks is displayed in the left pane, where you can have a quick insight on the health and statistics from all your disks. The right pane contains information on the selected disk. The first disk (disk 0) is selected by default. To view information about a different disk, just select it in the left pane. Whenever you need more options, press the menu button at the top right side of the UI. Overview of Clear Disk Info Clear Disk Info is a storage device diagnosis utility. It displays some basic information about the selected disk, and also S.M.A.R.T./health information. Clear Disk Info supports hard disk drives (HDD), solid state drives (SSD) and also the most recent NVMe SSDs. The main reason why we created Clear Disk Info is that most existing tools of this kind display the S.M.A.R.T. attributes in a raw way, and in order for us to understand them we have to go digging over the internet. And even after that, in most cases we're not sure if the relevant data is the Raw Value or the Current value, or both, or whether ...
5/5 9,980 Nov 19, 2024
Carifred <img src=""border="0">
ClearClipboard v1.07-1
ClearClipboard v1.07-1 ClearClipboard is a simple tool that will periodically clear your clipboard. This is useful, for example, to hide sensitive information, such as passwords. The clear timeout can be configured freely and defaults to 30 seconds. Also, the clipboard will not simply be cleared at a fixed interval. Instead, the clear timer will be reset every time that new content is copied to the clipboard. This ensures that only "stale" content will be cleared; recently copied content will never be cleared away. Note: The ClearClipboard program runs "hidden" in the background. However, there will be an icon in the notification area, which can be used to control or terminate ClearClipboard. Only one instance of ClearClipboard can be running at a time. System requirements ClearClipboard runs on Windows Vista or newer. The "x64" version requires a 64-Bit version of Windows Vista or newer. Windows XP is not supported due to the lack of the AddClipboardFormatListener system function! Windows 10 Warning Windows 10 contains some "problematic" features that can put a risk on sensitive information copied to the clipboard: The first of those features is called Clipboard History, which will silently keep a history (copy) of all data that has been copied to clipboard at some time. This history will persist even after the clipboard has been cleared! The second feature is called Automatic Syncing (Cloud Clipboard), which will automatically upload all data that is copied to clipboard to the Microsoft cloud servers – purportedly to synchronize the clipboard between your devices! We highly recommend to disable both of these features in order to keep your data safe and allow ClearClipboard to function as expected. To the best of our knowledge, the most reliable way to achieve this is to completely disabled the "Clipboard History" (cbdhsvc) system service. ClearClipboard will now detect ...
5/5 4,264 Apr 11, 2021
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=""border="0">
Clementine v1.3.1
Clementine v1.3.1 A modern music player and library organizer. Clementine is a multiplatform music player. It is inspired by Amarok 1.4, focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching and playing your music. Features: Search and play your local music library. Listen to internet radio from Spotify, Grooveshark, SomaFM, Magnatune, Jamendo,, Digitally Imported,, Soundcloud, Icecast and Subsonic servers. Search and play songs you've uploaded to Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive Create smart playlists and dynamic playlists. Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX. CUE sheet support. Play audio CDs. Visualisations from projectM. Lyrics and artist biographies and photos. Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC. Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music. Fetch missing tags from MusicBrainz. Discover and download Podcasts. Download missing album cover art from and Amazon. Cross-platform - works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Native desktop notifications on Linux (libnotify) and Mac OS X (Growl). Remote control using an Android device, a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line. Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player. Queue manager. Changes: Version 1.3.1 released - Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Fixes a bug where ratings are deleted when upgrading from older versions. This download is for the Windows version. If you need the MacOS version, download here. Ubuntu PPA You can download the latest version of Clementine on Ubuntu from the official PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:me-davidsansome/clementine sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install clementine Dependencies ...
5/5 4,291 Apr 07, 2021 team <img src=""border="0">
Clic v2.00.250
Clic v2.00.250 A free clipboard to icon converter for making icons.. Generate stunning icons in true color (24bit, 16.7 million colors) with transparency. Screen Capture grabs an icon from anywhere on the screen in realtime, or Paste to Fit auto resizes your picture. So Simple! Features • Enlarged icon view • Realtime WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) • Precision Screen Capture - whilst screen capturing, press space bar to toggle between normal / fine mode • Auto format determination 1, 4, 8 and 24bit • Multiple icon sizes - 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72x72 and 96x96 • Options: Transparency - user definable, greyscale conversion • Icon Details: Colors, Bits, Bytes, Greyscale, Transparent, Dimensions • Copy / Paste / Paste to Fit / Invert / Mirror / Flip • Drag and drop images in BMP and JPG format • Rotate Left-Right 90, 180, 270 degrees • Help Viewer • Sizeable • Portable - No installation Supported operating systems: Microsoft Windows 95-11
0/5 1,793 Dec 08, 2022
Blaiz Enterprises <img src=""border="0">
Clicador v2.1.0.5
Clicador v2.1.0.5 A simple and fast free auto clicker. Clicador is basically an auto clicker, that is simple a program that simulates mouse clicking. It's fairly generic and will work alongside any other computer program running at the time and acting as though a physical mouse button is pressed. There are other free auto clickers, but I had a need for one, and once again I wanted to include some features that I found missing in the other ones. That's how I created Clicador. It can be used for many thing, like games, keep alive applications, etc. Changes: Version [new] New button to change the handle of a group of configuration entries Supported OSes (XP/Vista/7,8,10,11 server 2008,2012,2016,2019 etc) System Requirements Any Windows with .net4 or higher framework installed Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,408 Jun 02, 2023
Hugo Nabais <img src=""border="0">
ClickityClick v1.0.1
ClickityClick v1.0.1 Creates a handy icon on the system tray that allows you to bind any command, allowing you to run it with a single click on the tray icon. Inspired by 22000.71's "Restart Explorer" button (aka the Date &amp; Time button). Installation Go to the Releases tab and download either the 64-bit or 32-bit version, depending on your OS architecture. Running the app %programfiles%\Orange Group\ClickityClick.exe or use the Desktop/Start Menu shortcuts Requirements Windows XP and above .NET Framework 4.5 and above Changes: Patch 1.0.1 Fixed an issue where the dark light mode settings are not applied after an application restart. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,532 Aug 12, 2021
Orange Group Tech <img src=""border="0">
Client did not pay? (JS version)
Client did not pay? (JS version) Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away. Set a due date and customize the number of days you offer them until the website is fully vanished. Usage Just load the not-paid.js file in A Wordpress plugin is also available here.
5/5 4,481 Feb 13, 2019
kleampa <img src=""border="0">
Client did not pay? (Wordpress Plugin)
Client did not pay? (Wordpress Plugin) Add opacity to the body tag and decrease it every day until their site completely fades away. Set a due date and customize the number of days you offer them until the website is fully vanished. Usage Install the plugin (zip) into WordPress -> Goto Settings -> Not-Paid-WP -> Set a Due &amp; a Deadline period Note: The plugin will only work if the due date and deadline are provided :) A JS version is also available here.
5/5 4,408 Feb 13, 2019
chamathpali <img src=""border="0">
ClipAngel v2.16
ClipAngel v2.16 Clipboard history capture and paste tool ClipAngel records all data copied including text, images, and files, making it easy to retrieve earlier data where Windows usually allows only one item at a time. The program keeps data even after reboot and can paste in RDP, CMD, elevated windows etc. independently from current input language. Clipboard views include rich text and HTML formatting, filtering by text and details on URL, application and window data. The program can emulate keyboard input and includes customizable hotkeys. For additional security, the program can block specific applications where passwords may be copied and encrypt stored items. This program belongs to class "Clipboard Manager". It captures many clipboard objects and allows user to select and paste one in any program. Inspired by analogs: ClipDiary, Ditto, AceText. Main priorities: usability, compatibility, reliability. Requires .Net Framework 4.52+ (Windows Vista+/Server 2008+) If not installed, download here Features • Supports clipboard formats: text, html, rtf, file, image • Captures data of supported types copied to clipboard (clips) • Captures sender window title and process name for clip • Shows source URL for HTML clip • Filter by marks "Used (Pasted)" and "Favorite" with keyboard shortcuts • Filter by clip type • Hot (as you type) text filter for clip list • Stores last used text filters • Marking used (pasted) clips • Marking filter matches in text • Marking hyperlinks in text and Alt+click to open them • Marking END of clip text • Marking filter matches in list • Allows to paste clip as original or plain text selected ...
5/5 5,728 Jan 28, 2025
tormozit <img src=""border="0">
Clipboard Help+Spell v2.42.0
Clipboard Help+Spell v2.42.0 Clipboard Help+Spell is a clipboard history utility with the following features: Database stores history of all past text and image clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification, and search Use it for keeping hierarchical notes - search, sort, filter by text, modification date, last view date Super easy and super fast search function - or use complex filters if you need them - you'll never have a problem finding a note again! Organize your notes and clips any way you want - show them all or view by group or category; view your clips any way you like High-quality spellcheck - underlined mistakes; learning spellchecker Configurable hotkeys for common functions Powerful text formatting options - make your own presets for common functions Simple functions for copying and pasting into and out of other applications Windows 2k/XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8/Win10 Version History v2.42.0 - April 25, 2017 • [Improvement] Deleting clip(s) keeps the selection where it was, does not move the list of clips to top or bottom; other situations where clip list position was lost are now fixed as well. • [BugFix] Custom group filter sql expressions were being capped at 500 character length. • [Improvement] Statusbar now shows linecount of each clip. • [BugFix] When StayOnTop option is set (View menu), some dialogs were showing behind the main form. • [Feature] New (customizable) hotkey to quickly toggle clipboard monitoring on and off. • [Improvement] The hotkey that used to be used to trigger a copy even when CHS monitoring is disabled now does double duty, and can be used to tell CHS to trigger a copy and *NOT* store the clip if CHS monitoring is enabled.
5/5 6,241 Oct 23, 2019
DonationCoder <img src=""border="0">
Clipboardic v1.18
Clipboardic v1.18 A free, small utility that listen to clipboard activity, and auto-saves copied data into a Windows clipboard file (.clp). Clipboardic is a small utility that listen to the clipboard activity, and each time that you copy something into the clipboard, it automatically save the copied data into Windows clipboard file (.clp). Later, when you need the copied data again, you can simply select the right clipboard file, and Clipboardic will automatically insert it into the clipboard. Clipboardic also allows you to easily share the clipboard data between multiple computers on your local network. System Requirements Clipboardic works on any version of Windows, from Windows 2000 to Windows 11. Changes v1.18 Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window. Using Clipboardic Clipboardic doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - Clipboardic.exe If you want to share the clipboard data in multiple computers on your network, you have to put Clipboardic.exe in a shared network drive, and then run Clipboardic.exe in all computers that you want to share the clipboard (you must run it from the same shared folder). After running Clipboardic, the main window displays the list of available clipboard files. Each time that you copy something to the clipboard, a new item is added. If you run Clipboardic in multiple computers, you can see the clipboard files of all other computers, you can identify the file owner by looking in the 'Computer Name' column. When you select a file in Clipboardic's main window, its content is automatically copied into the clipboard. If you have too much files in Clipboardic, you can use the 'Clear All My Clipboard Files' option. Read more about using Clipboardic Share clipboard between computers on your network Translating Clipboardic to ...
5/5 638 May 09, 2024
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
ClipGrab v3.9.7
ClipGrab v3.9.7 ClipGrab is a free downloader and converter for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and many other online video sites. It converts downloaded videos to MPEG4, MP3 or other formats in just one easy step. Which sites are supported by ClipGrab? YouTube YouTube is the most popular video website in the world. This is also why it is the most important site supported by ClipGrab. Videos can be downloaded in HD (1080p und 720p) as well as in standard definition (480p, 360p and 240p). Additionally, ClipGrab provides an integrated and easy-to-use search function for YouTube videos. Vimeo Vimeo is another popular video platform, specializing in high-quality and artistic videos. Vimeo is always featuring amazing videos and also offers a big selection of Creative Commons videos. From Vimeo, videos can be downloaded in HD or standard definition. Dailymotion Dailymotion is another video website with top-tier support by ClipGrab. Videos from Dailymotion can be downloaded in HD, high and low quality standard definition. Facebook The widely popular social network is becoming an ever more important platform for sharing videos. You can easily download Facebook videos including private ones with ClipGrab. Other sites If a site isn't “officially” supported by ClipGrab, you might still be able to download videos from it. Through an advanced video-recognition system, ClipGrab allows the download from thousands of websites even if they are not listed here. This download is for the Windows version. If you need the macOS version, download here. If you need the Linux version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,933 Jul 27, 2023
Philipp Schmieder <img src=""border="0">
clipLogger v1.3
clipLogger v1.3 From the author: "At one point I needed a quick way to combine copied text snippets. Rather than deal with the full power and complexity (read: extra clicks) of a clipboard manager I created this thing. It logs text copied to the clipboard, putting everything in one textbox for easy access. Clipboard captures can be separated &amp; labeled with a timestamp, or just appended by themselves. It can also log the paths of copied or dragged and dropped files." Usage Notes Version 4 or better of the .net framework is recommended. Get it from Microsoft. No installation; just unpack and run. A settings file and ancillary files may be created in the program folder. When started: use the checkboxes at the top set what you want to capture; then watch it work. Wee. It's nice to have a hotkey for this sort of program. If you want that: go into settings and check the 'Add Shortcut to Start Menu' box, then click the edit link. You can add a hotkey there (under 'shortcut key'). In version 1.1 And above, there's also a "Quick Access" menu you can associated with a hotkey. This menu works like a modified right-click menu: it comes up next to the mouse when you hit the hotkey, and disappears when it loses focus. Its main purpose is to let you clear or paste ClipLogger's contents when you're working in another application. The commands on the Quick Access menu all have key's assigned to them, so it can be used exclusively from the keyboard. Command Line Usage: -startHidden If an instance of the program is not already running, starts the program and immediately hides it. ChangeLog Version 1.3; 2019-09-23 Added: Re-did the separator/header settings to allow for ...
5/5 3,921 Jul 02, 2020
cresstone <img src=""border="0">
Clmn v1.0.4
Clmn v1.0.4 Just Columns and Tasks Clmn is a beautiful native task board app for macOS. It is thoughtfully simple and incredibly efficient; offering just the right amount of functionality without any unnecessary frills. Clmn is specifically designed for professionals who primarily work on laptops. Multiple columns at once Visibility is essential. Clmn displays multiple task columns simultaneously, providing an overview of all tasks within the same domain. Tasks within a list may be further organized into groups. Lists + Groups + Tasks == Get Things Done. Nothing fancy, just enough There is nothing fancy about Clmn. A task is simply a task, and that’s all. Everything else distracts from the focus. Clmn offers just enough functionality: • Order tasks in lists and groups. • Complete a task. Click • Mark tasks as in progress. ⌘ + Click • Cancel a task. ⌥ + Click • Drag’n’drop tasks around the board. • Coloured backgrounds for tasks. • Select a task and show notes with details. • Use markdown for all text. • Link to tasks using URLs. • Use keyboard: ⌘ + ⏎ to save, Esc to dismiss. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 190 Jul 31, 2024
Igor Spasić and Veljko Tekelerović <img src=""border="0">
CloneApp v2.14.555
CloneApp v2.14.555 CloneApp is a free portable and simple backup tool which could save you a lot of time when migrating your software or reinstalling Windows. There's nothing like a fresh install of Windows to clear your mind, but it comes at a cost: you have to set everything up again, just the way you like it. If you don’t want to do a full backup and restore, CloneApp backs up settings for the most popular Windows programs so you can restore them later. Run the program as an administrator, and a list of supported applications appear on the left. There are plenty of big names: 7-Zip, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Reader, BlueStacks, Classic Shell, Gimp, Google Chrome, Google Earth, IrfanView, JDownloader, Microsoft Office 2010/2013/2016, Vivaldi Browser, VLC Media Player, and a pile of Windows settings (Favorites, Contacts, Firewall and Network folder settings, Start Menu and more). The idea is that you select the applications you'd like to back up (or click "Select Installed" to run a full backup), then click "Backup" and watch as the files, folders and Registry keys are backed up. By default the data is saved to a CloneApp folder. If you're saving the data as a backup then you may want to change that - click "Settings" for the relevant setting. You'll quickly figure out how to restore your settings (select the target applications and click "Restore"). If you like the idea, CloneApp can be extended with Plug-ins, plain text files which define exactly which files, folders and Registry keys the program should preserve. CloneApp requires Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 or Vista, including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. MD5 Checksum: 7ce31b49a84fb52f0109c359fe82db07 Changes: CloneApp v2.14.555 Feb 11 Revised update function and several referrer issues due to server migration of Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 6,841 Mar 25, 2020 <img src=""border="0">
CloneSpy v3.42
CloneSpy v3.42 CloneSpy is a Free Duplicate File CleanUp Tool for Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 Why was CloneSpy written? Do you often download files from the Internet? Is your hard drive crowded with these files? Have you ever asked yourself which files you have downloaded more than once? Perhaps you have burned files to a CD and retrieved them again? Do you want to find these files and eliminate the duplicates? Maybe you want to find duplicate files without checking your entire collection of backup CDs every time? Then CloneSpy is the right tool for you! What can CloneSpy do? CloneSpy can help you free up hard drive space by detecting and removing duplicate files. Duplicate files have exactly the same contents regardless of their name, date, time and location. Also, CloneSpy is able to find files that are not exactly identical, but have the same file name. Perhaps you have different versions of a file and you want to find all of them and remove the older versions. CloneSpy can also find zero length files. These are files that have no content. With CloneSpy you can process files which are duplicates are duplicates and have the same file name have the same file name have the same file name and (approximately) the same size are zero bytes long CloneSpy offers you a complete mechanism for determining which duplicate or same-name files should be removed. It is also possible to leave this decision up to the individual user. CloneSpy can handle equal files by deleting redundant files moving redundant files to a specific folder exporting a list of all equal files without removing any files deferring ...
5/5 6,481 Dec 21, 2021
CloneSpy <img src=""border="0">
Clonezilla v3.2.0-5
Clonezilla v3.2.0-5 A partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®. It helps you to do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (server edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the harddisk. This increases the clone efficiency. With some high-end hardware in a 42-node cluster, a multicast restoring at rate 8 GB/min was reported. Features: • Many File systems are supported: (1) ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs, btrfs and f2fs of GNU/Linux, (2) FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS of MS Windows, (3) HFS+ of Mac OS, (4) UFS of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, (5) minix of Minix, and (6) VMFS3 and VMFS5 of VMWare ESX. Therefore you can clone GNU/Linux, MS windows, Intel-based Mac OS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Minix, VMWare ESX and Chrome OS/Chromium OS, no matter it's 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) OS. For these file systems, only used blocks in partition are saved and restored. For unsupported file system, sector-to-sector copy is done by dd in Clonezilla. • LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported. • Boot loader, including grub (version 1 and version 2) and syslinux, could be reinstalled. • Both MBR and GPT partition formats of hard drive are supported. Clonezilla live also can be booted on a BIOS or uEFI machine. • Unattended mode is supported. Almost all steps can be done via commands and options. You can also use a lot of boot parameters to customize your own imaging and cloning. ...
5/5 11,202 Oct 18, 2024
Clonezilla <img src=""border="0">
CloseAll v3.0
CloseAll v3.0 Close All Windows with Just a Single Click: Select Apps You Want to Close and click OK CloseAll lets you close all running applications with just a single click. It doesn’t use any system resources at all and unloads right after completing its task. CloseAll simply flashes a ‘close’ signal to all open applications on the desktop and then ceases. What can be easier than a task list with check boxes and OK button? Just select apps you want to close and click OK. It’s CloseAll v3.0: From the main menu, you can enable “Small Icon” view: Enable/disable sorting and grouping of tasks: You can pin CloseAll shortcut to the Windows 7 Taskbar for quick access: CloseAll is indeed very handy if you are running multiple applications at the same time and want all of them to quit instantly. Try it to see if it can save your time. It’s FREE! System Requirements CloseAll runs on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP (32-bit and 64-bit). In order to display information about UAC elevated processes, it requires to be installed in the system %ProgramFiles% directory. Changelog for CloseAll v3.0 (April 23, 2018): Command line switches: /NOUI and /TERMINATE Added ability to terminate all applications Added "Close All", "Terminate All" and Refresh buttons Some other minor UI changes and improvements
5/5 5,536 Jul 02, 2020
NTWind Software <img src=" All Windows1_th.png"border="0">
CloudShot v6.3.0
CloudShot v6.3.0 When just a screenshot is not enough. Make a screenshot with notes and share it in less than 20 seconds! 1. Capture What You See Select any window or region that you would like to capture, and Cloudshot will do the rest 2. Add your comments If you need to add comments or edit the shot before sharing, you can use powerful and simple editor 3. Share it! Share your screenshot via cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Imgur Need to show some action on the screen? No problem! 1. Record What You Do CloudShot will capture everything that happens in the selected area. Turn on "Follow mouse" mode, and record window will follow your cursor! 2. Review your record You can check you record before sharing. Restart your record with same window size in a click if needed 3. Share it! Share your GIF-record via cloud services like Dropbox/Imgur/Google Drive/One Drive, upload to your FTP or save it and send it by email Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista CloudShot Features What you get out of the box 100% free CloudShot is free for both personal and business use. You can use free cloud services for sharing. No need to pay extra money for the storage. Never miss a thing any more CloudShot takes saves entire screen or both screens right after you pressed hotkey or clicked on a tray icon. Then you can crop the area you need and tweak it as long as you need. No reason to hurry - everything is already captured! Adopt for any possible need Make a screenshot or gif-record and share it using: Local or network drive Cloud services (Dropbox, Imgur, Google Drive, MS OneDrive) FTP upload for http and https access Screenshot Editor You don't need to be an artist to create stylish overpaints. Smart shapes, user-friendly interface and awesome visual style. Why is CloudShot free? Authors- "CloudShot is ...
5/5 4,802 May 07, 2019
CloudShot <img src=""border="0">
CMedia CMI8330/C3D Win2K/XP Driver
Drivers for Windows 2000/XP. May work with other versions of Windows.
0/5 8,899 Nov 28, 2008
C-Media Electronics
Cobian Reflector v2.7.20
Cobian Reflector v2.7.20 A full featured, completely free backup program for Windows. Cobian Reflector is the newcomer in the Cobian Backup family, although it’s a whole new program. Cobian Reflector is completely .NET based. In addition to all the features of the latest Cobian Backup, it has support for SFTP transfers, it is DPI independent due to the use of vector graphics and Windows Presentation Foundation, and also behaves as a 64-bit program in 64-bit systems and as a 32-bit program in 32-bit systems. Cobian Reflector is freeware and can be used for free even in a commercial environment. Requirements: For Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 Windows 10, Windows 11, Servers 2008 or newer. .NET runtime 4.6 or newer must be installed (4.6.2, 4.7, etc, but NOT 5.x). Video Tutorial: Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,078 Sep 29, 2024
Luis Cobian <img src=""border="0">
CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader and Generator v1.1.2.4
CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader and Generator v1.1.2.4 Scan and generate QR codes on your PC Main features Desktop QR Code reader and generator for Windows Generates QR Codes for your personal or commercial use Decodes QR Codes directly from images on your PC screen Decodes QR Codes from file or clipboard Decodes QR Codes through a webcam Saves QR Code information to a file Free tool What is a QR Code QR Codes (also known as Quick Response Codes) are becoming more and more popular. These two-dimensional codes composed of square dots are now used in various areas of life. You can find them on ads, banners, all kinds of product boxes, websites, business cards and even in email signatures. QR Codes may contain text, links (to websites, videos or files), email addresses, phone numbers, vcards that automatically update your contacts on your PC or a mobile phone, and more. Wondering how to decode a QR Code? You can scan it with your mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android or Blackberry equipped with additional software for scanning QR Codes. You might want to check out tools like Barcode Scanner or Red Laser. If you don’t have a mobile device or you need to scan a barcode on your PC, simply use CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader &amp; Generator. How this program works QR Code reading CodeTwo QR Code Desktop Reader &amp; Generator is a free tool that will let you quickly scan any QR Code from your screen – be it a part of the website, email, banner or a document. Simply run the program and hit From screen on the top menu. Your standard mouse cursor will change into a cross to help you make ...
5/5 1,807 Sep 14, 2022
CodeTwo <img src=""border="0">
Colora v0.3.1
Colora v0.3.1 Free Color converter, screen color picker and color palettes for Windows. Colora is a useful small color converter and screen color picker tool for Windows. Colora makes it easy to pick colors from screen and save them. The color picker is tested to work with Windows 10 and DPI scaling. Picked colors can be configured and converted between various formats such as RGB, Hex, HSB, HSL and CMYK. The integrated palette tool then allows you to create color palettes from selected colors or the history of picked colors. Features Precisely pick colors from screen using the included screen picker with zoom Convert any color between RGB <-> HEX <-> HSB <-> HSL <-> CMYK create custom color palettes and save them for later usage Export color palettes to GIMP Automatic history of last colors picked from screen Pin to top and minimal size mode for handier usage Changes: v.0.3.1 (2020-09) New: Spanish translation. Improved: Change language without restarting. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,365 Oct 29, 2021
Bluegrams <img src=""border="0">
ColorConsole v6.92
ColorConsole v6.92 ColorConsole brings a little color to your black and white world of Windows console (cmd.exe), it is an alternative to the standard cmd. This Tool for Windows is suitable for system administrators on Windows, such as webmasters, who repeatedly start various commands in the Windows command prompt. The alternative command prompt has a quick export to RTF or HTML document function, so the "ColorConsole" is for system administrators and webmasters and people who deal with the Windows Standard Console ergo Command Prompt. Features: ◆ Prompt Favorites commands ◆ Easy export to HTML and RTF ◆ Full Copy, Paste and Cut Support. ◆ Changeable font style and color ◆ Tabbed working with multi cmd.exe. ◆ Fast change directory command ◆ PowerShell commands support Other options and specifications ◆ Very small program ◆ Low CPU usage ◆ Optional translation function ◆ Freeware ◆ Portable ◆ Multilingual Changes: New in version 6.92 // 26 June 2024 • General optimization in the Color Console application • Further tests of Color-Console under Windows 11 24H2 • Updating the Color-Console language files This download is for the Windows portable 64 bit version (very bottom of page). All other download assets are below: Windows: Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,824 Jul 01, 2024
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
ColorMania v14.0
ColorMania v14.0 A free, advanced color picker utility. Colormania is an advanced color picker utility, especially created for web-designers, graphic artists and application developers. It supports various color models and is able to pick colors from anywhere on your screen. Accuracy on pixel level is even made easier with the built-in screen magnifier. • Building a website and want to get your colors right? • Working with graphics and need a detailed view? • Need accuracy in your work when identifying colors? ColorMania is a colorpicker for Windows. It's the perfect solution for previewing, identifying, testing and organizing color values. It can be a very difficult job to get your colors right for a unique or appealing design. ColorMania is designed specifically for this task and gives you full control over your color management. With the color grabber you can pick any color on your screen and the screen magnifier makes this even easier for you. The RGB and HSL sliders allow you to manipulate these colors in detail and you can store the colors you want in your own custom color schemes or palettes. ColorMania supports more color formats than any other color picker and can therefore be used in combination with a large number of other graphical programs (Photoshop, Gimp, Illustrator,..) and in different areas (web design, printing,...). Take the guesswork out of color selection and elevate your design process with ColorMania. Download now and experience the best in color management and customization for Windows. The following formats are supported: - HTML Color Codes (Hex / CSS) : the most common color code in used in webdesign • Delphi Hex : used with Borland's Delphi language • VB Hex : used with Microsoft's Visual Basic • C++ Hex : used with C++ • RGB Values : Red/Green/Blue used in many paint programs • RGB% Values : Red/Green/Blue used in some DTP as well as paint ...
5/5 4,711 Nov 29, 2024
Blacksun Software <img src=""border="0">
Command No Window v1.0.0.0
Command No Window v1.0.0.0 Run Command Line Scripts Without Displaying a Window. Utility that allows to run command line programs and scripts without displaying the command line, or console window. (This utility by itself will not display any UI if it was run with command line arguments.) Such can be helpful when running commands on schedule without distracting the work of a logged-in user at the time when the schedule is triggered to run. This utility can run Windows executable programs, DOS batch files (text files with .bat or .cmd extensions), as well as PowerShell scripts (text files with .ps1 extension.) If receiving the output from running a command is required, make sure to enable Windows Event Logging via the VerboseLog registry value, described in the included manual. Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 &amp; Windows Server 2003/R2/2008/R2/2012/R2/2016 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,743 May 27, 2021
Dennis Babkin <img src=""border="0">
Commander v1.40
Commander v1.40 Free file management utility and image viewer. The program has an effective split screen interface with two directory views or a directory view and a file viewer. The image viewer can launch MeeSoft Image Analyzer (download here) for editing images. Features • Easy interface for copying and moving files/folders. • Directory contents size overview. • Extract files from RAR and ZIP archives and compress to ZIP. • FTP client. vText and hex file viewer. • View CR2, BMP, WMF, EMF, JPEG, PNG, MNG, GIF, PCX, ICO, CUR and HIPS images. If MeeSoft Image Analyzer is installed, JPEG 2000, TIFF, RAS, PNM, PGM and PPM images are also supported. • Lossless crop and rotate JPEG images. • Image thumbnail view • Auto scaling and enhancement of images suitable for browsing large pictures from e.g. digital cameras. • Compare directory contents. • Automatic rule-based renaming of files • Keyboard shortcuts compatible with Norton Commander • Search for identical files by name, size, timestamp and/or contents. • Search for nearly identical image files. • Advanced "pocket" calculator with equation solver. Click here to visit the author's website.
0/5 1,566 Jan 08, 2023
Michael Vinther <img src=""border="0">
CompactGUI v2.6.2
CompactGUI v2.6.2 CompactGUI is a standalone GUI to make using the Windows 10 compact.exe function easier to use. This allows games, programs and other folders to be compressed transparently (i.e they can still be used normally) with no performance loss. This is similar to the NTFS-LZNT1 compression built-in to Windows (Right click > Properties > Compress to save space) however the newer algorithms that CompactGUI use were introduced in Windows 10 and are much more efficient, multi-threaded, and designed for use on executable programs resulting in greater compression ratios with almost no performance impact.Those with older HDDs may even see a decent performance gain in the form of reduced loading times as the smaller files means it takes less time to read programs and games into RAM. Uses Use this tool to: Reduce the size of games (e.g. Nioh: 73.9GB > 65GB) Reduce the size of programs (e.g. Adobe Photoshop: 1.71GB > 886MB) Compress any other folder on your computer Extra Features Visual feedback on compression progress and statistics Online integration with community-sourced database to get compression estimates and analyses Integration into Windows Explorer context menus for easier use. Drag-and-drop functionality Analyze the status of existing folders Shutdown/restart/sleep on completion. Important Note: @NekuSoul has determined the error in Windows that causes incorrect file size readings which means that many games with high compression ratios are false results. I am working on a fix so that it's not misleading anymore, but just keep this in mind - a lot of results that seem too good to be true are probably too good to be true. You can still get really good savings on lots of games and programs, but ...
5/5 5,355 Oct 30, 2019
ImminentFate <img src=""border="0">
Compton v1.51
Compton v1.51 A tiny, free and portable tool for storage device info. in Windows and macOS. See the manufacturer details of your hard drives and solid-state drives. The S.M.A.R.T. values show you the health and status of your drive. Details See HDD / SSD vendor, product, revision and serial number of your drives. For most usb chipsets, you can see vendor and firmware version. S.M.A.R.T. See all S.M.A.R.T. values from your internal and most external usb drives. Like Power-on hours, temperature and error rate. Debug Command line options: /u <language code> • Change user interface language to specified 2 letter language code /e <file name> • Export file name /f <1/2> • Export file format, 1: XML, 2: CSV /e devices.txt /f 2 /c • Create a text file with all found devices and close the application after the scan /c • Close application after scan Supported Operating Systems: Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows NT 4.0 Windows Server Windows Me Windows 98 macOS 13 … 10.13 Supported Languages: English German Russian This download is for the Windows version. If you need the macOS version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,348 Apr 28, 2023
The SZ Development <img src=""border="0">
ConEmu v221218
ConEmu v221218 A handy, comprehensive, fast and reliable terminal window where you may host any console application developed either for WinAPI (cmd, powershell, far) or Unix PTY (cygwin, msys, wsl bash). As Windows console window enhancement (local terminal emulator), ConEmu presents multiple consoles and simple GUI applications (like PuTTY for example) as one customizable tabbed GUI window with various features. ConEmu is not a shell, so it does not provide "shell features" like remote access, tab-completion, command history and others. ConEmu is an advanced console window where you can run any shell of your choice. ConEmu starts a console program in a hidden console window, and provides an alternative customizable GUI window with various features. Also, due to deep integration, ConEmu is the best companion for Far Manager, my favorite shell replacement. Disclaimer ConEmu is not a shell, so it does not provide "shell features" like tab-completion, command history and others. But you can run any shell or remote access client of your choice in ConEmu! Try Clink for bash-style completion in cmd.exe and PSReadLine or PowerTab in powershell.exe. Or just run Bash from your favourite distro. Also, ConEmu does not provide remote access (SSH/Telnet/...) too, just use your remote client (ssh.exe, telnet.exe) instead. Features • proper smooth and friendly window resizing • several programs (even simple GUI) in tabs and splits • Quake style drop-down • Windows 7 Jump Lists and Progress on Taskbar buttons • easily run old DOS applications (games) in Windows 7 or 64-bit OS • configurable and clickable status bar • optional per-application settings (e.g. palettes) • normal, maximized and full screen window graphic modes • customizable font family, height, width, bold, italic, anti-aliasing ...
5/5 3,660 Dec 19, 2022
Maksim Moisiuk <img src=""border="0">
ConfigureDefender v4.0.0.1
ConfigureDefender v4.0.0.1 A small utility for configuring Windows 10, 11 and Server's built-in Defender Anti-Virus settings. ConfigureDefender utility is a small GUI application to view and configure important Defender settings on Windows 10/11 and Windows Server 2019+. It uses PowerShell cmdlets (with a few exceptions) to change the Windows Defender settings. Furthermore, the user can apply one of three pre-defined protection levels: DEFAULT, HIGH, INTERACTIVE, and MAX. Changing one of the protection levels requires a reboot to take effect. Using the Maximum Protection Level The MAX Protection Level blocks anything suspicious via Attack Surface Reduction, Controlled Folder Access, SmartScreen (set to block) and cloud level (set to block) - Defender Security Center is hidden. These settings are very restrictive and using them can produce many false positives even in the home environment. Such a setup is not recommended in the business environment. Advanced Users Some important remarks on the possible ways used to configure Defender (for advanced users). Windows Defender settings are stored in the Windows Registry and most of them are not available form Windows Defender Security Center. They can be managed via: • Group Policy Management Console (gpedit.msc is not available in Windows Home edition) • Direct via Registry editing (manually, via *.reg files or scripts) • PowerShell cmdlets (set-mppreference, add-mppreference, remove-mppreference, PowerShell 5.0). Windows Defender Registry Keys Normally, Windows Defender stores most settings under the key (owned by SYSTEM): Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender The registry keys can be changed while using Defender Security Center or PowerShell cmdlets. Overwriting settings via Group Policy Management Console (GPO) Administrators can use Windows Group Policy Management Console (GPO) utility to override certain Windows Defender registry values. Group Policy settings are stored under another key (owned by ADMINISTRATORS): Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Keep in mind that GPOs do not delete the normal ...
5/5 2,771 Jul 24, 2024
AndyFul <img src=""border="0">
ContaCam v9.9.19
ContaCam v9.9.19 This Free Video Surveillance and Live Webcam software for Windows is extremely easy on system resources, and does not contain unnecessary bloat. It is fast, light, and versatile enough to meet all your security needs while still being very user friendly and able to run on even the most moderate systems. Features Supported from Windows 7 up to Windows 10. The program is available in the following languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. CCTV security surveillance with motion detection recording. Motion detection events presented as animated thumbnails in web browser, check the street demo and the home demo Motion detection actions like sending email with attached movement file or running any external program. Daily summary video creation option. Manual records and snapshots (video game captures, movie recording, ...). Integrated web server with password protection Supported are Webcams, WDM, DV devices and Network / IP cameras (streaming with RTSP / H.264 / H.265 or MJPEG) Integrated with Plate Recognizer for license plate recognition. Do person detection with DeepQuest AI / DeepStack. Remote watching by enabling port forwarding or using a Cloud Client (Dropbox, ...). Unlimited parallel cameras setup. Re-stream a video source through the web server. Can be started as a Windows Service to keep running and recording even if not logged in. Audio support for USB webcams, capture cards and rtsp ip cameras. Changes: 9.9.19 (August 25th 2021) - Introduced profiles to configure up to 4 commands per camera - Added magnetic/snapping borders to the camera windows - Updated internal ...
5/5 8,133 Oct 22, 2021
Contaware <img src=""border="0">
Content Advisor Password Remover v1.01
Content Advisor is a feature in Internet Explorer that allows supervisors to restrict the web sites that the users can browse. The supervisor can set a password in order to prevent from other users from changing the Content Advisor properties. If the supervisor forgets the password, he cannot change the Content Advisor properties in the regular way. The simplest way to solve this problem is to delete the password in the Registry. The password is stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Ratings. The \"Key\" value represents the encrypted password. Advanced users can easily delete the password from the registry and thus they don\'t need this utility. User who doesn\'t want to deal with the registry, can use my utility for deleting the Content Advisor Password.
0/5 9,090 Nov 12, 2008
Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007 Nir Sofer
ControlUWP v0.22.0
ControlUWP v0.22.0 Note: The additional install prompt when you first run the program is Microsoft’s .Net Core which is completely safe and required. An enthusiast take on what the Windows 10 Settings app should be and where everything is in place. It’s not a secret that the Windows 10 Settings app is not everyone’s cup of tea. The modern version of the settings control is limited and missing a majority of options you can access in the classic control panel. The new settings app is a monster of a GUI with a lot of wasted space, cluttered and chaotic to the end and many functions are simply ugly integrated. ControlUWP app doesn't replace (currently) the native Windows 10 settings panel but tries to bring at least a little order into it. It bundles the most important locations and recommended settings in one place and you can open and execute them in bulk. It is completely modular and based on PowerShell scripts. Everybody can map their favorite settings as they want. Changes: ControlUWP 0.22.0 Oct 17 ,2020 Added System Information settings page Revised Storage Sense settings page Revised app home page Revised app settings page Minor fixes Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,005 Dec 22, 2020
Builtbybel <img src=""border="0">
Converseen v0.9.9.3
Converseen v0.9.9.3 A free batch image conversion tool for Windows and Linux Converseen is a free cross-platform batch image processor for Windows and Linux that allows you to convert, resize, rotate and flip an infinite number of images with a mouse click. Moreover, Converseen is able to transform an entire PDF file into a bunch of images with the characteristics you prefer: you can choose one of the 100+ formats, you can set the size, resolution and the filename. What can I do with Converseen? With Converseen you can convert, resize, rotate and flip an infinite number of images with a mouse click. Here is the full list of features: Carry out a single or a multiple conversion. Resize one or multiple images. Compress images for your web pages. Rotate and flip images. Rename a bunch of images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix. Selecting a resampling filter to resize images. Convert an entire PDF to a bunch of images Extract an image from a Windows icon file (*ico) What formats are supported by Converseen? Converseen can manage these formats. Changes: 2021-12-12 Added Simplified Chinese Translation Various Bugfixes This download is for the Windows portable version. If you need the Windows setup version, download here. In order to allow Converseen to manage PDF, AI, etc files you need to install Ghostscript (32 bit) on your system. You can download it for free here. In order to run Converseen correctly, the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 should be installed on your system. In case of error messages, please install this package from the Microsoft website. Instructions for all flavors of Linux here. Instructions for FreeBSD here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,294 Jan 18, 2022
Francesco Mondello <img src=""border="0">
Convert for Windows 4.10
Convert for Windows 4.10 Convert is a free and easy to use unit conversion program that will convert the most popular units of distance, temperature, volume, time, speed, mass, power, density, pressure, energy, and many others, including the ability to create custom conversions! Operating Systems Convert runs on the following operating systems: Windows 95 Windows NT 4 Windows 98 Windows 98SE Windows ME Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista (32-bit &amp; 64-bit) Windows 7 (32-bit &amp; 64-bit) Windows 8 (32-bit &amp; 64-bit) Windows 10 (32-bit &amp; 64-bit) Linux/UNIX/anything that runs Wine* *Convert runs quite well on Linux and UNIX using Wine. If you do this, you may need to change the tab layout to use a single row by going into Options > Preferences > Tabs, and clear the Multiple Lines option.
5/5 5,231 Oct 23, 2019
Joshua F. Madison <img src=""border="0">
ConvertAll v0.8.0
ConvertAll v0.8.0 Why write another unit converter? There are plenty of them out there. Well, I couldn't find one that worked quite the way I wanted. With ConvertAll, you can combine the units any way you want. If you want to convert from inches per decade, that's fine. Or from meter-pounds. Or from cubic nautical miles. The units don't have to make sense to anyone else. ConvertAll Features The base units for conversion may be either typed (with auto-completion) or selected from a list. As a unit is typed, the unit list is automatically filtered to show only units with matching words. In general, either a unit's full name or its abbreviation can be used. Units may be combined with the "*" and "/" operators. Units may be raised to powers (squared, cubed, etc.) with the "^" operator. Units in the denominator may be grouped with parenthesis. Units with non-linear scales, such as temperature, can also be converted. Recently used unit combinations may be picked from a menu. Numbers may be entered on either the "From" or the "To" units side, for conversions in both directions. Basic mathematical expressions may be entered in place of numbers. Options control the formatting of numerical results. The unit data includes over 500 units. Conversions between various number bases (decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary) can be done in a separate dialog window. A decimal number can be converted to fractional numbers in a separate dialog window. The format of the unit data file makes it easy to add additional units. ...
5/5 3,745 Mar 23, 2020
Doug Bell <img src=""border="0">
ConvertShellCode v3.0
ConvertShellCode v3.0 ConvertShellcode takes Shellcode as input and disassemble it in a list of instructions in assembly language. It shows the assembly instructions that the supplied shellcode string represents. What do you need Windows XP SP2 or newer License Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Alain Rioux This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
5/5 5,292 Jan 16, 2019
Alain Rioux <img src=""border="0">
CoolTerm v2.3.0
CoolTerm v2.3.0 A simple serial port terminal application. CoolTerm is a simple serial port terminal application (no terminal emulation) that is geared towards hobbyists and professionals with a need to exchange data with hardware connected to serial ports such as servo controllers, robotic kits, GPS receivers, microcontrollers, etc. Written in Xojo. Features • Capability of multiple concurrent connections on separate serial ports. • Display of received data in plain text or hexadecimal format. • Display of received data as graphic chart. • Special receive and transmit character handling. • Sending data via keypresses as well as a "Send String" dialog in plain text or hexadecimal format. • Sending data via copy-paste of text into the terminal window. • Sending of text/binary files via dialog or drag-and-drop. • Capability of capturing received data to text/binary files. • Local echo of transmitted data. • Local echo of received data (loop-back to sender). • Hardware (CTS, DTR) and software flow control (XON). • Visual line status indicators. • Manual control of RTS, DTS, and serial BREAK. • Configurable character, line, and packet delays. • Support for transmit macros. • Saving and retrieving connection options. • Scripting. • and more... Installation CoolTerm comes without an installer and can be placed anywhere on the hard-drive as long as the correct folder structure is maintained. I.e. the included "Libs" and "Resources" folders must reside in the same location as the CoolTerm application. System Requirements Please refer to the platform specific "*** System Requirements.txt" document included with the download How to use it Please refer to the built-in help. Changes v2.3.0, 11/08/2024 NEW FEATURES: - Implemented search function for hex view. - Expanded the data forwarding functionality to not only allow received data to be forwarded to the sender of other terminals, but to allow both receive as well as transmitted data to be forwarded to the sender and received of other terminals. - Hovering the mouse over the port status label at the bottom of the ...
5/5 3,004 Dec 09, 2024
Roger Meier <img src=""border="0">
Copy Handler v1.45
Copy Handler v1.45 Copy Handler program is a small tool designed for copy/move files and folders between different storage medias. Main features full control over the copy and move operations through pause, resume, restart and cancel functionalities, faster than integrated Windows copying (visible especially in older versions like Windows XP), does not pollute Windows file cache with files being used one time only, fully configurable - over 60 configuration options - from setting language through auto-resume on error, shutting down system after copying finished to very detailed and technical (customizing copy/move thread - buffer sizes, thread priority, ...) ending with sounds on specific events, multi-language support - full support for English and Polish, partial support for more languages courtesy of our users, detailed statistics about copy/move operation (current file, buffer sizes, priority, progress by size, count and overall, status, current and average speed, time elapsed, estimated, left, and many more), automatic resume of all unfinished operations after system restart, queue support - runs one or more operations simultaneously in specific order, integration with Windows Explorer - adds additional commands to context menus of folders and drag and drop menus This download is for the portable version. If you need the installable version with easier Explorer menu setup, download here. Changes: 1.45 Sun, 2020/12/06 - 20:54 Bug [CH-355] - Incorrect sizing of replace file dialog [CH-359] - Wrong initial version of task db [CH-366] - String replace functionality corrupts memory Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,100 Dec 21, 2021
Ixen Gerthannes <img src=" Handler1_th.png"border="0">
Copy Public IP v1.3
Copy Public IP v1.3 An IP address is an identifier for devices on a TCP/IP network, Every device that connects to the Internet has its own Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses make it possible, among other things, for computers from different networks to find each other. IP addresses are vital for all Internet-based activities, and yet it’s not uncommon that a user doesn’t know his computer’s IP. IP addresses are one of the most critical resources that need to be managed in any network . All IPv4 IP addresses can be divided into two major groups , External and local IP addresses both serve the same purpose, the difference is scope. 1. External (Public) IP Address : Global, or public, or external this group can also be called ‘WAN addresses’. An external or public IP address is used across the entire Internet to locate computer systems and devices. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns you an external IP address when you connect to the Internet. When your web browser requests a webpage, it sends this IP address along with it. Your ISP uses this to know which of its customers are requesting which webpage. 2. Local (Internal) IP Address : Private, or local, or internal addresses, those that are used in the local network (LAN).A local or internal IP address is used inside a private network to locate the computers and devices connected to it. If your computer is connected to a router with default settings, that router will automatically assign a local IP address to your computer. Your local IP address is hidden from the outside world and used only inside your private network. You generally don’t need to know much about it unless you’re trying to set up a game or web server. Addresses in IPv4 are 32-bits long. This ...
5/5 2,868 Feb 23, 2021 <img src=" Public IP2_th.png"border="0">
CopyChangedFiles v1.7.0.5
CopyChangedFiles v1.7.0.5 A free program that lets you copy changed files from one directory tree to another. The program only copies changed files, leaving all other files behind. You can either select to use the date and time for change check, or you can use the binary compare option. When you have selected how to check for changed files, you can select if you want to append date and/or time to the destination directory/file. Features Copy changed files only. Binary comparison of files using a database of file hashes. Save last run time, for incremental backup of changed files only. Multi threaded. Append current date to destination directory or file for easy version maintenance. Set from directory. Set to directory. Set the from date, to scan for files changed after that date. Compare date AND time. Maintain directory structure in destination directory. Exclude files from copying, ex. thumbs.db. Automatically check for new version. Usage examples Take incremental backups during the day, only copying changed files. You have a vast amount of images/documents/source code files that you only want to make a incremental backup of. You have a lot of customer websites that you maintain and only want to update the changed files. You need to copy changed files only from one directory tree to another. You take a lot of pictures you want to backup several times a day to a DVD or another media where you cannot overwrite only append to. Changes Version - 22 Jun 2021 Upgraded to .NET 4.5 Click here ...
5/5 8,173 Feb 18, 2022
TSR Software <img src=""border="0">
CopyFolders v1.0.5.2
CopyFolders v1.0.5.2 CopyFolders is a easy to use freeware program that allows you to copy new or modified files from up to 9 selected origin folders to the same number of selected destination folders. Simply select one or more origin folders and the correspondent destination folders . With copyfolders backing up files is as simple as selecting a source folder and a destination folder. Clicking one or more row numbers you can backup only files of the selected rows. See the Help. You can automatically launch the program at fixed times through the 'Task Scheduler' of the Control Panel / Administrative Tools. To install the program you must be logged in Windows with User Account of Administrator (that's the default option for single users) System requirements: -Windows XP with Service Pack 3, Net.Framework 4.0 (or more) -Windows Vista with Net.Framework 4.0 (or more) -Windows 7/8/10 Version 1.0.5 (26 April 2018) Now you can increase the height of the text box in which are transcribed the copied files: just increase the height of the program window. Now the progress bar no longer refers to the number of files to be processed pertinent to each single row but to the total number of files of all selected or displayed rows. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 7,739 Dec 21, 2021
ezio2000 <img src=""border="0">
CopyQ v9.0.0
CopyQ v9.0.0 An advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. CopyQ monitors system clipboard and saves its content in customized tabs. Saved clipboard can be later copied and pasted directly into any application. Features • Support for Linux, Windows and OS X 10.15+ • Store text, HTML, images or any other custom formats • Quickly browse and filter items in clipboard history • Sort, create, edit, remove, copy/paste, drag’n’drop items in tabs • Add notes or tags to items • System-wide shortcuts with customizable commands • Paste items with shortcut or from tray or main window • Fully customizable appearance • Advanced command-line interface and scripting • Ignore clipboard copied from some windows or containing some text • Support for simple Vim-like editor and shortcuts • Many more features Using the App To start the application double-click the program icon or run copyq. The list with clipboard history is accessible by clicking on system tray icon or running copyq toggle. Copying text or image to clipboard will create new item in the list. Selected items can be: • edited (F2), • removed (Delete), • sorted (Ctrl+Shift+S, Ctrl+Shift+R), • moved around (with mouse or Ctrl+Up/Down) or • copied back to clipboard (Enter, Ctrl+V). All items will be restored when application is started next time. To exit the application select Exit from tray menu or press Ctrl-Q keys in the application window. Command Line CopyQ has powerful command line and scripting interface. Note: The main application must be running to be able to issue commands using command line. Print help for some ...
5/5 6,004 Jun 24, 2024
Lukas Holecek <img src=""border="0">
CopyToFlash v1.3
CopyToFlash v1.3 CopyToFlash is a zero-click utility for copying content to an unlimited number of flash drives for distribution. Basically it starts a drive monitor to detect when a flash drive is plugged into the system, and when that happens it copies the content to the flash drive, then waits on removal and insertion of a new flash drive before copying the content again to the new drive – all accomplished with ZERO CLICKS (after the initial content selection, that is.) Here’s the process: Start CopyToFlash.exe Browse for / select a directory. Click Start Monitoring! (a new status window will appear, waiting on the first flash drive.) Insert the flash drive, wait for the copy to complete (an alert will sound), then remove the flash drive. Repeat step 4 until you are done. Click the taskbar icon to restore the minimized CopyToFlash window, and click Stop Monitoring! So it does everything but the physical stuff. Behind the scenes, you’ll see CopyToFlash utilize Robocopy for the copying process, in order to avoid max path limitations and to only copy files if they are newer than the destination files. Changes: v1.3 Released December 19th, 2019 – Removed requirement to press enter when formatting drives before the file copy process. CopyToFlash is FREE for all usage both personal and commercial. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,705 Feb 22, 2020 <img src=""border="0">
Core FTP LE v2.2.1960
Core FTP LE v2.2.1960 This free, secure FTP client gives you a fast, easy, reliable way to update and maintain your website via FTP. It also provides a secure method (via SSL, TLS, FTPS, HTTPS, or SFTP) to upload / download files to and from FTP servers. Check out the list of features and you'll find almost every feature you need, all in a free ftp program. There are no popup ads, advertising or spyware and you're never asked or reminded to register. Features: Secure SFTP, SSL, TLS, &amp; FTPS International Domain support Fast and secure client transfers HIPAA compliant security Mode Z compression User-friendly interface(s) Site to Site file transfers FULL drag and drop support Start/stop/resume of transfers Auto retry of failed transfers Transfer bandwidth control Browser integration File masking (wildcards) Keep Alive functionality Remote file searching File permissions (CHMOD) Advanced directory listings .htaccess &amp; .htpasswd editing One click transfers Keep Alive functionality Automatic S/Key support Favorites via menu &amp; drop down Desktop shortcuts &amp; drop u/l's Command line support FTP/HTTP Proxy, Socks 4&amp;5 support Changelog Version 2.2 (build 1960), updated Sep 28th, 2020 Fixes for Windows SSL "High crypto" mode - resolves issues with servers requiring TLS 1.2 when using "AUTH TLS" and "FTPS/Direct SSL" Windows SSL crash on disconnection via server timeout, fixed This may be the last build that includes the ansi version (sorry Win98/NT users!). Version 2.3 will be available very soon with many internal updates including updates to OpenSSL 1.1.1g/TLS v1.3 and changes since 1957. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here.
5/5 5,395 Apr 11, 2021
Core FTP <img src=" FTP LE1_th.png"border="0">
Core Temp v1.18
Core Temp v1.18 A compact, no fuss, small footprint, yet powerful program to monitor processor temperature and other vital information. What makes Core Temp unique is the way it works. It is capable of displaying a temperature of each individual core of every processor in your system! You can see temperature fluctuations in real time with varying workloads. Core Temp is also motherboard agnostic. All major processor manufacturers have implemented a "DTS" (Digital Thermal Sensor) in their products. The DTS provides more accurate and higher resolution temperature readings than conventional onboard thermal sensors. (How does it work?). This feature is supported by all recent x86 processors. Processors by Intel, AMD and VIA are supported. A complete list of supported processors is available. Core Temp is easy to use, while also enabling a high level of customization and expandability. Core Temp provides a platform for plug-ins, which allows developers to add new features and extend its functionality. You can find the plug-ins and add-ons here. Core Temp Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11, 2003 Server, 2008 Server, 2012 Server, 2016 Server. Processor: Intel, AMD or VIA x86 based processor. Changes: v1.18 - 4th December, 2022 - New: AMD Zen 4, Zen 3 APU and Zen 2 APU support - New: Intel Raptor Lake and Alder Lake support - New: TDP, TjMax, multiplier range detection on desktop AMD Zen platforms - Fix: Address the kernel-mode driver vulnerability/exploitation issues - Fix: Redesign Bclk detection on all AMD platforms starting from the Phenom series - Fix: Workaround the Bclk detection issues on Intel Skylake and newer series - Fix: Bclk detection on older Intel platforms, utilizing x2Apic configuration - Fix: Thread count on Intel hybrid architectures (Raptor/Alder Lake) - Fix: Improve support for multiple older AMD and Intel processors - Fix: Base multiplier detection on AMD Zen processors - Fix: Incorrect temperature on AMD Zen processors (missing -49C offset) - Fix: Engineering ...
5/5 4,126 Dec 09, 2022
Arthur Liberman <img src=""border="0">
Counter Control v1.2
Counter Control v1.2 A small program that will monitor and mitigate the fixed performance counters on Intel processors. Microsoft's Windows Defender anti-virus software will sporadically take over all hardware performance counters and use them in a way that reduces system performance significantly. Using Counter Control you can identify this and mitigate it. A more detailed writeup can be found here: Supported Operating Systems: Win 11, 10, 8, 7 (32-bit &amp; 64-bit) Hashes: MD5: B7C113D5184A9F055D73A0D3BFC596E5 SHA1: D8142FB64CED99DDA8B34AA09C5224A580407996 SHA256: 8F9199880670A05C98B5C05510C8980FAF0DBA0A1F02428C198D07FAD1AD3CC2 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,956 Jan 24, 2024 <img src=" Control1_th.png"border="0">
CountryTraceRoute v1.40
CountryTraceRoute v1.40 A Traceroute utility, similar to the tracert tool of Windows, but with graphical user interface, and it's also much faster than tracert of Windows. CountryTraceRoute also displays the country of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute. After the Traceroute is completed, you can select all items (Ctrl+A) and then save them into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file with 'Save Selected Items' option (Ctrl+S) or copy them to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then paste the result into Excel or other spreadsheet application. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and x64 systems are supported. Known Limitations Currently, IPv6 is not supported by this tool. This tool displays the country name of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute. Be aware that the actual country where the IP address is located might be different from the country of the IP address owner. Changes: Version 1.40: Added support for using the IP-Location files from You can use all 3 types of CSV files: Country, City, and ASN. In order to use these files, simply download the desired files and put them in the same folder of CountryTraceRoute.exe with their original filename (For example: asn-country-ipv4.csv , asn-ipv4.csv) Updated the internal IP location database Start Using CountryTraceRoute CountryTraceRoute doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - CountryTraceRoute.exe In the main window of CountryTraceRoute, type the desired host name or IP address, the maximum number of hops, the timeout value in milliseconds, and then press the 'Go' button (or press the Enter key) to start the traceroute. Using External ...
5/5 4,231 Aug 11, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
cPicture v4.4
cPicture v4.4 A free Windows photo explorer. Features • Portable Windows App • JPEG9 reference app with lossless functions • Gamma corrected resizing • Rotate and resize videos Changes: v4.4 21 December, 2024 Replace GPS BingMap with the OpenStreetMap. In Summer 2025 the previously used Bing map service won't be available anymore and is replaced. New borderless display option with the overview mode. Updated picture search to include EXIF-Data. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 893 Dec 23, 2024
Jürgen Eidt <img src=""border="0">
CPix v2.5.1
CPix v2.5.1 A compact and fast photo viewer that supports APNG, WebP, MPO, encryption, format conversion, resizing and more. Features View images and animations: JPEG, GIF, PNG, APNG, TIFF, BMP, WBMP, EJPG, MPO, EMPO, PL, EPL, WebP, PBM, PGM, PPM. EJPG(the Encrypted JPEG file format): View, Convert to and from JPEG files. DualPhoto(a file format that contains two JPEG images in a single file, the 2nd image is encrypted): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract the 2nd image, Remove the 2nd image. MPO(a Multi-Picture file format): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract JPEG files from MPO file. EMPO(the Encrypted MPO): View, Convert to and from MPO. PL(the Photo List file format): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract JPEG files from PL file. EPL(the Encrypted PL): View, Create from JPEG files, Extract JPEG files from EPL file. Format Conversion: GIF/WebP/PNG/TIFF/BMP/WBMP to JPEG (All frames of GIF/WebP/TIFF are saved). Format Conversion: GIF/WebP/TIFF to PNG (All frames are saved). Format Conversion: Create multi-frame TIFF from BMP/JPEG/PNG files. Format Conversion: JPEG/PNG to WebP. Image Resizing: JPEG, BMP, PNG. Photo orientation (JPEG/TIFF) is supported in loading and format conversion. Background color: you can either select one of the predefined colors or select your own favorite color. Auto-play: you can let multi-frame images (TIFF/MPO/EMPO/PL/EPL) play animations automatically or not. Animation speed: animation speed of multi-frame images (GIF/WebP/TIFF/MPO/EMPO/PL/EPL) can be changed. View images with effects: eg. you can increase brightness of the image to view dark regions of the image more clearly, or you can view it ...
5/5 3,977 Nov 06, 2019
FileFriend <img src=""border="0">
CPod v1.27.1
CPod v1.27.1 A simple, beautiful podcast app for Windows, macOS, and Linux. This download is for the Windows version. If you need the MacOS version, download here. If you need the Debian Linux version, download here. Changes: v1.27.1 Apr 6, 2019 Feature: Close/minimize to taskbar (#103) Improvement: Add option to enable smooth scrolling Improvement: Ability to use Escape key to hide podcast detail pane (#103) Improvement: More helpful navigation icons (#130) Improvement: Remove unsubscribed episodes from Home (#126) Improvement: Support IP addresses (!) in podcast RSS URL input (#136) Fix: Fix filter options being invisible in dark mode on Windows (#109) Fix: Fix newly queued episodes not properly reflecting downloaded and completion status (#135) Fix: Fix a few podcast RSS parsing bugs (#128) Fix: Fix a few Home pagination bugs Translation: Add Ukrainian (thanks, @paul-11) Translation: Update Brazilian Portuguese Translation: Update German Translation: Update Portuguese Click here to visit the author's website.
0/5 3,368 Jun 19, 2020
Zack Guard <img src=""border="0">
CppCommentRemover v1.1
CppCommentRemover v1.1 This application removes comments from C/C++ source code. From the author: "Motivation: as I'm working from time to time with medium-to-large size third party code (pjsip, baresip) it was written to help with comparing source code of different version of projects. Most annoying thing are CVS tags in pjsip source code as once code is checked in and then checked out from own repository they are expanded/rewritten creating differences in every single file. Copyright notices are also annoying in similar way as they often may be single one detail changing between software version from different years." What does this application do? processing recursively files from selected folder removing comments containing selected strings or all comments preserving file timestamps (by default) - original timestamps make comparing source easier Files are processed in place (overwritten) - make sure to not work on main copy of the project. I've tested this tool on projects based on both pjsip (300+ kLOC) and baresip but handling of some rarely used language constructions is omitted (continuation inside single-line comments), results might be also unexpected when source code is not valid (has syntax errors). Preprocessor expression are also not evaluated thus text from "#if 0" blocks is processed and it has higher chance to trigger unexpected behavior as it may contain unclosed block comment. Changes: 2018.12.30 v1.1 added option to skip removing comments longer than N bytes (Portaudio: CVS Id tags mixed with copyright notices that should be kept) Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,345 Mar 22, 2019
Tomasz Ostrowski <img src=""border="0">
CPU-Z v2.14
CPU-Z v2.14 A free tool that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system. Gathered Info: • Processor name and number, codename, process, package, cache levels. • Mainboard and chipset. vMemory type, size, timings, and module specifications (SPD). • Real time measurement of each core's internal frequency, memory frequency. Configuration file CPU-Z uses a configuration file, cpuz.ini, that allows to set several parameters for the program. The cpuz.ini file must be in the same directory as cpuz.exe. Note that the use of this file is optional. If no .ini file is found, default values will be used. It looks like this : [CPU-Z] TextFontName=Verdana TextFontSize=13 TextFontColor=000060 LabelFontName=Verdana LabelFontSize=13 PCI=1 MaxPCIBus=256 DMI=1 Sensor=1 SMBus=1 Display=1 UseDisplayAPI=1 BusClock=1 Chipset=1 SPD=1 CheckUpdates=1 TextFontName Font used for the information boxes. TextFontSize Size of the font used for the information boxes. TextFontColor Color of the font used for the information boxes. Value is expressed in hexadecimal, and consists in a classic Red/Green/Blue color code : RRGGBB LabelFontName Font used for the label boxes. LabelFontSize Size of the font used for the label boxes. Sensor Set to OFF (or 0) disables sensor chip detection and voltages measurement. DMI Set to OFF disables the DMI (Desktop Management Interface) information. This concerns BIOS vendor and version, motherboard vendor and revision. PCI Set to OFF disables the PCI information. This disables chipset, SPD and, depending on the hardware, sensoring information. MaxPCIBus Sets the maximum PCI bus to scan. Default value is 256. SMBus Set to OFF (or 0) disables SMBus information : SPD, and, depending on the hardware, sensoring information. Display Set to OFF (or 0) disables the video card information reported in the validator. ShowDutyCycles Set to 1, switches the alternate clock computation method based on duty cycles. 0 to disable. UseDisplayAPI Set to 1, uses the display driver to read the display adapters information. 0 to disable. Application parameters -txt=report Launch CPU-Z in ghost mode : no interface appears, the register dump (report.txt) is automatically created.Example:cpuz.exe -txt=c:\mydirectory\mysystem: runs CPU-Z in ghost ...
5/5 8,010 Feb 10, 2025
CPUID <img src=""border="0">
CpuFrequenz v4.39
CpuFrequenz v4.39 Small tool for exact determination of the CPU frequency. Every now and then the PC becomes slow. Is it probably due to the CPU? Key Features • Fast and clear Frequency Query • Freely selectable Frequency Detection Duration • Real-Time CPU Load and Frequency Display Other Features and Specifications: • Low CPU and RAM Usage • Optional as a Portable Program • Multilingual (Multilingual) Changes: v4.39 // 15 February 2025 • Corrections in: the uninstall function and automatic update function. • Update of the language files in the CPU Frequency Tool application for all Windows • Important tests and verification under Windows 11 24H2 This download is for Windows XP and higher (very bottom of page). If you need the Windows 98 version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,699 Feb 18, 2025
Nenad Hrg <img src=""border="0">
CPUID Instruction Viewer v1.0.0.2
CPUID Instruction Viewer v1.0.0.2 Utility to View Information About CPU. CPUID Instruction Viewer is a small utility designed to help developers view technical information returned by the CPUID instruction from the x86 and x86-64 instruction sets. The CPUID instruction returns results about the capabilities and features supported by the processor that this utility is running on. Such results are intended to be viewed along with the accompanying Intel or AMD technical documentation. This utility does not require installation and can be run from any location on the disk. Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 &amp; Windows Server 2003/R2/2008/R2/2012/R2/2016 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 2,680 May 27, 2021
Dennis Babkin <img src=""border="0">
Create Synchronicity v6.0
Create Synchronicity v6.0 Create Synchronicity is an easy, fast and powerful backup application. It synchronizes files and folders, has a neat interface, and can schedule backups to keep your data safe. Plus, it's open source, portable, multilingual, and very light (210kB). Features Backup, Restore, Folder synchronization Scheduling (daily, weekly, or monthly), with automatic catching up Mirror / Incremental backups User-friendly GUI, based on profiles Network backup (LAN Backup) GZip, BZip2 Compression Translations in 15 languages Absolute / Relative / UCN Paths Precise inclusion and exclusion (regular expression, file type, full text) Automatic translation of environment variables Open source, GNU GPL code Expert mode Integrity checks (MD5 Checksums) Dynamic destination folder (Date, Time) DST correction Extensive logging (txt or html) Command-line interface Batch synchronization Fast backup Folder duplication Network File Transfer Background scheduler Languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, Czech, Indonesian, Hebrew, Danish, Russian, Estonian, Polish, Bulgarian, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Hungarian, Chinese (Traditional), Amharic, Greek, Turkish, Japanese, Slovene Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,250 Jun 25, 2019
Clément Pit--Claudel <img src=" Synchronicity4_th.png"border="0">
Creative RW-2224/4224 CDRW Firmware
Creative RW-2224/4224 CDRW Firmware
0/5 8,906 Apr 01, 2009
CredentialsFileView v1.12
CredentialsFileView v1.12 A free, simple tool for Windows that decrypts and displays the passwords and other data stored inside Credentials files of Windows. You can use it to decrypt the Credentials data of your currently running system, as well as the Credentials data stored on external hard drive. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Changes Version 1.12: Fixed a problem with decrypting Credentials files from external drive on Windows 11 22H2. Updated to save/load the folders information. Fixed to display the password column properly when the password string is Ascii instead of Unicode. Updated to work properly in high DPI mode. Data Stored In Credentials Files Windows operating system stores the following information inside Credentials files: Login passwords of remote computers on your LAN. Passwords of mail accounts on exchange server (stored by Microsoft Outlook) Windows Live session information. Remote Desktop 6 user\password information. Internet Explorer 7.x and 8.x: passwords of password-protected Web sites ("Basic Authentication" or "Digest Access Authentication") Password of MSN Messenger / Windows Messenger accounts Credentials File Location You can find the Credentials files of Windows in the following locations: C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows Vista and later) C:\Users\[User Profile]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows Vista and later) C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows 8 and later) C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows XP) C:\Documents and Settings\[User Profile]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials (Windows XP) Start Using CredentialsFileView CredentialsFileView doesn't require any installation process or additional DLL files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - ...
5/5 6,263 Dec 06, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
CrococryptFile 1.6
CrococryptFile 1.6 CrococryptFile is a file encryption tool which creates encrypted archives of arbitrary files and folders. The encryption features of CrococryptFile can be compared to a ZIP utility that uses ZIP's AES encryption. However, there are significant differences. CrococryptFile... - encrypts all file and folder information including filenames, time/date and filesize information, - disguises any information of the archive's content, because all data and meta-data is simply integrated into a giant file dump. =Crypto Suites= For a full list of and details about supported crypto suites, please visit the CrococryptFile Homepage. Examples: - Password-based encryption (following PBKDF2) with AES-256, Twofish, Serpent, ... - Public key encryption using GPG/OpenPGP, Windows Keystore/CAPI with RSA/X.509 certificates - Cloaked (headerless) Password-based Encryption (AES-Twofish-256) Features file encryption encryption aes twofish pbkdf2 cloak pgp Version History 1.6 (05/13/2017): New: Support for Russian added (Special thanks to Aleksey Cheremnykh
5/5 5,292 Apr 02, 2018
Frank Hissen <img src=""border="0">
CrococryptMirror v1.43
CrococryptMirror v1.43 CrococryptMirror (aka "Crococrypt") is an encryption tool which mirrors complete folders to encrypted folders. The encryption algorithms that are used are AES and Twofish (256 bits, cascading). The keyfile is secured by a password using PKCS #5 (PBKDF2) with a SHA512/Whirlpool based HMAC using 100000 iterations and also AES and Twofish. Additionally, a ZIP compression for storage space optimization is used. For reasons of performance the synchronization of source and destination folder is done in the background. A backup copy of the keyfiles has to be stored at a secure place. Without the keyfile the containers cannot be decrypted. In the portable version of CrococryptMirror keyfile and settings are stored together with the application folder. Hence, the complete application can be transported on an external storage device. Moreover, the folder "container" can be used to store portable containers. Mirroring can be done manually (on-demand) or by using the sync service which detects directory changes on the fly. Features Copying and synchronizing of arbitrary folders/directories to encrypted folders (Backup Containers) Automatic Synchronization (Live mode, e.g., for Cloud Uploads) On-Demand Synchronization (e.g., for external drives like USB drives) Encryption of file content, filenames, file meta data Shorten of filenames Using the highest encryption standards (AES-256 &amp; Twofish-256) and password security techniques (PBKDF2, SHA512 &amp; Whirlpool, 100000 iterations) Especially the password security implementation is flexible and can be adapted in the future to fit current hardware performance issues Source folders can be stored in multiple destination containers at the same time (e.g., USB disk drive and Cloud storage) Network drives can be used as ...
5/5 5,448 Feb 05, 2021
Frank Hissen <img src=""border="0">
Crosti v1.14.0
Crosti v1.14.0 This tool allows you to make your own unique cross stitch design from custom image. You can resize and rotate image, reduce the number of colors, change image palette, make cross stitch design, preview it, save and print. Cross stitch design edition available: colors and icons changing, new color addition, color fill, pixel draw, lines and half-stitches. Features Convert custom image to cross stitch design. Edit cross stitch design. Save and print the design that you created. Input pictures: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPG, MNG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, SVG, TIF, TIFF, XBM, XPM. Output cross stitch design: BMP, ICO, JPEG, JPG, PNG, PPM, TIF, TIFF, XBM, XPM, PDF, CST (crosti scheme text file). v.1.14.0 2019-03-04 * Added 35 new colors to DMC palette. * New palettes added: cosmo, jpcoats, madeira, paterna, silkmori. * Hungarian translation added (thanks to László Csatári). Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,131 Oct 05, 2020
Sergey Levin <img src=""border="0">
7Z Crow Translate v2.11.1
Crow Translate v2.10.0 A simple and lightweight translator that allows you to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex Bing, LibreTranslate and Lingva. Crow Translate is a simple and lightweight translator written in C++ / Qt that allows you to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex, Bing, LibreTranslate and Lingva translate API. Features • Translate and speak text from screen or selection • Support 125 different languages • Low memory consumption (~20MB) • Highly customizable shortcuts • Command-line interface with rich options • D-Bus API • Available for Linux and Windows Requirements: Windows Note: Windows requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2019 to work but you probably already have it. This download is for the Windows version. All other download assets are below: Linux: crow-translate_2.11.1_amd64.deb crow-translate_2.11.1_arm64.deb crow-translate_2.11.1_armhf.deb crow-translate-2.11.1-1.x86_64.rpm crow-translate-2.11.1-1.armv7l.rpm crow-translate-2.11.1-1.aarch64.rpm Crow_Translate-2.11.1-x86_64.AppImage Use 7-Zip to unzip this file. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 1,775 Feb 22, 2024
Hennadii Chernyshchyk <img src=""border="0">
Crypt It v1.4.3.0
Crypt It v1.4.3.0 Crypt it is a portable software to encrypt and decrypt files and texts. It uses AES official code to encrypt and decrypt files and Rijndael algorithm to encrypt and decrypt strings. Change Log: Version [9/2/2019] GUI changes New: Encrypted files can be saved in their own folders by selecting “Save to original folder” option. Output folder section will be disabled when “Save to original folder” option is enabled. New: Crypt it main form is now resizable and also files list rows and columns can be resized too. Crypt it background is now white and not gray Internal fixes CRC32: 5E0BCEE9 MD5: 494309AA1658230843B4534473709993 SHA-1: BBE545C603B08EA90A2514CA48122CAF42B9D2E8 SHA-256: EB18E25668E6DDA5DA5D9C1CDFF2FF012B53F133DBE098A1726736C68CEE36D3 Requirements: .NET 4.6 minimum Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,194 Jul 15, 2019
Sami Jildeh <img src=" It1_th.png"border="0">
Crypto Notepad v1.6.6
Crypto Notepad v1.6.6 Notepad-like simple text editor for Windows, where files are saved and loaded encrypted with AES algorithms. Features Drag and Drop support Detect URLs and email links Fully customizable editor. Able to customize the colors and fonts Able to customize different parameters of the encryption (hash algorithm, key size, password iterations) Included all the features of the default Windows Notepad Association with the application extension Easily search through the content System requirements Windows Vista SP2 and higher .NET Framework 4.5 License Distributed under MIT license Read this before updating from v1.5.1 (and from earlier versions) After auto-update delete Ionic.Zip.dll file from the app folder v1.6.6 (2020-01-20) Added Auto lock if the app is inactive #48 Able to make editor readonly. Readonly indicator in the status panel. Word wrap indicator in the status panel. Auto-clear clipboard on app close. Auto-clear clipboard after copy text from the editor. Able to clear clipboard manually from the Edit main menu. Able to disable all shortcut keys. Improved Remapped some shortcut keys #49 When app is minimized, editor text is hidden in windows thumbnail previews (how it looks). Categories in Settings window was reorganized. Now all main menu items have hotkeys. Fixed Shortcut keys doesn't work or worked when it's not necessary. File hash CRC32: 80B37B3F MD5: E8AE90B3DEE96D4EAB71C906E40E73AA SHA-1: A4EFB2D4D8B138C9A5A561BCBEE91AF7A992AF41 Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,650 Jan 20, 2020
Sigmanor <img src=""border="0">
Cryptomator v1.15.1
Cryptomator v1.15.1 A simple tool for digital self-defense. It allows you to protect your cloud data by yourself and independently. Most cloud providers encrypt data only during transmission or they keep the keys for decryption for themselves. These keys can be stolen, copied, or misused. Thanks to Cryptomator, only you have the key to your data in your hand. Cryptomator allows you to access your files from all your devices. It's easy to use and integrates seamlessly between your data and the cloud. How does Cryptomator protect your data? Cryptomator's technology meets the latest standards and encrypts both files and filenames with AES and 256 bit key length. To start with Cryptomator, you assign a password for a folder - we call it a vault - within your cloud. That is all. No complicated key creation, no registration, no configuration! To access the vault, simply enter the password again. You will be provided with a virtual encrypted drive to which you can move your data - just like a USB flash drive. Every time you store something on this drive, Cryptomator encrypts the data automatically. Pretty simple, right? The technology behind this is state-of-the-art and encrypts both files and filenames with AES and 256 bit key length. This means: if someone looks into the folder in your cloud, they cannot draw any conclusions about your data. Optimal protection thanks to the latest technology standards If someone looks into the folder in your cloud, they cannot draw any conclusions about your data. Why is Cryptomator secure and trustworthy? No backdoors, no expiration date thanks to open source You don't have to trust Cryptomator blindly, because it is open source software. For you as a user, this means that everyone can see the code. Audited by security researchers In addition to independent security audits, the software is continuously and publicly tested in an automated way and ...
5/5 5,007 Feb 06, 2025
Skymatic <img src=""border="0">
CryptSync v1.4.11
CryptSync v1.4.11 A small utility that synchronizes two folders while encrypting the contents in one folder. That means one of the two folders has all files unencrypted (the files you work with) and the other folder has all the files encrypted. The synchronization works both ways: a change in one folder gets synchronized to the other folder. If a file is added or modified in the unencrypted folder, it gets encrypted. If a file is added or modified in the encrypted folder, it gets decrypted to the other folder. This is best used together with cloud storage tools like OneDrive, DropBox or Google Drive. If you want to use such cloud storage for backups, it's a good idea to keep your private data really private. That means only uploading encrypted files to make sure no one else can access your data. Because even if the companies behind the cloud storage guarantee your privacy, it's always possible that your account gets hacked: so make sure you use a different password to encrypt the data with CryptSync than you use to login to your cloud storage provider! If you want to backup and encrypt your files to more than one cloud storage (just to be safe), you can do that as well: just set up two sync pairs with the original folder being the same for both pairs. Of course, you can use CryptSync for backups to an external drive as well. You can even use CryptSync from the command line to trigger your encrypted backups. CryptSync works by synchronizing folder pairs. One folder is called the original folder: that's where your unencrypted files are stored and where you work with your files. The second folder of such a pair is the encrypted folder which is where the files get copied from the original folder and encrypted. The encrypted ...
5/5 5,864 Dec 09, 2024
Stefan Küng <img src=""border="0">
CrystalDiskInfo v9.5.0
CrystalDiskInfo v9.5.0 Monitors disk health status and temperature, monitoring/graphing of S.M.A.R.T. diagnostic information. The program also tells you how many times the hard disk has been turned on and how many hours. Supports a part of USB, Intel RAID and NVMe. General Information S.M.A.R.T. Information AAM/APM Control Graph of S.M.A.R.T. Information Alert Mail Resident and Alarm Requirements: OS Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 Architecture x86/x64/ARM64 IE 8.0~ .NET 4.8~ (2.0~) Changes: v9.5.0 [2024/11/20] Added Dark Mode Menu support Improved Realtek RTL9220DP support Improved JMicron JMS586 support (Beta) Improved Buffalo SSD-SCTU3A support Improved Toshiba HDD support Added AoiLight/AoiDark theme [Aoi Edition] Added ShizukuLight~nijihashi_sola/ShizukuDark~nijihashi_sola theme [Shizuku Edition] Updated Core Library (Project Priscilla) Updated language files This download is for the portable version (very bottom of page). If you need the installer version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 8,596 Nov 22, 2024
Crystal Dew World <img src=""border="0">
CrystalDiskMark v8.0.6
CrystalDiskMark v8.0.6 Open source benchmark software that measures the transfer speed of media data storage drive such as HD, SSD, USB memory, SD card and NAS. Key Features • Measure Sequential and Random Performance (Read/Write/Mix) • Various measure mode (Peak/Real World/Demo) • Many languages support • Themes System Requirements OS Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11 Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019/2022 Architecture x86/x64/ARM64 Important Notice CrystalDiskMark may shorten SSD/USB Memory life. Benchmark result is NOT compatible between different major version. “MB/s” means 1,000,000 byte/sec. The result depends on Test File Size, Test File Position, Fragmentation, IDE(PATA)/SATA/RAID/SCSI/NVMe controller and CPU speed etc… A part of SSDs depend on test data(random, 0fill). If you execute CrystalDiskMark with Administrator rights, it does not show Network Drive. If you would like to measure Network Drive, please run as w/o Administrator rights. UAC Dialog: YES -> w/ Administrator Rights, NO -> w/o Administrator Rights Unit 1GiB = 1024MiB = 1024x1024KiB = 1024x1024x1024B 1GB = 1000MB = 1000x1000KB = 1000x1000x1000B Changes v8.0.6 [2024/11/20] Benchmark results are fully compatible with 8.0.0. Added Dark Mode Menu support Updated Core Library (Project Priscilla) Added AoiLight/AoiDark theme [Aoi Edition] Added ShizukuLight~nijihashi_sola/ShizukuDark~nijihashi_sola theme [Shizuku Edition] Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 5,324 Dec 18, 2024
Crystal Dew World <img src=""border="0">
CSearcher v1.5.5.1
CSearcher v1.5.5.1 CSearcher is a simple and fast free non-indexing search program. Searching computer files and folders is rather common for every PC user daily. Using standard Windows Explorer solution for this has many disavantages: it's slow, uses lots of RAM and many times it does not find what we are looking for! CSearcher gives users a more advanced file searching tool alternative. CSearcher includes all features of Windows Explorer search and adds many unique features. Features: · Integration with Explorer menu for seamless search of folders. · Exclude patterns. · Date and size options. · Find files that contain specific text. · Calculate MD5 and compare files. · Simple Hex Viewer of any file. · Search history. · Filtering: Filter results. After finding all the results you want, you can dynamically filter results for faster finding of different items. Filter possible duplicate file (same name and size), can be confirmed with md5. · Export selected results to XML, CSV or HTML file. Characteristics: · Results can be Files AND/OR directories! · Windows native DLL calls for better performance. · Portable tool, can be installed and run from any folder, no installation required. Advantages: · One of the fastest non-indexing free File searchers. · Low RAM usage. Version (October 25, 2018) [fix] File/folder date/time were not being displayed considering time zones [fix] When renaming files, the file icon was not update in case of a file type change [fix] Improved layout with "max number of results" textbox when windows text size is increased to 125 or 150% [fix] Small bug fixes and more error handling improvements Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,899 Dec 21, 2021
Hugo Nabais <img src=""border="0">
CSV Buddy v3.0
CSV Buddy v3.0 A Swiss knife for your CSV files. CSV Buddy helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load/save/export files with various delimiters and lots of options, including scripting. Freeware. Features Even if the CSV file format is a widely accepted standard, it is still found in multiple flavors. In some implementations, fields are separated by comma. Others are delimited with tab, semi-colon or a variety of characters depending on the OS. Most CSV file records stand on one line. However, some programs export multi-line data with line breaks inside fields (try to load in Excel a CSV export from Outlook or Gmail contacts with multi-line notes text fields). Many programs will have a hard time importing these various variations of the CSV format. The freeware CSV Buddy helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load files with all sorts of field delimiters (auto-detection of comma, tab, semi-colon, etc.). Field containing delimiters or line breaks can be embedded in various encapsulators (double-quotes, single-quotes, pipes or any character). Get field names from the file’s header (first line) or set your own column titles. Load data with line-breaks. Rename, select or reorder fields. Merge fields into new columns. In a grid, add, edit or delete records. Sort them on alphabetical or numeric values (integer or float). Filter the list, search records with global or columnn search. Search and replace, confirm each replacement or replace all. Save all or selected rows to a new file using any delimiters, with header or not. Replace line breaks in data fields with a marker to make your file ready to load in software (like MS-Excel) that can only load single-line fields. Automate tasks with CSV Messenger (included) scripting commands. This app allows to set the ...
5/5 2,145 Feb 08, 2024
Jean Lalonde <img src=""border="0">
CSVed v2.5.7
CSVed v2.5.7 An easy, free and powerful CSV file editor. You can manipulate any CSV file, separated with any separator. Features • edit, add, insert and delete items; • import; • change separator; • add, delete columns; • rearrange column order; • save selection of rows and columns; • save filtered items; • save with double quotes; • search and replace; • filter items; • remove duplicates; • append and merge files; • install and uninstall; • help in English; • add prefix and suffix; • split and join columns; • export to HTML, Excel, Word, XML and more; • proper words and strings; • column search; • column sort and global sort. The listview is running in virtual mode, that means the data is displayed on demand. (not the entire CSV file is loaded in the listview) so CSVed can handle big files and is very fast. Changes v2.5.7 June 2023 e-mail and web address modified Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 4,997 Nov 07, 2023
SJ Francke <img src=""border="0">
CSVFileView v2.64
CSVFileView v2.64 A .CSV/tab-delimited file viewer and converter for Windows. CSVFileView is a simple CSV file viewer / converter utility that allows you to easily view the content of CSV or tab-delimited file created by NirSoft utilities or by any other software, in a simple table viewer. You can sort the lines according to one of the fields, remove unwanted fields and change their order, and then save the result back into CSV file, tab-delimited file, XML file, or HTML report. System Requirements This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows XP and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Known Limitations CSVFileView cannot load extremely large csv files. Changes v2.64: Fixed issue: When copying data to the clipboard or exporting to tab-delimited file, every line contained an empty field in the end of the line. Using CSVFileView CSVFileView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - CSVFileView.exe After running CSVFileView, you can open the desired CSV/Tab-Delimited file by using the 'Open CSV\Tab-Delimited File' option (Ctrl+O) or by dragging the file from Explorer into the main window of CSVFileView. If the first line of the CSV/Tab-Delimited file doesn't contain the column names, you should turn off the 'First Line Contains Column Names' option (Under the Options menu) before opening the file. After opening the desired file, you can do the following actions: • Sort the lines by one of the fields, simply by clicking the right column header. If the column values are numeric, CSVFileView automatically makes a numeric sorting instead of string sorting. • Remove one or more columns or change their position by using the 'Choose Columns' window (F7). You can also change the position of the columns by dragging ...
5/5 5,351 May 16, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
Cube 2: Sauerbraten v2020_12_21
Cube 2: Sauerbraten v2020_12_21 Free single and multi player 1st person shooter game with some satisfying fast oldskool gameplay. A large variety of gameplay modes from classic SP to fast 1 on 1 MP and objective based teamplay, with a great variety of original maps to play on. Level editing has never been so much fun: a press of a key allows you to modify the geometry / textures / entities in-game, on the fly. Even more novel, you can make maps together with others online, in the unique "coop edit" mode (!) The engine, though designed for simplicity and elegance as opposed to feature &amp; eyecandy checklists, still competes nicely thanks to its novel "6-directional heighfield deformable cube octree" world structure that is the basis for its in-game editing. Occlusion culling, pixel &amp; vertex shaders, very accurate lightmapping, robust custom physics system, network system, models, sound, scripting... This download is for the Windows version. If you need the MacOS version, download here. If you need the Linux version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website.
5/5 3,594 Apr 23, 2021
Cube 2: Sauerbraten Team <img src=""border="0">
CudaText v1.214.0.0
CudaText v1.214.0.0 CudaText is a cross-platform, fully open source text editor, written in Lazarus. It starts quite fast (0.5 sec with ~30 plugins on CPU Intel Core i3 3Hz). It is extensible by Python add-ons (plugins, linters, code tree parsers, external tools). Features include: • Syntax highlight for many languages: C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, XML etc. 200+ syntax lexers exist. • Code tree (tree structure of functions/classes/etc in source). • Code folding. • Multi-carets and multi-selections. • Find/Replace with reg. ex. • Configs in JSON format. Including lexer-specific configs. • Tabbed UI. • Split each tab. • Split view for 2/3/4/6 files. • Simple auto-completion (fixed list) for some lexers. • Command palette (ST3 style). • Minimap. • Micromap. • Show unprinted whitespace. • Support for many encodings. • Customizable hotkeys. • Binary/Hex viewer for files of unlimited size. Features for HTML/CSS coding: • Smart auto-completion for HTML, CSS. • HTML tags completion with Tab-key (Snippets plugin). • HTML color codes (#rgb, #rrggbb) underline. • Show pictures inside editor area (jpeg/png/gif/bmp/ico). • Show tooltip when mouse moves over picture tag, entity, color value. Powerful features implemented as plugins: • Addons manager • Find in files • Snippets • External tools • Project manager • Session manager • Macro manager • Spell checker ...
5/5 4,632 Apr 28, 2024 <img src=""border="0">
CUETools v2.2.6
CUETools v2.2.6 A free tool for lossless audio/CUE sheet format conversion. The goal is to make sure the album image is preserved accurately. A lossless disc image must be lossless not only in preserving contents of the audio tracks, but also in preserving gaps and CUE sheet contents. Many applications lose vital information upon conversion, and don't support all possible CUE sheet styles. For example, foobar2000 loses disc pre-gap information when converting an album image, and doesn't support gaps appended (noncompliant) CUE sheets. The distribution comes with CUERipper, an easy-to-use tool for ripping CDs to audio files plus cue sheets, with optional native or EAC-style logging. Like CUETools, it checks the rip against the AccurateRip and CUETools databases. It also contributes to the CUETools database. Supported formats Supports WAV, FLAC, APE, lossyWAV, ALAC, TTA, and WavPack audio input/output. Audio must be 16-bit, 44.1kHz samples stereo (i.e. CD PCM). Supports every CUE sheet style (embedded, single file, gaps appended/prepended/left out). It is also possible to process a set of audio files in a directory without a CUE sheet, or use a RAR archive as an input without unpacking it. Use cases • Convert a single-file album image with CUE sheet to a file-per-track album image • Convert a single-file album image with CUE-sheet-per-album to a single-file album image with CUE-sheet-per-track album image (feature request) • Convert a file-per-track album image with CUE sheet to a single file album image • Convert a file-per-track album image without a CUE sheet to a single file album image with simple CUE sheet • Convert an album image from one lossless codec to another, preserving CUE sheet structure • Verify a (possibly non offset-corrected) album image against AccurateRip database ...
5/5 4,207 Jun 30, 2024
CUETools <img src=""border="0">
CurrPorts v2.77
CurrPorts v2.77 Free tool that monitors opened TCP/IP network ports/connections. CurrPorts is network monitoring software that displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it. In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file. CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons) Notice: • When the 'Use DNS Cache For Host Names' option is turned on, there is a significant memory leak on every refresh. This memory leak is not caused directly by CurrPorts, but by the DNS cache programming interface of Windows. Currently, I cannot find a workaround for this problem, so if you run CurrPorts for many hours in automatic refresh mode, it's recommended to turn off the 'Use DNS Cache For Host Names' option. • If you want to monitor UDP activity, you should try using the LiveTcpUdpWatch tool. Changes: Version 2.77: Fixed bug: CurrPorts failed to display country/city information for IPv6 addresses System Requirements This utility works perfectly under Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11. There is also a separated download of CurrPorts for x64 versions of Windows. If you want to use this utility on Windows NT, you should install psapi.dll in your system32 directory. You can also use this ...
5/5 9,920 Dec 13, 2023
Nir Sofer <img src=""border="0">
CutePDF Writer v4.0
CutePDF Writer v4.0 Create PDFs from almost any application. Easiest Free PDF Converter ! Convert to professional quality PDF file from any printable document. New version 4.0 has more settings and do more. Windows 10 and Server 2019 Ready Support programmatic access FREE software for personal, commercial, gov or edu use. Users love it since 2004. Just click Print and select CutePDF Writer as your printer. It’s that simple. Select a file in any application that prints and open it. Choose “File” > “Print”. Choose “CutePDF Writer” as the printer in the print dialog box, and click “Print”. (Do Not select "Print to File" option.) Enter a new file name for your PDF and select options. “Save” to your desired location. Installation Requirements Supports Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (32-bit/64-bit). Supports Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019. Requires PS2PDF converter such as Ghostscript (recommended). You can get the free AGPL Ghostscript here. GNU Ghostscript is a free open-source interpreter for the PostScript language and the PDF file format. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License. What's New Added support for Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 and Terminal Server. New version 4.0 allows you to change Document Properties, add Passwords with security settings and do much more. Added support for basic programmatic access. Seamlessly integrate with CutePDF Professional. New version works with the latest version of Ghostscript. To use with other PS2PDF application, please refer to FAQs. Supports foreign language Windows better. No longer include Ghostscript. You may download and install it separately. Click here to visit the author's ...
5/5 3,719 Feb 12, 2020
Acro Software Inc. <img src=" Writer1_th.png"border="0">
CVAssistant 3.1.0
CVAssistant 3.1.0 CV Assistant helps you create specialized resumes in Word .docx format fast and easy. The idea is to have a master resume with all skills and experiences in it. Then based on skills mentioned in the job advertisement, export a clean but well formatted word .docx file as a summarized resume with only relevant skills in it. This increases your chance of getting a job interview as most companies are using Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) or at best hiring managers which may be unaware of similarity between phrases like skilled in MS Word, familiar with Microsoft Word and Fully experienced with office suites. So job seekers need to create specialized resumes for each and every job position with the same wordings used in the advertisement. Add all your skills to CV Assistant, pick only relevant ones. It also creates cover letters! Again, write all possible sentences, and select those relevant ones per job post. CVAssistant helps you free of charge and this software remains for free! Features Flexible master resume All resume parts can be added, removed, temporarily hidden, and rearranged Export files in Word 2007 file format Intelligent resume analyser Automatically create a summarized resume based on skills in job advertisement You can attach your personal photo to the resume You can also create a master cover letter with selectable sentences Finally: It's free!
5/5 6,013 Oct 23, 2019
CVAssistant <img src=""border="0">
CyberChef v10.4.0
CyberChef v10.4.0 The Cyber Swiss Army Knife by the UK Government Code and Cypher School (GCHQ) CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR or Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more. The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years. Live demo • CyberChef is still under active development. As a result, it shouldn't be considered a finished product. There is still testing and bug fixing to do, new features to be added and additional documentation to write. Please contribute! • Cryptographic operations in CyberChef should not be relied upon to provide security in any situation. No guarantee is offered for their correctness. • A live demo can be found here - have fun! How it works There are four main areas in CyberChef: 1) The input box in the top right, where you can paste, type or drag the text or file you want to operate on. 2) The output box in the bottom right, where the outcome of your processing will be displayed. 3) The operations list on the far left, where you can find all the operations that CyberChef is capable of in categorised lists, or by searching. 4) The recipe area in the middle, where you can drag the operations ...
5/5 3,467 May 24, 2023
UK's Government Code and Cypher School <img src=""border="0">
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