![]() Your download link is at the very bottom of the page... always. |
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1ChipISO7816-V1 Programmer/Reader 1ChipISO7816-V1 Programmer/Reader FOR Educational Purposes Simple Full Features ISO 7816 Programmer and Reader board This device provides the capabilities for a Smart Card Programmer and Reader. This version uses a wide band Transistor Crystal Oscillator Clock circuit. This makes it easy to quickly change Crystal Clock frequencies for different Smart Card applications. Version V-3 uses a fixed frequency CMOS TTL Cryatal Oscillator module for clock requirements (Epson CMOS TTL Osc #SG-531P-3.579MC). Part Value Device Package Description B1 Bridge1A B-DIL B-DIL Bridge Rectifier C1 10UF P128-35 P128-35 Condenser 10uf 50V C2 10UF P128-35 P128-35 Condenser 10uf 50V C3 .1UF C2,5 C2,5-4 Condenser .1uf C4 100pf C2,5 C2,5-4 Condenser 100 pf C5 22pf C2,5 C2,5-4 Condenser 22 pf D2 1N4148 1N4148 DO35-10 Diode D3 1N4148 1N4148 DO35-10 Diode DL1 GRN LED5 LED5 LED Green DL2 RED LED5 LED5 LED Red IC1 MC1489 ... |
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9,168 | Feb 08, 2024 CadSoft <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/1ChipISO-brd_th.png"border="0"> |
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Account Profile Fixer v1.9.0.0 Account Profile Fixer v1.9.0.0 Helps you to repair severe issues without the need to reinstall/reset Windows. Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11. 32 or 64 bits. This tool allows users to easily fix account profile related issues which can not be repaired without creating a new account. Examples of situations where this tool may come in handy are: MS Edge is not working, Windows Store apps are not working, Windows Explorer is not showing the Start screen or the notification area, or a user can not login. Note: Carifred recently renewed their code signing certificate, so you may get a Smart Screen warning saying the file is not commonly downloaded and may harm your computer. Please ignore the warning and chose to keep the file anyway. Overview of Account Profile Fixer (APF) It is no news for a computer tech that, when nothing else works, creating a new user account to replace a broken user profile can save us from fully reinstalling Windows. Actually, it's one of the things technicians do most, lately. Whether a user lost his password, MS Edge is not working, Windows Store apps are not working, Windows Explorer is not showing the Start screen or the notification area, or a user can not login, we usually end up using the same basic solution: Create a new user account and move the data from the old one. But this process can be lengthy, especially if the user has many files to move to the new account, or the machine does not have a SSD. Not to mention that there are some folders that should not be be moved, or we may risk breaking the new user account profile as well. In the end, we also need to delete the old user account. Account Profile Fixer can take care ... |
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6,100 | Oct 31, 2024 Carifred <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Account Profile Fixer1_th.png"border="0"> |
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ActivityWatch v0.12.2 ActivityWatch v0.12.2 A free app that automatically tracks how you spend time on your devices. ActivityWatch is open source, privacy-first, cross-platform, and a great alternative to services like RescueTime, ManicTime, and WakaTime. It can be used to keep track of your productivity, time spent on different projects, bad screen habits, or just to understand how you spend your time. Features • Tracking: Tracks active application and window title out of the box, more with watchers. • Categories: Get a better overview of your usage by breaking it down into categories. • Browser extensions: Track the active tab using the extensions for Chrome and Firefox. • Editor plugins: Track how you spend time writing code with editor watchers. • Privacy: Data is stored locally and doesn't leave your device, we put local and privacy first. • Cross-platform: Runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. Why use it? You can use ActivityWatch to: • Monitor your productivity. • Track how much time you spend on different projects. • Get an overview of time spent on apps, games, videos, and music. • Manage your bad screen habits. • Measure your work-life balance. • Find behavioral trends in how you use your devices. • Gain "self-knowledge through numbers" (Quantified Self) • Keep a log of your digital life (lifelogging). • Research attention, productivity, and behavior (researchers: contact us!) • Track who creates the things you use, so you can incentivize them to continue Getting started... See the Getting Started guide. This download is for the Windows installer version. All other download assets are ... |
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2,363 | Jun 08, 2023 Erik Bjäreholt and Johan Bjäreholt <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/ActivityWatch1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Afterburner 3D Afterburner 3D Afterburner 3D is an excellent fan-made remake of SEGA's classic first-person shooter Afterburner. The game features excellent 3D graphics, great special effects, and even a nice soundtrack to round things off. Like Afterburner, your objective is simply to pilot a jet-on-rails and fire at anything and everything that crosses your field of view. |
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7,469 | Apr 26, 2015 Brodaroda Software <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/afterburner3d3_th.png"border="0"> |
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Agent DVR v5.8.0.0 Agent DVR v5.8.0.0 A free, super advanced video surveillance platform for Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi and Docker. Agent has a unified user interface that runs on all modern computers, mobile devices and even Virtual Reality. Agent DVR supports remote access from anywhere with no port forwarding required. (Note from OlderGeeks.com: Remote access requires a very cheap subscription. Everything else is free for personal use.) Agent DVR is translated to: English, Arabic, Bengali, Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Mandarin and Taiwanese Installing Agent DVR on Windows: To install run the setup utility which will check the dependencies, download the application and install the service and a tray helper app that discovers and monitors Agent DVR network connections. Agent for Windows runs on Windows 7 SP1+. Requires the .net framework v4.7+. To run on Windows Server you will need to enable Windows Media Foundation. For server 2012, install that from here. Installing Agent DVR on MacOS/Linux/RPi We recommend Ubuntu 20+ as it has FFmpeg v5 available as a package install. Otherwise FFmpeg will be built by the install script. Run in a terminal: bash <(curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ispysoftware/agent-install-scripts/main/v2/install.sh") You may need to install curl first on Linux: sudo apt-get install curl Docker Image A Docker image of Agent DVR will install Agent DVR on a virtual Linux image on any supported operating system (currently only x86 based processors, ARM not supported). Please see the docker file for options. Important: The docker version of Agent includes a TURN server to work around port access limitations on Docker. If Docker isn't running in Host mode (which is only available on linux hosts) then you will need to access the UI of Agent by http://IPADDRESS:8090 instead of http://localhost:8090 (where IPADDRESS is the LAN IP address of your host computer). To ... |
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2,785 | Oct 07, 2024 iSpyConnect.com <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Agent DVR4_th.png"border="0"> |
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Alchemy v008 Alchemy v008 Alchemy is an open drawing project aimed at exploring how we can sketch, draw, and create on computers in new ways. Alchemy isn’t software for creating finished artwork, but rather a sketching environment that focuses on the absolute initial stage of the creation process. Experimental in nature, Alchemy lets you brainstorm visually to explore an expanded range of ideas and possibilities in a serendipitous way. The Alchemy drawing canvas has an intentionally reduced level of functionality. No undo, no selecting, and no editing. Interaction focuses instead on the output of a great number of good, bad, strange and beautiful shapes. Modules Alchemy consists of a growing number of ‘modules’ that can be added or removed at will. Using a given module you can do things like: Shout at the computer. Use your voice to control the width of a line or the form of a shape. Draw ‘blind’. Turn off the canvas display and explore what shapes emerge from the ‘darkness’. Create random shapes. Generate shapes that can be used as a starting point for characters, spaceships, or whatever shape you see in the ‘clouds’. Mirror draw. Draw mirrored symmetrical forms in realtime. Randomise. Mess up and distort shapes. Global Features Other global features place focus on the ‘process’ of drawing, letting you do things like: Record a drawing ’session’. Automatically save the contents of the canvas to a page in a PDF file at set intervals. Auto-clear the canvas. Start drawing on a clean slate at set intervals. Force yourself to start over fresh. Switch the canvas. Automatically open your sketch in a more ‘conventional’ drawing application, either as a bitmap or vector file. ... |
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3,479 | Jun 11, 2020 Karl D.D. Willis/Jacob Hina <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Alchemy1_th.png"border="0"> |
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AltDrag v1.1 AltDrag v1.1 Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key AltDrag gives you the ability to move and resize windows in a new way. After starting AltDrag, you can simply hold down the Alt key and then click and drag any window. This behavior already exists in Linux and other operating systems, and AltDrag was made with the mission to copy that behavior to the Windows platform, and then to further expand it with new intuitive functionality. You can use AltDrag in many ways. Here are some examples: Hold down the Alt key, then drag windows with the left mouse button. Use the right mouse button to resize windows. It will resize from the corner or edge you grab closest to. Hold down the Shift key to snap to other windows. You can enable automatic snapping in the options. If you have automatic snapping enabled, you can hit the Space key to temporarily disable it. You can scroll inactive windows with the mouse wheel. If you hold down the Shift key while doing this, it will scroll the window horizontally (some programs does not support this). If you have trouble moving a window, it might be because it's an elevated program (administrator privileges). To move it, you must run AltDrag with administrator privileges too. There is a button in the options to do this. Windows are not brought to the front by default, hit the Ctrl key to bring a window to the front. You can change this in the options. Double-click to maximize windows. Double-click with the right mouse button to move it to a corner or side (which one depends on where you double-click). ... |
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3,310 | Jul 05, 2020 Stefan Sundin <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/AltDrag1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Amphetamine v3.0 Amphetamine v3.0 Description: Amphetamine is designed to prevent three things, (all are individually optional): Screen Saver Sleep Mode System Shutdown/Restart While there are apps out there that prevent the screen saver and sleep modes, when this app was originally written there weren’t any that prevented Windows from shutting down; additionally we added more extended functionality in apps you won’t find today. Optional/extended functionality also exists to perform custom actions when a shutdown/restart is initiated and prevented by Amphetamine: Ensure pre-configured services are started. Ensure pre-configured programs are running. Run a program/script. Send an email (e.g. to a systems administrator) notifying you of the prevention, so the system can be checked out to ensure proper operation. License: FREE Amphetamine is FREE for all personal and commercial usage. Version 3 Release Notes Both the Amphetamine portable and installer versions are now the same binary and both are capable of the same usage and configuration. Added option to manually check for updates to Amphetamine. Improvements to the Shutdown/Restart prevention: Added Group Policy setting to block Windows Update from initiating automatic reboots when users are logged in. Because this is not guaranteed to prevent automated restarts on non-enterprise editions of Windows in all circumstances, see the following addition. Added blocking of “MusNotification.exe” which prevents Windows 10 from initiating automated restarts due to Windows Update (this also prevents displaying Windows Update notifications, such as updates available or the need for restart after an update is installed.) Added blocking of “shutdown.exe” which many apps will use instead ... |
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3,707 | Jul 02, 2020 d7xtech.com <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/amphetamine1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Anki v2.1.35 Anki v2.1.35 Remember Anything From images to scientific markup, Anki has got you covered. Remember Anywhere Review on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, and any device with a web browser. Remember Efficiently Only practice the material that you're about to forget. Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn. Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless. For example: Learning a language Studying for medical and law exams Memorizing people's names and faces Brushing up on geography Mastering long poems Even practicing guitar chords! Features Synchronization Use the free AnkiWeb synchronization service to keep your cards in sync across multiple devices. Flexibility From card layout to review timing, Anki has a wealth of options for you to customize. Media-Rich Embed audio clips, images, videos and scientific markup on your cards, with precise control over how it's shown. Optimized Anki will handle decks of 100,000+ cards with no problems. Fully Extensible There are a large number of add-ons available. Open Source Because the code and storage format is open, your important data is safe. View the Anki Manual. To get you started, here is a list of Top 10 Best Anki Decks of 2020 to download and import from the file menu. This download is for the Windows version. If you need the MacOS version, download here. If you need the Linux version, download here. If you need the iOS version (not free), download here. If you need the Android version, download here. Changes in 2.1.35 Released 2020-10-02, build 84dcaa86. Fix a bug in Anki 2.1.29+ that caused ... |
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3,306 | Nov 24, 2020 Anki <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Anki2_th.png"border="0"> |
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Anxiety for Mac OSX Anxiety for Mac OSX Anxiety is an atmospheric horror game with 2D graphics in which the player playing as Gregory. When exploring Greg's home, the player must find 6 things to get the "CLUES" which show something about the depth of Greg's Anxiety. Game site: maxiandthegang.itch.io/anxiety Art by Archie Ann Virika Mirugin Troismax Ahmadror Programming Hitnoodle Everaldo Eri Mamon James Music Sound by iokwaa Help/Controls: it is recommended to use Headphone/Earphone for better experience W: Move Up A : Move Left D : Move Right S : Move Down E : Interact Shift : Run. Remember, you have stamina. Warning: The game is not appropriate for weak hearted Bugs, glitches, writing error, coffee stain and some issues may occurs. Please send us your comment and feedback to help us further on development. Latest update: Checkpoint Update (June 27th, 2015) ---------------------------------- Changes & Bug fixes Fixed collider , no more spoderman Ghost Glitches efx issue 6th clue notification Fixed Minor Bugs |
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6,384 | Aug 02, 2016 maxiandthegang <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Anxiety6_th.png"border="0"> |
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Anxiety for Windows 32bit Anxiety for Windows 32bit Anxiety is an atmospheric horror game with 2D graphics in which the player playing as Gregory. When exploring Greg's home, the player must find 6 things to get the "CLUES" which show something about the depth of Greg's Anxiety. Game site: maxiandthegang.itch.io/anxiety Art by Archie Ann Virika Mirugin Troismax Ahmadror Programming Hitnoodle Everaldo Eri Mamon James Music Sound by iokwaa Help/Controls: it is recommended to use Headphone/Earphone for better experience W: Move Up A : Move Left D : Move Right S : Move Down E : Interact Shift : Run. Remember, you have stamina. Warning: The game is not appropriate for weak hearted Bugs, glitches, writing error, coffee stain and some issues may occurs. Please send us your comment and feedback to help us further on development. Latest update: Checkpoint Update (June 27th, 2015) ---------------------------------- Changes & Bug fixes Fixed collider , no more spoderman Ghost Glitches efx issue 6th clue notification Fixed Minor Bugs |
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6,435 | Aug 02, 2016 maxiandthegang <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Anxiety6_th.png"border="0"> |
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Anxiety for Windows 64bit Anxiety for Windows 64bit Anxiety is an atmospheric horror game with 2D graphics in which the player playing as Gregory. When exploring Greg's home, the player must find 6 things to get the "CLUES" which show something about the depth of Greg's Anxiety. Game site: maxiandthegang.itch.io/anxiety Art by Archie Ann Virika Mirugin Troismax Ahmadror Programming Hitnoodle Everaldo Eri Mamon James Music Sound by iokwaa Help/Controls: it is recommended to use Headphone/Earphone for better experience W: Move Up A : Move Left D : Move Right S : Move Down E : Interact Shift : Run. Remember, you have stamina. Warning: The game is not appropriate for weak hearted Bugs, glitches, writing error, coffee stain and some issues may occurs. Please send us your comment and feedback to help us further on development. Latest update: Checkpoint Update (June 27th, 2015) ---------------------------------- Changes & Bug fixes Fixed collider , no more spoderman Ghost Glitches efx issue 6th clue notification Fixed Minor Bugs |
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6,456 | Aug 02, 2016 maxiandthegang <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Anxiety6_th.png"border="0"> |
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Appcopier v0.30 Appcopier v0.30 Back up key things on your Windows PC, perform a reset or simply go back in time. Appcopier allows you to back up and restore your most important Windows 11 preferences and settings offline and locally. The app mimics the new backup app of Windows 11 - which is part of the Windows 11 2023 Update (23H2) - but without the obligation of the cloud. How it works? Only registry entries and/or associated folders and files of the respective area are exported. This process is very quick and lightweight. This download is for the portable version. If you need the .msi installer version, download here. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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889 | Jan 02, 2024 Builtbybel <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/appcopier1_th.png"border="0"> |
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AutoIt v3.3.16.1 AutoIt v3.3.16.1 A freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on all versions of Windows out-of-the-box with no annoying “runtimes” required! AutoIt was initially designed for PC “roll out” situations to reliably automate and configure thousands of PCs. Over time it has become a powerful language that supports complex expressions, user functions, loops and everything else that veteran scripters would expect. Easy to learn BASIC-like syntax Simulate keystrokes and mouse movements Manipulate windows and processes Interact with all standard windows controls Scripts can be compiled into standalone executables Create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) COM support Regular expressions Directly call external DLL and Windows API functions Scriptable RunAs functions Detailed helpfile and large community-based support forums Compatible with Windows XP / Vista/ 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 /Server 2003,2008,2008 R2 Unicode and x64 support Digitally signed for peace of mind Works with Windows Vista’s User Account Control (UAC) AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required making it safe to use on Servers. Scripts can be compiled into stand-alone executables with Aut2Exe. Also supplied is a combined COM and DLL version of AutoIt called AutoItX that allows you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your ... |
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5,513 | Jan 15, 2024 AutoIt Consulting Ltd <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/AutoIt1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Barrage v1.0.5 Barrage v1.0.5 Death from above! Shoot things... shoot things a lot. Barrage is a rather destructive action game that puts you on a shooting range with the objective to hit as many dummy targets as possible within 3 minutes. You control a gun that may either fire small or large grenades at soldiers, jeeps and tanks. Targets are fast paced and require careful aiming as it takes half a second to reload the gun. In addition, you have to keep an eye on your ammo and reload in time. Fully portable. No install needed. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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2,421 | Jan 02, 2023 Michael Speck- LGames <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Barrage1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Batch Excel to PDF Converter v1.1 Batch Excel to PDF Converter v1.1 Powerful Excel to PDF converter program enables users to convert Excel XLS/XLSX Files to PDF format in bulk. No Office or MS Excel Required. Feature List Batch Convert XLSX/XLS to PDF Convert Single Workbook to PDF Merge Excel Files to One PDF Fit One Worksheet to One Page Change Paper Size Change Paper Orientation Support XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV PDF Permission Settings Password Encryption Multi-language You Can Use It to - Convert Excel to PDF without Losing Formatting - Convert Excel to PDF Landscape / Portrait - Convert Excel to PDF on Windows 10 - Convert Excel to PDF on One Page - Convert Multiple Excel Sheets to PDF in Bulk - Combine Multiple Excel Files into One PDF - Combine Word and Excel Files into One PDF Features of Batch Excel to PDF Converter Batch Convert Excel XLSX/XLS Files to PDF in Bulk Convert Single Excel Worksheet to a PDF Combine and Convert Multiple Excel Spreadsheets & Files into One Single PDF Convert and Fit Each Excel Worksheet into One PDF Page Support Change PDF Paper Size and Orientation Support Owner Password & Open Password Protection Support ODS and CSV Table Formats Support WORD DOC/DOCX and Powerpoint PPTX/PPT Formats to PDF Not Require MS Office or Excel Installed Multi-language Users may often face with Excel Spreadsheets and workbooks in their daily office work, and need to convert XLSX and XLS files and worksheets to PDF format sometimes. Although the latest MS Excel version provides the feature saves a workbook as a PDF file, it is a ... |
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2,877 | Mar 23, 2021 PDFZilla <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/BatchExcelConv1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Bforartists 4 v4.2.0 Bforartists 4 v4.2.0 All in one, Free and Open Source 3D creation What is Bforartists? Bforartists is a complete, free and open source 3D suite to create CG content. It offers you the full 3D art pipeline to create game graphics, pre-rendered movies and stills. From modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging, animation, rendering, up to post processing. Bforartists stands for “Be For Artists”. A reminder to develop for the user, not the programmer. Bforartists is a fork of the popular open source 3D software Blender. Developed by some 3D enthusiasts to make Blender even better. The primary goal of the Bforartists fork is to deliver a refined graphical UI and a better usability. This means a complete switch in the usage philosophy away from the hotkey centered usage towards a user friendly and intuitive graphical UI. Bforartists is fully compatible with the Blender files and addons. Every feature that works in Blender should also work in Bforartists. Also, every release is always up to date with the newest Blender version. The toolset is the same. Where we differ the most is the GUI and the handling. You can switch from Blender to Bforartists to Blender without problems. You won’t loose anything. Why choose Bforartists, and not Blender? Because the UI is streamlined, cleaner, better organized, has colored icons, left aligned text, and much more of all those things that makes a good UI and the life easier. Bforartists is fully compatible with Blender. You can use both asides to make yourself a picture. The files are transferable. So try it, you loose nothing. For a deeper description of the differences have a look at the comparison page: The differences to Blender The main differences between Bforartists and Blender: • An own keymap, which is reduced to just the necessary hotkeys and a navigation that can be purely done ... |
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2,167 | Aug 11, 2024 Bforartists Developers <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Bforartisits7_th.png"border="0"> |
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BGPKiller - Your Avira Ad Killer 0.96 BGPKiller - Your Avira Ad Killer 0.96 BGPKiller is an ad killer (or blocker) for your Avira Antivir antivirus. The application is designed to stop popup windows (i.e. ads) coming from Avira. It monitors the unwanted Avira processes responsible for ads, and silently kills Avira popups and ads before they show up. BGPKiller runs alongside Avira Free Antivirus, in your System Tray, and tells you each time it kills! The benefits of this utility are : No more Avira ad windows popping up (never!) No CPU usage coming from Avira ad processes And the best thing about it, ... it is free! Why such a utility? The Avira Free antivirus (Free edition) is known for its very good virus detection rate and reliability. This is one of the best antivirus on the market. However, it is also known for its annoying popup ads. But because this is such a good antivirus, these ads were usually tolerated by their users. However, in late 2014, a new bug made these ads even more unbearable : the CPU usage often reached 100% after an ad was displayed! And closing the Avira ad window was not enough. The only way to stop this high CPU usage was to manually kill the problematic ad processes or reboot the computer. If you didn't, your CPU could overheat to the point to affect your computer's longevity. This was obviously a very serious bug! So I decided to write this small utility to monitor and kill all unwanted Avira ads. This way, I solved this bug and made sure my CPU would not overheat because of Avira ads. But as an added benefit, I realized how great it was to never see Avira ads anymore!! No more ad windows popping up; no more ... |
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6,410 | Nov 13, 2019 AviraJoe <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/BGPKiller_th.png"border="0"> |
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Biniware Run v7.2.0.0 Biniware Run v7.2.0.0 Keep all important shortcuts in one place. Program Overview Biniware Run is a portable Windows productivity tool which provides you fast access to your favorite website addresses, files and folders from one single place. Just drag and drop any website address, file or folder inside the colored circle from your desktop and you can easily access all you are interested in by using this handy software. You can define categories, move, sort, import, export or customize your shortcuts anytime. Instead of searching for bookmarks in different web browsers, files or folders through your computer, make your work and browsing easier with Biniware Run. And the best thing is that this software is portable. Download one small executable file, execute it and start organizing your favorite shortcuts. Want to get rid of it? Simple. Just delete the file. Program Features ▪ Easy to use and highly customizable user interface. ▪ Drag and drop support to easily build your multilevel shortcuts structure. ▪ Alternative to the Quick Launch Toolbar with many new extra features. ▪ Dynamic discovery of files and folders for shortcuts to folders. ▪ Importing from HTLM bookmarks files exported with all web browsers is supported. ▪ Access your shortcuts on top of any application by using the customizable global keyboard shortcuts. ▪ The configuration is stored in XML format, making it easy to edit the file in any text editor. ▪ This is a portable software. You can move and execute it from any folder from your computer. ▪ Full support for standard user accounts. Elevated privileges are not required. ▪ And many, many more. Just try it ... |
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5,227 | Oct 28, 2024 Biniware.com <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Biniware Run1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Brewtarget v3.0.9 Brewtarget v3.0.9 Free, open source beer brewing software for Windows, macOS and Linux. Brewtarget is free open-source brewing software, and a beer recipe creation tool available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. It automatically calculates color, bitterness, and other parameters for you while you drag and drop ingredients into the recipe. Brewtarget also has many other tools such as priming sugar calculators, OG correction help, and a unique mash designing tool. It also can export and import recipes in BeerXML, allowing you to easily share recipes with friends who use BeerSmith or other programs. All of this means that Brewtarget is your single, free, go-to tool when crafting your beer recipes. Features: Free It's free! Large Database We maintain a very large database of ingredients and keep them up-to-date with the manufacturers' specifications. Automatic Unit Conversion Brewtarget can display metric, American, or English units. It also transparently converts any units from one system to another, such that if you choose American units, but enter "28 g" as the amount of a hop, it will immediately convert to "1 oz." Cross Platform Build recipes on Linux, Mac, and Windows! Sync Can synchronize your whole library of recipes and ingredients with cloud storage like Dropbox. Intuitive Mash Designer Calculates all infusion volumes and temperatures for accurate mashing. Share Recipes Can print recipes or export them as text or html for posting on the web. Also exports recipes to BeerXML files for sharing with programs like BeerSmith. OG Correction Tool Ever miss your OG by a wide margin? This tool tells you how much water to add or boil off to hit your target. Pitch Rate Tool Calculates how many packets/vials of yeast you need for healthy fermentation, or how big of a starter to make. Priming Tool Calculates how much sugar or priming agent you need to carbonate your beer to the right level. Refractometer Tool Converts between Plato/Brix and specific gravity, and allows you to ... |
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1,539 | Oct 20, 2023 Philip Lee <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Brewtarget1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Cairo Desktop v0.4.370 Cairo Desktop v0.4.370 A customizable, intuitive desktop environment for Windows. Cairo is a desktop environment for Windows. The goal is to develop a desktop experience that increases productivity and advances current technology standards. With a focus on stability, performance, and productivity, Cairo aims to deliver an interface that exceeds expectations and delivers superior ease of use. Dynamic Desktop With Cairo, your desktop is browse-able, meaning that you never need to open a file explorer to find your things. The handy pop-up navigation makes it easy to move forward or backward and completely transforms your desktop into a more friendly, convenient space. Taskbar The Cairo taskbar preserves desktop area for your wallpaper and applications. In addition, windows are organized the same way you choose to organize your programs list, making it easy to switch between tasks. The list button shows your open windows in an organized, easy to understand layout. Programs Menu Never again waste time hunting for applications in poorly organized menus. Cairo lets you organize your apps into categories that make sense to you, using an easy drag-and-drop interface. Folder Stacks Tired of hunting for the same files over and over again, interrupting your work? With Cairo’s menu bar folder stacks, you can create instant access to frequently used folders. Simply drag them onto the menu bar to create easy access. Changes v0.4.370 09-02-24 Cairo no longer requires .NET Framework 4.7.1, and includes all necessary .NET files. As a result, the download size has increased. Added "add to programs menu" and "add to quick launch" commands to desktop/stacks icon context menus (#834) Added option to automatically show removable drives as stacks in the menu bar (#836) Added options to hide the programs or places menus (#821, thanks @TheXorog!) Added updates support for the ARM64 build (#812) ... |
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1,869 | Sep 03, 2024 Cairo Development Team <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Cairo1_th.png"border="0"> |
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CalcPad v1.14 CalcPad v1.14 A smart notepad that calculates answers based on what you type in. It allows you to type in math expressions, assign variables, define functions, convert units, add units together and much more. There is no enter button, it automatically evaluates everything you type as you type it. You can go back and edit, add, or delete anything you want at any time, just like a notepad, and all the calculations will update accordingly. From the author: About CalcPad was designed to take full advantage of the computer screen, keyboard, and mouse. In the past many people tried to simulate calculators as closely as possible. They would even purposely add limitations to make it behave more like a regular calculator. For example, with many physical calculators, if you are typing in an expression and make a mistake, you had to start all over again. On a PC there is no reason for this, but people would add that behavior as if it was a feature. Because of this, I created my own calculator long before CalcPad, but always wanted something like this, so I made it. Philosophy While developing CalcPad, there are a couple things I keep in mind that help determine what features I add. The Little Things Add Up: In software development, some features are categorized as "quality of life". They are often small changes that make things a bit more convenient. A good example of this is all the ways you can type numbers in (see: numeric syntax). I try to keep an eye out for these things and implement them when I can. Empower Existing Features: When I added units to CalcPad, all you could do was convert one unit to the next. The "units" feature was not powerful. Instead of moving on to the next completely new feature, I kept working ... |
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3,660 | Jan 08, 2022 Ian Myers <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/CalcPad2_th.png"border="0"> |
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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead v0.D-8766 for Linux Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead v0.D-8766 for Linux Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is an open source apocalyptic survival roguelike with the ability to craft items, scavenge, forage, fight, and build both homes and vehicles. Originally created by Zachary "Whales" Jenkins, Cataclysm built up a decent following before the project was abandoned. The community never gave up on the game - a small group of dedicated modders, hackers, and contributors kept hacking a way at the code, even knowing it was never going to be mainlined, working instead on a myriad of mods played by the few players still lingering around slowly emptying forums. Eventually, they were contacted by a web developer with some space to spare, who was saddened by how a game with such great potential was dwindling, and saw an opportunity to truly breathe life back into the game. Darkling Wolf and Kevin Granade seized on the idea of spinning off a full-fledged branch project, as if they'd been waiting for the moment. The subtitle Dark Days Ahead was added to the end of the original name, a website was thrown together, and the word was sent out that, like the undead abominations that lurk it's street, Cataclysm was back on its feet and hungry for flesh blood. Since then, the team of active developers has grown. A number of developers have joined the project, and, with the aid of Let's Players like jefmajor, the fanbase has increased steadily, well past it's previous highs, and things are only looking up from here. There are some great new features in the pipeline, and the game is getting better every day. Hopefully, someday soon, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead will be as well known the giants of the genre, like Dungeon Crawl, ADOM and Unreal World. But we can't get there alone, so if ... |
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5,327 | Apr 12, 2019 Darkling Wolf/Kevin Granade <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/CataclysmDarkDaysAhead1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead v0.D-8766 for Windows Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead v0.D-8766 for Windows Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is an open source apocalyptic survival roguelike with the ability to craft items, scavenge, forage, fight, and build both homes and vehicles. Originally created by Zachary "Whales" Jenkins, Cataclysm built up a decent following before the project was abandoned. The community never gave up on the game - a small group of dedicated modders, hackers, and contributors kept hacking a way at the code, even knowing it was never going to be mainlined, working instead on a myriad of mods played by the few players still lingering around slowly emptying forums. Eventually, they were contacted by a web developer with some space to spare, who was saddened by how a game with such great potential was dwindling, and saw an opportunity to truly breathe life back into the game. Darkling Wolf and Kevin Granade seized on the idea of spinning off a full-fledged branch project, as if they'd been waiting for the moment. The subtitle Dark Days Ahead was added to the end of the original name, a website was thrown together, and the word was sent out that, like the undead abominations that lurk it's street, Cataclysm was back on its feet and hungry for flesh blood. Since then, the team of active developers has grown. A number of developers have joined the project, and, with the aid of Let's Players like jefmajor, the fanbase has increased steadily, well past it's previous highs, and things are only looking up from here. There are some great new features in the pipeline, and the game is getting better every day. Hopefully, someday soon, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead will be as well known the giants of the genre, like Dungeon Crawl, ADOM and Unreal World. But we can't get there alone, so if ... |
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5,310 | Apr 12, 2019 Darkling Wolf/Kevin Granade <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/CataclysmDarkDaysAhead1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Celeste v2.0 Celeste v2.0 Add shooting stars to your Minecraft server! Celeste is a simple plugin that adds shooting stars to your Minecraft server. Inspired by the shooting stars from Animal Crossing and the falling stars from Breath of the Wild, this plugin brings some celestial ambience to your Minecraft world. Features Add shooting stars to the night sky, with configurable frequency Find rare falling stars that deliver precious materials in a sparkling package Watch meteor showers that occur every new moon, increasing the rate of shooting and falling stars Shooting stars Shooting stars occur once every 10 seconds by default (6 times a minute), but due to how large the area around a player is, you would usually only see one every few minutes unless you were stargazing. They have no functional purpose and are only there to sparkle and look pretty. To more accurately emulate real world meteors, these virtual shooting stars vary in speed, length, and can even break up into multiple parts while burning up! Falling stars Inspired by the star fragments from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, these rare stars are fall from the sky only once or twice a night! They are marked by a streak of light and resonating sound as they fall towards the earth, and once they land the stars spark and sizzle for 10 seconds by default to help players find them. They can be easy to miss, with players only knowing one has fallen by the distinctly resonating sound they make on impact. But if a player is lucky enough to find one, they may receive a rare treasure as well as some experience! This loot is completely customizable, and the documentation for that can be found further below. In-Depth Functionality Shooting stars and falling stars ... |
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1,724 | Sep 08, 2022 Idrees Hassan <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Celeste_th.png"border="0"> |
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Celestia 1.6.1 for Mac Celestia 1.6.1 for Mac The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy. All movement in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-goto' interface makes it simple to navigate through the universe to the object you want to visit. Celestia is expandable. Celestia comes with a large catalog of stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft. If that's not enough, you can download dozens of easy to install add-ons with more objects. Changelog: Bug fixes * Removed extraneous colons from nearstars.stc * Fixed truncation of long label strings in East Asian locales * Increased size of Goto Object dialog to prevent translated strings from being truncated * Fixed i18n bug with scripting message * Removed duplicate install of stars.dat. * Fix code taking address of a temporary result. * Fixed compile warnings in 1.6.1 caused by redfinition of UINT64_MAX * Corrected encoding of cel URLs with non-ASCII characters * Added check to prevent a crash when string decoding fails Data file updates: * Updated extrasolar planets data files. * Updated solar system locations files. * Updated numberedmoons.ssc file. * Updated Galileo add-on. Platform-specific changes: * Linux: Add missing files from extras-standard to Makefiles. * Windows: Fixed i18n bug [2753461] * Windows: Save FoV value in bookmarks * Windows: Added ecliptic line setting to View Options dialog box * Windows: Fixed i18n bug in Windows Script menu * Windows: Added link to new HTML help files to Help menu * Windows: Fixed invisible context menu in fullscreen mode (ATI cards) * Windows: Fixed menu bar overlapping top of 3D view (ATI cards) * Windows: Save and restore locations to/from ... |
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5,470 | Apr 09, 2017 Celestia Development Team <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Celestia1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Celestia 1.6.1 for Windows Celestia 1.6.1 for Windows The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy. All movement in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-goto' interface makes it simple to navigate through the universe to the object you want to visit. Celestia is expandable. Celestia comes with a large catalog of stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft. If that's not enough, you can download dozens of easy to install add-ons with more objects. Changelog: Bug fixes * Removed extraneous colons from nearstars.stc * Fixed truncation of long label strings in East Asian locales * Increased size of Goto Object dialog to prevent translated strings from being truncated * Fixed i18n bug with scripting message * Removed duplicate install of stars.dat. * Fix code taking address of a temporary result. * Fixed compile warnings in 1.6.1 caused by redfinition of UINT64_MAX * Corrected encoding of cel URLs with non-ASCII characters * Added check to prevent a crash when string decoding fails Data file updates: * Updated extrasolar planets data files. * Updated solar system locations files. * Updated numberedmoons.ssc file. * Updated Galileo add-on. Platform-specific changes: * Linux: Add missing files from extras-standard to Makefiles. * Windows: Fixed i18n bug [2753461] * Windows: Save FoV value in bookmarks * Windows: Added ecliptic line setting to View Options dialog box * Windows: Fixed i18n bug in Windows Script menu * Windows: Added link to new HTML help files to Help menu * Windows: Fixed invisible context menu in fullscreen mode (ATI cards) * Windows: Fixed menu bar overlapping top of 3D view (ATI cards) * Windows: Save and restore locations to/from ... |
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5,721 | Apr 09, 2017 Celestia Development Team <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Celestia1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Chatty v0.14 Chatty v0.14 Chatty is a chat software specifically made for Twitch, in the spirit of a classic IRC Client. It runs on Windows and any other OS that supports Java 8 or later. Features There's more to Chatty than meets the eye, here's just an incomplete list of what it can do. Basic Features Join several channels (tabbed), popout individual channels Channel Favorites & History Log chat to file, TAB-Completion, Input History Flexible message Highlighting and Ignoring Customizable chat colors, font, line spacings, alternating backgrounds Choose between several Look&Feel, including Dark Mode Watching Get notified when channels you follow go live Follow and unfollow channels through Chatty Easily open streams in your browser, or run Livestreamer (or the more up-to-date Streamlink) out of Chatty Streaming Set your stream title, game & tags (with custom Presets) and run commercials Write current stream uptime to a file and create Stream Marker, via configurable hotkey or Mod Command, to assist in making Stream Highlights List your 100 most recent followers/subscribers Viewerhistory graph of your current streaming session Moderating Click on nick to open customizable User Dialog, showing recent messages and basic account info Optional pause-chat-on-hover to avoid misclicks AutoMod support to approve/deny filtered messages Create Custom Commands and customize Context Menus Emotes & Badges FrankerFaceZ Emotes (& Mod Icons), BetterTTV Emotes (no Personal Emotes though) Unified Bot Badge (using multiple sources) Emote Dialog with Favorites, Subemotes, Channel-specific Emotes, and more.. Emote TAB-Completion using Shift-TAB (configurable) ... |
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5,364 | Apr 04, 2021 chatty <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/chatty1_th.png"border="0"> |
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ChurchInfo v1.3.0 ChurchInfo v1.3.0 Free Web-Based Church Management Database Software. ChurchInfo is a free church database program to help churches track members, families, groups, pledges and payments. Our feature set is comparable to expensive church management software packages. Our users are supported by an open-source community of people who volunteer their time and energy to make this technology available to all churches. Features Naturally Networked ChurchInfo runs on any server that supports PHP and mySQL. The server may be in-house or at an ISP anywhere on the Internet. Any number of people may access the database simultaneously. Family A family is a group of people who are treated as a unit. The obvious example would be a married couple and perhaps their children. The family members do not need to have the same last name, but they should live at the same address to receive newsletters and financial statements. Pledges and payments are tracked by family. Some churches call a Family a “Pledging Unit”. Person A person is an individual associated with the church. A Person can be a member of a Family, and a person can also be a member of one or more Groups. A Person has individual contact information, such as a cell phone number and an email address. A Person also has a relationship with the church as “Member”, or “Guest”. Group A group is a collection of people, such as the choir or the stewardship committee. Groups have many uses. Here are a few ideas: committees, church school classes, covenant groups, baby sitters. The possibilities are endless. ChurchInfo makes it easy to contact all the members of a group by letter or email. Pledges and Payments Pledges and Payments are tracked for each fiscal year, with automated support for reminder letters. There is also automated support for generating donation acknowledgement letters for tax ... |
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5,461 | Oct 23, 2019 Churchinfo <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/ChurchInfo1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Clicador v2.1.0.5 Clicador v2.1.0.5 A simple and fast free auto clicker. Clicador is basically an auto clicker, that is simple a program that simulates mouse clicking. It's fairly generic and will work alongside any other computer program running at the time and acting as though a physical mouse button is pressed. There are other free auto clickers, but I had a need for one, and once again I wanted to include some features that I found missing in the other ones. That's how I created Clicador. It can be used for many thing, like games, keep alive applications, etc. Changes: Version [new] New button to change the handle of a group of configuration entries Supported OSes (XP/Vista/7,8,10,11 server 2008,2012,2016,2019 etc) System Requirements Any Windows with .net4 or higher framework installed Click here to visit the author's website. |
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5,408 | Jun 02, 2023 Hugo Nabais <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Clicador1_th.png"border="0"> |
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clipLogger v1.3 clipLogger v1.3 From the author: "At one point I needed a quick way to combine copied text snippets. Rather than deal with the full power and complexity (read: extra clicks) of a clipboard manager I created this thing. It logs text copied to the clipboard, putting everything in one textbox for easy access. Clipboard captures can be separated & labeled with a timestamp, or just appended by themselves. It can also log the paths of copied or dragged and dropped files." Usage Notes Version 4 or better of the .net framework is recommended. Get it from Microsoft. No installation; just unpack and run. A settings file and ancillary files may be created in the program folder. When started: use the checkboxes at the top set what you want to capture; then watch it work. Wee. It's nice to have a hotkey for this sort of program. If you want that: go into settings and check the 'Add Shortcut to Start Menu' box, then click the edit link. You can add a hotkey there (under 'shortcut key'). In version 1.1 And above, there's also a "Quick Access" menu you can associated with a hotkey. This menu works like a modified right-click menu: it comes up next to the mouse when you hit the hotkey, and disappears when it loses focus. Its main purpose is to let you clear or paste ClipLogger's contents when you're working in another application. The commands on the Quick Access menu all have key's assigned to them, so it can be used exclusively from the keyboard. Command Line Usage: -startHidden If an instance of the program is not already running, starts the program and immediately hides it. ChangeLog Version 1.3; 2019-09-23 Added: Re-did the separator/header settings to allow for ... |
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3,921 | Jul 02, 2020 cresstone <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/clipLogger1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Clmn v1.0.4 Clmn v1.0.4 Just Columns and Tasks Clmn is a beautiful native task board app for macOS. It is thoughtfully simple and incredibly efficient; offering just the right amount of functionality without any unnecessary frills. Clmn is specifically designed for professionals who primarily work on laptops. Multiple columns at once Visibility is essential. Clmn displays multiple task columns simultaneously, providing an overview of all tasks within the same domain. Tasks within a list may be further organized into groups. Lists + Groups + Tasks == Get Things Done. Nothing fancy, just enough There is nothing fancy about Clmn. A task is simply a task, and that’s all. Everything else distracts from the focus. Clmn offers just enough functionality: • Order tasks in lists and groups. • Complete a task. Click • Mark tasks as in progress. ⌘ + Click • Cancel a task. ⌥ + Click • Drag’n’drop tasks around the board. • Coloured backgrounds for tasks. • Select a task and show notes with details. • Use markdown for all text. • Link to tasks using URLs. • Use keyboard: ⌘ + ⏎ to save, Esc to dismiss. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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190 | Jul 31, 2024 Igor Spasić and Veljko Tekelerović <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/clmn1_th.png"border="0"> |
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CloudShot v6.3.0 CloudShot v6.3.0 When just a screenshot is not enough. Make a screenshot with notes and share it in less than 20 seconds! 1. Capture What You See Select any window or region that you would like to capture, and Cloudshot will do the rest 2. Add your comments If you need to add comments or edit the shot before sharing, you can use powerful and simple editor 3. Share it! Share your screenshot via cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Imgur Need to show some action on the screen? No problem! 1. Record What You Do CloudShot will capture everything that happens in the selected area. Turn on "Follow mouse" mode, and record window will follow your cursor! 2. Review your record You can check you record before sharing. Restart your record with same window size in a click if needed 3. Share it! Share your GIF-record via cloud services like Dropbox/Imgur/Google Drive/One Drive, upload to your FTP or save it and send it by email Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista CloudShot Features What you get out of the box 100% free CloudShot is free for both personal and business use. You can use free cloud services for sharing. No need to pay extra money for the storage. Never miss a thing any more CloudShot takes saves entire screen or both screens right after you pressed hotkey or clicked on a tray icon. Then you can crop the area you need and tweak it as long as you need. No reason to hurry - everything is already captured! Adopt for any possible need Make a screenshot or gif-record and share it using: Local or network drive Cloud services (Dropbox, Imgur, Google Drive, MS OneDrive) FTP upload for http and https access Screenshot Editor You don't need to be an artist to create stylish overpaints. Smart shapes, user-friendly interface and awesome visual style. Why is CloudShot free? Authors- "CloudShot is ... |
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4,802 | May 07, 2019 CloudShot <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/CloudShot2_th.png"border="0"> |
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CMail v0.8.9 CMail v0.8.9 A freeware application that allows you to send e-mail from the command line in Windows. It is primarily intended for sending e-mail from batch files or other scripts, but simple enough to be used interactively. If you are looking for an alternative to Blat with SSL support (stunnel not required), or more control over message formatting, CMail may be a good choice. Basic E-Mail CMail is not intended to be a better Blat, it was developed to assist with testing mail server and content analysis software, and as such has evolved with a completely different feature set. While being very easy to use in its basic form, CMail provides advanced options for those who require them, allowing users to specify such things as the encoding mechanism for the message body and individual attachments, the types of authentication mechanisms to use, aliases for all recipients (similar software often doesn’t support aliases, or can only send to a single user), and per-recipient Delivery Status Notification settings. Users can also control various aspects of the SMTP session, including enforcing the use of SSL/TLS where security is a consideration, setting the HELO/EHLO, adding custom headers, and mandating the use of IPv4 or IPv6. Features • Flexible configuration via files or the command line and optional GUI provided by CMailGUI. • TLS/SSL (including TLS 1.3) via STARTTLS or SMTPS (SSL-enabled version). Built-in, stunnel not required. • Support for adding multipart/alternative HTML message bodies (UTF-8) and embedded images. • SMTP authentication using CRAM-MD5, PLAIN, LOGIN and OAUTHBEARER. • Unlimited attachments using base64, quoted printable or uuencoding. • Wildcard attachment support to attach directory content. • Unlimited To/Cc/Bcc recipients, with aliases and DSN options for each if desired. ... |
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2,602 | Sep 12, 2023 Inveigle.net <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/CMail1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Codename: Nuclear Codename: Nuclear Codename: Nuclear is an action platformer adventure where you play as Narf, a young physicist that finds a job in a far-away island: Dominia. It's up to him to find out why strange things are happening as soon as he lands there. EXPLORE vast worlds completing different and exciting missions. BATTLE powerful and original bosses, including giant snakes and overpowered android rats. MASTER more than 10 weapons, and use them originally to open up new parts of the island. DOMINATE all 4 powerup suits, and plow through levels with their unique abilities. UNLOCK secret levels and extra challenges FIND OUT what's really going on in the island. |
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6,175 | Aug 17, 2015 Tramontana Games <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Codename Nuclear1_th.png"border="0"> |
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CoolerControl v1.4.0 CoolerControl v1.4.0 A feature-rich cooling device control application for Linux. It has a system daemon for background device management, as well as a GUI to expertly customize your settings. Features: • A highly configurable GUI with system overview • A control daemon that runs in the background • Auto detection of hwmon/sysfs and liquidctl devices including some laptops • Enhanced liquidctl device support (AIOs, USB Fan hubs, LCD screens, RGB lighting, etc) • Fan control support for most NVidia and AMD GPUs • Fully customizable speed Profiles like Fixed, Graph(Curve), and Mix that can be applied to multiple fans • Functions to control how a Profile is applied with hysteresis, threshold, directional, and response time control • System-wide cooling Modes to adjust all your devices at once • Create your own Custom Sensors based on a File or on a combination of temperature sensors • Combine Profiles from multiple devices for complete cooling coverage • Re-applies settings after waking from sleep • External monitoring and GUI support • Comprehensive REST API for extensions Getting Started: CoolerControl is made up of several sub-packages: coolercontrold - the main daemon and systemd service that handles controlling your hardware. coolercontrol-liqctld - a systemd service layer over liquidctl. coolercontrol - the standalone GUI desktop application. #1 and #2 are required. #3 is technically optional, as the GUI can also be accessed from the daemon using a browser. You'll want to first install the application packages following the installation steps below and then you can access the GUI in one of two ways: 1) Open the standalone GUI application coolercontrol from your desktop. 2) Open a browser and go to http://localhost:11987 The following are some recommended steps to become familiar with the UI and how to create your customized settings: 1) Explore the UI Menu on the left. Notice what clicking on each menu item does and the little options menus available for each one. 2) Click on "Profiles & Functions". Notice the small info ... |
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210 | Jul 30, 2024 Guy Boldon <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/coolercontrol1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Copy Public IP v1.3 Copy Public IP v1.3 An IP address is an identifier for devices on a TCP/IP network, Every device that connects to the Internet has its own Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses make it possible, among other things, for computers from different networks to find each other. IP addresses are vital for all Internet-based activities, and yet it’s not uncommon that a user doesn’t know his computer’s IP. IP addresses are one of the most critical resources that need to be managed in any network . All IPv4 IP addresses can be divided into two major groups , External and local IP addresses both serve the same purpose, the difference is scope. 1. External (Public) IP Address : Global, or public, or external this group can also be called ‘WAN addresses’. An external or public IP address is used across the entire Internet to locate computer systems and devices. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns you an external IP address when you connect to the Internet. When your web browser requests a webpage, it sends this IP address along with it. Your ISP uses this to know which of its customers are requesting which webpage. 2. Local (Internal) IP Address : Private, or local, or internal addresses, those that are used in the local network (LAN).A local or internal IP address is used inside a private network to locate the computers and devices connected to it. If your computer is connected to a router with default settings, that router will automatically assign a local IP address to your computer. Your local IP address is hidden from the outside world and used only inside your private network. You generally don’t need to know much about it unless you’re trying to set up a game or web server. Addresses in IPv4 are 32-bits long. This ... |
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2,868 | Feb 23, 2021 Sordum.org <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Copy Public IP2_th.png"border="0"> |
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CppCommentRemover v1.1 CppCommentRemover v1.1 This application removes comments from C/C++ source code. From the author: "Motivation: as I'm working from time to time with medium-to-large size third party code (pjsip, baresip) it was written to help with comparing source code of different version of projects. Most annoying thing are CVS tags in pjsip source code as once code is checked in and then checked out from own repository they are expanded/rewritten creating differences in every single file. Copyright notices are also annoying in similar way as they often may be single one detail changing between software version from different years." What does this application do? processing recursively files from selected folder removing comments containing selected strings or all comments preserving file timestamps (by default) - original timestamps make comparing source easier Files are processed in place (overwritten) - make sure to not work on main copy of the project. I've tested this tool on projects based on both pjsip (300+ kLOC) and baresip but handling of some rarely used language constructions is omitted (continuation inside single-line comments), results might be also unexpected when source code is not valid (has syntax errors). Preprocessor expression are also not evaluated thus text from "#if 0" blocks is processed and it has higher chance to trigger unexpected behavior as it may contain unclosed block comment. Changes: 2018.12.30 v1.1 added option to skip removing comments longer than N bytes (Portaudio: CVS Id tags mixed with copyright notices that should be kept) Click here to visit the author's website. |
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4,345 | Mar 22, 2019 Tomasz Ostrowski <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/CppCommentRemover_th.png"border="0"> |
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Database Browser v5.3.2.10 Database Browser v5.3.2.10 This free, portable and easy to use tool allows the user to connect to any database and browse or modify data, run SQL scripts, export, import and print data. And the most important thing it is Free-ware. Key Benefits: Works directly with Oracle, MS SQL Server, ODBC, MySql, OleDB, BDE, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server Compact, Interbase and Firebird Support for ODBC connection strings Unlimited number of connections One click switching from one connection to another One click table browsing Data browsing, filtering and grouping Data exports into CSV, TAB, Excel, RTF and Html files Import data from Excel Execution history SQL Builder with a wide range of supported databases Execution Log Incremental Table Search Changes: - Fixed: Issues with command line interface Click here to visit the author's website. |
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3,851 | Jan 08, 2020 DB Software Laboratory <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DatabaseBrowser1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Dave's Trails v7.18.9 Dave's Trails v7.18.9 Dave's Trails is a SIMPLE little puzzle game written for Windows. Nothing fancy, but Excellent if you are the puzzle solving type. You basically just have to put colored tiles together to complete a trail on a 7 X 7 tile grid. (It IS NOT a slider puzzle) It looks simple, is very easy to learn, but it will slowly addict you if you are the puzzle solving type of person. It was optimized for WinXP 1024 X 768 display but should work as low as 800 X 600. It is window scalable so you can leave it running on your desktop while you do other things. You can even let it running Minimized. As with all of our software, it only uses a very small draw on your CPU as compared to most other software. It also has four Save locations so that 4 people can try and solve the puzzles on the same computer. LOL>>>You'd be surprised how many people have written us and said: "We just wanted to try 'One More Level' before we quit". Hope it brings you a few weeks of puzzle solving fun. |
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5,178 | Sep 27, 2019 MILLER WORLD Inc. <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Daves Trails1_th.png"border="0"> |
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DCP-o-matic v2.18.10 DCP-o-matic v2.18.10 Get any content cinema-ready. Convert video, audio and subtitles into DCP: the standard format required by cinemas across the world. DCP-o-matic is used across the industry by film-makers, projectionists, film festivals, subtitlists and cinema technicians. Put your film on the big screen Prepare for film festivals or premières in any digital cinema. Make adverts for your cinema Local news and commercials, 60 feet wide. Transform your film festival Submissions arriving on Blu-Ray, USB, download...? Get them all ready to play. Avoid optical media Playing features from Blu-Ray? Convert to DCP, make your playlists and relax! DCP: the digital cinema package Virtually every cinema in the world is now digital. While some cinemas have the option to play from BluRay, or other consumer formats, there is only one file format which is guaranteed to work: the Digital Cinema Package, or DCP. If you want your film, trailer or advert to play with the least effort and with the best quality, you need to make a DCP. What is a DCP? It's just a collection of files, with a very specific format, in a folder. Some of the files contain video (picture) data, some audio (sound), some subtitles (if you have any), and some describe the DCP (its metadata, such as title, frame rate, and so on). You give this folder to the cinema, and they can play it back, provided it is exactly right. How do I make a DCP? DCP-o-matic can take your files (MOV, MP4, WAV, AIFF and many other formats) and turn them into a DCP. It can't be that easy! Sometimes it really is that easy: we are just talking about a conversion from one format of file to another. However, there are some things you should think about. 1) It takes a long time and makes big files. Encoding video to the DCP format with DCP-o-matic is slow; ... |
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48 | Feb 11, 2025 Carl Hetherington <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DCP1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Desktop.ini Editor v1.1 Desktop.ini Editor v1.1 Allows the easy editing of Desktop.ini files attributes for folders. The desktop.ini file is a hidden Windows operating system configuration settings file located in every folder and used to store information about the arrangement of a Windows folder. Essentially, if the layout or settings for a folder are changed, a desktop.ini file is automatically generated to save those changes. When you create a new folder in Windows it is created with the standard folder icon, one common use of the desktop.ini file is to use to it set a custom icon for a folder, however this is not the only thing that it is used for. The desktop.ini file can contain alot of attributes but the following custom attributes are the most common: ConfirmFileOp: Set this entry to 0 to avoid a “You Are Deleting a System Folder” warning when deleting or moving the folder. IconFile: If you want to specify a custom icon for the folder, set this entry to the icon’s file name. The .ico file extension is preferred, but it is also possible to specify .bmp files, or .exe and .dll files that contain icons. IconIndex: Set this entry to specify the index for a custom icon. If the file assigned to IconFile only contains a single icon, set IconIndex to 0. InfoTip: Set this entry to an informational text string. It is displayed as an infotip when the cursor hovers over the folder. If the user clicks the folder, the information text is displayed in the folder’s information block, below the standard information. Click for more Desktop.ini Commands How to use Desktop.ini Editor Desktop.ini editör is a portable freeware to simplify the Desktop.ini operations , it can help you to edit desktop.ini files and set custom folder icons , Folder Info Tips , adding CLSID , reset folder settings to ... |
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4,934 | Oct 02, 2022 Sordum.org <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/desktopinieditor1_th.png"border="0"> |
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DevToys v1.0.13.0 DevToys v1.0.13.0 A Swiss Army knife for developers. Introduction DevToys helps in daily tasks like formatting JSON, comparing text, testing RegExp. No need to use many untruthful websites to do simple tasks with your data. With Smart Detection, DevToys is able to detect the best tool that can treat the data you copied in the clipboard of your Windows. Compact overlay lets you keep the app in small and on top of other windows. Multiple instances of the app can be used at once. Many tools are available. Converters Json <> Yaml Number Base Encoders / Decoders HTML URL Base64 JWT Decoder Formatters Json Generators Hash (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512) UUID 1 and 4 Lorem Ipsum Text Inspector & Case Converter Regex Tester Text Comparer Markdown Preview Graphic Color Blindness Simulator PNG / JPEG Compressor ... and more are coming! How to install (as an end-user) -Double click the *.msixbundle file. -Install. Prerequisite You need Windows 10 build 1903+ or later. How to run DevToys Using Start Menu Open Windows start menu, type DevToys and press [Enter]. Using ... |
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2,499 | Nov 21, 2023 Etienne Baydoux and BenjaminT <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DevToys1_th.png"border="0"> |
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DiskInternals ZIP Repair v1.1 DiskInternals ZIP Repair v1.1 DiskInternals ZIP Repair helps repair zip structure and extract the contents of the archive. Full automation of the recovery and a wizard-like interface make zip repair no more than a snap. The zip file format is the most popular form of data storage. It is widely used for backup and transfer of information over the internet. As any format with a well-defined structure, it is highly sensitive to corruptions. In case of even a minor corruption of the file structure standard zip tools will no be able to extract its content. This is because all zip tools check archives for integrity. If CRC values of the original files of an archive don't match the extracted ones, the standard tools won't extract them. After you locate an archive that needs repairing, the program will scan it for damages. Then its robust recovery engine will take over. It will extract and move all the intact files to a new archive. The only other thing expected from you is to name the new archive or specify the location of an existing one. DiskInternals ZIP Repair has built-in extraction features that allow it to extract partially damaged and restored files. It performs at a revving speed and demonstrates high accuracy of the recovery. The program supports all major zip capabilities and reinforces your standard zip applications with an automatic recovery feature. Whether a transmission error or media damage prevents your file access, you can always entrust your valuable data into confident hands of DiskInternls ZIP Repair. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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5,525 | May 30, 2019 DiskInternals, ltd. <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DiskInternals ZIP Repair2_th.png"border="0"> |
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DisplayMagician v1.1.2 DisplayMagician v1.1.2 An open source tool for automatically configuring your displays and sound for a game or application DisplayMagician is an open source tool for automatically configuring your displays and sound for a game or application from a single Windows Shortcut. DisplayMagician is designed to change your display profile, change audio devices, start extra programs and then run the game or application you want. It will even reset things back to the way they were for you once you've closed the game or application! What it does Different games require your displays configured in different ways. If you're a simracer like me, you also require a lot of additional 'helper' applications the give you the additional functionality to game the way you want. Making all those changes each time I wanted to play each game REALLY started annoying me, and I thought there must be a better way. There is now. DisplayMagician allows you to configure multiple different display profiles, and then use those different display profiles to create Game Shortcuts. These Game Shortcuts allow you to have your game or application start exactly the way you like it. Do you like running Dirt Rally 2.0 on a single NVidia Surround window across triple screens, and yet you like to run Project Cars 2 across four individual screens (a triple and one above)? Do you like running SimHub when you play iRacing, yet you want to start Twitch when you play Call of Duty? Well with DisplayMagician you can do all that with a single Desktop Shortcut (you can even start games with a Hotkey)! DisplayMagician also allows you to automatically change to a different audio device just for one game, and will revert that change when you close the game. Great if you have some special audio devices you use only for certain ... |
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2,613 | Jun 06, 2021 Terry Macdonald <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DisplayMagician1_th.png"border="0"> |
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DocFetcher v1.1.25 DocFetcher v1.1.25 An open source desktop search application: It allows you to search the contents of files on your computer. Description You can think of it as Google for your local files. The application runs on Windows, Linux and OS X, and is made available under the Eclipse Public License. Basic Usage The screenshot below shows the main user interface. Queries are entered in the text field at (1). The search results are displayed in the result pane at (2). The preview pane at (3) shows a text-only preview of the file currently selected in the result pane. All matches in the file are highlighted in yellow. You can filter the results by minimum and/or maximum filesize (4), by file type (5) and by location (6). The buttons at (7) are used for opening the manual, opening the preferences and minimizing the program into the system tray, respectively. DocFetcher requires that you create so-called indexes for the folders you want to search in. What indexing is and how it works is explained in more detail below. In a nutshell, an index allows DocFetcher to find out very quickly (in the order of milliseconds) which files contain a particular set of words, thereby vastly speeding up searches. The following screenshot shows DocFetcher's dialog for creating new indexes: Clicking on the "Run" button on the bottom right of this dialog starts the indexing. The indexing process can take a while, depending on the number and sizes of the files to be indexed. A good rule of thumb is 200 files per minute. While creating an index takes time, it has to be done only once per folder. Also, updating an index after the folder's contents have changed is much faster than creating it — it usually takes only a couple of seconds. Notable Features A portable version: ... |
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4,800 | Jan 23, 2022 DocFetcher Development Team <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DocFetcher1_th.png"border="0"> |
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DomiSol (Domino Solitaire) v1.5 DomiSol (Domino Solitaire) v1.5 Free puzzle game; requires logic, attention, and patience. Want to switch your attention, exercise your thinking, memory and patience? If so, DomiSol may be just the thing for you! Domino Solitaire is a puzzle where a full set of 28 domino tiles is arranged to form a rectangle, but you don't see their bounds. Your goal is to find those bounds: pair the domino halves to restore the set. In some way, this game is similar to a jigsaw puzzle. It may appear easy at first, but Domino Solitaire is a logic, memory, attention and patience game that can keep you amused — or even frustrated — for a long time before you develop the strategy for solving the puzzle. Features Logic, memory and attention exercise. A choice of 4 different designs and any background colour to your taste. Savepoints for saving the game and loading it later, so you can stop and resume again at any time. No installation required. Simply download the file and start playing. Portable application, can be run directly from a USB stick. Supported platforms: Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 — 32 and 64 bit. Portable application, no installation required. How to play The full set of 28 domino pieces is arranged in a rectangle, but their bounds are not shown to the player. Your goal is to find these bounds and restore the set. Consecutively click on any two adjacent domino halves to group them into a piece. The pieces can be oriented horizontally or vertically. For your convenience, each grouped piece will be marked in the list on the left. You can click ... |
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3,023 | Dec 11, 2020 AnnyStudio.com <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/domisol1_th.png"border="0"> |
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DSynchronize v2.46.42 DSynchronize v2.46.42 DSynchronize is a program (Freeware) that syncronizes two or more directories on a local area network. The program compares every directory "Source" with the respective "Destination", then changes the "Destination" (adding, replacing, or deleting files and subdirectory) in such way to make those files or subdirectories identical to the "Source." It supports multiple filters (separated by "; ") type *.exe; *.txt etc. You can configure synchronizations to use Varying environments (% WINDIR%,% USERPROFILE% etc.). The use is rather intuitive. SUPPORTED SYSTEMS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows Seven Windows VISTA Windows 2003 Windows XP Windows 2000 Windows NT4 with SP6a and IE4 or superior. OPTIONS: ~~~~~~~~ "Save on exit" It serves for saving all the settings and remembering which directories to synchronize. "Antifragmentation" It reduces the fragmentation of the disk: In order to prevent holes in the file structure when a file is replaced, the old file is first removed from the structure and then the replacement file is written into the old file's place. "Set/Enable timer" This option sets the synchronization to run on a regular basis. You can tell it how much time to wait between synchronizations in terms of hours and minutes. You can also specify certain days that you would like synchronization to occur or a specific time to sync on the days specified. "Shutdown at the end" This option will automatically shut down the PC at the end of the synchronization. "You create folder if it does not exist" If the specified directory does not exist on the destination, it will automatically be created there with the same name as the source directory. "Add date to destination folder" This option add the date to files on the destination. For example, if the source file x is ". C:\mapindestination" it becomes "C:\mapindestination 18-07-2004 22.30", this can be used for creating ... |
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6,123 | May 27, 2020 Dimio <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/dsynchronize2_th.png"border="0"> |
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DynaWin v1.0.2 DynaWin v1.0.2 Dynamic Desktop for Windows 10 DynaWin is a utility that allows the Windows desktop to change dynamically. Before you install... DynaWin has a feature that allows the user to configure it to run on Windows startup. DynaWin does this by creating a batch script that starts DynaWin and placing said batch script in the user's startup folder. However, some antiviruses may flag this batch script as unsafe. If this is the case, please add DynaWin and the batch script (which is usually located at "C:\Users \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\StartDynaWin.bat") to your antivirus's exclusions list. Furthermore, some antiviruses and/or firewalls may block DynaWin from accessing the internet, causing the auto-update system to not work. In this case, please add DynaWin to your firewall's or antivrus's exclusion list. Features Dynamic Theme: Automatic switching of theme You can configure DynaWin to automatically switch the theme at specified timings. For example, you can automatically switch Windows to Dark theme, so that it is easier on the eyes when working at night. Choose which mode to switch You can configure DynaWin to only switch the app or system theme. This allows DynaWin to better cater to your needs. Dynamic Wallpaper Automatic switching of desktop wallpaper You can configure DynaWin to automatically switch your wallpaper at specific triggers. For example, you can configure DynaWin to switch your wallpaper at night, to make it easier while working at night. You can even configure DynaWin to change your wallpaper when your battery is running low, to give you a quick reminder before your battery runs out of power. Choose when your wallpaper should be changed In addition to changing your wallpaper based on the time, you can also change your wallpaper when your battery percentage is at a certain level. This is useful as it can remind you when your battery is running low, or remind you to unplug your laptop ... |
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2,614 | Jun 17, 2021 Matthias Wang <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/DynaWin1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Eagle Mode v0.96.1 Eagle Mode v0.96.1 A free, zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in. It features a portable C++ programming interface for developing such ZUIs, and it features the Eagle Mode application, which provides a virtual cosmos with plugin applications. The most important one is the professional file manager with its rich, scriptable command set. It integrates file viewers for most of the common file types, as well as an audio/video player. Furthermore, the virtual cosmos contains a chess game, a netwalk game, a 3D mines game, a multi-function clock, a stock watchlist, some fractals, and a Linux kernel configurator in form of a kernel patch. An autoplay function allows to show or play things one ofter the other (e.g. slideshow of picture files or document pages, playing of multiple audio or video files). The core of Eagle Mode supports fast anti-aliased graphics, virtually unlimited depth of zooming, extensive mouse and keyboard control, animated navigation with kinetic effects (inertia, friction, and magnetism), popup-zoomed control views, editable bookmarks, in-place help texts, and working with multiple windows. Eagle Mode is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3. View Documentation. Screenshots File Manager and File Viewers Games Fractals Clock Linux Kernel Configurator (emLKC) Stock Watchlist (emStocks) This download is for the Windows 64 bit version. All other download assets are below: Binary package for installation on x86_64 compilations of Debian ≥ 9.0, Ubuntu ≥ 18.04, Mint ≥ 19, and other up-to-date Debian-based systems. After downloading you can install the package by running the following command as root user in the download directory (the "./" in front of the file name is required): apt-get install ./eaglemode_0.96.1-1_amd64.deb eaglemode_0.96.1-1_amd64.deb Binary package for installation on x86_64 compilations of openSUSE Leap ≥ 15.2, Fedora ≥ 33, ... |
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633 | Mar 28, 2024 Oliver Hamann <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/EagleMode2_th.png"border="0"> |
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EGOBOO 2.8.1 EGOBOO 2.8.1 Egoboo is an open source, cross-platform computer game. It's a three-dimensional dungeon crawling adventure that borrows a lot of elements from the roguelike genre. Egoboo could be called a lot of things; "ARPG", "hack and slash", or perhaps "rougelike". It is an action-based adventure game with a unique mood and style. In Egoboo, you will slay hordes of foul monsters, explore many unusual locations, and get lots of really cool loot. Your ultimate quest is to save Lord Bishop, the king of the land, from the evil Dracolich. It is a difficult task, and you will have to face unbelievable danger to accomplish your goal. Game Features Over 40 uniquely hand-crafted mystical dungeons Choose between 8 different classes like the Wizard, Elf or Rogue Play with up to four players using hotseat! Awesome 3D graphics with cute and funny character models |
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5,535 | Sep 20, 2016 Egoboo Community <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Egoboo4_th.png"border="0"> |
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Ellp Ellp When your PC is on, simply Automate. Ellp™ connects and automates things you do every day on your device, so you can focus on what matters most. Simplify your life in 3 simple steps Get started in seconds! Choose Flip through and select your preferred Ellp cards from a number of categories including the Internet, social media, power, performance, space, security, multimedia and privacy. Edit Set your preferences once and start getting the most out of your device right away. Personalize each Ellp card based on your needs, using Ellp’s simple editor. Start Easily automate your device by activating the Ellp cards that matter most to you. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a personal device helper. |
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5,333 | Nov 10, 2017 Ellp Limited <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/ellp1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Emmabuntus Debian Edition 4 v1.00 Emmabuntus Debian Edition 4 v1.00 Distribution for refurbished computers and GNU/Linux discovery for all Emmabuntus is a desktop GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Stable on XFCE, made specifically for refurbished computers destined for humanitarian organisations, and to promote the discovery of GNU/Linux by beginners, as well as to extend the lifespan of hardware and to reduce over consumption and waste in electronics. It strives to be beginner-friendly and reasonably light on resources so that it can be used on older computers. It also includes many modern features, such as a large number of pre-configured programs for everyday use, dockbar for launching applications, easy installation of non-free software and media codecs, and quick setup through automated scripts. The Emmabuntus refurbishing key allows you to recondition all kinds of computer by directly cloning a system pre-configured by Emmabuntus. Instructions here. Tutorials for Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 4: https://emmabuntus.org/tutoriels/ Environment Debian 11 " Bullseye " under XFCE : A variant of Debian, taking the same basic concepts, being lighter than the version under GNOME , being able to be installed on quite old computers, and with poor performance hardware. LXQt : Complementary environment included in this version to extend the possibilities of machine reconditioning. Cairo-Dock : Animated application launch bar (or dock , like Mac OS X ) making all the software described below accessible on the desktop. In this version the dock is available in the following 8 languages: English (En) French (Fr) Spanish (Es) Arabic (Ar) German (De) Italian (It) Portuguese (Pt) Danish (Da) The Software Browsers Firefox-ESR : Mozilla Firefox ESR Falkon ... |
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2,376 | Aug 06, 2024 Emmabuntus <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Emmabuntus4_th.png"border="0"> |
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Eraser v6.2.0.2994 Eraser v6.2.0.2994 An advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Features • Erases residue from deleted files • Erases MFT and MFT-resident files (for NTFS volumes) and Directory Indices (for FAT) • Powerful and flexible scheduler Eraser is currently supported under Windows XP (with Service Pack 3), Windows Server 2003 (with Service Pack 2), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 and Windows Server. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License. Why Use Eraser? Most people have some data that they would rather not share with others – passwords, personal information, classified documents from work, financial records, self-written poems, the list continues. Perhaps you have saved some of this information on your computer where it is conveniently at your reach, but when the time comes to remove the data from your hard disk, things get a bit more complicated and maintaining your privacy is not as simple as it may have seemed at first. Your first thought may be that when you ‘delete’ the file, the data is gone. Not quite, when you delete a file, the operating system does not really remove the file from the disk; it only removes the reference of the file from the file system table. The file remains on the disk until another file is created over it, and even after that, it might be possible to recover data by studying the magnetic fields on the disk platter surface. Before the file is overwritten, anyone can easily retrieve it with a disk maintenance or an undelete utility. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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8,820 | May 01, 2024 Heidi Computers LTD <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Eraser1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Eternal Blues Eternal Blues Eternal Blues is a free EternalBlue vulnerability scanner. It helps finding the blind spots in your network, these endpoints that are still vulnerable to EternalBlue. Just hit the SCAN button and you will immediately start to get which of your computers are vulnerable and which aren’t. That’s it. If you wish, you can switch networks, or edit your own (yeah, you can also scan the world wide web if you wish). Please use it for good cause only. We have enough bad guys already… Was this tool tested in real networks? Oh yeah. Obviously I cannot say which, but with almost every network I connected to, there were a few vulnerable computers. IMPORTANT: It does *not* exploit the vulnerability, but just checks whether it is exploitable. Yet another vulnerability scanner? There are many vulnerability scanners out there. So… why did I create another? Mainly for the ease of use. The majority of latest WannaCry, NoPetya (Petya, GoldenEye or whatever) victims, are not technical organizations and sometimes just small business who don’t have a security team, or even just an IT team to help them mitigate this. Running NMap, Metasploit (not to mention more commercial products) is something they will never do. I aimed to create a simple ‘one-button’ tool that tells you one thing and one thing only – which systems are vulnerable in your network. Tips If you’re about to run it in your working environment, please update the IT/Security team in advance. You don’t want to cause (IDS/IPS/AV) false alarms If vulnerable systems were found – please take a Windows update asap For God’s sake, please disable SMBv1 already. Whether your systems are patched or not. This protocol was written over 3 decades ago…! If you would like to enjoy the ... |
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5,326 | Nov 13, 2019 Omerez <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/EternalBlues1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Executor v1.0.11 Executor v1.0.11 A multi purpose tool to help you ease your daily computer workflow. Launch programs, manage clipboard, manage running apps, do fast calculations, quick launch internet searches, file path autocomplete and history. Want to assign a hotkey that paste the second item from the clipboard? It can do this as well. There's a vast amount of features and customization to help you out for all sorts of things, and also features and settings for power users to really tweak workflows, launch multiple items of the already mentioned functionality with one command etc. Has an easy browseable history and customizable auto complete system. Features • Keywords have properties like shortcuts, and you can for example drag-drop a shortcut/file/folder/favorite to add it as a keyword. • Auto-completion for keywords, file system and history (can also be configured). • Url detection, Enter URLs directly (like www.google.com, mail.google.com, google.com or http://www.google.com). • Keywords support parameters. Example "google latest executor" "wiki nirvana". • Besides keywords Executor can also optionally and dynamically add matching start-menu items (including UWP Apps), control panel items and other handy items to the drop-down/list. • Ability to add your own paths to scan for user defined file extensions. • Each keyword can be assigned a hotkey, so Executor can also perform like many popular hotkey managers. • Keyword control, have keyword open program(s) minimized, with admin access, make sure only one instance is running of program and more • Can add keyword integration with popular services like GMail, Twitter, GCal, RTM and many others (see forums for howto's, tutorials and tips). • Optional show icon for current keyword/input. ... |
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5,042 | Jan 10, 2023 Martin Bresson <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Executor1_th.png"border="0"> |
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f.lux v4.126 f.lux v4.126 Free program that makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow? Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen? During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun. f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better. f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again. Tell f.lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you live. Then forget about it. f.lux will do the rest, automatically. What to do first • Set your location. f.lux works a lot better if it knows when the sun rises and sets. The sun is the brightest light we see every day, so setting this up matters a lot for understanding your circadian timing • Choose your usual wake time. If you wake at a different time each day, you can pick a time on the earlier side • Adjust color settings so it looks as you like it. Just move the big slider to adjust, and ... |
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4,150 | Nov 16, 2023 Michael and Lorna Herf <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/flux1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Farmville 2: Country Escapes Strategy Guide Farmville 2: Country Escapes Strategy Guide AN UNOFFICIAL STRATEGY GUIDE FOR ALL OF THOSE FARMERS OUT THERE. "There are farmers and great farmers in the Farmville universe. If you want tips, information, and...FREE KEYS, then this guide may be up your ally. This guide explains the characters, power pins, key gathering, and many other things to help you become a World Class Farmer. Make lots of money to keep up your farm but don't forget your friends and animal buddies that helped you get there." Extra thanks to the random information that I was missing for this guide. Note: This guide is incomplete and will be updated. If you want to help me with my guide, you can find more information on my website: http://denookobiel.wix.com/home Find me on any of my social media sites. Love to hear from you. :D |
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5,231 | Jun 25, 2017 Obiel DeNook <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Farmville2CESTRAT1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Firewing 64 v2.1.0 Firewing 64 v2.1.0 A 3D platforming game set in the style of a Nintendo 64 title. You control Firewing, a dragon tasked with collecting all of the Peace Crystal fragments. To do so will require exploration, collectibles, mini-games, and of course, platforming! This game was originally started as a side project of mine as I wanted to try recreating a Nintendo 64-style title. It was then left alone for a number of months until one day I decided to adjust the scope of it (or else it likely never would have been finished) to fit in to a single level. This gave me the motivation to finish it (albeit it with basic menus and a very simplistic story) but still deliver that Nintendo 64 feel! Features Loads of items to collect! Large, expansive level with a variety of gameplay! Mini-games, which includes kart racing! An offering of nostalgia 32/64-bit platforming fans long for! New in version 2 All new (translation: better) textures Smoothing groups added to geometry The jump height is now dependent on how long the player holds down the jump button Player controls were refined to reduce button usage The game is now saved after collecting a crystal fragment Settings and button mappings are now saved automatically as well Added footstep and gliding sounds Changed a handful of things in the main level including adding a new type of enemy Added the ability to control the camera with the mouse Miscellaneous bug fixes Firewing 64 v1.0 Trailer - Indie DB Click here to visit the author's website. |
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4,507 | Feb 17, 2019 Studio Besus <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/firewing641_th.png"border="0"> |
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FixWin 11 v11.1 FixWin 11 v11.1 A free Windows repair tool that lets you fix Windows problems, issues, and annoyances with a click. It has been updated to version 11 and is optimized to support Windows 11 and Windows 10 operating systems. The fixes have been categorized under 6 tabs: File Explorer: Offers fixes to resolve problems relating to Windows File Explorer. Internet and Connectivity: Lets you fix Internet problems that you be facing after upgrading Windows OS System fixes: Offers fixes to several common Windows problems and includes an option to reset thumbnail cache, re-register all system DLL files and fixes for Windows Activation issues System Tools: Offers to fix built-in tools that may not be working properly. A new Advanced System Information tab displays some specific advanced information about your system, like the number of threads in the processor, number of logical processors, maximum display resolution, maximum refresh rate, etc. Troubleshooters: This section provides direct links to bring up the built-in Windows Troubleshooters and download links to other Troubleshooters released by Microsoft. Additional Fixes: Offers several other fixes for Windows 11 and Windows 10. How to repair Windows 11 problems using FixWin 11 1) We first suggest that you run the System File Checker. The button provided on the Welcome page will run sfc /scannow and will check for and replace any corrupted Windows system files. It is expected to take anywhere from 5-10 minutes. If asked to, reboot your computer. 2) If you are facing problems relating to the Microsoft or the Store apps, re-register the Store apps. A 1-click button has been provided on the Welcome page that lets you do so easily. 3) If you are facing major issues with Windows 11/10, running the DISM utility to repair your Windows System Image, might be a really good idea. A button for this too ... |
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7,200 | Aug 01, 2023 Paras Sidhu <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/FixWin10_th.png"border="0"> |
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fldigi v4.1.20 fldigi v4.1.20 Ham Radio Digital Modem Application Fldigi is a modem program for most of the digital modes used by radio amateurs today: CW, PSK, MFSK, RTTY, Hell, DominoEX, Olivia, and Throb are all supported. It can help calibrate a sound card to a time signal and do frequency measurement tests. Changes: Version 4.1.20 * Update release to both fldigi and flarq Cosmetic changes * Fix cosmetic issues reported by Bob, VK2YQA * Fix parse of macro <PUSH> Gleam scheme * add fltk 'gleam' UI scheme xmlrpc id * add client ID to client requests * add client ID to server parsing cw tracking * adjust tracking filter constants to improve power detection Navtex modem * make single bit flip correction guess a little smarter The flip_smallest_bit code was written with the assumption that the discriminator has equal weights for mark and space, that we are equally likely to get things wrong in each direction, and that flipping the bit with the smallest absolute value is likely to get us what might have been transmitted. However, in the face of selective fading and QRM, the assumption of symmetry proved to be wrong. This is "helped" by the 3/4 framing of SITOR-B, where every character has 3 marks and 4 spaces, resulting in the mark value consistently getting a lower envelope estimation than the ... |
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6,129 | Apr 25, 2022 W1HKJ & Associates <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/fldigi1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Flowkeeper v0.8.1 Flowkeeper v0.8.1 A Pomodoro Technique desktop timer for power users. It is a simple tool, which focuses on doing one thing well. It is Free Software with open source. Flowkeeper Use Cases • Getting Things Done - Flowkeeper reduces the effect of internal and external interruptions on focus and flow. • Tasks Tracking - Take quick notes and create todos, which you can estimate and execute later. • Continuous Improvement - Flowkeeper is like Apple Health for your Pomodoro Technique. You can use it to learn your own habits and improve your planning accordingly. • Creating Timesheets - Export all your completed tasks for a given period. Changes: v0.8.1 November 4, 2024 At the beginning we wanted to only add the Tags feature and improve automated test coverage. However, while doing the latter, we identified a number of subtle, but important bugs in Import / Export mechanism, and fixing them turned into a major codebase refactoring. We also decided to put the "resting" music back into the app, and made the sound output configurable. Tags as an alternative to backlogs You can now use #tags in work items. When Tags are enabled, work item text wraps if it doesn't fit on one line. This feature is turned on by default, and you can turn it off in Settings > General. Enhanced audio section We embedded the new resting music -- "Madelene" by Lobo Loco, with kind permission from the author (CC-BY-NC-ND). It is enabled by default. The audio output is now selectable in Settings > Audio. Bug fixes and technical improvements Fixed "user already exists" import error. Fixed incorrect pomodoro states after import. Fixed incorrect timestamps in smart import. Fixed incorrect work / rest durations in smart import. Fixed a bug with the 8th step of Tutorial. Flowkeeper displays window title in the focus mode on Wayland ... |
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69 | Nov 26, 2024 Constantine Kulak <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Flowkeeper1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Flyby11 v1.2 Flyby11 v1.2 Install Windows 11 even if your system doesn't meet requirements. Flyby11 is a simple patcher that removes the annoying restrictions preventing you from installing Windows 11 (24H2) on unsupported hardware. Got an old PC? No TPM, Secure Boot, or your processor isn't supported? Flyby11 lets you install Windows 11 24H2 anyway. No complicated steps. Just run the tool and you'll be running Windows 11 on your outdated machine in no time. Think of it as sneaking through the back door without anyone noticing. Technical Overview Flyby11 leverages a feature of the Windows 11 setup process that uses the Windows Server variant of the installation. This variant, unlike the regular Windows 11 setup, skips most hardware compatibility checks, allowing it to run on unsupported systems. Here’s a more technical breakdown of the process: Windows Server Setup: The tool uses the Windows Server variant of the setup, which avoids the usual checks for things like TPM, Secure Boot, and specific processor requirements. Install Regular Windows 11: Even though the setup runs in server mode, it installs the normal Windows 11 version (not the server version). Manual ISO Preparation: Flyby11 automates the download and mounting of the ISO, so you don’t need to manually tweak anything. You can get the ISO from official sources or the tool will handle it using the Fido script This method is the same approach described in the official Windows documentation for upgrading unsupported systems, as detailed in this article. Flyby11 offers all the currently working methods to bypass the restrictions for installing Windows 11 24H2 on unsupported hardware. The internet is full of guides showing how to get around the TPM, Secure Boot, and processor requirements, but Flyby11 does all that automatically for you. Technical Note: The POPCNT requirement cannot be bypassed; it is essential for running Windows 11 (24H2), as ... |
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233 | Feb 04, 2025 Builtbybel <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Flyby111_th.png"border="0"> |
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FreeMind v1.0.1 (MacOS) FreeMind v1.0.1 (MacOS) FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click "fold / unfold" and "follow link" operations. So you want to write a completely new metaphysics? Why don't you use FreeMind? You have a tool at hand that remarkably resembles the tray slips of Robert Pirsig, described in his sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance called Lila. Do you want to refactor your essays in a similar way you would refactor software? Or do you want to keep personal knowledge base, which is easy to manage? Why don't you try FreeMind? Do you want to prioritize, know where you are, where you've been and where you are heading, as Stephen Covey would advise you? Have you tried FreeMind to keep track of all the things that are needed for that? Uses of FreeMind Current users of FreeMind use it for the following purposes: Keeping track of projects, including subtasks, state of subtasks and time recording Project workplace, including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information Workplace for internet research using Google and other sources Keeping a collection of small or middle sized notes with links on some area which expands as needed. Such a collection of notes is sometimes called knowledge base. Essay writing and brainstorming, using colors to show which essays are open, completed, not yet started etc, using size of nodes to indicate size of essays. I don't have one map for one essay, I have one map for all essays. I move ... |
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3,583 | Feb 17, 2020 Jörg Müller <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/FreeMind1_th.png"border="0"> |
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FreeMind v1.0.1 (Windows) FreeMind v1.0.1 (Windows) FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click "fold / unfold" and "follow link" operations. So you want to write a completely new metaphysics? Why don't you use FreeMind? You have a tool at hand that remarkably resembles the tray slips of Robert Pirsig, described in his sequel to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance called Lila. Do you want to refactor your essays in a similar way you would refactor software? Or do you want to keep personal knowledge base, which is easy to manage? Why don't you try FreeMind? Do you want to prioritize, know where you are, where you've been and where you are heading, as Stephen Covey would advise you? Have you tried FreeMind to keep track of all the things that are needed for that? Uses of FreeMind Current users of FreeMind use it for the following purposes: Keeping track of projects, including subtasks, state of subtasks and time recording Project workplace, including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information Workplace for internet research using Google and other sources Keeping a collection of small or middle sized notes with links on some area which expands as needed. Such a collection of notes is sometimes called knowledge base. Essay writing and brainstorming, using colors to show which essays are open, completed, not yet started etc, using size of nodes to indicate size of essays. I don't have one map for one essay, I have one map for all essays. I move ... |
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3,774 | Feb 17, 2020 Jörg Müller <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/FreeMind1_th.png"border="0"> |
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FRSSystemWatch v1.1.1 FRSSystemWatch v1.1.1 FRSSystemWatch shows what is going on in your computer. Monitors and reports changes to a drive, directory/folder, file, or Registry key. Multiple monitors can be added. See why there is so much activity going on in your computer. Perhaps even identify applications doing things you don't want them to do. Thoroughly integrated Documentation Center. Free to use. How Do I Use FRSSystemWatch? When you start the application for the first time, it will automatically start to monitor for changes to your primary disk drive, which is typically your C:\ drive. You can add monitors for other drives, as well as for specific directories (or "folders"), and individual files. You can enter the full path to a Registry key (see the application's Documentation Center for more information about how to obtain the path to a Registry key), so that you can see what changes software applications make to a particular key. Click on the "Watch" menu to add more monitors, or to remove the selected one. FRSSystemWatch keeps track of the changes for the monitors you have set up for as long as it runs. When you close it, the monitoring stops. The next time you start it up again, the monitors you had previously set up will be started again. Use the "Edit | Copy" menu command to copy text from the reports to another application, if you have the need for preserving data. You can also print reports. In addition to clicking on a button to view a different monitor's log, you can also use the F7 key. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Version 1.1.1 Changed: The text of the Documentation ... |
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4,315 | Feb 08, 2021 Fourth Ray Software <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/FRSSystemWatch1_th.png"border="0"> |
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FxSound v1.1.28.0 FxSound v1.1.28.0 Boost Volume, Bass and Sound Quality For Windows Free software for Windows to boost your cold, boring, and quiet sound. Amazing sound for everything you listen to Music FxSound corrects the limitations of your audio devices and files. Video Games Surround sound to create full immersion into your virtual world. TV and Movies Never strain to hear dialog or get your ears blown out by the sound effects or score again. FxSound smooths and improves your favorite shows and movies. Transcription FxSound boosts your clarity to save your sanity. Rewind less, get paid more. Customize your sound to your exact taste EQ Here's the thing... No two ears are the same. Not all hardware is made equal. Our new equalizer balances your sound to your needs now with customizable center frequencies. Visualizer Make audio and visual one blended experience. Our visualization lets you feel your music in a new way. Effects If you like a lot of bass, we've got you covered. But we can't take responsibility from any noise complaints from your neighbors ;) Presets Switch between listening to music, gaming, and streaming video in an instant with specially designed presets for every possible sound situation. Changes v1.1.28.0 01-23-25 Feature added to connect to newly connected output device Debug logs are captured in log file Chinese (Traditional) and Korean translations updated Farsi/Persian language support added Learning Center Here to help you get the most out of FxSound and audio. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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3,007 | Jan 24, 2025 FxSound LLC <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/FxSound1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Geneshift 0.995 Geneshift 0.995 Geneshift is a top-down shooter that merges fast-paced action with RPG and RTS gameplay. You play as a mutant with crazy skills, speedy vehicles, strategic base building and more! Save the world from a zombie outbreak in the campaign. Play solo or with friends online as you slaughter zombies, discover unlocks, earn cash and stealth kill the Rebels. You can compete in leaderboards too! Shoot out tires, detonate car bombs, do drive-by shootings and run players over with a variety of vehicles. You can also place invisible chemicals in the map; building a secret base that gives you many strategic advantages. Bounce bullets off your Force Fields, stalk enemies with Invisibility, or land that perfect Plasma Ball. Level up your mutant with over 30 unique and crazy skills. The skills you unlock are permanently saved to your account too! Survive swarms of zombies, race vehicles around the map, claim territory or simply capture the flag. All game modes can be played casually or in competitive servers, where an ELO rating system keeps things balanced. |
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6,507 | Nov 17, 2016 Ben Andrew Johnson <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/geneshift001_th.png"border="0"> |
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Google Chrome Portable v132.0.6834.84 Google Chrome Portable v132.0.6834.84 Run Google Chrome from a cloud folder, external drive, or local folder without installing into Windows. This is an online installer that will download Google Chrome during setup. The faster browser Chrome is faster than fast – it’s engineered for speed and has the tools to help you get things done quickly. And with automatic updates, you always have the newest version of Chrome with the latest performance improvements. The safer way to browse You shouldn’t have to be a security expert to stay safe online. Get an extra layer of protection with Google Password Manager, Chrome’s Enhanced Safe Browsing, and more. App Notes (from: portableapps.com) • Passwords Not Saved Between PCs By Default: Google Chrome stores passwords in such a way that they are encrypted in a way tied to current PC. While the passwords are not kept or left behind on the PC itself, they won't be retrievable when you move to a new PC. We've added password portability as an advanced option, though, which you can enable by reading the help.html file. • Certificates Not Portable: Google Chrome has no certificate manager. It uses Windows' certificates manager. So, any certificates you install through the Google Chrome interface are stored on the current local machine and will not travel with you. Thus, you should not use any private certificates with Google Chrome except on your own PC. • Some Settings/Extensions Locked Per PC: Google Chrome locks specific settings to a given PC. Details are included in this post. This behavior is by design by the Chrome team. If you would like this changed, please file a bug with the Chrome team. A suggested workaround is to sign in to Google to restore all settings and extensions and to use an extension such as Session Buddy to maintain your session state as you move ... |
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11,661 | Jan 20, 2025 Google and PortableApps.com <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/googlechromeportable_th.png"border="0"> |
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Google Play Music Desktop Player v4.7.1 Google Play Music Desktop Player v4.7.1 A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music. The same beautiful Material Design experience you love on the browser, just as a dedicated desktop player Open Source Google Play Music Desktop Player is open source on GitHub. This means YOU, the community, gets a say in all the features we implement and you can even get involved and help out. If you find a bug or want something new, tell us in Gitter or on GitHub and we will see what we can do!! Resource Efficient Being a lightweight, standalone framework we use FAR less resources than having Google Play Music open in a standard chrome tab. This frees up your computer's resources to do things you care about, instead of wasting them on playing music. Customizable Google Play Music Desktop Player adds a level of customization that simply isn't there in the web player. You can change your theme, customize the colors, send your play history straight to last.fm, and it even has a built-in equalizer. From advanced audio controls to simple song change notifications, this desktop player literally does it all. Features Media Keys support (Play, Pause, Stop, Previous, Next) Last.FM Scrobbling and Now Playing support! Desktop notifications on track change Simplistic mini player Customizable dark theme Taskbar media controls (media controls embedded into the taskbar) Windows only HTML5 audio support - No more Adobe Flash Player Built-in audio equalizer - Make it sound how you like it Background music playing, minimize to the task bar Customizable hotkeys. No worries if you don't have media keys - Choose your own shortcuts! Choose your audio output device from ... |
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4,336 | Aug 06, 2024 Samuel Attard <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/GPMDP1_th.png"border="0"> |
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GXSCC v236E GXSCC v236E GXSCC is a wonderful program that emulates a Famicom (NES) or SCC sound chip in order to play MIDIs. To play a MIDI file, simply drag and drop it onto the main screen. Here is a MIDI of ABBA's "Take a Chance On Me" for you to try it out.. Put your headphones on. The sound is surprising soothing and nostalgic. The program is completely portable. GXSCC Tutorial (by: meme.institute) Extract the zip file and start GXSCC.exe. Ignore the dialog box and just click OK Find a MIDI Sometimes it can be hard to find MIDIs of certain songs, but there's a 99% chance the song has been MIDIfied before by someone. Here are some things to Google: "X midi" "X midi free" "X synthesia" "X synthesia" on YouTube, then look in the description for a MIDI link "X synthesia midi" Some sites claim to offer free MIDIs, but then offer a subscription for a PRO™ MIDI or something. Don't bother; if you can't get a MIDI from a site within 60 seconds of visiting just go somewhere else. Also, some MIDIs were put through "MP3 to MIDI" conversion software that doesn't work at all, resulting in what sounds like a gorilla with boxing gloves smashing a piano. On a related note, don't try to use an MP3 to MIDI converter. There are no good ones, I've tried them all. Play a MIDI Once you have downloaded a MIDI, open Explorer to the folder containing your MIDI and drag it into GXSCC. If you're using Google Chrome, you can drag in a MIDI straight from the Chrome downloads bar. It should automatically start playing! Change the sound of the MIDI To change which waveform GXSCC uses, click on the Config button ... |
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2,784 | May 28, 2021 Gashisoft Japan <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/GXSCC1_th.png"border="0"> |
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HBBatchBeast v2.1.5 HBBatchBeast v2.1.5 A free GUI application for HandBrake and FFmpeg/FFprobe with an emphasis on batch conversion (including recursive folder scans and folder watching) For Windows, macOS, Linux and Docker The destination folder structure is kept the same as the source folder structure. Media in subfolders is also converted. Multiple folders can be monitored and different conversion presets can be specified for each folder. Also included: • Remote monitoring feature to monitor batch file conversions in any browser • Basic h265 benchmarking • Health check feature which can scan for corrupt video files using HandBrake (quick scan) or FFmpeg (thorough scan), although this is not always accurate. Attempt repair file feature included too. This is a standalone program on Windows but requires HandBrakeCLI to be installed on Linux and Mac. For a server application with similar functionality please see Tdarr. Settings help is available by pressing the blue ? diamond icons spread throughout the program. The program scans the source folders for all files. It then compares the source folder files with the destination folder files to see if any of the source files exist in the destination folder already. If not, the program queues the files for conversion. 4 worker modules (default number) then work through the conversion queue. If periodic scanning is enabled then the program will run at the chosen interval. After it a bit more testing it seems that weird things can happen if you monitor a folder which is being downloaded to. It seems sometimes conversions start before a file has fully downloaded. To solve this, I recommend using a temporary download folder before moving completed files into your HBBB source folder. If you use a download program which has an 'incomplete downloads' folder etc, do not put that folder ... |
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1,909 | Feb 06, 2024 HaveAGitGat <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/HBBatchBeast1_th.png"border="0"> |
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HeadStart v1.0.12 HeadStart v1.0.12 A smarter way to run things. Applications. Links. Shortcuts. Frequently used commands. Whatever you do more than once is worth making easier to do again. HeadStart helps you to reach whatever is on my mind, faster than you think. It knows what you mean, after typing a few letters; it's like an autocomplete for everything. Is this a launcher? From the author: Yes and no. Indeed it IS, because it launches things: runs applications, opens web URLs, opens your projects, executes command line stuff, yes, all these things are launcher-like. But also, it has a super fast multiword smart search with priority shorthands, so you'll probably find everything in no time, and you see very clearly what's gonna happen before you press Enter. I'm not sure why Windows has no tool like this, it's what the standard search from start menu should do, but it's not directly configurable and "finds" a lot of stuff you won't ever need. Generally, launchers try to be smart by finding more than you need and let you choose; this one only has what you really need and adding / removing / sorting things is the easiest possible: it's all in a text file, it's all in your text editor! Headstart is the simplest and fastest replacement for what you're already doing, using Start menu, shortcuts or anything else. Once you try this one, chances are you never go back to your good old Windows Start Menu items. HeadStart allows you to give it direct command lines, not following the standard "executable plus arguments" approach. This means whatever you can do with a command line, you can do here. See the possibilities below. Also, it's super fast. So, at the end of the day, yes it is "just a launcher". But it's not like any other. Examples From the author: Most of ... |
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2,246 | Mar 06, 2022 Denes Kellner <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/headstart1_th.png"border="0"> |
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HFS (Http File Server) v3 HFS (Http File Server) v3 A web file server to run on your computer. Share folders or even a single file thanks to the virtual file system. Access via web your files directly from your disk. • You be the server, share files fresh from your disk, with unlimited space and bandwidth. • Fast! Try zipping 100GB, download starts immediately! • Intelligent. HFS tries to detect problems and suggest solutions. • Share even a single file with our virtual file system, even with a different name, all without touching the real file. Present things the way you want! • Watch all activities in real-time. • Control bandwidth, decide how much to give. • No intermediaries, give a huge file to your friend without waiting for it to be uploaded on a server first. How does it work • run HFS on your computer, administration page automatically shows up • select what files and folders you want to be accessible • access those files from a phone or another computer just using a browser • possibly create accounts and limit access to files Features • https • easy certificate generation • unicode • virtual file system • mobile friendly • search • accounts • resumable downloads & uploads • download folders as zip archive • delete, move and rename files • simple website serving • plug-ins • real-time monitoring of connections ... |
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4,956 | Aug 26, 2024 rejetto.com <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/HFS3_th.png"border="0"> |
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HotSwap! HotSwap! This program turns a SATA hard drive into a hot swap hard drive. It does the same thing as you can remove device from Device Manager but it provides much friendly user interface as you remove the removable device from the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon in the notification area. It also ensures that all data are written and flushed to the disk before the device to be hot-swapped, so you can use SATA/eSATA drive as a removable device much alike USB/IEEE1394 drive. Supported Hardware and OS Windows Vista / 7 / Server 2008 / 8 / 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) SATA Host Controller (AHCI mode enabled in BIOS) (e.g. Intel Controller Hub (ICH), JMicron JMB363) Silicon Image SATA Host Controller (SiI3112A, SiI3114, SiI3132, etc) Silicon Image SATA-PATA (Parallel ATA) Bridge Controller (SiI3611) If Silicon Image controller is used, the driver will spin-down the drive upon device removable. Directions for use Extract the downloaded file and run HotSwap!.EXE, the icon will appear in the notification area. The program will automatically start up when user logs on. Left click the icon, a menu will pop up listing drives. To remove a drive, select the drive from the popup menu. A balloon will pop up saying that the device is safely hot-swapped and you can power off the drive to remove it from the system. The drive listed in grey is either selected as non-hotswap device or in use by Windows therefore cannot be removed. Left click the icon while pressing Ctrl key, another menu will pop up and you can select a drive. Once the drive is selected in this menu, it won't appear in the drive listing menu. Right click the icon, the configuration menu will pop up. Configuration Menu Scan for hardware changes Does the same thing as you can do on Device Manager. This ... |
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5,427 | Apr 08, 2017 Kazuyuki Nakayama <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/HotSwap5_th.png"border="0"> |
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HTTP Downloader v1.0.3.1 32bit HTTP Downloader v1.0.3.1 32bit HTTP Downloader is a download manager for the HTTP(S) protocol. Maximize your download throughput by utilizing high performance input/output completion ports (IOCP). HTTP Downloader can open thousands of connections at a time and consumes very little system resources. WARNING: Using this software to download from OlderGeeks could get your IP address banned due to protections on our site. How ironic is that? HTTP Downloader is a high-performance, multi-part download manager. You can Start, Pause, Stop, and Queue up to 100 downloads at a time. Each download can be split into 100 parts. That's 10,000 connections! Drag and drop links into the program's main window or, select File > Add URL(s)... to bring up the Add URL(s) window. From here you can select the download location to save the files. The Advanced button allows you to configure the number of parts to split each download, the SSL / TSL version to use for HTTPS connections, authentication information (basic or digest), and any necessary cookies, headers, and POST data. Clicking the Download button will begin the download(s). HTTP Downloader has various options to configure the behavior of the program. The options can be accessed from Tools > Options... The first tab that appears is the General tab. In it you can choose to display the System Tray icon which will generally appear on the lower right corner of the taskbar (next to the clock). The program can be set to minimum to the System Tray instead of to the taskbar and close to the System Tray instead of exiting the program. Always on top will cause all the program's windows to appear on top of every other program's windows. Enable download history will save the entries in the main window so that they can be loaded the next time the program starts. ... |
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5,143 | Feb 10, 2020 Eric Kutcher <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/HTTP Downloader6_th.png"border="0"> |
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HTTP Downloader v1.0.3.1 64bit HTTP Downloader v1.0.3.1 64bit HTTP Downloader is a download manager for the HTTP(S) protocol. Maximize your download throughput by utilizing high performance input/output completion ports (IOCP). HTTP Downloader can open thousands of connections at a time and consumes very little system resources. WARNING: Using this software to download from OlderGeeks could get your IP address banned due to protections on our site. How ironic is that? HTTP Downloader is a high-performance, multi-part download manager. You can Start, Pause, Stop, and Queue up to 100 downloads at a time. Each download can be split into 100 parts. That's 10,000 connections! Drag and drop links into the program's main window or, select File > Add URL(s)... to bring up the Add URL(s) window. From here you can select the download location to save the files. The Advanced button allows you to configure the number of parts to split each download, the SSL / TSL version to use for HTTPS connections, authentication information (basic or digest), and any necessary cookies, headers, and POST data. Clicking the Download button will begin the download(s). HTTP Downloader has various options to configure the behavior of the program. The options can be accessed from Tools > Options... The first tab that appears is the General tab. In it you can choose to display the System Tray icon which will generally appear on the lower right corner of the taskbar (next to the clock). The program can be set to minimum to the System Tray instead of to the taskbar and close to the System Tray instead of exiting the program. Always on top will cause all the program's windows to appear on top of every other program's windows. Enable download history will save the entries in the main window so that they can be loaded the next time the program starts. ... |
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4,966 | Feb 10, 2020 Eric Kutcher <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/HTTP Downloader6_th.png"border="0"> |
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Impro-Visor v10.2 for MacOS Impro-Visor v10.2 for MacOS Impro-Visor (short for “Improvisation Advisor”) is a music notation program designed to help jazz musicians compose and hear solos similar to ones that might be improvised. The objective is to improve understanding of solo construction and tune chord changes. There are other, secondary, things it can do, such as improvise on its own. It has also been used for transcription. Because rhythm-section (e.g. piano, bass, drums) accompaniment is automatically generated from chords, Impro-Visor can be used as a play-along device. Now having a wider array of accompaniment styles, its use is not limited to jazz. Partial List of Features: Lead sheets and solos can be constructed through either point-and-click or using a plain text editor (one is provided, but any editor can be used). Optional automatic note coloration shows whether notes are consonant or dissonant with chords and scales. Chords may also be entered quickly through a "roadmap" editor, which also analyzes chord changes for implied keys and idiomatic progressions ("bricks"). Harmonic note entry option guides the user to select notes that are consonant with harmony. Similarly, transposition options provide chromatic or harmonic transposition. Solos or solo fragments can be played back immediately on the computer, with automatic rhythm section accompaniment. Can be used for self-study, classroom, or play-along. Any segment of a leadsheet can be played back in looped mode. Users can define new accompaniment styles. There is spreadsheet-like Style Editor, and a Style Extractor facility that helps create styles from MIDI performances. . Solos and heads may be exported as MIDI files, with accompaniment if desired. Solos and heads may be exported as MusicXML, for import to other popular music notation software. It is not necessary that the soloist memorize the solos that are created in Impro-Visor. The act of constructing solos is intended to help one get a better understanding of the tune ... |
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6,050 | Nov 14, 2019 Bob Keller <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/ImproVisor1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Impro-Visor v10.2 for Windows Impro-Visor v10.2 for Windows Impro-Visor (short for “Improvisation Advisor”) is a music notation program designed to help jazz musicians compose and hear solos similar to ones that might be improvised. The objective is to improve understanding of solo construction and tune chord changes. There are other, secondary, things it can do, such as improvise on its own. It has also been used for transcription. Because rhythm-section (e.g. piano, bass, drums) accompaniment is automatically generated from chords, Impro-Visor can be used as a play-along device. Now having a wider array of accompaniment styles, its use is not limited to jazz. Partial List of Features: Lead sheets and solos can be constructed through either point-and-click or using a plain text editor (one is provided, but any editor can be used). Optional automatic note coloration shows whether notes are consonant or dissonant with chords and scales. Chords may also be entered quickly through a "roadmap" editor, which also analyzes chord changes for implied keys and idiomatic progressions ("bricks"). Harmonic note entry option guides the user to select notes that are consonant with harmony. Similarly, transposition options provide chromatic or harmonic transposition. Solos or solo fragments can be played back immediately on the computer, with automatic rhythm section accompaniment. Can be used for self-study, classroom, or play-along. Any segment of a leadsheet can be played back in looped mode. Users can define new accompaniment styles. There is spreadsheet-like Style Editor, and a Style Extractor facility that helps create styles from MIDI performances. . Solos and heads may be exported as MIDI files, with accompaniment if desired. Solos and heads may be exported as MusicXML, for import to other popular music notation software. It is not necessary that the soloist memorize the solos that are created in Impro-Visor. The act of constructing solos is intended to help one get a better understanding of the tune ... |
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6,192 | Nov 14, 2019 Bob Keller <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/ImproVisor1_th.png"border="0"> |
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InControl v1.0.8082.2 InControl v1.0.8082.2 Easily manage Windows 10 and 11 out-of-control updating and upgrading. Controls Windows automatic updating/upgrading system by targeting it to a specific major version and feature update release. By default, the current release will be used. So if you “Take Control” with the major version and feature release shown in the boxes in the lower left, Windows will remain right where it is – only installing monthly security updates – until you “Release control”. If you wish to move to a future release, say from Windows 10 21H1 to Windows 10 21H2, you can first “Release Control” to allow those two fields to be edited. Then change the “21H1” to “21H2” and press “Take Control”. Windows Update will now be targeted at the 21H2 feature release and will offer it for installation once it's available. And if you do nothing else, your system will remain there until you again deliberately release control. Note that InControl will hold your Windows right where it is, even after the current version and feature release has gone out of support. You will see a complaint about the current version of Windows requiring an update. But your system will not be updated while you are InControl. If you have been playing with InControl and want to restore its Version and Release fields to their natural (current) default values, delete those fields' contents while the system is not under control, then click “Take Control” and they will be set to the system's current version and feature release. That's pretty much it. Like all of GRC's ultra lightweight freeware utilities, no setup or installation is required. Just run the utility with administrative rights. What it does . . . The first thing InControl does upon starting is verify that it's running on a non-Enterprise and non-Server edition of at least Windows 10. ... |
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2,372 | Sep 01, 2022 Gibson Research Corporation <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/InControl2_th.png"border="0"> |
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Indxr v242 Indxr v242 Indxr is a Word/VBA application that builds an index in your document in seconds! Indxr’s Interesting Words Engine, developed over the past quarter-century, is capable of locating interesting words in any language (English, French, Norwegian and so on) and telling Microsoft Word to use those words in the Index. Until now you have not created an Index for your training manuals because creating an Index is such a labour-intensive and time-consuming process. Now you can create indexes with a single macro (so, ONE-CLICK) and the index will be created before you can leave your office to refill your mug of coffee. You might expect that after a quarter-century of development, Indxr and its Interesting Words Engine can do more than this, and so it can. But you will have to read the User Guide or explore TrailBlazer or Précis to find out just how powerful this engine is. The application arrives and is installed with the source code exposed – this is not a secretive, hidden evil application. Just the expression of a fellow-trainer and programmer who refused to spend two days building an index when he could have one generated for him in under thirty seconds Try it Today! It is FREE and so comes with a money-back guarantee. The Interesting Words Engine Indxr is really a front-end for an Interesting Words Engine. If you can find all the interesting words in a chunk of text, then you can do things with those interesting words. Indxr finds all the interesting words in a document and builds a concordance table, hands in to Automark and produces the results most users see. But if you can scour a document and locate all the interesting words in each paragraph, or in the first sentence of each paragraph, then you can quantify those paragraphs and build a much better ... |
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2,451 | Sep 30, 2021 Chris Greaves <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Indxr1_th.png"border="0"> |
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InfraRecorder v0.53 InfraRecorder v0.53 InfraRecorder is a free CD/DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows. It offers a wide range of powerful features; all through an easy to use application interface and Windows Explorer integration. InfraRecorder is released under GPL version 3. Features Create custom data, audio and mixed-mode projects and record them to physical discs as well as disc images. Supports recording to dual-layer DVDs. Blank (erase) rewritable discs using four different methods. Record disc images (ISO and BIN/CUE). Fixate discs (write lead-out information to prevent further data from being added to the disc). Scan the SCSI/IDE bus for devices and collect information about their capabilities. Create disc copies, on the fly and using a temporary disc image. Import session data from multi-session discs and add more sessions to them. Display disc information Save audio and data tracks to files (.wav, .wma, .ogg, .mp3 and .iso). Note: The InfraRecorder installation package does not include the plug-in needed to encode MP3-files due to patent license restrictions. This does not affect all countries. Click here to download the MP3 plug-in separately. This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here. Checksums ir053_portable.zip 845fd8866f2d700095cb5ac40c4d9ceb ir053_portable_x64.zip 979de325a8798ac24db1bae5ec4d2bd7 ir053_mp3_plugin.zip 80ad142b402ae0b78b1dbf013d82d051 Changes: Version September 1st, 2012 * Fixed write speed detection issue. * Fixed bug where maximum write speed would be used instead of the selected one when burning DVDs. * Fixed bug in creation of UDF and ISO9660 file systems containing many files and folders. * Relaxed ISO9660 duplicate file naming algorithm. * Added support ... |
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3,830 | Feb 12, 2020 Christian Kindahl <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/InfraRecorder1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Instagiffer 1.75 for Mac Instagiffer 1.75 for Mac So your love of GIFs has brought you here, and you want to take things to the next level. Whether you pronounce it GIF, or GIF (see what we did there?), Instagiffer is the perfect tool for creating the best reaction moments to any situation. Sometimes, only a GIF will do in a conversation, and can say so much by saying so little. If you find yourself struggling to always find the perfect GIF, look no more! Meaning, just make your own. It’s easy. Promise. Instagiffer allows you to capture the best GIF-worthy moments instantly from your screen. Whether you’re watching a YouTube Video, Netflix, or your favorite Vine star, you can grab the perfect moment, throw a little magic into it, and release your newborn GIF into the world. You’ll become an instant professional GIF editor, with the ability to add text, filters, loops, and more. Plus, it’s totally free of charge, and free from annoying ads and spyware - because let’s face it, that **** sucks. Alright, ready to become the GIF Master, and have the perfect GIF for every occasion? Go ahead and get started, and… you’re welcome for your new-found Internet fame :). Check out our resident sensei’s video tutorials over at her YouTube dōjō, read the FAQ and start giffing! Features Generate GIFs from anything! GIF YouTube. and hundreds of other supported video sites Tweak the exact region you want to GIF with the cropping tool Create optimized, quality GIFs under 1MB in size, or large HD GIFs if you prefer Open and edit existing GIF files Add highly customizable text and custom logos Make awesome cinemagraphs and subtle movement GIFs in seconds ... |
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5,812 | Feb 13, 2017 Instagiffer <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Instagiffer_th.png"border="0"> |
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Instagiffer 1.75 for Windows Instagiffer 1.75 for Windows So your love of GIFs has brought you here, and you want to take things to the next level. Whether you pronounce it GIF, or GIF (see what we did there?), Instagiffer is the perfect tool for creating the best reaction moments to any situation. Sometimes, only a GIF will do in a conversation, and can say so much by saying so little. If you find yourself struggling to always find the perfect GIF, look no more! Meaning, just make your own. It’s easy. Promise. Instagiffer allows you to capture the best GIF-worthy moments instantly from your screen. Whether you’re watching a YouTube Video, Netflix, or your favorite Vine star, you can grab the perfect moment, throw a little magic into it, and release your newborn GIF into the world. You’ll become an instant professional GIF editor, with the ability to add text, filters, loops, and more. Plus, it’s totally free of charge, and free from annoying ads and spyware - because let’s face it, that **** sucks. Alright, ready to become the GIF Master, and have the perfect GIF for every occasion? Go ahead and get started, and… you’re welcome for your new-found Internet fame :). Check out our resident sensei’s video tutorials over at her YouTube dōjō, read the FAQ and start giffing! Features Generate GIFs from anything! GIF YouTube. and hundreds of other supported video sites Tweak the exact region you want to GIF with the cropping tool Create optimized, quality GIFs under 1MB in size, or large HD GIFs if you prefer Open and edit existing GIF files Add highly customizable text and custom logos Make awesome cinemagraphs and subtle movement GIFs in seconds ... |
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6,039 | Feb 13, 2017 Instagiffer <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Instagiffer_th.png"border="0"> |
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Instant Eyedropper v2.0.0 Instant Eyedropper v2.0.0 Instant Eyedropper is a free color detection tool for webmasters that will identify and automatically paste to the clipboard the HTML color code of any pixel on the screen with just a single mouse click. Save your time Identification the color code of an object on the screen is usually an involved, multistep process: You press the Print Screen key to copy a screenshot to the clipboard, load a graphics-editing program, create a new file, paste the screenshot from the clipboard, zoom in on the object, use the "Pick Color" tool, and finally copy the HTML code of the color to the clipboard. Webmasters may repeat this operation many times a day. Just imagine how much time can be saved by using Instant Eyedropper to do the same thing With a Single Click! How it works 1) Move the mouse pointer to the Instant Eyedropper icon in the system tray. 2) Press and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the pixel whose color you want to identify. 3) Release the mouse button. That's it. The clipboard now contains the color code - in HTML format (or any other format that you have previously specified). It can be pasted and used in any text or HTML editor or the Color Picker tool of Photoshop. Options Window Screenshot Supported color formats: HTML HEX Delphi Hex Visual Basic Hex RGB RGB Float HSV (HSB) HSL Long OS: WinXP thru Win10 Notice: The file instanteyedropper.exe has 4 false hits from the usual inaccurate detection engines on VirusTotal. The file is safe. Version 2.0.0 (Nov 2, 2020) Project becomes open source! ) multi-monitor fixes |
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3,328 | Nov 23, 2020 Konstantin Yagola <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Instant Eyedropper1_th.png"border="0"> |
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IPerf2 v2.2.0 IPerf2 v2.2.0 A tool that measures network performance of TCP/UDP including latency for Windows, macOS and Linux A network traffic tool for measuring TCP and UDP performance with metrics around both throughput and latency. The goals include maintaining an active iperf code base across a broad set of platforms and operating systems. This is a multi-threaded design which scales with the number of CPUs or cores within a system. Changes v2.2.1 (as of June 11th, 2024) • don't autoset --tcp-write-prefetch with --trip-times, warn instead • Add Android NDK example, add mingw64 example • set smallest prefetch to 256K • print wait time on server side with --tx-starttime • fix header code #if mismatch of (HAVE_DECL_SO_TIMESTAMP) && (HAVE_DECL_MSG_CTRUNC) per ticket 328 • fix client side bb summing • fix format error in timestamps • 1) Support CSV for isochronous, both UDP and TCP 2) Reorganise CSV report assignement to be more logical. • support milliseconds and microseconds with iperf_formattime, also make sure the leading zeros are printed per the field width • fix multiple pps regressions • csv patches per ticket 320 and 322 • add per direction byte counts with bounceback on client (server side code yet to be done) • fix summing init code per ticket 324 • tcp working load should use full capacity seeking behaviors • fix csv compile breakage on MAC • use append for --ouput vs w, ticket 321 • use --ipg units of seconds • fix settings calculations when -b is given for --burst options • improve port range / traffic thread count (-P) warning • add transferid to recvmsg warning • compute packet pps accounts for interval crossing using that timestamp vs packet timestamp • use object setnow() method to set lastPackeTime in first packet delay • pps calculation needs to include partial gap value with IPGsum ahead of PPS output • minor fixes for DEBUG_PPS support • fix initial udp write delay and reporting • Rerun autoconf • Remove ... |
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2,142 | Aug 05, 2024 Robert McMahon <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/IPerf21_th.png"border="0"> |
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IPNetInfo v1.95 IPNetInfo v1.95 IPNetInfo is a small utility that allows you to easily find all available information about an IP address: The owner of the IP address, the country/state name, IP addresses range, contact information (address, phone, fax, and email), and more. This utility can be very useful for finding the origin of unsolicited mail. You can simply copy the message headers from your email software and paste them into IPNetInfo utility. IPNetInfo automatically extracts all IP addresses from the message headers, and displays the information about these IP addresses. How does it work ? The IP address information is retrieved by sending a request to the whois server of ARIN. If ARIN doesn't maintain the information about the requested IP address, a second request is sent to the whois server of RIPE, APNIC, LACNIC or AfriNIC. After the IP address information is retrieved, IPNetInfo analyzes the Whois record and displays it in a table. Notice: From time to time, the WHOIS server of ARIN is down and doesn't respond to WHOIS requests from IPNetInfo, and thus IPNetinfo fails to retrieve the IP address. When such a thing occurs, simply try again later. Retrieving the message headers from your email client If you don't know how to get the message headers from your email client, this web site can help you - it provides detailed explanation about how to get the message headers in each email client. Versions History Version 1.95: You can now change all settings from command-line, by using the same variable like in the .cfg file, for example: IPNetInfo.exe /AutoFailedRetry 1 /AllowIPv6 0 System Requirements Windows operating system: Any version of Windows, starting from Windows 98 and up to Windows 10 Internet connection. On a firewall, you should allow ... |
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9,194 | Feb 17, 2020 Nir Sofer <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/ipnetinfo_th.png"border="0"> |
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Iridium Browser v2023.09.116 Iridium Browser v2023.09.116 A browser securing your privacy. That’s it.| Iridium Browser is based on the Chromium code base. All modifications enhance the privacy of the user and make sure that the latest and best secure technologies are used. Automatic transmission of partial queries, keywords and metrics to central services is prevented and only occurs with the approval of the user. In addition, all our builds are reproducible and modifications are auditable, setting the project ahead of other secure browser providers. Transparency With Iridium, the whole process is entirely transparent. The public Git repository allows a direct view on all changes made. The complete source code is therefore available. Privacy Iridium Browser has various enhancements where it forces strict security to provide the maximum level of security without compromising compatibility. Deployability We try to distribute it in ways where it allows easy installation and yet allows administrators to deploy it easily. An example is an MSI-based installation mechanism for easy deployments throughout an entire organization. Speed Iridium is just fast in every way. It starts very fast, loads and also renders very complex web sites really fast. Ease of Use Just anybody can use Iridium right away. It is simple and easy to handle, it does not require any special knowledge at all. Motivation There are many browsers out there. Chrome is fast, stable and user-friendly but does not meet many organizations’ demands for privacy. Since the tight integration with its inventor (Google) makes many things easier, it does not comply to restrictive data environments. Iridium is not another new browser from scratch. It takes the Chromium code base and enhances its security and sets certain policies by default. There are many forks of Chromium-based browsers, yet, in our opinion they failed in many other key areas important for adoption. This download is for the Windows 64bit installer version. All other download assets ... |
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1,794 | Apr 03, 2024 NETitwork GmbH <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Iridium1_th.png"border="0"> |
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KeyScrambler KeyScrambler KeyScrambler encrypts your keystrokes deep in the kernel, foiling keylogging attacks with scrambled, undecipherable data. This advanced method of keystroke protection defeats both known and unknown keyloggers. The friendly interface displays realtime encrypted stream of keystrokes so you see when and how KeyScrambler is working. Strengthens where defenses are the weakest in your traditional anti-virus, anti-malware programs and PC security. Compare Editions A free browser add-on, KeyScrambler Personal protects all your inputs in IE, Firefox, and Flock. KeyScrambler Pro and Premium are paid programs that protect a wide array of apps. How It Works KeyScrambler encrypts your keystrokes at the keyboard driver level and decrypts them at the destination application, giving keyloggers "scrambled," useless keys to record. For Online Games Both KeyScrambler Pro and Premium protect your player's IDs, passwords and digital assets in over two dozen online games. For Business Read how and why KeyScrambler is important for your business. KeyScrambler Premium protects critical systems and reduces risks of information theft at the workplace. Features KeyScrambler defeats known and unknown keyloggers; also protects Chinese, Japanese, and Korean inputs; is compatible with other security programs, tokens and smart cards; and requires no user effort. How To The user-friendly interface allows you to do things on KeyScrambler for a more comfortable, personalized fit. Supports: Advanced Browser, AM Browser, AOL Explorer, AOL 9, Avant, Comodo Dragon, Comodo IceDragon, CometBird, Crazy Browser, Firefox, Flock, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, K-meleon, Maxthon, MSN Explorer, Netscape, Orca Browser, Opera, Safari, Seamonkey, SlimBrowser, SR Iron Browser, TheWorld Browser, Palemoon, Lunascape, RockMelt, WaterFox, and Yahoo Browser. |
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7,960 | Jul 29, 2015 QFX Software <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Windows8_Login_th.png"border="0"> |
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Kodi v20.0 Nexus Kodi v20.0 Nexus The ultimate entertainment center software. Kodi spawned from the love of media. It is media center and entertainment hub that brings all your digital media together into a beautiful and user friendly package. It is 100% free and open source, very customisable and runs on a wide variety of devices. It is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers and a huge community. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet. Kodi's forums and Wiki are bursting with knowledge and help for the new user right up to the application developer. Kodi is the ultimate entertainment center software. It plays almost every kind of media you can find and it looks great while doing it! This is just a few things Kodi excels at, why not try it yourself today? Music Kodi can play all your music including mp3, flac, wav and wma formats. It has cue sheet, tag reading support and smart playlists for ultimate control of your music collection. Movies Kodi can do Movies too! Supporting all the main video formats including streamable online media, Kodi can import, browse and play your Movie collection with ease. TV Shows The TV Shows library supports episode and season views with posters or banners, watched tags, show descriptions and actors. Great for keeping track of your progress. Photos Import pictures into a library and browse the different views, start a slideshow, sort or filter them all using your remote control. PVR Kodi allows you to watch and record live TV all from easy to use interface. It works with a number of popular backends including MediaPortal, MythTV, NextPVR, Tvheadend and many more. Skin Kodi allows you to completely change the whole appearance of the interface with skins. We have no doubt that you will find something ... |
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4,678 | Dec 22, 2022 The Kodi Foundation <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Kodi1_th.png"border="0"> |
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KStars v3.4.3 KStars v3.4.3 KStars is free, open source, cross-platform Astronomy Software. It provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. The display includes up to 100 million stars, 13,000 deep-sky objects,all 8 planets, the Sun and Moon, and thousands of comets, asteroids, supernovae, and satellites. For students and teachers, it supports adjustable simulation speeds in order to view phenomena that happen over long timescales, the KStars Astrocalculator to predict conjunctions, and many common astronomical calculations. For the amateur astronomer, it provides an observation planner, a sky calendar tool, and an FOV editor to calculate field of view of equipment and display them. Find out interesting objects in the "What's up Tonight" tool, plot altitude vs. time graphs for any object, print high-quality sky charts, and gain access to lots of information and resources to help you explore the universe! Included with KStars is Ekos astrophotography suite, a complete astrophotography solution that can control all INDI devices including numerous telescopes, CCDs, DSLRs, focusers, filters, and a lot more. Ekos supports highly accurate tracking using online and offline astrometry solver, autofocus and autoguiding capabilities, and capture of single or multiple images using the powerful built in sequence manager. Features for Educators If you are an instructor, you could recommend KStars to your students for use as a learning aid. If you're a student, you can learn about the sky using KStars. Here are some things you can do in KStars to explore astronomy and astrophysics: Change your geographic location to see how the view of the sky changes with latitude Understand the difference between sidereal days and solar days by changing the speed of simulation Attach trails to planets and set a high simulation rate to see ... |
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4,319 | Jul 20, 2020 Jason Harris/Jasem Mutlaq <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/kstars3_th.png"border="0"> |
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Laragon v5.0.0.2 Laragon v5.0.0.2 Laragon is a portable, isolated, fast and powerful universal development environment for PHP, Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby. It is fast, lightweight, easy-to-use and easy-to-extend. Laragon is great for building and managing modern web applications. It is focused on performance - designed around stability, simplicity, flexibility and freedom. Laragon is very lightweight and will stay as lean as possible. The core binary itself is less than 2MB and uses less than 4MB RAM when running. Laragon doesn’t use Windows services. It has its own service orchestration which manages services asynchronously and non-blocking so you’ll find things run fast & smoothly with Laragon. Features Pretty URLs Use app.test instead of localhost/app. Portable You can move Laragon folder around (to another disks, to another laptops, sync to Cloud,…) without any worries. Isolated Laragon has an isolated environment with your OS - it will keep your system clean. Easy Operation Unlike others which pre-config for you, Laragon auto-configs all the complicated things. That why you can add another versions of PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Go, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,… effortlessly. Modern & Powerful Laragon comes with modern architect which is suitable to build modern web apps. You can work with both Apache & Nginx as they are fully-managed. Also, Laragon makes things a lot easier: Wanna have a Wordpress CMS? Just 1 click. Wanna show your local project to customers? Just 1 click. Wanna enable/disable a PHP extension? Just 1 click. Note Laragon ... |
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4,464 | Jun 25, 2021 Leo Khoa <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Laragon1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Lightscreen v2.5 Lightscreen v2.5 The free and easy screenshot tool. Lightscreen is a simple tool to automate the tedious process of saving and cataloging screenshots, it operates as a hidden background process that is invoked with one (or multiple) hotkeys and then saves a screenshot file to disk according to the user's preferences. Main features System tray icon for easy access. Six configurable actions with global hotkey access. Screenshot uploading imgur.com and others. Preview window with an integrated image viewer. What's new in the latest version? Improved area mode, added zoom toggling and precise sizing options. Usability improvements to the date naming. Fixes to cursor capture, some crash and SSL fixes, other misc improvements. Click here to visit the author's website. |
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2,655 | Jun 24, 2021 Christian Kaiser <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Lightscreen1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Limit Load 0.20 for Linux Limit Load 0.20 for Linux Limit Load is a cockpit flight game featuring modern military jets. It is more an arcade game than a simulation, as the level of realism has been adjusted to provide action-packed gameplay. While the main theme is generally set in modern times, the game is not meant to be shy of near-future military tech or even light sci-fi elements. Anyone with sufficient knowledge can add new content, such as new campaigns or playable jets, or improve the game core. The main focus is on the single-player experience, and the story is an important part of the game. There is a number of scripting interfaces for making in-game cutscenes, dramatic dialogues with event triggers, and theater-like content between the missions. Changes: New Version 0.20 Posted on Friday October 16th, 2015 It took a while, but we finally managed to resolve the biggest problem of previous version, and that is abnormal amount of time needed to create and load the terrain which some players have reported. Creation of terrain and clouds is now over 25 times faster, so even the weakest hardware on which we tried (A10-7850k) did the whole job in just 4.2 seconds. On this same hardware, earlier it took around 2 minutes for terrain to be created for the first time and cached. This also means that terrain caching is not needed any more. A side effect of this improvement is that we have halved the usage of system memory. In the meantime, a lot of things in the code was replaced, improved or added. Of the reported issues and the things that players may notice in general, we point out: – Creation of terrain and clouds is now 25 time faster, caching removed, and system memory usage halved. – Caching system for objects and textures is improved so the game should ... |
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6,177 | Oct 31, 2015 Limit Load Team <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Limit Load4_th.png"border="0"> |
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Limit Load 0.20 for Windows Limit Load 0.20 for Windows Limit Load is a cockpit flight game featuring modern military jets. It is more an arcade game than a simulation, as the level of realism has been adjusted to provide action-packed gameplay. While the main theme is generally set in modern times, the game is not meant to be shy of near-future military tech or even light sci-fi elements. Anyone with sufficient knowledge can add new content, such as new campaigns or playable jets, or improve the game core. The main focus is on the single-player experience, and the story is an important part of the game. There is a number of scripting interfaces for making in-game cutscenes, dramatic dialogues with event triggers, and theater-like content between the missions. Changes: New Version 0.20 Posted on Friday October 16th, 2015 It took a while, but we finally managed to resolve the biggest problem of previous version, and that is abnormal amount of time needed to create and load the terrain which some players have reported. Creation of terrain and clouds is now over 25 times faster, so even the weakest hardware on which we tried (A10-7850k) did the whole job in just 4.2 seconds. On this same hardware, earlier it took around 2 minutes for terrain to be created for the first time and cached. This also means that terrain caching is not needed any more. A side effect of this improvement is that we have halved the usage of system memory. In the meantime, a lot of things in the code was replaced, improved or added. Of the reported issues and the things that players may notice in general, we point out: – Creation of terrain and clouds is now 25 time faster, caching removed, and system memory usage halved. – Caching system for objects and textures is improved so the game should ... |
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6,292 | Oct 31, 2015 Limit Load Team <img src="http://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Limit Load4_th.png"border="0"> |
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LiNK Fixer v0.3.3 LiNK Fixer v0.3.3 A small, free, simple Windows accessory which searchs and replaces text inside ".lnk" files, aka. Windows shortcuts, re-linking them to the correct target. If you move some files, folders, or even a whole drive (perhaps to a new drive letter), LiNK Fixer can correct the shortcut's internal path, so that it works again. Simple as that. What makes LiNK Fixer especially useful, is its ability to apply these changes recursively through a directory tree, fixing the broken paths of every shortcut inside a folder, even your entire system, with just one click. Usage.. There is nothing to it. Simply enter the path to scan, a string to search for and a string to replace it with, click "Do It!". Extras.. LiNK Fixer has a few extra features you might find handy.. Firstly, the inputs are all "combo" inputs; your past strings are remembered for easy selection from the drop-down - a real time-saver. You can also right-click the combo chevron for options to delete the current item and wipe the list, if required. LiNK Fixer can be set to always-on-top, so it won't get stuck behind other windows. But even if that is switched off, you can bring LiNK Fixer to the front by simply hovering your mouse over its system tray icon. Click LiNK Fixer's tray icon to show/hide the main LiNK Fixer window. Portable operation.. If there is a copy of of the preference file (LiNK Fixer.ini) sitting right next to the program (LiNK Fixer.exe), it will automatically switch to portable mode, so you can happily put LiNK Fixer in a Pen-Drive, DVD, Blu-Ray, or wherever you like. Normally, your LiNK Fixer.ini is stored in your user folder (C:\Users\<Your-name>\corz\LiNK Fixer). By the way, if you ever need to manually edit your preferences (unlikely), there is an option to do exactly that from LiNK Fixer's ... |
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4,131 | Jun 02, 2022 corz.org <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/LiNKFixer1_th.png"border="0"> |
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LyX v2.3.7 LyX v2.3.7 A document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG). LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation editor) and structured documents like academic articles, theses, and books. In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theatre play or film script. A broad array of ready, well-designed document layouts are built in. LyX is for people who want their writing to look great, right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details, “finger painting” font attributes or futzing around with page boundaries. You just write. On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output — or richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced — looks like nothing else. LyX is released under a Free Software/Open Source license, runs on Linux/Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X, and is available in nearly 30 languages. Screenshots Here you see the main window of LyX. It looks like any other modern application with menus, toolbars, work area and status line. In this work area, you can see how basic mathematical formulas appear when you work on your document. It does look a bit rough, but don't worry, because the output will be fine: That picture is taken from a PDF reader which is used to preview your documents. With this program, you can get a pixel-exact image of the final print. As you can see on the first picture, LyX is not completely WYSIWYG, but rather WYSIWYM: What you ... |
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1,268 | Jun 14, 2023 The LyX Project <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/LyX10_th.png"border="0"> |
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Magicavoxel v0.99.7.1 Magicavoxel v0.99.7.1 A free lightweight 8-bit voxel editor and interactive path tracing renderer. Available for PC and MAC. This tiny light-weighted software is the core of voxelart, since it is capable of many things : just edit, paint and move your voxels in a cubic grid, then animated them and render them with the powerful integrated renderer. License: Feel free to use it for any project, no commercial licences required, credits to Ephtracy are appreciated. How to use: Here’s the link to the Magicavoxel community Wiki: Learn and understand functionalities of the interface, look up the shortcut list and keyboard alternatives, and much more! This download is for the Windows version. All other download assets are below: macOS: MagicaVoxel- MagicaVoxel- Plugin (Denoiser): plugin-intel-denoiser-win64-1.2.0.zip plugin-intel-denoiser-macos-1.2.0.zip plugin-intel-denoiser-macos-1.0.0.zip Click here to visit the author's website. |
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545 | Jan 17, 2025 Thibault Simar/Ephtracy <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Magicavoxel_th.png"border="0"> |
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Malwarebytes RegASSASSIN v1.00.0003 Malwarebytes RegASSASSIN v1.00.0003 RegASSASSIN can eradicate any registry key or value from your computer Malware often deposits parasitic registry keys into your system registry, exposing your computer to infection and corruption. These keys can be very difficult to remove... until now. RegASSASSIN removes malware placed registry keys into two simple steps - just reset the permissions and delete! This powerful and portable application makes hard-to-remove registry keys a thing of the past. Warning: Please use caution as deleting critical registry keys may cause system errors. Usage Download RegASSASSIN from the link above Double click on RegASSASSIN.exe Enter the registry key you wish to remove or reset and click Delete |
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5,397 | Aug 28, 2019 Malwarebytes <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/RegAssassin1_th.png"border="0"> |
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Meazure v4.0.0 Meazure v4.0.0 A free program that measures, magnifies and captures the screen. From the author: What are the dimensions of that image? How big is this window? Does this layout fit on an NTSC display? What color are these pixels? What does this icon look like close up? How can I capture an arbitrary portion of the screen? These are just a few of the questions that kept coming up as I developed applications and web pages. Various tools are available to answer some of these questions but I could not find any that answered them all or that had a usable interface. So I created Meazure, a program that measures, magnifies and captures the screen by providing a battery of features in a cohesive user interface. Even better, Meazure is open source! Features Measure objects on the screen such as images, windows and icons Capture arbitrary portions of the screen Magnify the screen up to 32X magnification Read the color of a screen pixel in RGB, hex RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSL, YCbCr, YIQ Display rulers anywhere on the screen Display a grid overlay on the screen with adjustable grid spacing Measure using a number of units including pixels, points, twips, centimeters, or user-defined Record measurements to an XML file for later playback or external processing Calibrate screen resolution to provide accurate measurements Save and restore measurement tool positions using Profiles Use predefined Profiles for common screen and video sizes such as NTSC and PAL Configure the user interface to show only the information you need System Requirements Pentium 300 MHz processor or ... |
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2,432 | Jan 25, 2024 Baron Roberts - C Thing Software <img src="https://www.oldergeeks.com/downloads/gallery/thumbs/Measure3_th.png"border="0"> |
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